HomeMy WebLinkAbout00331 "'1 ' ,~ ",,~A 7--~:1,~,.~"';_'. ;'.<; -'." -, \.: . ~ - ,'i je=: \ ::;" " "l:.. ~"'." ,- " '~ ;' PW -64~.o3'O' ;--::::':'.-:;,. APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT" PERMIT . ' . . .' TO THE CITY COpNCIL O~ THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA : " Pursuant to ~he,provisions, of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- , signed hereby applies for, 'a permit to: place, erect and /or maintain an encroachment on public property or , right of way as therein, defined'." '" " ;'t _. "T UI" 1"\"'( h 1,.1\ ,.J /':: " ()' 'A"', V, } V '-~ - I- The name and addressof applicant is,: -...'If ,,_r<-,....,\J:: } -. \ _, ',\ f, J.._, I I ~".) .,.J .,.............1 L. .\j~ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: '. .\ f (; .. ~, ,. 'fj '... I' ,j ,.' . fl il , ,~' '/'/" i '.,,,",l ,V\ , Jlt/-<\...~,,.,...';'J~/ ,"J~ \...s....'-.......t..J......A....')......- \.t......l'-/I,f.._. .'-...... ..J._.,........c..~....!r.\...t,____'--....... J ,-" ......'>:,...- , . 1 . f . I J " ,,: . .. l' (>', ',.,... A''4!.' ,.',./J/.'~.:~ \..,/~,-''''':~v~/:(,'\j~-~' t ::t (J, '-<.'dL ,__ 'v,.'" . X,.- , ~~tj,j",';,)- v--"""A .. - .. t . ""..~ , t../ !-./ Th~ location' of the ~roposed :encroachment is: ;::;'/:'> (~O -:t= r::.E i\} 2 1. t.. f: .-/.~ ". l Applicant desires to maintain the a:foresaid encroachment during the following time: .. !,}'" I' (j , 3..../'1,.t '-.;:..... \J".A1:~,.......,'_/\r"'-~:~\.~~-'\ ..L Applicant agre~s that if this a~lication is granted, a pplicant will' indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again stall loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City oIf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in . ,any, way connected with, the placing,' erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from, the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or 'right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance'orexistence af said encroachment. ' ,," , . "', >7 -", /) fJ / --1 ' 1-'\ ',\,"'--7--.4:-'/,,- ,,{ F l.(,,~ "/- Date '., ....,..., \ '- I cr..... ,/' .' .":"';::-'t,~/'t",?" ",";4.. ./,~ ',-,..,i>7{. ", _' ' ' / v Signature of Applicant .' , I hereby certify tl1at I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and " find that the maintenance, of said encroachment (1), will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same ist.obe,located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- , lie place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-~J6t) Granted - on condl t Ion that property o,wner constructs s tdewa Ik to CI tys:t.al,'l, dar. dS:~91~., .n, tage f t!1 I s property. Date: March 6, 1972 ' \L 1~:~Ao'1 ,*' "I" . I":' ., CL-t- . ""~"....,..,,. , i.. '::..JR.;f"Cf.City Engineer (granted) '~) by ordE)r ,of' the City Council ,;",-c, 1).,.".. _-" '".i""~-:",,, ',),.".,,,,,,,,-\/,,,,,,; 1; I hereby certify that the foregoing application was > ih, n, I " f .-1' -; " 'dated. '~f_,,' \.'".. ." ,.it 1 ""', '1 I J.--- , City ~Clerk : TO: Timothy E.Bayly 2361 rane , Bakersfl e I d" 'Ga II forn I Cl Date March 7, ,1972 I ,_..;~. . " - . ,'-1 . Your application'dated' March, 1 ,;19.72 for aD enc roachment > permit under the provision of Ordinance, - . . . ..,. No. 904 New Series, was (granted) (~~af by the City Cou~ci1 on March 6 1972 ' on condition tha'f property owner' constructs sl~ewalk to \0,' ' No, 331 City Standards. ..~CVYY'..(<1" t/Ut 'f~tJ.1C2-- ...' City Engineer , . i - - ~ ,C -- '_ :,";A _~,<'::: CC..,.~~ -:;._:;'::'.-::S:__;':"::,--::- -=~:-=~.~'T'---'---'o-",O-'-===,~__.~ :?:~i:1.M9ftJfG.oM~RD',Jv '~"'., ',' " . .-: ...... ~ " - .. " ' . 60.1 B6" ' \ ---=--~ , , "'WI" ",ESTIMATE:,":", ,~ .\ , ' ,:FEN91/~ N~~.~ltO'N ~ ",?c=:./;p/-~~,,:,=- ,:~ ~: - ::~:~:,,- V] DATE - '2, -"~;2,--' 'l~"" I;, "~ ; {, r.;;~... CUSTD:~AME l.:r:.," ,i?: j II , I' L:, J!')~~ '.. ~T~Ia' ~N~~: ~, . r ., A' V"" . , \.: ..C:;~:"~ j t ,:;:);t'l..~~_J-a' CITY.. ~'~. ISTA~E '... P:.i;)1~ ",~, '" PHONE J""". ~ :i. . &';",-,pt 1, .' 'A~;;r1lt/';,~1r I,' l' ~ ,IN~TALLATIG!iADDRtSS:,', " J :... \ -, .~,. '\ ,,~ ....,..- ,"<> ',"(':": ~,' ..,,1 ::~ ;. r . i' - ., "",',. " A .. .' ~ .,', -. : ~~ -~.- i .' . 1 ,MONTGOMERY WARD &:.CO.; iNCORPORATED, hereinafter called "Wards,'~ hereby offers'fortheamount~shownbelow,subjectlo .the.approval ~f Wards' Credit Department; ,Merchandising Departme'1!.:.andlnstall~tion D~partnien,t(where,pr9Posal coversinstal.lation) ~nd, subje~Ho !~e,b,elow . listed conditions and those stated on the reverse side hereof, to furnish, deliver and Install (where proposal covers installation) t~_e:m~t.en~.Is' listed below in accordance with the .specifications set (orth below and any sketches, specifications or drawings attached hereto: <...' ,.' ';' - ~,PECIFICArION ;,'DIAGRAM KEY'" [J FENCE,T(j ~'E " ERECTED- o TIE-ONS,., .. x .. (GET PERMISSION)' " ,,'0 .. TERMINAL POST . o~ .. SPlIT THE GRADE .. 0 ,. EXISTlN~, FENCE , 1<. X'~ r, , ,..' ',.. ,.. WALK GATE' ' '0" " L1NES,CLEAROF,',D, . - '. ',,' ~BSTRUCTlONS ,,' '-j DoilBlE'GATE '(f.:. ,:-0 " 7 WI~~ScSuTtfoE~E~" ,. " - El' " f' ~~i'lDhjGS " - - -:- -:- - - DISCUSS WITH CUSTOMER' 0 '; Ii .. C CHAIN' LINK '. WHICH POST GATE SWINGS ' :i' ' , " ON, ALSO IF GATE. ' '- . ~ ~ .. ,_~WINGSJN;'DR' OUT...:...!..> 0, .. d': -.::.WIRE-FABRIC: rolAMETER , ';, " - ." --- /'" ", " '^/ ' GAUGE' - TERMINAL POST"-- CHAIN L1NK-GOpD '.. 0 L-J,', ',' /. ," ;. .C~AI,f'!,lIN,K~~ETTER, ,~.." CHA!NlINK':':SEST: .1'0' (t '-'...,.",-,....c, _ ;<~~: ~, LINE POST - .t. nj'TT : "r ,4 -i/':H' nrT'rn . 1,0: ,J..i'll " 't.t. n . :-TT :.tr " '.. bRN~~~,~!ALPI~,K~T,., ,q ",~P:CI,~G-F.T, c'."'; " :;~ -+ ++.+:: ':\~T~~~1 ;'--:~.; ,I,,: -i.,,<~~T~.:.:.~. " , k;,'; ++T:.:rF " , OTHER ,( ,..,~. EJ~ '" ' ,~' '~NUCKLE' 'BARB;EX~RA 'IN,~TRlI,CTiONS:,~;;;", ." "., i';' , ", ~'''!,:''i.';' , UP' UP .." s, '.. ,"'. ' - . '. ", ' y W~O,~~,~W . QVERALLD .. "V ::'I~'Y) 5..~ 1::::" D,;~,<..,..,'"., ~.:';;~~ .. 'l'~ 'HEIG~T . r ',.' ," J~ :,:':'.'0 .. ,. '.. -~- '/? ~~? -' ~::f .. _ TY~PEV:OODSTYLE ", "'~J " " ~ 2....-,-:-:.' ..: ;,:~:' - .' ~. \ ,,'" .;:,: :,' ..- GATE ',GATE ",. , ....", 'OF WOOD OF FENCE' '" , ",,' , f ~, ~' ,-=-~, '" ".. ~ N'OTE: In above,plot,Jhe side of~ashc~!1;lall,square equalS.' ,,1,1 ':",lineal feet. ~,The parties recognize that an inspection of the premises where the installation is to be made is desirable for the protection of-both the Customer and Wards: :Therefore,' where .' , ", ,I theproposalincludes installation,an inspection shall be made before or after the delivery of the materials to be installed, butprior to the installation thereof; 'commencement of __ ~.the:,"stallation-of the.delivered'niaterials:shall'c~nstttute'approlj~I'ofthis-proposal-by Wards'-lnstillliltion'Department.- ,-~.." ,r" 'C' '(:": .. '-, ':--; .' . /' ' CUSTOMER HEREBY ASSUMES FULl'RESPONSIBILlTY FOR THE LOCATION OF THE LINE U'PON WHICH SAID FENCE MATERIALS ARE TO /", , ~E INSTALLED, and Customer agrees to defend, hold harmless and ind.m~ify'Wards from,and a~oinst all claims, liabilities and expenses for injury., .death_ or damage to perso".', praper.iYdamage, treSP~~~ and:all othe~, da~age' or 'loss arising ,out ,of the in~tallcitio~:,or .iacation of said',fe~~e materi;;ls"" ,:,j 'TOP RAIL OF FENCE TOJOLLOW GROUND TO BE LEVEL WITH LOWEST GRADE' -- TO BE LEVEL WITH, HIGHEST GRADE .;+1 -,' t. +-- I .', ~,~I:-' , .: DIAMETER ,LINE POST' ,DIAMETER , TOP RAIL_ '? ; " __ TOTAL CASH PRICE ~ AMOUNT OF DOWN PAYMENT CASH PRICE BALANCE , . ,'7., ~" ".. ""'J\" ,," ia;30C ":,THEJOB DESCRIBED ABOVE MA'Y" BE ,PURCHAsED 'ON"ANY: OF THE FOLLOW'ING PlANS.:_ ,).~ ' ".: -, .., l,','_ .< .$ o CASH ON COMPLETION OF JOB_ D~WARDS'CHAR~}LL PLAN ,/':;;,~:..:' ...:0;'-:- ri" ~-d J $ o WARDS HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN' o UNIVERSAlC.I.T. " ~+i'5::::-' ~.-'- , I ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER (j,' . .,' .,' ,SA.LES.,MA~ ....../ AA _.-.A/)~ ' :rllfY"(/UJtf ,: .. . 0- . .,< ....... ACCEPTED BY WARDS CREDIT AND MERCHANDISING DEPARTMENTS BY: " 29589 Customer Copy. ..;..Approved by Wards Credit and MerCha.n~iS}~.