HomeMy WebLinkAbout01019 A/tv. [" ~ it ",.~ APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 8tX (J!J8 TO THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 3140 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the undersigned applies for a permit to place, erect and/or maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. \ '"' r r.-;) ! is: "".J (.>jc'y H 7's ~ Ii ! I ~ The name and address of applicant ~1'. t~)A 1~1:'-/lJ 6 C-Cf (:".t) / r1J [)/:? l IF 6 ,4-- 13';? J" ~... /:) ir ( ~;;7.s :if'S c:!~ '~~t ) The nature or description of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows:f'k ,'( E, {,;' 'RP 0; rr\!,.ei (~,;/~....) The location of the proposed encroachment is: ., 0/\ \ <~ '-0.;/ " lv". < i i '''-)e "-";' j. '\ /:';r'\ f' \1'{~ t''', .::S ": C;-(! Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, applicant will indemnify, ~~ve and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers and employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and against all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or ~uch officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or Qbtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected witn the placing, erection or maintenance of said encroachment, the applicant further agrees to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the life of the said encroachment or until such time that this permit is revoked. ~pplicant further agrees that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is m;de, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Engineer,. applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly may be in which it was before the placing, erection, maintenance or existence of said encroachment. Date: --...""'- - ...........--'".\.~"....",~----"._,. . I '7~~::.: ' \, ~"">.--'- \ Si~nature of Appl icant '" \ I hereby certify that I have made an investigatlbn-~f the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (l) will (not) substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will (not) constitute a hazard to persons using said public place; said application is therefore (granted) (denied). Date: j \ ; t f tl e (~ p~ , \ xJ, c.:~---J~-'c_~_...--J Signature of City Engin~r \\ No. 1,019 TR:"RRimrQ Distribution: Original - Applicant Goldenrod - City Clerk Yellow - Public Works REV. 2/88 ^~ ... ~ " \' .: 1 ;:., , ." ,II?' ,.'.' .' } > t' . . . ' THE SITBSHALL 88 Ct,!ARBD AND 'GRUB8B& OF ALL VEG8TATION, . '.> INCLUDING ROOTS J tOOSl 'ILL, TRASH AND OTRHA' PBt"BTRRIOUS'd-,. MATERIAL. ANY li9LaS 0Jll VOIDS LBFT AFJBR: tHB, REMOVAL 0': .... TREES, ROOTS, SBPtlC tA:'4KS, ABANDONED FOOllOATIOHSJ. PIPBLINES"; OR TRB LIKB, SHALL 8B '1I:'LBO AS ,SPECIFIBD l!liDJlB PLACBHBN1' OF" FILL 8BLOW. " .;. . , , , '.. or'. 