HomeMy WebLinkAbout00540 ------. -- :t_-.----o--- . ," .. ,:..~:-:.. ):'_,'(:Jt. ",~ ''!' PW -644030 l. .. ~, . ,~ ~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~ TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintf.1.in an enrroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: .,..-' ) ./' --\ - ',:, -. ,) The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: :'\ .1,- ,..} -'.../ " -i " ~ ,..-r_ ;- -' , \ I / The location of the proposed encroachment is: .1 ..,l.>' - ,/ ./ ."J .."J -- ~-', ,/ I (T~t- ~'lar Applicant desires to maintain the atoresaid encroachment during the following time: Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right 0 f way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance' or existence af said encroachment. .._-" ',.-'.' , - f ~.J,~,~ ~.. ~.> Signature or Applicant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing applieation and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (grante ) "rl~' 1/7 -IO~ Date: r~;:)J~r-~_~1 ~'-' '/" / i .. " Date: of the City Council dated. I hereby certify that the foregoing application was Ap'ril 11, 1979 TO : Ray Byers 3808 Harris Road Bakersfield. California Your application dated 3-7-79 4-12..79 Date for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) (~) nm CONDITIONS ATTACHED ,HERETO. No. 540 SUB.JECT TO , .. .~~,~ ":C~,l~~ A;.....- '-' V" .~ . ~: .. . (1) . .. ........ April 12, 1979 Ray Byers 3808 Harris Road Bakersfield, California Your application dated March 7, 1979 for an Encroachment Permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was granted by the City Council on April 11, 1979,. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: .. 1. The fence be located 1 foot behind the back of sidewalk. 2. 4" thick concrete be installed in the 1 foot strip between the sidewalk and fence. No. 540 YJ i1t '. ^ f} . ,() LbJ- % tylL-w- ~~ f)l7LV~ JOM--(f~' e ~' ~~p~ (l ;Ie ~ r -i_fJl.*~_ ~~~~~I, .~, ;.. >~'!.:~''''~:..:..;~,~,,-,,,-, ,,~~ '~~,.~-~.;,. ~,_4ii~:;-J"_ , '" .'~' \; ( .. ~, ~ . ,':t';,,;:" ,~; , . \ \ 1>. ' , : < :1>~ ~ ~~~ "".<11 " , ' ' , ", "~" ,", I /;i~A~;:1/ /27 .t:)' ,0,'" 'c", ,,,:' j2'~~ 17/.";'" ',' d;, ' t,() 'rlt:. ' ;~!'" f/..-',; '~ .'ti,,'~, \ "; "1, ",' .j:: 't'll' ;j~;f~:l'/L~_.;::~ -~'-,",~ :' ,"~,;:;.~t,.;~,"- .~\;,:~.t), ", ; - ;'i.. ~~':; b,';,~}~ ;.~'. .~'" ". "",;.."'~ 4: . , Public Works Department City Of Bakersfield ~akersfield. Californja Ee: Location of ~.~. //// fence at /Y301 j)c~Tr~,' '" \ c' De{ir Sirs: This is to acknowledge that the fence at the above address is, by being located on border of the sid~walkf on city pr9perty. yn~erstand that if in the future th~ City of\ Bg](ersfield decides to place additional stre~t sign~ on Mariri Sireet th~t I may be asked ,nlov:e my ,ferlc~ appro}(,imately one foot back .. " " '. "," . :;,' ",' l,the ,si"dewal k~, . , . 'v,' ' , , Verytnlly, YOll,t"S, -"',; ~_J(0., '1;'\. J..;' { " I.~. ;": ". . ' ". i -'1ft{f~;(13!~~,~~~~~~~-'" ,,}' ......1" ,>.i . !i: ;:;:, ;~~; , - .,. ..'~ . , f , r-,'rJ, . I, ~. ~.' Public Works Department City of Bakersfield Bakersfield, California . Very truly 'i~' ~ .> "Re: Location of fenc~ at i)"~ Dear Sirs: ~, ;cl( This is to acknowledge that the fence at the above address is,. by being located<<;m . : bqrder. of ,tl1$~icl,ewalk, on city :p:r:op~rty~. >'l1nc:lt=!:,s;tand tllatif ~n the futur~ the City ..! " . ~ > " . . '. - 1 ,; _ . ,:' l ... '. ",', "Ba)<E,/rsffeld decides to place adCii ttonal stree't' .::; -~.::~ :,~:..:~." ~,.:,- ';' ". ..... '.. .' ' ;~i.grls qn ,Marin Stree:ttha t I 'inov<= my, 'fe'nce,apprqxirnately one .' -~; " . . - , i~h~:\sidewalk ." ~" ,,~: , '< ..i' I" ,.rf 'e ,? ,'. .. JJ/ ~ /9// Public'Works Department City of' Bakersfield 'Bakersfield. California ~ ;. Re: Location of fence at :l. g /J.. /l!1'/-1i'(J/lLtJ De~r Sirs: This is to acknowledge that the ~ence at the above address is, by being locat.ed on the, pord~r of ,the, sidewalk" on city property. I ,und~rstanq that if in the' futur-e the City of ". " :BaJq~rsf ield' dectdes to place addi tionalst:J;;~et' ,:~i;gl1s' ,on 'l'1R.rin Street that I' maybe asked Y."', -. ' " .:'. '. - my fence, ,approxirna t.e lyone>foot.b,a.ck ": '. ~';" ,"-~ :,'1,' ,; '.: ,) -. ..; " ", . "'-;:/J,'-,". '-,c- ;s;l&:>Wci)'k'~" " Very ", . . 