HomeMy WebLinkAbout00332 PW -644030 , ~" , ., ":.' ,:t ,;;.~" .:.'~"'" ~~~~b-'" j Ii'" ' ~. i APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT if TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursu~nt to the provisions of Or~inance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined, " '. ,,' , ... ,', The name and addre~s nfapplicant i~rl- S\?. 7e \ -\-0 .~ \ 8~O -g~ret 4oe- ~~e~~dc\...C<!.J'rf:~./ 9"3'301:.1 - ~~ h Aeross The location of the pro .,. Il,~_ ~ ' .': Applican'f desires to maintain the a:foresaid encroach ment during the following time: :..['\-)dE~t~ l,+e\ ' '. ' .'" ' , ' , ", I < Applica~t agrees that if this ap ication is granted, a pplicant will indemnif.y; save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents; officers ~,arid employees' agairist and from all,damagesi'judgments, claims" ":;: demands, expense!';, costs and expenditures; and again st all loss or .liability which the City: of lJakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may,suffer, or wh-ich ~ay l:)e,recoverable. from, or obtainable against the City oIfBakersfield or such offic~rs, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out, of or in any way, connected, \Vith the, placing", ~rection. <?r, main ten~pceor~said encro~chment.~ " ' , Applicant further: agress,that; upon tl1e'e~piration of the permit for 'which, this, application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereo~ by the City 'Council,' applicant ',will at his own cost and expense' remove'the same from the, public property or right 0 f way where' the same is located, arid restore said public ',prQp,.erty or right of. way tothe condition as nearly may.};>e' in' which it washefore the placing, erec:' tion. D::~:feni\\~~~~~af ,{f7~chmenl... ~. B~~~Q , I , . Signature of Applicant . - .. ~ - .~~~{:" : . ~.' ,'.. .' ,....:',. . . I hereby certify that I, have made an invest~gatiori of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the m:ai,ntenance of said encroachment(1) ,wilL;not substantially;'interfere with the, use of the public place wherEdhesame' is to be located and (2) wilfriot constitute R'haz'ard to persons usin:gsaid pub-,; lic place; I he ef.or~' recommend that said applicatidri,be(g,aut..J-dEtnied)'" . . '. ' '.." '. . o.Jl " L \ ./\ I' / . ~ ?3 '..,..' Date::" ,., '~UA~",'\..A-\ ','..":, ' ' .' City En '" r ' . ".' .-">:~\:- ':" > ';., ~~ ".' . '..... I hereby certify tha.t:the forego~ng application was (grarited) Council dated. 'March 13. 1972 ** CHAIN tINK FENCJPLACED FIVE (5) FEET , BACKOP,CURB FACE:'~ ",.t ' , TO: Robert R. Pelton' Date March 14, 1972 , 1800 !;Ired I eyAvenuG ". ,". ',. BakAr~fIAld, CAliforniA 1)3'304 Your application dated March 7" 1972 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) ~~) by the City Council on March ,1)" 1972 N 332 o. Qity Engineer ,I.,t) \~ \). {~ ~ ~, J VJ'.~"' -D r '~'" wi" , --<. ~, rt)' 1;. - v, -----;:-;r- , e t o ~ '. \ . ~, ~E '~ ,l, k-"':! ~ .....J.. ?? :~. ~ ',I :.7 , " 'Ef(lclrG " "B~\e:.k;' ~ C eM<2, iJ-r: ,.', >{ Pla~ t" 11;'1?LA:~er' !' , ':/' " :...~ :~.J ~~:' '..'..' , ' ff ,,' ~'----- ..----...-- , .. " I '0 "~" ()9a.-tE L, fJ'~ J' ~~~/