HomeMy WebLinkAbout00525 1-/'~ " ,,' ~. '- \ ~'-g-- .....J)~' .~ ".~. PW-644030 f pI~i""';I\J',, \~~},'~~;:~:,:" '\': ......1.. ,". i'\'," (." ~ \, 1, ". ' ,1 J"-74:E~ ,'- V 'il. 1 ~" I. \ ~.', ':';~II~~Kc/' .'~ (d "',..."'>:'.~\ \'''''~':'", i .. >,>..f'" ,., - ~: ~ APPLICATION F~R/..ENCROACHMENT PERMIT :.',"~ O<j/:' W ; 1,\: TO THE CITY COUN€IL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: . , ", Pursuant to the pr"bvisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under~'l signed hereby sppliesfor a permit to place, erect and lot maintain an encroachment on public property o~ right of way as therein defined. ,:r~ :) .\ \ ... \ J:...." t....,>I,."''"'.m'l 'r"~"Ii!.}'I":,,,,'~'~'IJr'J~~~" :r~ , ;.\.'",~.: ': ',;': .'\'S\.,~ , ,~!, I . t ,~\O ;:(, The name and address of. applicant is: Southern Pacific Transporta t10n Co., i. p. O. Box 3036, ~kersfield, Calif. 93385 i " . , The nature or descriptio~ of the e'ncroachment for which thi.s application is made is as follows: Construction and maintenance of a railroad track in and across Grissom Ave. !''',' (track constructed prior to construction of street). The location of the proposed encroachment is: Blvd. located in Section 15, T.30S., R.27E., M~D.B.&M. ,\ 740 ft. north of the northerly line of District',' '" ~ l Applicant desires to mai~tain' thea:foresaid encroach ment d~ring the following time: As long as . , track needed to serve IndustT~es located within Tenneco's Subdivision. .-/" , ' , , , Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City df Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expirati on of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly maybe in which i was before the placing, erec- tion, ~aintenance or existence 00 said encroachment. / ' Date: '. -~.e"n~~ ;;;: /.9~ 1.1 "Ii I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the f...c~ stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be'located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted- ') '.' Date: J - ~ ", 7C;';"1.r-fL City E Council, I hereby certifr that the foregoing application was (granted) dated. January 10,: 1979 1 ' Southern Pacific Transportation Co.: P. 0.. Box 3036, Bakersfield. CA 93305 Your application dated 12-7-78 TO: Date 1-16-79 ,!. , 'for an enc roaehment . , , provision of Ordinanc~ " , ~ , .~ I,.' ~"j)' > .~';.'-' l:' " ,,' l ,) I': II "':".,' . 1" "" ~. . . .':;' ,~ s BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF TIlE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of the Application of ) SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ) for authority to operate and maintain a ) drill track across Grissom Avenue at ) grade to serve, Tenneco Realty Develop- ) mentIs Industrial Subdivision in the ) City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, ) State of California. ) ) Re ference : Applicant No. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA STATEMENT Pursuant to the Commission's Rule 17.1 (m), applicant, SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, respectfully submits the following in support of its request in the above-titled Application for the Conwission's determination that the project is exempt within the provisions of said rule. 1. Location and Description of Project. Tenneco Realty Development is expanding its Industrial Subdivision located in the southwest portion of Bakersfield to meet the demand for rail-served sites. The present subdivision is served by an existing drill track which diverges from Railroad's Buttonwillow Branch main track. The neli portion of the subdivision will be served by a new drill track that will diverge from the existing drill track and will cross Grissom Avenue at grade to reach some of the new sites. 2. Purpose of the Project. The purpose of this project is to provide rail service to prospective property owners within Tenneco's Industrial Subdivision. c e . .:;> " "1'~_. ~ 3. Discussion of Environmental Impact. All the work involved In this project is on property zoned for industrial use. There could be a slight but probably unmeasurable increase in locomotive exhaust emissions involved in spotting rail cars for future industries. Rail service is expected to require relatively few movements at slow speeds and potential hazards of collision between trains and motor vehicles are expected to be very minimal with the installation of automatic warning devices. While there will be a slight contribution to the general noise level generated by the rail movements, the surrounding industrial area is not expected to be adversely affected. 4. Conclusion. The proposed grade crossing will have no significant impact on the environment. Respectfully submitted, ~:J. ~vwLJ As.~i~tant to Vice President -2- ;< - . 