HomeMy WebLinkAbout01043 " '", AfPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA! Ii I Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of th~ City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: _"'>.4.11' .Jor#CJo/Y /-k S/.?/7/P..L 2'c./~ eve"' Sm&?if-r The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made i~_ as follows: ,c"..~?/A/ t:./,/J/( ~;;t.t;!eJ'" $ &,,4 rdFT'. n.-?A://f/c; .:!?u"e./Pdr/'tJ. .5,..c;..u,S 6fZd'YAre-~ 6--Zf.::'(:::#a~;7 ~Xer ~U~4~Rd r~//.,4?A'A:J"2/f. ~?1/""'~"A~r~ /f(;.4/Jt> Q.#'7/e~,.p-r .2j,rfr~.A/<:i.~f 4..V.,tJ ,/d~k"dl .4rr.> , The location of the proposed encroachment is: t: Ye S7:r.f ~r ~#,t) 4LGe"YS" 2~ 17/ .57"/('<::11:,. // 5/A';"e-?Jr r. , ,.... ,.4/",,/ Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, ....save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield .or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable'fr6mvr obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant fur~her agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment duri~g the life of the said &~oachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. *.SEp BE~OW. ~~. Applicant fu~~her agrees that upon the expiration of the permit forI which this applicatiog)is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by_'~he City En ineer ;a \ licant will at his own cost and ex ense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and reslore said public p~~perty or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said enc~6achment. 4zlAJ ....."".... _::-' () . -.""'.~~ ...........~.....-......;-,..., ':.,~ .."..,...~._.i~'~..~.~~... Signature of AI'1\l'icant Kc"""W/!/ ~ s7~<' I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using said public place; said application is therefore (granted) (den~~). Date: i ',.:. .' ! f. 8 L C;', lX). c._.,_.J.;~-cQ.".,(....)_ Signature of City Engine~~ **CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVOKE THIS PERMIT WHEN IT IS NECESSARY TO lV\DEN THE ROADWAY. THE APPLICANT WOUl..D BE REQUIRED TO REMOVE ALL SAID ENCROACHf.1ENTS. No. 1043 \ ?-. ~ \ ,,1 - 8~ Date: e/ ~b-'((Y ~:S Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV.2/aa { ~ ;/ I *1.1~' l rjl/ee( t OF 2$"h'Ec;1 '" ~ ". ~ ,j{' . ,-; :. , ~ . ';;. ". - 1"' ,c' , . " . ~ I, '( / ; , ;. 1 . '-\ t - . .... ,I ,,', i .....-- ~ ~ ~ ~. '~ '\ '" ~ \ 10 ~ ~ t ~ ~\: .4~ -" " . '."PARCELMAP NO.8J384 1 , }:.. '~ ill \U ',~ ~ \l\ -~ ~ "' ~ 1;- ----- --- ._-~-- CONSISTING' OF, Q~E SHEET IN THE CITY OF SAKERSFIElD-BEING DIVI ;IONS OF PORTIONS Of BLOCKS 515, 5r6 AND 526 IN THE CITY OF BA'KERSFIELD, COUN 'Y OF KERN, STATt: O'r; CALlFORNtA,PER THE MAP RECQRDED NOV, 25, /89l3,'IN SOOK" Of MAF) .AT PAG'~S 13 .AN'D 14,' tN: THe OfFtC~ OF THE KERN COUNTY