~-I?P~~rtments' , J," , \)-J~ ~~6 !"'" I'L,.'" .. ........,u.____ . .'-'-- =---__.."--~_ ~~ '-< ~._-=-"--:- ...._, ._____.~--,~-:._. ___ _.____ _ ~ ;...:~ .__-*"'---:--= ".......::o'_.,~~_. .-----. ----.-----. -~":: -.--:~-.---..-_.. - '- ~-..~~.,.-"-'..""'==~.-<- --, ~=___=.,,:=e=:. i'. .-.,.-. " -';:,-:'~---...... ...~.~-~ - ~......~--- , ~'~" I' 'Ii .e,,~,,<~-\j"-~'Y\-;i..:Ai:i~1 ~, '...., €,b "~\I .."\J~ (" ~,~'r':::rcr~";~"*!,;;;[ ;~" ". -""'----....,- ..~'':\ --morl1,.".r ',.", ,T'aQ'~1 -'---(,1---- :.'; :...-} ~ --'. I ~ f;-'''-':3 . . ~'-~l~';;" - ~~ '.:.. '.. --', :', ~.~~l~\"\':~',.n-rl(~;21 _ ______ ________~___._...:..__' . -." \::011... L.< .. 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Ward; shall- - is~y the ~;::;ri~rf~{}&111~t1Jr~~eci~ied in ruis; cqntt:a9t;, ,Mf ~cJianqes! ~~~~ IfrOID ::the , -, -above.specificah n necessitating~ditiol1 ill material-of; labor. shall not be.-in61uded:~co:vere<ihy.,this,:p:roposalt ~.i hut s~a~lb,e. prOVi?, e for un~er~. . -'.tt~n iO. b c~ange. au~roriz~tion,Sig..n. e.d. by the ~usfo~ex::-A~y s'urpl~s.rtt~te:~a~. ._ I'~'_" ==.Jema!!lP1:g~:Ron..~QIDP~tio:Q.~.o1:mf.i:m~.t~9n,::shaUo.~aJ!b-ilh~p:r:QPel;tY..9J _g.n_dltEr.x~urn!St<;U~:L3N9.xd$-::.JV:hen.:... _" .,_ I s\.'(]} {lQlateiia11g~C9~er~'Cbllay ithisLcentract:.ate.Jbrlt:m.7e, \epla'c~riienlo1}Gt:'addiiip;us.~fo-~iii'.;ti~ ~:ictu1pPi~iif, 'Wai:d~iItaJ.fib1 J~-' , 'No! 9.:in,c>~ :vMy3 WEJzres:P8~lliJg<:fb:eltl1ej fUiitiltibIiii!ij':6'ft,ffif YI:P~t tlfi:i:j1'ei eXili.tihi;rsyJitem16nl:wliichi :thanges:,a,re It<r>t, tna"de'" l:~ bs1;~I! :b'ylWa'Pds!t (rr0!1611~)Zrl, ~lSVO:J, ;S?Oq~'q S !011(Afj :!~;211.1 ;F;f;J\+~'l~h, ,OZIi11 rJr '); ,10:; nrt0Ji~ S<::tJ'!51 :~rt! ;'0 CSt Ji:}, '::~L: :i;f.~'f':I,' ,'I: J \1',;.;,; , , :or,,:Sii '~sfh~:h.z;)1j\iV~jt !O &f:~I!'S1jkt3l;;; ,?,8'-,;::::~I~ 'ins bns '::Oli:f(; rl~J0; Lz 2n;1"Sji'<.1l~' Bt: ' ": "11(,'1..-~':t: ,'",Lli,>~: ~r+~W~:khJJJii&lh~ii0h'yiil: Jci--J~~.~..w~;a~;~-~fle~J~~~:;:-~~~ih~~-:fu~;e:far~ ' ;t:;i~l~fi~s '~f- ~~~- ~~~~~..' 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",,4'reinises.cr~mater,ials.fumislied ~h'y';"W:are.s"r.y.JH;~~plosi6nt~aCf:s-rbl~qfd, thefrotl)'vandalism-unless.ca:tisetl..1b'7:='~ I "t.i:'j<j."l~~l':!"!' :.llll"'~' :l,,:,!l-:.LJ tC.Jl.'ll~.,.~.:'dl :-r:Jltr. I -: ,TWards".n'e"U- eD:c-~(ii)~ov-emm:enlal''1:er i.11ation--:Orti"-tervention;-"- ----1------ ::------ - -~_:_~', ' f'u'~'+-R~-rt..t~...g,.g' ,I-~ 1..91r~-..f ,--,.."..g"rft" j "".-,~, ' I II OOC:J-)j~ll'-"Hj, ! ~: i :r~~t-- ~-Fi, .':--. .-+--+-H--, :, '~i -' + i- .. ~ -~-- -t-f-t-r t r-1-+ T, ~:'-t: -l~ ;Hl- ~ -~-1-!:~ _ _ _ ~ "--.~ ___h~:' ~- I' "~+.:-. 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