HomeMy WebLinkAbout00580 ~ e "';. PW,...644030 . . .... .. 17 . '" ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO. THE CITY Co.UNCIL o.F THE CITY o.F BAKERSFIELD, CALIFo.RNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of o.rdinance No. 90,4 New Series of ,the City: of Bakersfiel~, the 'under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and /01' maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. . ?''; The name and ~ddress of applicant is: "B~r.rH1.r'd & S<.ms. In'::':' 40H T.~~t'l'" ~"v(>T\l1e, .,:', l " Bakersfield. ,CA 93301 The nattire'~oraescription of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: ~ - t; ~ .. ~ " J. ,. Constm.iet. (~6..'ft., : hi gh"chaiIi link '. fence ' with ,.wod-en slats a.lon.s: 40th'St.ree-e.' .~ ,. , .'I,: -~ _.~.- The location of ~heproposed encroachment is :~'Q "b~' 'r11,taco(l'~il j"eAnt~o,' ddew:"llk. Applicant desires to maintain. the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: - ._~;i;: 'In.:l~;j:inj1'f'!ly , . Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save, and hold' harmless' the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, dema,nds, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the'City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out' of or in any way conneCted with the placing, erection or main tenance of said eneroachment. \, , Applicant'further agress that upon the expiration of the permit far which' this' applihation is made, if granted, or ,upon the revocation' thereof by the City Council, applicant' will at :his own cost and expense remove the sam'e from the public property or right of way where the same is' located, andlrestore said public property or right Of way to the condition as nearly ma e in which it was before the plaCing, erec- tion, main e' e or existence 0If said encroachment, " ,~ ,rJ7,Q Date: ", ;J ; I I , I hereby certify that.I have mad'e an investigation of the cts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere withtI1e use of, the public plac~' where the same is to be located,and (2) will notconstituteAl1a~anl.to peI:Sons u~ing 8a14 pub- lic PlaCe;;?;Jher/e~,r~/rOec:"m7me9nd that said application be (g~ranted-dei'riedt " ,,',; i " Date: : _c;::.., _ ' it ' , . , Ci ngineer'\ ; N/ ~j;"; , .. . In~r.~bycertify thatthe foregoing application was (granted) )(DmE del' of the City Council ,~ ,,'Il;!' ~ ~? I' 1; ". "., i. '. .' c : ' . 1.. dated. :;')~ecemberI12, '1979 ' '/;;I~ (, ! ; .' I"~, :,' :j .~'"' . TO. :~ernard & Sons, Inc,. ' flUll' Jewett Avenue '!I').."e...,c-F;~ld, CA 93301 ' , Your application dated Dee.- ~'~ ,1979 \. : r-:" '. , , ',j, , Date'De~. \i21, 1979 , j ;"., h :.' ,\\ for an encroachment permit, under the provisionl;of o.rdinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) ~~) by the _ No., 580, 1979 .' , , /fo~~hj - .-/ <0 9~'.j' -'~~ ~..... '( 6 k '/'- From the des OJ ,-:./ W. J. BURRUS 12-3-79 Dear f1r. Hawley, Enclosed ple~se find the signed permit application. Thank you for your help , in resolving this matter and please' keep me advised as to when I may construct the proposed fence. ~-~' -~'-- -- --;-~-_.---::- -- - - "'~, ,~--:7"~-;;o~ ~ -... ------::--"'_. -,,___+ TIS) EC Eli V1&: 10 ll'\\ OEe 5 1979 t.k~INEERING DEPARTMEN BernaI'd & Sons; J"c. P. O. BOX 3609 " 4011 J EWETT AVE. " BAKERSFiElD, CA 93305 PHONE 327-4431 -~-';;.!'-,----=:--""'.::r"'- ~.~--".'C-::-"':=::::;._. ~-==_..,~~.:.,..,~..~,:-~~'~'-".,---=-,-~- .-- " ~ D ",c c: ,to tit . ~_;t " ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT "~'~Ji';;",,,,,,, ' <A9 ~4'l'.J;\\'.\1~", I"'> t"" \ (",,- ",) \\:~ ~ ,~. , , ('I ..4t.,"-r Il,; /"," "'~~!~~~\~'" CI TY of B A K E R' 5 FIE L D DEWEY SCEALE;S PLANNING DIRECTOR November 15, 1979 '-", ....-..J --r------- Bernard & Sons, Inc. P. O. Box 3609 Bakersfield, CA 93305 Our Fil e 2148-A 'Gentlemen: As per our conversation November 7, 1979, the Planning Commission reconsidered the requirement for a four-foot high masonry wall along the south boundary (40th Street) of your property at 4001 Jewett Avenue and agreed to remove said requirement. As per our agreement, a chain- link fence with redwood slats will be constructed along 40th Street at rear of sidewalk. An en'croachment permit will be ne" e,d, ,e, d to locate the .J+'~' .i proposed fence within the street~~ht-of-way. _,cc-. S"cJ ve J ~ reellA.icA.t'....4. Enclosed herewith is an ~~~;oa~~~'~-~~'. ;~';~~Pl ic~toUbe tJ-3<>>":"")~' signed and returned to the PubTTcWOrT<SDepanment, City Hall, for "" submittal to City Council. The Public Works Department does not fore- ' see any problem in Council approval of this encroachment'permit. The landscaping was approved by the Planning Department, June 5, 1979. '. If you have further questions, please contactthisdeparfment~- Very truly yours, /,,"'''. J, .. . I ....e. -; ((;~~<~<:~,~,y:::~~?:cj: .DEWEY SCEJ\-US ..-',' Plannin~ Director , I r: " ..... ~,. , WDSjlkf Ene l;osu re , ; -I' : cc: J. Dale Hawley, Public Works Director Cal Bidwell, Building Director ,/' .I- I ,/7,: , -,. :"~,:~~/''? /', I-~'" ,-,/', " 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE , " , BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, 93301 . (80S) 861-2733 ( , I . ~~ ::_.' , . ~ . .~,. . ~:-~,~: :~..;..r: