HomeMy WebLinkAbout01027 ; ,- ; APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: ".. l Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: '..,', (~, C" \ . ~ : b '> (' f'J c~ -;- . \___ f\\,~_ t-. ,,- t) ~: ~ /\ i \ (, ( t---,l ~ t--' ....T LIF q-S';l:':' IC:-,'- ,') C.-'\ The nature or description of the encroachment for which ,this application is made is as follows: 'I) .::U( r~t;~I~~;1<t.J \'-..' ;::..., \..- ,~ 'If.! I \,..' ,-;:' "-"J ' !.. ;':,;., I ;\ I I' - ' I '.1 ( - :...' I::: .. ) t-' ',! i,..I_ '<!.,) \ '1."7 r -;- I > \'') \!:. {.:::~ I,'; ,..' \! ; .~' \..c,j f., "/ ;: ~~_).~ \.V ;~:... \.-_, \ / i~ i (,. \--:~. t../;:_ 1- (, f\(_ -"\' is: t. ,V.l "-\'1 ! (-;\ .~\ \)t:__ () +- (_.,)S '~A.j t:_ L_ ~__ I', ,.... \ The location of the proposed encroachment Jf;" ( Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, ~ave and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. Applicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. , , Date: (,-~ " ,.--J i I C.-' ( c-: C) ",,"" '.. .~' .,-" I <..'. _,_ c;..;;..--..,,- Signature of Applicant 4../ ,\1,';-1<1 i' fI I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (l) will (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using said public place; said application is therefore (granted) (denied). 'I Date: I:> / /... 8)f:) .~:;'" .J c .__.,....L . " J ' _ ___ C.C>, 1....,)- , -.,' 1 ~ ",p..A" Signature of City En~eer No. ],On TR- RJ{: nyCt rl~tt4,~e ~I '1 /..-1 Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV.2/88 I" , 4,."'" ~ ~ ~ C) ~ l "( I.. A 1-/6 1 -...... PNASlf\ I PItOJ~C?; ~lTe_ ~/'4f~ Ai't:. zr)l/fY'< LN. VICINITY MAP N. T. S. - 1illIYi',*');'l'o STREET TABLE_ OF CONTENTS Sheet I. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 1, I tern COVER SHEET TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS, OSWELL STREET-PLAN AND PROFILE, OSWELL PARK DRIVE - PLAN AND PROF ILE EDGEMOND STREET - PLAN AND PROFILE MAGIC AVENUE - PLAN AND PROFILE OSWELL POINT LANE a PACE LANE - PLAN AND PROFILE, SUMP 8. LEGENQ BENCH MARK SET -SUHVEY MONUMENr ENCASEMENT PER COB PLATE S-29 -s f1~EE r SIGN PEH COB PL ME S 40 - WHEELCHAIL r~AMP PER C () t3 PLA fE S - 41. CONCHf:. TE cr~oss OI~AI N r)Er~ C 0 [3 PLATE S - 17. - rYPF l3 cur~o a GU f r Er~ PEF~ co B PLATE S-I -SIUf-WALK PEr~ C.O.S PI ArE S 3.4'-6" WIDE 0.20' A,c. HWING OVEH 0,00' CLASS II AGGf~EGATE BASE, ()()~) ^,C. I.lAVING OVFf{ O<)B' CLASS II AGGf~EGAfE BASE, ( , \ ) H ( : I 1 '( () f H 1\ K F I ~ ~ -; F I F U) ~; r 1\ N D A rm~; (=_~~) n) WAIl ~),H()O I.UMfN 11PSV Sf. Lf (---") -, 100 WA I f q, ~)O() 1.1IM~ N HPSV S r L r \ ',," II 1,,11.'11 .' 'III I ,\11", ,I:~I"''', 111,11 III ,II, ''1.1,111\1' 11,11, ::"11' l,tlll 1\1 '1'11',1 " '11,1111. II. '11 \" ". II. . ", ", 11 I I II, I ">\1 . , >\111 ". I" I II tll I." I . . 1'111 . ,,I t" ,1',,1111\\' ".1" 111,1 I , '"11,1, I., I'. ,.,)" ",,1,,111 I 1", ".!, '.\1, .' >11.1,1 " 'II, ,I," III~: 1111'" >Iii.' "I., 'II 1111\ 11.'11' ,I I h. 1'1' 'I'" I 111.111111'1;: "iI. I I ,.\ ,1111'1'1" '11' (oll(o(nlo Council ,111.1 '''''1'1'111 11',11 illl', 1",\'1111 111,111 "h,,1II.. 111,1,1., I" '1'1.1\ iI'IIII1',II,'" ,II ,11\.111"1 1'1,1111111.,.11" II. >1111," II \ >11"111,: 11, 'III', ,11111 , "11,,11,1, II, 'II ,"1111 II I. 'I 111111,. I ,1::" ", I" \ 1.'1.-11. \ 11\11"1\11111 \ ,11\11 II, .1,1 of Civil Englnllq(/ ,I''',I~',IIIl\,'k'".t''",'' 11.1I111!.-', \1"111,1111,11\\\ ,'[II"d"I,11 ",,[ "1,'[1, ",I ill"'"II1.II"111I11111\:., &londSurvqyo(/ '''' I I, 'I 111, III I " "I II.'! \, ,'II t III ' l'i" I'" I ,",,' I . III':: II, Ii) Ii II I ,11 I ,III:', 11' '111 II", ,,,. I" II.,:: I, :'~" II I' ,>I ,j." I: ~ II 1",,1"',',11>11,,1 '''', .', ~-T"" > ~.,... ""f""'l1f .~,.'. '.c"',f' "':-""~t~ilf~ j" .. -W' ''ill- ;A-~""r" ~ ~ -~""~ .~"..~., ow' 'P""o,.. i ~lf'" '. _'tf""'U' .~ -, V()(Jil"Tit.""t' il;iV'\li;!j'''-'~''--''i''1i~'' _..M "",. ,,,,.,,,. ''''''''<>-'-''''''''V-'''''''<~'''''''''-~' ,,,~- -. v <l.1Ift;1""~-""""'="--""- __.. .Nj;~~>>Gi!I:1!ll_-"""~~"*'ji'ii>':MI81",._.ilI."""fi'UiI!''- ""~_ ----.~. - ...:.w.o'_,~"''- -.~;~""-~ -'-"_iJiI';fi~"'lN"",!I\Il; __ _......,_;o.r......'''~'li'\qil'_'.".t;i,v""y,_'''',~.,__,'~"'M'''''''''-'''.iIKlii,"",''i>:.-'''''''''''~__'~JiJ<~__'''''''''' ''''''''It...7I\'''ii~,-'H'-;''"'' a-. ~.i'~"-"iwl<._'_"_R___' -~"__",,,,~~.&;;k~~(,''>._'''''',,,'1U:i>..,,,,,,..,,~.~u"i.:,c"=",g':b.:.t:"Lh.'2.Ji;;:-~~:'_,',iiB.::">'''',~'::::'.!~,,'1":~'2'_:j,',':.'i>~',,"I:~__',,: tj ~ ~: V) I TRACT I I BOUNDARY ~ ~ CJ1 Cfj ~ -J I 'f, -- ~' ~J I AVENUE (y- ~t3 -I~ 31::2 C~9128 27 26 25124 2322 ~'3 21 20~19: i -I tJ ~ . 11i-~.:. .......~,ittJJ-................ .1..... ,~IVE :lJ ->C f _~ _ -~ . -9 ..._~. -l KEY-! MAP I r RA. c;- ~~O, cJ7c PHASE J: IMPROVEMENT FOR TRACT NO. 4919 v" _11._ - , - - ~ IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD __ -, -. -.<<--- - ~-- -.J --- ~ '!II. -,- ~'''-'"'''--'''~".'rr[!I -' ----~SII'dMr" -'- ... -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA r - G{ -~VETI I If [[[[[[7=-~ 4': :-a- _. , +-- - --r- j~ I I I I , e:- 60' 60 I 60 Q:: ..dXJjJYJ+ 3(~ Y I 1 II. ............_' -r~ VIRGINIA VIRGINIA AVENUE SCHOOL_ 1-' IJJ iJJ Q:- k .__. _,_. V) I, IJJ IJi Q:- f" 'f) IJ ~ ~ -f-~ ~I 'X- ~ .. .. Yr 10 II ~') -~I --J ----------- Q:: I ' 4 ~ V) 45' + h.. I~ IJJ ~ VJ TRACT NO 3835 ~ IJJ ::::,. I'J ~ BENCH MARK: USED-CHISELLED 'rJ CENTER 0.1. AT THE N/E RETURN Itf VIRGINIA AND STERLING. ELEVATION:413.487 K.C.S. FIELD BOOK ~ PAGE 32 SET - N/E RETURN OF OSWELL PARK DRIVE AND OSWELL STREET. CHISELLED 'X' SOUTH END 0.1. ON OSWELL STREET. ELEVATION: 397.46' Appr()ved:,. t'8. lJJ. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Su bnlitted _.. --'-~ "~_f,,,""a..... -:1- ~1- Ba_ DATE BY:7~/ ~ -_ Chri stopher L. Conway ~.c.E: 30,323 , Exp.3-31-92 I -- ~"-87 DATE REVISIONS 1-I//"t:.1e RGlJ/5/t"'-/f lAMP ~ -di1l1O"_'_- -..-.... GENERAL_ ~JOTES 1. All improvements shall conform to City of BakersfIeld Standards. 2. Improvements shall conform to State of California. Buairess and Trans- portat ion Agency, Department 0 f Transportat ion. Standard Spec i f icat ions, .July 1984 as modified and determined applicable by the Ci1y Engineer 3. Shaded areas shown on the Key Map indicate streets to be improved by the Subdivider to the lines and grades shown on these plans, 4. Oswell Street has been designed to match the existing structural section. All other streets have been designed for a Traffic Index of 4,75, 5. All streets have been designed for a minimum "R" value of 16, Should further testing show a lower "R" value of the actual in place material. streets shall be r~edesigned according to the lower "R" value. x'+- BENCH MAHK USED 6. Any layer of "R" value material specified in the Typical Sections shown on Sheet 2 may be increased in depth provided that the material below that layer has no less than the minimum thickness shown, 7. If approved in writing by the City of B'Jkersflal.j an alternate pave,nent design using Class III Aggregate Base and a thicker Asphalt Concrete section may be used, 8. Relative compaction of not less than 95% shall be obtained for a minimum depth of 0,5 feet below the grading plane for the entire width of pavement (lip of gutter~ to lip of gutter). 9. Any work which affects any existing City maintained road or traffic thereon shall be completed within 20 working days from start of work, 10. All streets shall conform to the Typical Sections shown of Sheet 2. Scale: 11. Grades and Stations are to gutter flowlines, stERLING PO/NT AVENUE 12. Portland Cement Concrete shall be Class B unless otherwise indicated on these plans, 13. Permanent traffic control signing and other safety devices (not shown on these plans) shall be installed to tt1e satisfaction of the City ,)f Bakersfield, 14. All existing poles. overhead lines and underground utility lines of any kind which are considered obstructions shall be relocated at the expense of the Subdivider, 15. Prior to the start of any earthwork. a grading permit shall be obtained from the City 0 f B,jKUsfiald. 16. New streets shall be extended at intersections as directed by the City in order to provide a tie into existing street pavement . 1r Stor~ drainage sump shall not be allowed to accept water until secured by permanent fencing, /18. The corrtractor shall obtain a r.-ermit from the City of Bake.rsfield prior te any ccnstruc.tion Nitb,1i the Oswell Stree1 right -of-Nay and shall abide by all conditions of s(]id permit. 