0:- 1; q ~> " STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) L. F. Furlow, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Assistant to Vice President of SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, named in the foregoing application, and makes this certification on its behalf; that he has read the fore- going application and knows the contents thereof, and that he is informed and believes the matters therein stated to be true and on that grounu alleges that said matters are true. eJ, ~LAJ~ Assistant to Vice President SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me day of vt~, 1979. this / cA DONALD L. LEZER (Notarial Stamp) NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA Principal Place of Business in City and County of San Francisco~ My commission expires June 13, 1979. ~,..:::,;,:,;,,;~;~.T"';;-~';>;:;:~~~C~~~~;~ ~ ':..~,.' DONJ\LD, L. LEZER :{: \" '~~'~\ NO' ARY PUlJLlC.CWFOHNIA n, ~'::'" "';,~i) PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN i::: '\', ,'-;,)i CITY AND COUNTY OF ~: ,; "'<:"'..:X SAN FRANCISCO ~;: ) t" ;, My COITHlllsSlon Expire':> June 13. 1979 C ". ',' .O"...~ .....-. . -_";"-;_";"">-:. ....'.....::::~::i'~.;.;.;.;:;;.~~~..:...;..;....~~., ~J ~ ~e; . . " . ~~ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY MAIL I, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL LUNDIN, certify: I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of Santa Clara County, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen. (18) years, and not a party to the Application filed by Southern Pacific Transportation Company with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for the construction of a drill track across Grissom Avenue in Bakersfield, California. My business address is Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Southern Pacific Building, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, California 94105. On Feb(ua(y \2) \ 979, I served said application on the party named below by placing a true copy thereof, enclosed iri a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Post Office mail box at San Francisco, California, addressed as follows: The City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 DATED at San Francisco, California, this 12TH day of February ( , 1979. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~~~I~~ .~..\t, ~ :..::-:~ ..'!, '.' C I T y o F B A K E R S F I E L D ~~~e-'~~ D.ART'ME,NT'OF PU~IC WORKS 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 ' (805) 861-2724 DALE HAWLEY, Director March 26, 1979 Mr. James K. Gibson, Director Transportation Division Public Utilities Commission California State Building San Francisco, CA 94102 RE: P.U.C. FILE NO. A. 58677 Gentlemen: This letter is in reference to Application No. 58677 of the Southern Pacific Transportation Co. for a railroad track crossing Grissom Street, in the City of Bakersfield. The City has no objection to the Southern Pacific proposal. and the City Council has approved and issued an Encroach- ment Permit to Southern Pacific for construction of the track on Grissom Street. We are assuming that the milepost location requested in your letter will be provided by Southern Pacific, since the City would not be familiar with their numbering system. Should you need additional information concerning the appli- cation, please contact our office. Very truly yours,! C{:' ;' 0{ -6.1 8 . .h(1 . ... {ll';pr J. DALE HAWLEY U Director of Public Works EWS:dh . . ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATI9~S TO THE COMMISSION CALIFORNIA STATE BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNI~494102 TELEPHONE: (415) 557. 20 1 D. R. Chew '0 'ubI it lit ttl itit B Q!ummiBBtUU STATE OF CALIFORNIA March 6, 1979 .//~ FILE NO, A. 58677 . Mr. J. Dale Hawley Director of Public ~brks City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue . Bakersfield, CA 93'301 Dear Mr. Hawley: This refers to Application 58677 of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company filed with the Commission on February 14, 1979, for authority to construct an industrial drill track in, upon and across Grissom Avenue at grade in Bakersfield, California. A copy of the filing is enclosed for your review. Please let us know your position with respect to this filing. An early reply would be appreciated. It will expedite our processing if you would furnish the proposed milepost location of this crossing in your reply. Yours very truly, PUBLIC UTILITIES C<M4ISSION K/ n ~ 1~.." 0, . -"""'~'!_)~ ~ i?~ J K. GIBSON, Di~ltor Tra: > j)ortation DiviMn Enc. .",. ,\:;, ITS) IE: ~ IE:~ Y.IE: T[} ~ MA~ 1 ~ l~7~ J1b' ".'","' , ,.' l.NGINEERING DEPARTMEN=i ~) ~ lRLL - III - 2/8/79 -, 2M325/349-l] ~~ GIBS . e TAN ER .;~' ,." BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FILED PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the matter of the application of ) SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ) for an order authorizing the construction ) at grade of an industrial drill track in, ) upon, along or across Grissom Avenue in ) the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, ) State of California. ) ) FEB 141979 No. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE NO.__ .c"}8677 A P P L I CAT ION The application of SOUTHERN PACIFIC TI~NSPORTATION COMPANY respectfully shows: FIRST: That your applicant is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware; its principal place of business in the State of California is at Southern Pacific Building, One ~1arket Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94105. SECOND: A certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation of your applicant was filed with this Commission on December 23, 1969, 1n Application No. 51575. THIRD: Correspondence and communications in regard to this application may be addressed to Mr. A. D. DeMoss,'Vice President- Operations, Southern Pacific Building, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94105. FOURTH: Under authority of Section 1201 et seq. of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, application IS hereby made for authority to construct, maintain and operate across Grissom Avenue in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, S~ate of California, '! . . ~-, " .. 'ir. ~. an industrial drill track, the center line of which is described as follows: A direct line traversing in an east-west direction across Grissom Avenue 785 feet north of District Blvd. and 1065 south of White Lane. With this application and as part hereof is filed a print of your applicant's San Joaquin Division Drawing No. C-16884, revised January 25, 1979, showing the accurate location of all streets, roads, property lines, tracks, buildings or other obstructions to view in the vicinity of said track, including profiles and the re- lation of the proposed crossing to existing roads and railroad in the general vicinity thereof; the center line of said track, as described above, is indicated by red line on said print. FIFTH: It is desired to construct said track to serve TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION. Because of existing grade conditions at this location, installation of an overhead or undergrade crossing is not practicable. SIXTH: There is. filed herewith a certified copy of an appli- cation for encroachment permit dated December 7, 1978, granted by the City Council of Bakersfield, seeking permission to construct, maintain and operate said track. A copy of this application has been mailed to the City Council of Bakersfield. SEVENTH: It is requested that the proposed crossing be assigned the number P.U.C. BT-321.6-C. -2- ... e . "-... ~ ~ ~ "r... EIGHTH: It is recommended that construction of said crossing be made equal to Standard No. 1 of General Order No. 72-B. NINTH: Your applicant proposes to install two (2) P.U.C. Standard No. 8 signals (G.O. 75-C) at the proposed crossing as soon as labor and materials are available. In the interim, movement over said crossing shall be protected by a member of the train crew. TENTH: This Commission is the lead agency in this project, as determined under Rule 17.1(n)(1)(B)2 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Your applicant requests that the project be determined to be exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, under the exemptions set forth in said Rule 17.1(m). Accompanying this application is an environ- mental data statement, for the use of the Commission in determining this matter. WHEREFORE, your applicant, requests that the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California make an order granting this application and permitting applicant to construct at grade the pro- posed drill track, the center line of which is shown by red line on the print filed herewith. DATED: San Francisco, California, t=e..brlAary 12... , 1979. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY , ~9:0-~J By . 1\S~ISlQII( III ~I~: n ~:i:uoot -3- ~ J;;f'-; ....~ ... . . Southern Pacific Transportation Company 5-2660 ,~~ .': .; P.O. BOX 3036, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 December 12, 1978 IN Rl!!!:PLY PLEASE REFER TO 000-95747 J.K. YOUNG DIVISION ENGINEER W.R, WILKINSON ASSISTANT DIVISION ENGINEER J.e. STRONG ASSISTANT DIVISION ENGINEER FOR ENGINEERING INFORMA nON CALL (805) 327-2645 i --- ~-'-De-p'aytmen.t"of-Public'-Works City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Gentlemen: Attached is an Application for Encroachment Permit for construction and maintenance of a railroad track in and across Grissom Ave. to serve industries locating within Tenneco's Industrial Subdivision between our stations of Wible Orchard and Gosford. We will need two certified copies of the permit for use in making formal application to the California Public Utilities Commission for this crossing. Yours truly, , J. K. YOUNG By: sunt c~ Attachment cc: Mr. S. G. Ladd, Vice President Tenneco Realty Development P. O. Box 9380 Bakersfield, CA 93309 kR rClEllVI ITJ) DEe 14 '1~(8 ~ _~u.A.oo:.