'A , .~: ~.t:' ...' -. ~ r~ ;, I ~.~ ;.,...~; . ,"': ~~:, 't' IHPORT MATaRiAL SRAJ.I,. 88 'SUBJBOT ~ 1RH BNGINBBR'S APPROYAL~" ,< . .. :. ,.~ '""'..' . a,.. . ' " :. '. 0'>"': .: ~. 6. ,i TUB INTENT OF GRADING lS TO ESTABLISH PO$I'UVBDRAINAGB AWAY ':~;' FROM'TH8 BUILDIN<)I'AD AlU!A.. ANYt PONDtNO CONDITION SaALL..8B. :~'" REHBDtBD BY A H8tOOD .uPR~)vEDBY TUB 8NGtNB!R., ".' " ; ",J'~"" ~ . . TH8 oasiGN RNGINni S~~L B~BR~ISB SU"IC18NT' SUP!Ry'ISORr ; ',.;, ':i. 'CONTAOL DUBING GRAfUNO AND OJNSTRlJCTION TO INS\JRB COMPLIANce" ',1 WITH THB PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND COOS WITHIN HIS PURVIEW. q ", 1"/' ~ ~"", '~~J.-:~...,;; THB 'INISHBD BUILDING. pAD BLBVATIOH' 8HALL 88 CONSTRUCTSD 'to ' " A TOLBRANCB OF ~ 0.10', . , " ','," ""'; THB GRADING CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT ALL 'COH~AijIS~ WJTH UNOBROROUND 'ACItITIES PRIOR TO BEOIKNING CONSTROCTION AND. .. YBRIPY THB LOCATION AND DBPTH OF ALL UNoaRoaO~D FACILltlSiJ ~<", '~.j INCLUDING TKLBPHONB, ELECTRIC, WATBH,: SBliBR, OIL AND GAS' '. ,.:t~~ LINES. THB BNGINBBR A$S\JHBS NO RaSPO}4S181LI1Y'iOa BURIRJ)~. >..,,' LINBS NOT INDICATBD ON MAP.,", --" ":' ...,.. ,. < f. ," ',.:~ " ~ i''; 1,' .:.. .Ii.i: . '. '. .:' . ~";;", '. .,~ .-. .~!. ,~. ;':'; ~\ ..' t\:_ :',! ;;:\';:,4' ~ ~~. . .. " ~: ~ /.',{ '<::(~'~ 'f "~~~~'~: 10. BNOJNEBRED BACK'ILJ..c.,SJtA.t.b: BS PLACBO'I:!;e:"iNCJt' MAXIMUM' ,Ll,FTS-. .','~ . . \. PROPBRLY HOISTBNBO'A.'lOCOMPACTBI) TO 90% P811 ASTM1BST c., . ..,.' ~', 'oh.':'O~S.lGNATl'<>N.._O:~551-18. -:. : p~. ..,.... ,. " ' , " ~.' ~ z-". ~ , . .' 0 , ~ ~ '. "" ~ t.. .. 0 ~.. \~ .- ,. ."', ' ~ .,..., ~~: .~ ~ 10 ~~, _ '~ ' j f i' .!. 11. BUILDING PAD SU8GBA08 PRBPAltATION:AF1ER BXCAVAtION TO,.... ;: SUBGRADB THE SOI.LS BNOINB8R BULL IN8PEOT SAH8., UNDBR ."~' SUPBRVISION, THE SUSGRA08 SHALL BB PRooP ROLLBO WITH A'. i, PNBUHATIC ROLLHR OR APPROVED EQUIPMENT BY AT LHAST) ;.,', COV8RA08S TO INSVR! UN [FORM COKPAQTION. . " ~, .. , . 12. A.C. PAVING SHALL BE TYPB B 1/2" MAXIMUM AGGREGATB, HBOiUH ORADING. PAVING ASPHALT TYPB AND GRADE SHALL BE APPBOVBD . BY THB BNOINEBR. . . PROJeCT . f -,' ~ -J I ~ .. t' '" -~.... ~ ''-' I I ,~{ ~ ~ ::-- W""' , "l..- ,'- , 7.'; .f IJ"I, - -. :..~,. - f> - 'J~' , " ~ ' ~, ; . .f V,;;,''. " .;- ~ ~",,\ .. '."'. ,~. 'jf .~..;'~~ ' . 'It' ."-~. -' - .~'" ,:i' ,. <. . , ''''.. ~. ",,", ~~ ~ ~, " 0 ~.'. ;. : ' 'f ' , , ~~ .' , " ~ '\, "", . :. :~. i" i ,::; ; ~ ..~. '~;-' ~;j .. ..~ .'" ~. .'- " ~ ~ l'" ': {~: .,~. ~ ~,>; '" .>. ". " ~t .,~:*:, ,... ,:" I :, l . , . '~!. I' t. 't , " ~, ,>:; . ..- ,>. , ~ ."., .. . , 18th. str8si .~ .;. " or ro.' , " + \ T 1i_ , ,:. , l~ ,. VICINITY MAP , . , ',. { 4. . L '; ... \(\ ~' ~l .. It,,,,:,;.:~ .; ;It ~d '" ~ ,1.-". ~:/:;i .