19,. Street lighting shall be installed (Jnd a means provided 10 contract for publiC utilities services. 20., Asph(]lt rejl.Jvenatin'J (Jgent shall be applied to new 'Jsph,]lt concrete pGV6ment in occorda[lce!~ ith the provision for fog seal in Section 37, Biturninou::: Seolsl of lr.e S1ate DepGttrnent of Tronsportion Standard Specifications, current edi tiool and the Sta te Department of Tr ons~')r j at ion S tOlid!Jrd Spociol Provisions currently in effect. 21; Prior 10 start of on)' earthwork, Subdivider, if required 1 shatl obtai:1 0 Gradir,g F\;:r ;1 2 2 ,On I 0 c a 1st r e e t 5, C r 0 'vii n h e i 9 h t 5 h (] II b e 6" a b 0 'J e h I q he:, r iJ U t t c r M '1 : [1': U rT1 cross fall between gutters shall be 0.12' 23, fhe letter'S' shall be stamped in the face of CurD direc1y ubo euc' S8"er ,I:) '(T 24, Prior 10 1he stort of ony phase oj construction I th~; City r',true!!r.'!' in., tic:, shall be given 24hours notice Phone N~ 326..3C19 ::} ~ t ["Le l'1t ~r'~ d, :\,;i~ :'~t" ''\;~i,1 ~ .~, r\ :II:"JJ, .J'.~ <~ "'~:~ JiJlJlJtt :.frj 5700 Stockdale f-Ilqhway, Suite 620 Bakersfield. (:allfornla, 93309 (SOS)M 32S-9,t74 ~ ~I ~. - r J(-' ') ';('~ · ," 1 J '-' "''' "", :; .."':.~ 4!'Jl!l CORNERSTONE ENGIN EERING AU6 {l "( I';;,.. ,.) F t 'b't II'Atl Ct -x 11. I ,1..\ .) reet PIons TrrJct No. 4919,- Ph(]Sf~ I " hH:l (if H (jh(;r:l'; ------ - --'"~- '--~,~ -_.-,rat"~"-_"'iiHjh'l'~-~,-',,',,'r';"w;'~;'1~"""",";.;.r,U:'''''';,''->I!:~ai<:-,,"fj,Vi<~i:J>''l'l,,':'',,'.""""~',',--,,_'_r,'t,,:-,,.,',,''',,::!'''' ",',',_'.".,;' ,.,. '" "'~;':...~~_~;.o;;;.~_~..;...;~~..O;;~'.:.iJ-"":_~'~"",",'......,..j\<,""';"_i~;'i,-,"".';.r;.;~;.;...;"'O;"".....~,....,.;!:"Jj;L_....':;..,ii.'''''"'',',;,~, .Hr-'-'_''''''_'__''J;''lI'..~',ki;l;.!!,::iIl'~__''''''-''~"'~""'_ l ~ ';p ~" , 'I 1 E 1 j ~",~~~<lF~JV"~i'ei'~~~~~ <i 'f <3' =i[' __ ,.., --------:....:.T. ----- ~: 0'/'.------ _------'-; -- : 1...... 1 __ __-- , --- eJ./7'A.C. GRADING PLANE l-EGEND $3 -TYPE B CURB a GUTTER PER C.O.B. PLATE S-I. - SIDEWALK PER C.O.B. PLATE 5-,3.4'-611 WIDE(EXCEPT AS NOTED) (j) - 0.20' A.C. FAVING OV~H O.8Q';.ClASS II AGGREGATE BASE. /-!t,' ~ ,,--,>' . :" - - -', ~-' @ - 0.501 A.C, PAVING OVER 1.00' NA-fIVE MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 950/0 RELATIVE DENSITY. <D -2.0' RETAINING WALL WITH 6.0'MASONRY WALL C.O.B. - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD STANDARDS ~- , L ,- Al ~~ ~ ,,~-"''''''''"-- - ~ ~m~ ~0 ~ R/W SlIBD/V/S/ON BOUNDARY 2~' ~EA'/ST/NC;; STREET /NP.I?O//ENE/VTS HP ?agE CONST/?UCTED It:. 10' R/IV 30' /()' /0' Ii c(2' 8' I 2' 8.33' f.(p?'.- ,J 51 e /8 5' 4' I EA'IST TJ-"PF B-1 CURB SAwcur ,fREMOYE E),15T PAI//A./G If'EPLACE /1//T/I.'. 1JIII ,1.17 ' Q , \) - '\: '';\'~');':':'\1;; 1,~,L~.l ~~';-",.~" .'. .."'~.'" ,-t"". .Y".lJ' t.'~ ';.lbt~i ''f:l.. 'I; ',,;i;}3/ '+" ;,:. l1!' : ".~h~t r"j:,~J".'&~ "l~~ .s"J'..". _:"'<,-",~~..~,l'----' c _~;] os' NATII/E NATE;;;';;;-C~CTED TO 95% REL4T/YE OE/VS/TJ: 95 % REi. DENSITY A/AT/f/E HATtER/4L. SIDEWALK FKON BACK OF CUKB TO WALL O/j OGWELL eTKE'Er O/YL y: , \) '\; ~-~-~ --"""""""''''W'- - -V----T ...~ --_.---""'-,.""."""..",.,~~---- Il!:~ r -~'-<Imi'_""__,,,,,,~,.',~t;;o:~~~~"'>'ir'-~"~!!;>!.'"''"_'''''''''~~"flniiFd""","df11':-1;' """'~ _~"'""""",,,,-' ~_~ ~,;,j!"'d-..;~,"" " k"_' '","-.'-.'_"_i< 'if R/w 30' 20' If. 10/ /8 e' , s ,5' -0.50' CROWN ABorE II/GilES r /i. , ~-' , ",.j, i:;.,..::-jr-' , al7 \4:' .,; '~;'..-,~_,... "'''', ~ -- J -------- INTERIOR STREETS (TYPICAL) OSWELL STRlrIE-r SlA. 31 +42.35 to STA.36+28 .52 TYPICAL SEC-rIONS -' seA LE R/N' - 111=5' 1"=2' HORIZ. VERT /0 .:5' II II ~ 30 rzl RIP! 1f-=-- 12' (i' cO .5' C? /8 .... /" I 5L113fJ/ j/ IS/ON BOUNDARY 1>14TCJI EXI677/iG 6ROUIf,04T K/W OSWELL PARK DRIVE STA.IO+75.58 to STA.18+84.72 9- l .z /-81/ ......-----+--- ------ II? 4- .D4;~ J! /8 110. C, ,----------'- _.~ CORNER STONE ENGfNEERING AUG ''1''~! ~~'.J'..) ~SfandO(d Type N-2 (red) site IS- x IS- . ~ ----5 24")(4" wood po,ts{norninal) 2.-1,0. stao4ard weight ~ioll(() nlud Iron pip. Notes: 1. For wood po/SttJ use s4s timber Section 51 "Tbtber structures 1/ ot the Standard Specifications, Current Edition, shall apply. 2. For steel post use 2: I.D. standard \ft. galvanized pipe. 3. Place sign at E ot 8.pproacq lane or 1 anes. 4,. Si 90S shall be refl ectori zed in accordance with the City sign. Spec ifi ca ti ons . OSIVi3LJ-- S~Er f--:= ::'It-::-----.----- 1lC?/6I1i~Or- WA'f .. '^ .'# ,. 0,' ..; g .. ... :.:. c---. 121. Po:rt1And ". --------....:> 'f., ': : Cement Cr.xncrr:te ~.: -." No Scal(~ r-~---- I STANDARD END -OF - STREET SIGN - ~ 't3l ~ G I /6' NOTE.: ORIVEWAYS TO BE COIYSTRUCTEO PER CITY PLA TE 5-4-, OMIT V,eR.T/C/L Gl~ IN TH/9 CDups;e ;.cr::;/-Z --- --\ ,o~/N~ef _ \ 411 CCJt"ClRETE S/DE;V4ff-;<- --- x ~ ", " , ~ ~, UJ , TYPICAL DRIVEWAY LOCATION - N.., .. -O.50'CROWN ABOYE ( II/GHEST IL "",'-, ,.','" .,-,",,_, '~,. . 5% ~ ~ ~~~<<~ ~ ~'),~' ~ '~' _.~~.-.[05'. NATIVE M4TERM':... COMPACTED J Om/flAbE SIYAlE TO 35% RELATI!/E OENSITY . - ~--~- ------.- -~..............-~- R/W ." i~,+:~,;:~::;r : ,t"_, Nr'? 4 &11< CCl/Yr//YU6US $~ 811 x/G II ,BLOCK.. NALL /'/<:'.:1 /3AJ<.5 e 82 IIOC. {:e/I T IY'ITO ,.-"LX) TiNe N048AR CONTlNOUS - M -1 '5A~ CC$T/f/Ci.IS NOTE:: I. GROUT CEL.LS WITH KEfIYFORCEnt=NT 2_ A l3UILDlifG PERHfT FROM THE CITY OF .I3AKEt.:SFIELD IS REQUIRED Fa!? THE' CONStRUCT/ON OF T/l15 WALL.. / ~21-87 , RETAINING WALL DETAIL_ .~.. ".r ~.~~~"- ........~. Z::;rg'P:::-~/:".-tl.~ c,"'. ,,,.. " " ~. (/., (" C.:- ,...- SCALE:,' ///:::~Ol SCALE: /11==2.,1-011 1!>~N ~~~__ -~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ""F "~jl.''''