HomeMy WebLinkAbout00384 ---- .~~ ,_ 'r-' ~ '_ " :~:~.::,.;- ,. .:,' . ( '''> " .t^,~' . ,'';''.: '" .~,- ~ ~,. ~;1!-'L',:;~~t~1L\)~~~'., . .i~1 ~ P~-~~~630 .. ;. ':;:~ ..~ .,- } t ~. . ." APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT. PERMIT TO THE: ,CITY COUNCI~ OF:THE'CITY',OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: . . Purs1.l~nt to tb.e provisIons of Qrdinance No. ~04. New, Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby 'applies fora.permit to 'place, erecfa'nd/or'mainbin an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. . , . . . 'l... , '. Th~ nari1e and address of applicant is: DAK...w. HluT11eope ~ast1eg C9rpe1'&t-1.B .' ....: . \2~1O 'Oh~st~ A".~ . . BAk~f~Cl. . ~~..9330i . Th~ nature, or. descriptlon of the encr6achmen~ for which this application is made is as follows: , , . '~ ,!" ~ . P1MU~ Qt. tbltOG trocs in :f'i'eft't" of the' 1<<3At....w studio btdldlllQ as par atta~Qd p) .A".' , ' I The'location.,of the proposed encroachment is:. Sidewalk $\ 2210' Chest. Aw. , , " I ' . . .. . .' , .:, :.: ".; [...~; . "':. Applicant .d~s~r:~s:. to. maintain the afore~aid' enc:oacV~Tl~,tdu~,ing the folJowin~ time: . <';; .... -' 1-,... ,..' ". P€iIl"JDaMDt' Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant: will indempify, ~ save and hold harmless the City of ~.ak~rsfield"its agents; officers arid employees against and Jrom all . damages, .judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs .'and ,expenditures, and again st all loss or liability whichJhe pity <?f,:Bakersfield or such officers,- agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, -'or obtainable against the City oIf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, .growing out of or in any' way connec'tedwith the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Appii<~ant .fu:rther ~gress that uponth~ expiration of' the permit for whichlviil'appHcation is made, if granted, or upon the 'revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same 'from the public property or right of way where the same is' located,,' and restore said public property or -right of way to tl-.Ie condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenan~e: or 'existence ai.said encroachment. ":<~ '/1' '~' .' ~. ..'. ( -Lf" . .!:/ . ./;P'" ,,-', 1'0:2:/" ., '7 . ~' /' &!' ')1' Jo' ' -r . . Date: / ;;:1.: '? ,/: C:' , ," /1' '/, ,,,f,ol' -;,. ~ ",' ;;......11 '/. ~ /' /' V ,... '- Signature 'of Applican' . . . I I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the mai~tenance of s~id encroachment .(1).;, will not substantially dnterfere. with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lie place; I therefore recommend that saidapplicatio'n be (granted-deR+ed-) Date:aAJA~ AI /9 7V /!n~~ 0-' ,~rk~ ..cJ '.' " . .... .' City Engineer ~t .; ~ .: ' I hereby certify that the foregoing application was Council dated. August'12. 1974 Mr. At Ruch TO: KBAK-TV 2210 Chester Avenue Bakersfield. CA 93301 Your application dated 7-23,,:,;4.' , Date August 19. 1974 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of" Ordinance No. 384 City Council on August 12. 19'74 G~~ ce" ~dP'#~ City Engineer '. No. 904 New Series, was (granted) ~2i~t by the r-. /\ ~,......, .r ;#"7 " ~ . to) \ '-' (' \ . ~ ,-('," . 2. ft" . A c. " '-'. \.; I'+'{, ' J . -cj.J U('-~L../y~'WROUGHr 11f'1J/V - 'y)lj .... I' . 7 rll~/ . .- \Q" ' , . ~ /{ BAK-TI/ ENTRANCE' . ' ' ~." ~, --.-J ,: I I I I . ! ... 27/7%11- I,,, ~ '~, . I !~ ~"~; , . ~ 3ct~ , I JVAiER/Y1ETER k . -~ I I v~- t 7// CURB -+- \. r~'-------'----------'----- 601.3%.4' i I ~ 22/0 CI-/ESTERA tiE. ~'~., , {t , ~' .: I }; I :1\-, i ~ ;~ " \", . , " \- ' TREESilllLL BE. ef-IOFT I-lICi#. (iEIVERAL A?PffAR/lAlCE NILL BE,5INILd/f , TO PIi'ESEII/T :. LAIVLJSC/lPI/V6 IN FRONT OF GREAT A1ESTER/II '. SA 1/1 /V6S , . I .' -'''-l-~-~ ", 1 j I I ~ ~. () , '- - 2 7/.~/jJ "' ---' 7 ~-1- . ~ ' ~. I I , . i -,,- r-' , I >>==! 30'1kr- .- ~