~\;" ,: . ~~,::::'" :" I.... f',<; ",". " "~" '! 13. SA:'-/ClIT. ,'f'e~I()YG f RdPt.ACCf C~~?8; 6VTrr:;K A//O .f/L)5i~-vA';"~ .I?~,t<7.c o,a ~7P. ,V.o~, S-I ,. :5-'3 rc;t.!'.l r,/pc;"" C".~13 "Cd/l7eJ< VJ./,f(,JMl3 5/oe''./4LJ<. . . ,I:~ :. .... e. ~ CO,vS r?c/cr ~,--/e "3' W/06 a~,o/'::i1/4Y .RA;WP ro ~14r("1I ~X Isr.''/'/d'- .p~i '/;;,...~ y No;;;rH 1"-:::/0' FC:JNOAiIO~/ ?~R A/leI! 5 ?lA -'/1--- Fl/lISJ-i Ft.c;o8 e.:..;V. I FIII/5H PAD 416 I, 7. 5.. ~----=-=--=- -=---.... l I"" ., { --1 IJ.~ 0'0 "U ~] I ., ',' ,II ,2(1 r'{> /j/~~.~ I),".}/ I~ ~ ;1/ I ,~G8, '. I/~-!S' --- , ~eA'lsJ7.-<1q ORIV€n~ y<. , ...... . . ,. -;. -:'." .... ..", .~ .~ .'~ ;~~ - [il" ;~,>~,;~~~~;~~';i l~irn~~~'L/.; ....' ." .:~ ~;~;:7.r7-+ -.- - GRoUND ~)./61tIeGRe--b 1.0' BA;xr-:f~~ SGli '/C>TEfS 10 ~ II 9. . ' . I . , .' ,~~V Ij-~ ~ . , . '. . ., .' , '~. ......-. -.,-- " , .-. ;;.'i- 7 -: -:-. t:\~, , A---. ,", .:::~ 8. PL-1,v~c:,~ ?t:4.~ / /f1 ,47CI1 /.IGiI'.1 S/W TO !f.(/~""'/~-./ C, ~.'lRI3 'SCo/< e Y'.I/t'~~t...CH.4,.r. R~l"IP peR C o. !l. sro, "'/:}. 5- 4/ . :,'0, '1- ;' " ~( ~~ ~O) ~ lof{ ,,:.../ .' "\ '1/ . ('>.'" :t\ ", " ^'~'I/'; I r'\ "/ ';.1 ..~ '{J '/ ~i }. 1\'1-1 .\~. SAVlf';t./ r, .~ef/"foVG ca" :~G-PtAce G "R 1:3, QtJrreR AND s/t)t::- w4t...i( ,oe;r,Q C.O, i:3. s rD. /'.10> !>- 115- '3 ~~ f''t?E A . C:1.I.~~ ~ (Aw.r,-e,:{ 1..'''..'c~I;'8 S,;..V. EJAeKF/~L oeTA/L --- - - ---'-'------..::...==-- .' .,J. 'i/, :cfr(/ ./.l ~~I t' 0> ~ I\\:)~ '1 1 , I I I X I ~ 2.7.Z6 ' <..- .~',',. ,c., "U.:' r~ :T'. ". . C <Q'" ./' ',. '..', } ~l~;;~'~;ji;;]7';1~'~,?: t?~ ' - -- COA-IPAc.r ro q>~ ~ I':y. (',/ AV ~ I}' bfs ti' '~~ ~~ \j ~ r-..~ " ~ ~~, ~~ .~~ tU'(\ ( I ....... '- 4, '--~--\ f $ " "ff LV (', /:,\ ;f'X./llV .f (If' oJ, ~~ . " , " <" ., it. ','. : : ~"":~ , ~'i:" ,~ t '. ' ,,~ r , . ~> ~' .. :.' ~: '" ,. , .,' ~ 99,~O 08~ " PIN/sileo ,c::t.oo/<::: , , " , . PAO ::r P/N/SJleO r,,~r ~ O.t.O'A.C, rY/~G 8 0,40 'A.a, CLA~S e ~r.~7///-:; ."'----....... PA ..'I,.J'/C, .c.c I I I -~ I . .,t cJ;:.OJ ,,{I t../.:.-t/T OF EA:::/~; /..c; -;-1:;;// ANO E'V6//'i/'c:::/?GD BACIt"rl,:..L F,-"'~ 8t.//LL:'. '~'C- FvV"/?-~-:-/O// r 'rc>/-~/) rr-- &- ...- . C-" 'j......- -'IlL AI'/...... ( Y r- , ,-~....,. '- ..-I ::::S c: ~_ - -.<.,., . _ '-' ." ..=: J ~. ~ '~./C>7E5 NOS. / 0 ~ // . f ~ tAv '14~_ 11.0' /.5' -- ;,' ttf>. , . ' J THB CONTRACTOR IS ALERTED TO TH8 POSSIBILITY 0' 1MB PRRSENCS' OF UNDRRGROUND TANKS ON THB 81TH. .THe MOST LIKELY ARHAIS NHAR THE SOUTHEAST CORS!R 0' TM! BUILDING PAD. AFTBR INITIAL GRADING AND THB CONTRACTOR SHALL HAKB APPROPRIATE EQUIPMBNT fOR POSSIBL8 TANKS: f If' TANKS ARB BNCOUNTBRlD, C()HTRACTOR SHALL SUSPEND WORK. U~TIL. TANK ABANDONMHNT OR REMOVAL IS ACCOMPLISHED. IF A ' ~ RBASONABLB SHARCH FAILS TO LOCAT! PRESBNCE OF T~~KS, THB:' ,Rf;SULTING TRB~CHES SHALL B8 BACKFILLED AND WORK'RHSUMBD6 < G~AO/N(3' 'Pt.AN, JOS~PH NoRieGA /8t:7/' Isf}, - $I,I'-~~ f SCALE I";;: 10' OAT'~ $8'PT.. /~tJ7 DES IGNEO"SV 'plIPRoZA 'CHEC~Eoav RPR':.,,:;,>:., . SHEET'. No.