HomeMy WebLinkAbout00458 ;r- , .-')/U!o<' , fr\ >!P ?y ,,-' -y. .1 ,~/ PW -644030 ; -' ,. I \ ---.,. . ~, . "{' J , . "-:~k*~:_:'i'" . j APPLICATION FOR. ENCROACHMENT #ERMIT , ..~, ,\~/ ~:~ './ , I, 'l, . ~ \;" . TO THE CITY~COUNCIL OF TH,E QI'{Y OF BA.~KERSFIELD"CALIFO~NIA: / I r, , ' Purs~aI:1t to the provisions of ,Ordi~a~ce No. 904 New Series' of the City~f Bakersfield, the under- signed herf?PY' applies for a permi(to place, ,erect a,nd/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as ' therein defined. ' . ,'. ' Theri.me ':d address of '~PliC.~tis: ~~ J,.. fi'tJ;;:AA .~ :' 1,~.~;,~~;,(l f"" 1.': (t'. ";v"','" , ) " fc.r';;! "e", ,\;"i,l!'U 1\: ' Itl....." , AJt.JI' " ,;,c ' . _'~. .~ '."~'''''' ,. 'lI"-'''' '.' "'J~ I t" '/I" /: , .~"'-c . . ~i"n of'!he prop';'ed~ncro'cpmenti" 17/){) cldAl. a-"'r~- ,;,.&-;) ,'5:-. f,i::1'- ,~ ~ '- '~ ' 7 ':1; ',' / / ... -L' '/ , :;, \;;~~: ,~ ,.," J' ;,' , d /; ; " d">'-;:'" <'" d-';'---*7 {ru.. ri./.?Le., . I~.f ~ "'~_~-. _. I' . J~ //, ~ /., ,-.1; _ ~ .. > ..; ... .... 1^' ",~r" 'R~~ ""~j?t...... .."" (t....:..,.. . -'. ....~"'.>-- ..,.. ""':" ';~.. n _ ' /1 If ~~,:, 1/ '/i . " .', ,.,t' ' -,~~~ '}7f (!../.,<.-y-.. .AppIt~art desires to maintail1 'the arro esaid" encroa~hment during the fBlIowing time :'" , ~~1~ '" " ' . , 1,<., ' f'i,~. .~. ~,', -i-A. J ',- Ap~lid~~~ag;ees 'th~t&this_ appli~~{ti~i1;:\s,'gr~rft~d,\p~lica}}t. will inqemnify, save and,hold h~';ml~;; -? e, City o~ ,Bakersfield, its a'gents, officers" :a e,~ploY'~e~:'agai-nsfana' from all, damages, j udgments~lai s, e,mands, expenses, costs ~nd expenditur~s,and against all ,loss or liability which the City. of Bakersfield ,0]:' 'c4 <ifficers, ageJ).ts or, employ~es Illay suffer, orwhich.may,pe re~.overable' fr,om, ,orob.tainable aga' sf . ":e;.gjly':,dfBtl:k~fsfiel.dor;-sucH'O!ficers, a?"ents ;6r,ejn plby~es'.)5toxifiiately',caused-D~;'~growrng'out bf~' in a~~>~~y connected wIth the placmg, ,er,e,C~lOn~rf~~mt~n~_nce of saId encroachment, ,',; r"':;,~ , j ~ncant further agress that upon.the!,e1fpiration of'the p~r~it for which this application iscade, : '. if gTaht~(t"or upon.the;revocation thereof by the"Oity Council,applicant will, at his own cost aricPex' nse ~.z:::e~rl.eni~y-e~.the s~me fr~qithe publicl)ioperty?r]i,ght(of way w~re. the~am~is'lpcated~ and res~ore. said~.>,,_, ?.r--- publIc property or rIght of way ~o the condltlOn~ aSlnearly,may be In whIch It was before the placmg. erec= t"~.m,'.',,a.,in, t,RAnc\e,o(ex, i,s~n,nce;;;,.;a;d j40a~,hm.;';t: ..n. ','0 . . ,~ . " ,Ii'~." .... .,' ',,^_.. / ,// ";;;-,S'._,#V~. ' ~ , Date:L1-\..~.~,/\~ch'.'S';'I' ;7, ::\,t~,;(""'\'1:!' '.. """'~"<(~4u,,_/ .'; , :...~. _~,<;' :' ,,' c ; >' ./x ' ..' ! ',,'.' , Signa re ,0 .r 'pplicant' ..~, '. . ,..:':.c=.":'~'2'\' t~' ,/,i/' ' , ' . . ',", .' '/:,,/,,"" '-, ,I hereby'certify th,at'l have made an' investigation orthe facts s'ta:t~d-:'in the foregoing application and, " find that themainten/l'TI.ce of said encroachment'( 1) will not substantially interfere with, tHe use of the ~ublic))l.~,ce wheretl)l'same is ~o be loca~ed and .O~). will not constitu~e ,a hazard to persons' ~ingsaid pub- , hc place.;'LtherefoJ'e ,recommend that sald..appJlcat~onbe(granJed'- . .., __ . / "'\",,~ ." "",,' /{~J'C la77", ""~'''''''' ,,-~ ~,~ .. ,'D.te,:rffi,-, ... . ,... ,J ': .~ i; ~_~i!rEngin:: " ,;.{herebY c_r\ify th.tlbe foreg"ing apPIi~~of;I., (,granted~"&a~BDi~ ~ order of the City Council " ,..!i.tOO, . Apj,il: i, 8 '.1977 . . 'A' _ '?'~ ", ' . ''l.., ',it !, City Clerk - , -\~\\ .' . ,".' ......~~~-7.... II '\ '~ , i+: -~- ...........i I "~,I -,l \ 'TO: ,', Clorine Pa:t'te'l'c:on Date 4i 2001 ) ;; 17no l'hrrk l>\'enY0 Your' applic~tion dated "}./7111.17 ; ". . , ~, \ . .., " "'-, fora~enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance / ' .. '/"0,904 NewSe,!e"w., , ~o. 458 ' '.,,' '~#. tZ1~i~4~;e,J 'Kc~'" '~;;'~1 f;i '.' I , I .d-:' " r " !J ~,CAt"rC~\: (4....t,fJ~.- \' ,.... City Council on ' 4/18/77 ,J,~ Wact~~ \}':fy~ ' ,'//. '''- (granted) ~~) by:the