HomeMy WebLinkAbout00528 ".. ~/' PW -644030 . & .... .., APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintnin an encroachment on public' property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: 1 Tumblin Cnmpany 2901 H Street Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: T,..mpn,.Ary ??O Vnlt ouerbe~d power line for ~on8tructioll purpo8es at' Sagepointe Center (min. height 16' from sidewalk) The location of the proposed encroachment is: a~rolillil HotUugRam I..aa.8 ~ ues t of Sutton Place Applicant desires to maintain the a:foresaid encroachment during the following time: Present until May 31. 1979 Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands,' expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way conneCted with the placing, ereCtion or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expirati on of the permit for which this a,pplication is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as n early ~ in which ~ was before the placing, erec- tion, mainteMnce or existence af .aid encroachment. /~~/ Date: ~S; If'l! --7, ~~~ Ig a ure of Ap~ t I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the' for~going application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I.therefore recommend that said application be (grant~. . Date: I-F!-77' ~~ · CIty En~ I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (ll~ orde of the City Council January 10, 1979 dated. TO: Tumblin Company 2901 "H" Street ; Bakersfield. CA 93301 Your application dated 1-5-79. Date 1-16-79 .I for an enc roachment permit under the provision' of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) (~~) by the City Council on January 10, 1979 Application approved providod tho encroachmont is ~F~nths ~.from the data the permit is granted. No. 528' Engineer ,'" .. -- .---- f)/fl t-f~ d ;' s' . ""U COOt 8011 327.7188 .,h, ~ , _ J "'" TUMBLIN COMPANY CONTRACTORS-ENGINEERS 2901 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 January, 3, 1979 Mr. Calvin Bidwell Public Works Director 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Calif. 93301 RE: Sagepointe Shopping Center Gentlemen: We hereby request permission to run a 220 volt temporary power line overhead from P G & E's underground transformer at the Southwest corner of Nottingham Lane and Sutton Place across Nottingham Lane to the Sasepointe Center presently under con- struction by Tumblin Company. The purpose of the line is to furnish power for construc- tion purposes only.' We anticipate having permanent power available on the site in May 1979 at which time this line would be removed. Yours truly, TU'-1BW%M.P ANY ,,/..7,7, } '-i:f;7J!~ R. D. .Jann~ng RD!1:oe Conr';'Cl0rs License No, 292931 i ,,/ "to >. , ^ ", , ',a~:J..A,tGC' ":,,:> .~. .~. ",...'- . ..vJ.. '&tJ CYlo~ c..~:e-jJr- \ '- \::" ":' .', Oc=:YI J"A",.- . " < ' ", AR " CODE 805" !I2r.7fenf ',.. ~': ,- TUMBI.~r~ COMP~NY, CON T R A C,T,O R S . : EN 'G I N'E E;R,5 : ..:- '. '" < .~:.: . -. -' .2901 H STREET i3AK~RSF'iE-LD. CALlFO,RNIA _:93 301 , , . ' , , , jan~fry, ~ ,.~97.~ -:.:~ "f .,' " . -.' '':;< ~~ "., ,'; ..". # ~.;~.:.;::. < -, ~,,- - . ~r. c~ivl~~~idwe11 . Public YJ~:t~"s Director", '1501 Tru~tun,Ayer:lt,ie , , ,..' cBakersfield,'~a1i(. 93~01 . .--_.....~.-..~........~w"'. ;#-r-,::--~_"'---"""""'-:---"-_""'''''-~~7.o:---o---'"'7 -.^.' .,~. . it" .. ~, '; .' j.:, ." -:'7~"-:.-=--.,....."'-'-'--_~.... ". . . . .,:-t ',-'~'_'~.i.:;" '.---:'"'7-- ~~~,,:~::--:.~:-;., .~--,~: '" - " ", lip,' Sagepo~nt.~,~Shoppi~g,center , ., '1 , , '" - " }'J' , ,." ", ,We, ber~by ;req~e~t permission to' run, a 220 vo,~t:...te~porary ': power line ,overhead from P,G &' E' g' u!la,~rgroundtrans:former "at:- .' .th~'Southwest corner,"of Nbttingnam Lan'e,and Sutton ,Place' across Not'tfngham Lane ':t'o .the' Sagepo,fIite. Center: p'resent1yunder: con:" 'st,ru~tion'by '.Tumblin ,Company. '; .,: ,",::, ,',' "'" ,';.. . . -,: I"" , I": : ".-::.", , , The' purpose' of' the line is to furnish, power (b,r , construc- , " tio,n 'purpos~sot:l1y.,,' Weantidpate having' permanent power , ',:av9.i1able' on the );ite in May, 197.9 at wh:tch time,this line 'would, " 'he remove~,." "~ . <> , I , " , , ' Y()urs:truly,. ' .,-.: ',-I. , ' " T.UMBJAiY~. '. ~~~NY" , '; ., /,//" , , i ".. '. -:ifllJltf1!tftI R. D.:Ma~tt.i.ng", " , -;'~ .". _ h' L~ ,_. ',' I, ;.:,' ;., ~ /1 .- ....'.7 ~ ::- ~.,~\~,~'-~~ ~.~ :::T"'.:c~',"'~7'''=-:,.,." ,RD~:oe/, .:" ..'.. ....:....~-~ _._-....~ 7--::':;;'''-:..-;:-~-.'. '-'r'i'1'.';-:--;:-~:'-~';-~:~~''''''""''''~' "'.' ,'-', ... ." . ~ 'I . . . - . ~ .'.' ".,;....l.. . > ' ; , .'. ~I' . . -.) "1..'.' . . .-. , ~ ".,', ',?k/( ;,~:' },> ': : 1': b ~ ' ,.:. 1.~:' i . ., , .. ..-) '..~'; ~ '."- ,...' ~ -;":1 ;.. ..... ", .J....,,-. ....... t.', '. '. J.'~'; .. ~ (-: .1"0 . :, ~ ~ , " . ' ~. .~. _iI . ",-'." " i ;"./ :.:~ ~t: . . ',/ ., ~:}. , :..<1....;; , , . IRlre erg u ~lEl: ".: , ,JAN 4, , }9/9, '::,::~;~:,\ " "" 'q i :'~'J :...' . _'. ~~. ',. ~. ) ,;~~~..~;;- ... I, . rn:~;Wi ;,iE'~~'" ",,: . .~~ .~/ . ~~', '.~. - ~,.",. . ~ .,:~'!' . .', ' . - .....- .. ~.. !.....{... . ...............":'"~ - '. ;' ~;!..~\~,t,i'EERI~G . . ~':. . J. . . " . . . . ''';'', .;~ , ,,:.-. J , . ,,;..',' C~ntr~ct6rs License No,,'2'/29.31 . ~ -} ':-