~ ON~: ",' ': . t'". \.f,...' \ :1 z.- .. .:... ,'.. ',:;' 1 ~ ~ .~. ~f. ~.. OF.'.C>N";r;~,:, SHEErs :~n:;~~; .(, J , ,'. / ~,<tf! , , ,';' ,'" <:\',~" ~',; I ,~', :' ,.:>' ,,' '\:, '\ 'oF: ,,:):: ,:' .\~'i~~~~l;C:";~l1~~' ..t : "j~; ~i, .. ;t.,.~.-~~>'~'I" , p,:~",.~,' o.~.. .;~, ..{.f.~ ,#. ~. r,..'~'?'.p ~;":~jf.;;'''~.r-~.", """~~). ~11,. ." ~,_ .~ .:"', : .II; ;.~ ~..€-,t~jl.',J...<. .............;, :... ,...;..c"'-'..: 1-,k',K..,;:Jf'" : r,jl"'"c,, t.,.~" '~I,JfI. .1Yf~..R~,'t " l.c' . . ;', ~ k I~ .. , 4' -- ~J ~ -e~' Z/ ' 1 I I .l t,JCV/5ii?:';"': r -TKet:: j'j~::"i. 5 (; c,J, "l pe,e 4ec).i S- rt. At"/'!:., , , . - ~/' , "1 IV ; /'.' " ',/.: ,/ '- ;/~~ I / ~ I 21- e'- 1 -, j< ( I t,// ?ty /1 .. 'l f, J / I. . 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C, o. g 'STD. //t7 CR"~S' 6Vr;e,qs ... ,J.. ^/ . i,.fJ ,., :^~~ 7~ /...--\~ ~ q1J~ " 1 AC rC It -t- ..:l. PJ../. ?? Oc, I I ! I I I I; c,eV I /pv'})tr,;k?rJ sL f'Ve I~ i t ' V<t t /1 I::' If';" If,d.... .ll ,~' Q - C;o.vc -~/ .:-- ~~ E~TIII'!ATt3Q__9vA/~_-r/ II&~ ~* --- --- /40 ro/./~ A,C. /40 ~. '-;. 'cLA~~ Z A,a IE '" /$ 7 /NG e ,-,....CII/C, , -,( I I I / I ' ----- .. t<\ t " , ( , ! f f I 1 I y 'i ' I ' I, ~. ~. I'i' \' ' .?- ~ ,;;.. r. ~ 'dBO If 4 '341 'l'Jt 2JtPC? 5, F. ,~ ~ " j~ OV (). %, ,~ ,At!. ",.,\ ......1. ,\ :t v) I ~/5 r~t.t.1 tI.4e~t..c.Ii,4/,,< .<4/,1,':.:' ?5,~ C' 0 B. 5;'0. Alt). S" - 4/ 5'R t--- ..sA we v r i- I/r1ArC,4 6..<.-!,-r I ... s Irt3 ,-I AvA' "~I t'.A t:::.... '- .. ,', '--" .". riM 1~O C. '1, c- . t(, t., j: L,r; g &')'0 ~ - :; / re Go'y} aN //C/;// f.5; #r 8 . CONe. V- ut.l7TGR (/dl/./Ol'< COtflc) ,{/6;pt..A.Ce cC/.~a if' C!JU7rt3;.:? (A-ll/'./p,e CO"/C) D~I/GWA'15 (Mi/lcY? cove,) 510€1/1/.1c..K (.sTReET O~'i) (M//./O.'<' CVNC) G /,-r t, /~ I ?PI - - ...j I I e ".8 G8 P4 r? !':L -)( A:JNp. JJI' ' (J.r 06 ----.) " . " b .. \) W,....1$ n ~, F -' .:- .. , . .... " I I, . II' '. ... ...... 0.... . .. \l\ ~ ------'- 0.'2.5}; ~ I SA~/~~ T" ..eG....",C''/6 r pe?t.../1ce Ct/R<7 A/,/O CJV i7t~/? ,.oeR C~, B ~rD. 5- / ?o/~ r'r?'::: '.A ~t...( Bi ,. C::;(~'/1e"< .. Itl -)t- To 88 U5GD AS A Ct.//,C.lE O,Vi. 'I. Co.v r,(:>AcrOK ro- cO/,/,g'//C'/t1 Acrt.lA(.. at/AN'?"' r/C3S dA ~,uO c"v ropo- c;Rt4P,tI/C SUR Vey s,L/OjVN #GRGt?,A./ A,.J.lP C.7(j11~/r/~IIS t5~/eo(.l/'/ Tc!f'RSO /# 7'fl'e ,.r::/6~O. -J ~ j , ' ';,: . ,n, : (8' 5ev.,'G ~ ."r11r ,v,., ~ t.I ,., ":.' co;V5 rRtlCT COM-tI/;:.ec/At . ~ ,.}o .4 / /e// . '~ D~/l/gWAY peR ~.o' /3 1:: ;7 STD. 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