fE.CORDER. -, . SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT . CHY_E~ ~~'? , irt\ TEMENf .' , THIS MAP WAS PR~PARED By ME OR UNDER MY DlRECTION AND is ,BASED THIS MAP :Ot;;fORMS 'ivi"c1 TI~E ~EQ~IREMENTS OF 1HE SUBDIVISION ~PON A 'FiELD SUR'YEY IN CONFORMANCE. WITH TH~ R~QUIREMENTS OF THE MAP ACT '~6 LOCAL CR: ~;ANCE ' SUBDlV1SIPN MAP ACT AND LOCAL OR~iNANCE AT THE REQUEST OF . " ' , ON,' ,19_, UHE.REBr STATE THAT ~H IS PARCEL MAP SUBSTANTIALLY CONFORMS TO "T'HE APPROY€:O OR CONDITIONALLY APPR'OYED TENTAtIY~ MAP, IF ANy,A~mTHAT ' At.L MONUME~TS ARE OF A CHARACTER ANp OCCUpy THE, POSITIONS iNDICATED AND lHAr SAID MONUM'ENTS ARE SUFFIC!EN1' TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO BE . RETRACED. .. . { 20 · \ ._~. f 'r~r1~r~16Tl.r\=> . ~ I I -- t Q'" . . ~.._~~ ~ f?~E L 3 ( . '-,---~,.-- la 010./0 SQ. Fr. J1I '. ' f i 201/?OUJNG C.L,.cs,4Te o . ' ,1JJ A~[d~J~J r- 'Uj -l .' I < iic ~~ 1U )-' ~ ~ ':'.. " . " ~ i ,~ I( J't }' SIGNED: DATED:__ : 'j" , en, 'lGI f '41 ~? ': .'. CIT't'E:NG1NEER COUNTY _c'i-ERK:- RECOBQ_E8S CERtiFICATE FilED THi'S ~-DAY 0" ',' , ',19--":, AT--=:..M, IN BOOK ' ,Of PAR~jEL MAPS AT P,c.GE _--=--_AT tH~ REQUEST OF N/t.&y D !-kJ6INJ.$ 6:4LE s,~, ~1AD COI..JNT'l ClERK:RECORD'ER ~"" " . , ." " .' B'(:" ,_-___' ._._ . '. : I 1_\11 -~ ) ',Q. ~' . 1>.-,oiI:.J!l~ -:::'10,~'" " e, I;I~ j, "~ ,,- " l.S. No:' 8719 ~ ' WILEY. 0:" H.UGHES ,", ~: . RECORDER ~" .. t .' . , , ' :: ",' ',~: ..~~r:~~='~_. ~., " , \. , ,~ '. j. '~ .: . .', ~. . c.. , ~ ;. . OWNERS STATEMENT RECQRDED IN BOOK ,.4 ., , .,' ' " . , . ' >;., , ~~" ; OF'lcrAL RECORi S, . ~ ~ . . \ 'N > il ~ , 'PAGE , .' : . . >, ~ " .~, j , ~ J , "" , ,'$1Ree,T <<' " .., ~" rp,? r , ' - --- - - ~, .. ,'- ~. '. -", --' ---- , I ?12t4.Qe ' '41'" ,,- ,---- , " - ~ ' ,..' -~,. '., ~~~. . 't" 'k. '~', ;~, ~~.. t'"'~]" ..~. :-.. " ;, ~' .;;" l> ~+ ", ~.,. . " ' ~ .~ . "~ ' . "~./ " 'F \;.."~ , . . .. 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C;lJunt.y. J,.Qt.~.l. ,~', 3, ~"1.11f 11),19, 3.1) and U\9 S';)u~h 15fIJllt 01 t,..)t. 1.1 in lllo,;&!$aa "(0 ~h~ fllt.y 0' qa~13'sfi91d. C')'.mly ot Kero, 3t~tlJ' of t.:;,J.llfQ'tiH~.. s\s })'it ln~p tl,)tZ"u~~lJd ~QveIllb'ir a5. 1989 ill 800K 1. Pa,gIlS 1~ . and.lf q(Kap~.. iri th$ O'(lc~ of th~ County R~~otdQr of said Count.y. N 89~ I O'H "',v r1~'f . ?(.)' ,i'OL t.IN:;; C,. rO, NAlt..' /V/Pv'/\/CJ./ ,WAR,~' $ 8JV/;VG TleS- '1) \i) '1 \i), ~ .., ~ .. tJJ 011 ~ " . o ~ l-lJ : ~ t-I W IJJ / 0:: t- OO z f ~~. , . 41. 25 , . \ I ';J'l <t' t a ':h Q , l~ .... -0:1) a <'l rI\ .... ~rJ) N . ser ,VAlt:." 7Z~.. \ A r INTBi'i'Sa,,"T/O,y 0 <l' ~a'~~~~m~r.r-':fiiV'"lrr'-"- "1I1-"'~""r 1 ,,~q I1J l l n _. --r- - . .... t I jI,.. .. ,..,.-_ I~rl~. ~...G_-J.'-___~cq~~~ll~~n'~~~r~ I -II