23 April 1979 Public Works Department C~ty of Bakersfield Bakersfield, California Re: Location of fence at 3813 Margalo Dear Sirs: This is to acknowledge that the fence at the above address is, by being located on the border of the sidewalk, on city property. I understand that if in the future the City of Bakersfield decides to place additional street signs on Marin Street that I may be asked to move my fence approximately one foot back from the sidewalk. Very truly yours, J~?(~ . ',_ ' ",,)-.,J '~:", ','- '.~:j,..",.~\tl;.-:' ..l;.;~ 'J",: . \,,/t A}~I:~~lf';:i'~i;"E+"',': 'r,., " , ,~ . Public Works Depactment City of Bakersfield Bakersfield, Caljfornia . "'., ':ri~~~Ji~~,:!i;)~,1f?;'f~: /.. :\:';/:;~,.\~~,~';':~~{':~":Y ,j :i:~:,,~:';;,~.~::tj~>t;~' '." i... '~ !J5- ~ I~, Re: LocCit,ion of fence at r~ 0 7 )1 ftJ'lCl1/cJ This is to acknowledge that th~ fence at the above address is, by being located on the border of the ~idew~lk, on city property. I 'understand that if in the future the City of Bakersfield decide,; to place addition<:ll street signs on Marin Street thnt I may be asked to move my fence approximately one foot back from the sidewalk. Dear Sirs: :r " ';',~- Ve~ytruly yours, jl~~-~'131~>b . <,'_ ,,;}o." -~ " 'iW " ,j;';tlc.q.;:; 'aY.) ""<?{."" I :>'.' .::'~ 1<:" ",r, 1- .1 T,:' ;2:} Itf/F// / (71 ,~. V8rytr;uly yours, ., "':, :. i:%),' , ,\" '" .:' ,. ',' Public Works Department City of Bakersfield , Bakers,field , , California . Re': Location of fence at .3 ~ IJ. siis: :This is to acknowledge that the, fence th~ above address is, by being located on borcl'~r of~th~' side7Walk, on city 'propeFty. uncjerst'and that if in the future the City of ,'j. "",' ". ' I. ,.', '. ';, />,Bak:ersfiel:d decides to plage ,additional street ,sfgns . on' Mcu::irt Street that I maybeas]{ed toC; \. "f-'.' .... nlove {l1Y fe:nge (3,pproximately one foot, back : ";the' sideWalk.. i ~. ' . ,; , ::'<":';':.3,<' ......~,.. . , ::"':.'1/.; e, ,.~. ., l" . ~. .... ., '.' ,_,_'.,.:.'y' .. ..4.,.....,. .~: ,',- ~ .:' .( I: Re: Location i, \, \ ,I: ,I 1\, '~ \ \ of \, \ ...{, fence at '3RD3 frfrJ(J( / ~';/?i:( Public Works Department City of Bakersfield Bak~rsfield, California , ' Dear Sirs: This is to acknowledge that the fence at .. .. \ '''-~ ", the above address is, by bei:ng located on the ~ .,: ., border of the sidewall<, on c:~t_y property. I 'underst,and thel t. if in the fU~!rt,lre the Cit.y of \'" ' , 8a~ersfield decides to place '~dditionai street ~' ' signs on Marin Street that I ~ay be asked to '\"" , ',' move my ff!nce approxirnat:ely ori~~, fo.ot 1:;ack fro.rn i' ~ t.~ " <5 Very I, , I;', I, "\' 't.ruly ~~.' - ~ your s , 'I.:11e si,dewalk. , ' ;'1:. ;. \(1: ,\~; r \.. y J; 't /,'" ;\1\ ' , ',n" ,.!,- ," V ; ':-:/', ~.;~:;~ ;;;;.t '~~,,~ ,..... .' >;!(N':~ ," . 1 .~.~- 1 ." \ ~" , . " ; , .' . /' 't' .' . ..>~. ~. .. , ',,' .. " ~_~'r .. ~... ~ ~.. ". "' , . t , . ro.'" " ~ ?(/"'301 J ..l~k .i:?#g...;;s/ /<>'~... H j to:) (J~ r()e:::J p ~o ", ~t. l~' ~O!C.><1'loM '~ t~ I . ~I '.~ , " "';: ~. r{-...o. '. ..' f"- ~ , I . . ; ", ,,' <.. ii ... I""'~ -:gr- ...~ -~._- ~<- , ,. A ,. '7 .. .. r'~ " '. ' .. "...1 .. , ..,.' '\, r ,} , .< , " .' , , .' f. "i 1 . .~ " ." '.~ " " {~. 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