<../L..~/ / (jE,..7f._T d?4j~- ..d 62S / 07 / EN\.. ; N 1-: i.. RiNG-"., iT::-, l'i. f N 1 .. .."ff.~.; .".... .'4 ~ .," > .. ,.. ." ." PW-644030 ~~1..- ~----:-~ -"- ~p ";;'--"~ .._, -; '! 0: '" ~ '::!:. . l,,-,,_ " . APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: SC)uthetft'ael.leftaftS,ottatf.Oft Co., 1>, Q.~l\I 3~36~IaW$fS.la. CaU.f. 9:J:R4$ The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: Cotlst1nletlon a1ld aialtltenalic.e of a ll'allloa4 tltack .6 dd 'ae#Oss~l$8cm Aw. . .' -, -.. . - -' - ' . - - .. - - .' . -. -, :..,.~" ~-------, ~ - (-~tJucted,.-pdft .~te.~UUetf.oG ;of4-tftatl.- 0, _>'-, ,_, . '", c., \ 740". t:mrth of tb.$ flOl'..,1, liDe 01 Dlstl'lct The location of the proposed encroachment is: .1v4. 1.ea~d IDS.UOll!$. 9.SOS., a.27$.. ".'~'.&M. Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: M lema all tjaek",~ to 'eltVelttdu.sU"~ locatedwlthln t..eeots S1Jbdt.vhlon~ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as n early may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence af said encroachment. O~I.GINAl SIGNED Date: [1 E C 7 1978 :I. C, STRONG Signature of Applicant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommen~ that said application be (granted-~ Date: /- 'iT - 7'7 JfJ. ----;~, CIty neer I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (:d~~ y order of the City Council dated. January 10, 1979 TO: Southern Pacific Transportation P. u. HOX 3036 Bakersfield. CA 93305 Your application dated 12-7-78 Co. Date 1-16-'79 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) ~'ilig) by the 525 ;1~rteal City ~ 1979 C. y gineer ..'1 -:.J' , '. .,....; ,... ,'/ ,:.-;'" :1' . " -'.'~ . . ',1' . :'j. " l...... .~ " .,.r<' . . ''1. ,~ : I t W '1!Yf- ,C'IJ C,l?d Ae-H - M~l.pr P'~~I-r /LJ 0, 61-~ ~ ----- tJ'Iit-J'~4 , . .. - .fC/t-~ -:' "<', . '. ..:, , ,'. ~ ',: ~:.. , , .. \ ' Po' ;J.~ ....---- .. ..~ ~, [RLL - III - 2/8/79 - 28325/3~-1] . ~ ..'.~ _ ~v ',t ~~l BEFORE TIlE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the matter of the application of ) SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ) for an order authorizing the construction ) at grade of an industrial drill track in,) No. upon, along or across Grissom Avenue in ) the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, ) State of California. ) ) A P P L I CAT ION The application of SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY respectfully shows: FIRST: That your applicant is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware; its principal place of business in the State of California is at Southern Pacific Building, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94105. SECOND: A certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation of your applicant was filed with this Commission on December 23, 1969, in Application No~ 51575. THIRD: Correspondence and communications in regard to this application may be addressed to Mr. A. D. DeMoss, Vice President- Operations, Southern Pacific Building, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94105. FOURTH: Under authority of Section 1201 et seq. of the Public Utilities Code of the State of California, application IS hereby made for authority to construct, maintain and operate across Grissom Avenue in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, S~ate of California, -4, 1 ~'? " . . . ~ an industrial drill track, the center line of which is described as follows:. A direct line traversing in an east-west direction across Grissom Avenue 785 feet north of District Blvd. and 1065 south of White Lane. With this application and as part hereof is filed a print of your applicant's San Joaquin Division Drawing No. C-16884, revised January 25, 1979, showing the accurate location of all streets, roads, property lines, tracks, buildings or other obstructions to view in the vicinity of said track, including profiles and the re- lation of the proposed crossing to existing roads and railroad in the general vicinity thereof; the center line of said track, as described above, is indicated by red line on said print. FIFTH: It is desired to construct said track to serve TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION. Because of existing grade conditions at this location, installation of an overhead or undergrade crossing is not practicable. SIXTH: There is filed herewith a certified copy of an appli- cation for encroachment permit dated December 7, 1978, granted by the City Council of Bakersfield, seeking permission to construct, maintain and operate said track. A copy of this application has been mailed to the City Council of