~~,:, ~~-~.. LfY/f .3 ~ 3( - :?2 . TRACT 4919 - PHASE I EXHIBIT ':4" STREET PLANS- TYPI(,~L SECTIONS CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING, INC. REVISIONS DDZIIJWJID .Y:CL.C" ~700 Stockd~l~ H1Qhway Suite 820 B.kersf1el~ Ca11fornia (8015) 3215-9474 93309 Consul t 1 nil CJ v 1 l/EngJflf'.r~ - ..'. -'--'..fn-i1~IET~~ Z - . OF Q/RM/IN trf: VLIl~~I~-/~-~'= e ~~< -', ::- ^ __' __: _ _~-= ~.~~~\.:!:t~':..~7~0'''''~'~~'~~~-'"-.'-'':'''---:<:;__;::;;,- .Jf1111188 -119 ,~~ ----_.- ->..__._<-~_..-_. -- _.~-~--_._--_.- w ;- <( o .>' cc I I I 00 WW ;.:::>::: 00 i~~ I IC'U I :;- >- o ! Z <( wdw;i: ~~:Eu.. >;-zo D::oS? ' ::l....J..J;- If)CL<(D:: O~ I' z :S : I a.. b 0 z z '-r\-- 1 :: i IW ' I , 1 >-- : 1 ~ l~ \ i r-' . 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' EX/ST/IfG /NV. = a~3,4o' t() rEXI6r: EDGE OFmrr=/'TEIYT . @ (,YF1CAl- J. LT. N! '33502 En5r4116'A5'G.l1fE~_u=_n______u " -f--- , - -- . ......" r---- _-_-:--- ....-.::::..=-===-=--=--=-=-=--=----=: ""-,,3d LT. N! 33501 ,- ,,',,< : //~----- --,------- I' ... SUBOIViSION 80UNOARY " \\ I / 1/ /;YSTALL. 8 Jf/leH .8Lo0~RETAI/'IIIIYGWALL. Q \ \~\ I / / ) 1\ : II I I II I I /4 I: I /8 J 16' I: /J I I M -., l:f T I \l 00' 8::1~ I I I \ \ --- --- \ I '\ I d II I I' II I 11 II I II II I 11 II I 401(X) j .. . ~n:~=::-:~ln .- - . :---- +- - . '-r~- -~-~----: .. t . ~---~ .,tt ~~' --- =~--~-f"." -- ~ - ~,-,-- 0 '-,.1., 0". . 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FLOWLINE CURVE DATA rz:J A : f!;O 0 ~ J /~ I.' fi"c ~.OO' T= ?>O,~' L:: .fJ. 4-7' LEGEND --- -STANDARD STOP SIGN INSTALLED BY CITY , @ -SURVEY MONUMENT ENCASEMENT PER C.O,B. PLATE S -29. + . -STREET SIGN PER C.O. B. :PLATE S-40.\' - @ - WHEELCHAIR RAMP PER c.O.B.. PlATE'S-41. ~ - CONCRETE CROSS DRAIN PER C.O.B. 'PLATE 5 -17,-, -TYPE B CURB a GUTTER PER C.O,B.JPLATE 5-1. o -SI DEWALK PER C.O.B. PLATE 5-3, FULL WIDTH .J.J -. ' ;jI' , o - 0.20' A~C. FAVING OVER'- O.801,~ CLASSrr-AGGREGATE BASE. C.O.B. J [Z] @ --c:=:r- CITY OF J3AKERSFI ELD STAN DA,RD5 . " ~ . rLONLIN€" CUt<:.Vlf 'aA TA . 0.50' ~,c. fj4v/Ne 0/1=/<. /,C) I N47/VE jr1<:lTE!<IAL COMI"7:Jr::;'TEO m es~/~ ~LAnvE cev8/tY lop WATT 3,500 LUMt=1Y HpSl/ .5T: LT:' . --l- .. .....nu r ~ -t- ,- I - --~ _.- - - - - - - ---- ~- - -- - --- -- ----- _.----- ------ - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - ,---t- --~- --.. - - f ..'-- . 1 ----- I' j. 400 j j - u_ -- - - J I I t . -,~ r- --- t j - .,- J t t ... j 3fJP 'l-- 892 -+--- i ~ j -l - -~----t--u_- -t t- ,-- ---l,'----n- -- -- u .. -- - - - ~ - ._-~- ~-: J' -, - +- -" - - ... ---~------- 1 + t - - -- t ...'i~---- ----'r-.. t= ..~..- ,-- It - - t -- ' I.~_J-u- .~: .. j -- - In, . . ..1.... . - .-+. ... 1- __j_ CO~N =-~ST6iE ~~G' EERiN j _ AUG ''1 \~r~ ~ I .. . ,- j I 1 TfRA .388 t t i ' + 1 1_ " ~, , , f .-, -- 1 i- t j f 1-- ~-- ,'-',JZ......... --:-: -u--'.I - - . .- . . - -. .. - - - .. -...-"---. '\ SHE€T 3 OF 8 .