Bakersfield. SEVENTH: It is requested that the proposed crossing be assigned the number P.U.C. BT-32l.6-C. -2- ~, . . :~ ,~, '-Y EIGHTH: It is recommended that construction of said crossing be made equal to Standard No. 1 of General Order No. 72-B. NINTH: Your applicant proposes to install two (2) P.U.C. Standard No. 8 signals (G.O. 75-C) at the proposed crossing as soon as labor and materials are 'available. In the interim, movement over said crossing shall be protected by a member of the train crew. TENTH: This Commission is the lead agency in this project, as determined under Rule l7.1(n)(1)(B)2 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure. Your applicant requests that the project be determined to be exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, under the exemptions set forth in said Rule l7.l(m). Accompanying this application is an environ- Mental data statement, for the use of the Commission in determining this matter. WHEREFORE, your applicant requests that the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California make an order granting this application and permitting applicant to construct at grade the pro- posed drill track, the center line of which is shown by red line on the print filed he~ewith. DATED: San Francisco, California, t=e.brLAary 12.. , 1979. SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY . ~ 7. ~L~~-'-V/ By . i\SSISl~lll III VI~' n c:;:Utlllt p~ R. .. LATHROP.......- \,.., . Att ney ,for A:pp11cant Southern Pacific Building San Francisco, CA 94105 -3- :.: , .'" 'i~ ir'"./'. I , :,i!:~.,",' +J~\j "Iilr~~~ i ':'. i".' "':;,):>f" .c;; ..~ .PW-644030 . . .--- ,>' ..-r ~; APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNC~L OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: !'- Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the unde~ ,: !lirrned hereby r.pplies for, a permit to place, erect and ,lor maint::dn an encroachment on public property 0,1;', . right of way as therein defined. The name and addreRs of applicant is: Southern Pacific Transportation Co., p. O. Box 3036, Bakersfield, Calif. 93385 I, " I'. , .' The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: Construction and maintenance of a railroad track in and across Grissom Ave. (track constructed prior to construction of street). The loca'tion of the proposed encroachment is: Blvd. located in Section 15, T030S., R.27E., M.D.B.&M. ; r;, 740 ft. north of the northerly line of District . . Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: As long as track needed to s~rve Industries located within Tenneco's Subdivision. Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenarice of said encroachment. . Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from th~ public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly m~y be in which i was before the placing,: erec- tion, maintenance or existence 00 ~aid encroachment. "'/ ~- Date: ...z::;ct~.b~' 0' /..9hY z icant ./: ~ ~<j I hereby certify that I have made an investiga.tion of the f"ctA stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (grante<j- ') . V{)'--!::t. City E g' Date: J - sr ' 7Cj' , I ---------- - da ted. I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) January 10,11979 Council : 'j',: I 1~' TO: Southern Pacific Transportation Co. P. O. Box 3036 Bakersfield. CA 93305 Your application dated 12-7~78 No. 904' New Series, was (grallted) ~ by the City Qo~ Date 1-16-79 , <,", ,". ' .~ !: ..',' '-~.'~.". und~r. the provision of Ordinance, 1979 "; \.' , , '11\' ':'; i 1< " .' :.;?'\' No. 525 , . ' ' , ,\ I ' I I' :,\'"1" .' - ~ '-~ . . BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF TIlE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of the Application of ) SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY ) for authority to operate and maintain a ) drill track across Grissom Avenue at ) grade to serve, Tenneco Realty Develop- ) ment's Industrial Subdivision in the ) City of llakersfield, County of Kern, ) State of California. ) ) Reference: Applicant No. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA STATEMENT Pursuant to the Commission's Rule 17.1 em), applicant, SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, respectfully submits the following in support of its request in the above-titled Application for the Commission's determination that the project is exempt within the provisions of said rule. 1. Location and Description of Project. Tenneco Realty Development is expanding its Industrial Subdivision located in the southwest portion of Bakersfield to meet the demand for rail-served sites. The present subdivision is served by an existing drill track which diverges from Railroad's Buttonwillow Branch main track. The ne''i portion of the subdivision will be served by a new drill track that will diverge from the existing drill track and will cross Grissom Avenue at grade to reach some of the new sites. 2. Purpose of the Project. The purpose of this project is to provide rail service to prospective property owners within Tenneco's Industrial Subdivision. &,"- . . ~ 3. Discussion of Environmental Impact. All the work involved In this project is on property zoned for industrial use. There could be a slight but probably unmeasurable increase in locomotive exhaust emissions involved in spotting rail cars for future industries. Raii service is expected to require relatively few movements at slow speeds and potential hazards of collision between trains and motor vehicles are expected to be very minimal with the installation of automatic warning devices. While there will be a slight contribution to the general noise level generated by the rail movements, the surrounding industrial area is not expected to be adversely affected. 4. Conclusion. The proposed grade crossing will have no significant impact on the environment. Respectfully submitted, ~J. ~J~J .1.s.~istallt to Vice President -2- I, .. L' ~ . . " ~ <"- ,. ~'V STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SSe CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO ) L. F. Furlow, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Assistant to Vice President of SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, named in the foregoing applicationt and makes this certification on its behalf; that he has read the fore- going application and knows the contents thereof, and that he is informed and believes the matters therein stated to be true and on that ground alleges that said matters are true. /?J. ~LN'vW Assistant to Vice President SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me day of ~, 1979. this /J... DONALD L. LEZER (Notarial Stamp) NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA Principal Place of Business in City and County of San Francisco. My commission expires June 13, 1979. ~,;..~~~.>;;.y~--~~~~;~~~~~~.~~ .~ . ,":0." DONj\LD, L. LEZER ;.;< ~;: :::'{~. NO' ARY P:,JlJLlC-Cf,L1FOflNIA (to' r;:,:" ' ";i) PRINCIPAL Pl.n.CE OF BUSINESS Ir~ (:.; : "<:.:.:':;,/1 CITY AND COUNTY or- ,~; i '0::' :" SAN FHANCISCO \\~ , My COlllllllsslon Expires JUll!') 13. F)79 U .. ,'>'.. '," ,," ." ....:.. "-<-'..~.';-~r;;."':. '. ,:."~::;~~~.:~:-..'~;;.~~.:.:.:--..'r";'....~) ;: ~ . t :! " .- ~- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE BY MAIL I, CHRISTOPHER HICHAEL LUNDIN, certify: I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of Santa Clara County, State of Califo~nia. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years, and not a party to the Application filed by Southern Pacific Transportation Company with the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California for the construction of a drill track across Grissom Avenue in Bakersfield, California. My business address is Southern Pacific Transportation Company, Southern Pacific Building, One Market Plaza, San Francisco, California 94105. On Februa,y 12) \ 979, I served said application on the party named below by placing a true copy thereof, enclosed i~ a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States Post Office mailbox at San Francisco, California, addressed as follows: The City of Bakersfield l50l Truxton Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 DATED at San Francisco, California, this 12TH day of FeOr'Uqry , , 1979. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 'it ..~~~I~~ " ,e . . . 'j>. .; '~\"'.,' ' .. /. : ,,i .... ... .. . , ","1. f.~, I: ~ . : ~:;~~~~i;;~'l:;~;' , .' .' j ! o Ii) -,.~ . I' ~ o J j ~ 1 ,. o .j f' \1 S () cD o I- I.J\ -t iO '" J o "- ':0 2 ,1) ! U L .{ 0' cl. [) ~ o J 0.) ~ ~ 7. o l- l- J 10 ~ i) '.9 \Jl .J- 1'1 ('J t) It) o f" ~ 0"\ ? 11 J tl tL 14) d L1~ ::l ~ .( > 0..... I) u) o 1 -! Ii lllJ 1 4. 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FILE ,DRAWER too ' SHEET '2 ROUTE NO. 5'54 M.P. 321.:) DATE M^R.c~-\ 31,19,& REVISED TO Jb..~!. t;S, \'.,,'1'~ 1- I r~ ~I ,-/ 21 ill, (f) <[ tU tll Z -J i' i , llJ ' -1 7' /~ -.' 0 J, ~= tu f tU Ai) If o (J)).... !f) ~ - .':5. 2- UL 2i ~I ~I I , I i - -r-- ,~1 , ' UJ ~ SCALE VAL. SEC. -'" ~:' " ~.:. '::'-C_1' r;5 5'5 r ....: ',.., , " i I, ! ill 1 I~ :_J '. :l] t.- 1:1 i~ " ~ ~~: "j 'j 55 55 11\ ~ S,3 c~ , I. . -'" ,. '." ~ .. '. .~ .:!<, ;,' i .} t .<. ."..{ _'. ,". i '.' ~.~"" ;,. ./ '" " , " i "< I. : "'""~l.i' ,... ~.;" ~Bi~~~;,~::{ ;, -- ",' o III , . l' ~ o J J ~ 1 .. o oj ~. \.L- ~ () a) Q 7. o ~ tJ\ -t .<> ('J j o ...... ~ ~ .r l) 1 .{ o J. dl ~ o J (Q J ~ Z o l- }- J \" ~, ~ Ij \.lI -t t<l ('J <) 0 Itl Ul o ,... t<l ':/\ o J u\ LL VJ It u<<> ':l. i .( ::- 0...... t,) lI) o 1 .( ci llu 1 " (I) () ......., - -. -- \ \" ~ / r- , , # , ' 11.~""1 r l"l-UI - ml ,,. J 385' r 9~.~ !MILiS 1-1 I . 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