HomeMy WebLinkAbout00912 f=>A/[J FE 3 2 3 ~q"j' t...Oo APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITper...w...... TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ:<" BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: plOTTED PW -644030 Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and /or mainbin an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. .,," . The name and address of applicant is: Robert W. Hardt 5100 California Ave., #126, Bksfld. 93309 The nature or descript~on of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: patio slab/fences & rofo overhangs The location of the proposed encroachment is: Northwestern portion of property at corner of Quailridge Dr. & Quailwood Rd. at south edge of sewer easement. Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroach ment during the following time: indefinite Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City oIf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or em ployees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expirati on of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, all~t will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of waYfJere the me is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as nearly aye, in whic it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence af said encroachmpnt. Date: 2.-~.&. r HMir ~JrA~f~b.AP~~~ttw. fwJl I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-~ Date: .1- /2-1(, ~~- I f->'--t-" City Ena- dated. I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (hmUI by order of the City Council March 19, 1986 City Clerk TO: 4b{~R t:: l)). 'Uf),tVo-t Date ,~?Jlt- 8j 0 c:5l 00 rl-} I i 17{}.U(J . .:#: ~;Ufl Your application dated ~.;V8.- 8(", for an enc roachment permit under of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) No. q(:l I 1:3 -(j) ~:;)}.yI-OII /cp/_c;Y ::Z:: ? - c.-~" . n' '?'/ .....~I I...:!: -r' " ~ -.. -.... ":;;>,,,., "'^,... "..,..". /1 <- ~ - 4 ' , 'i ~ ~ / ./ ~ES/- g., fl... ""' ::-.)" ;:~ ~ ' c.~." y : If.:.r. I r t. . > c~?,..<" J , "'_ , ::.. . ~, _.i ...1.' , v~: /fi?L t:.:, 5- ~ .01/ : ?pI II/aN F6</Cc:~ A ~' 1 '/c.H l (J/ . :0' ;, _ ." ,~< ' 'y ..,~...>(/ .: M ,':;,/ ~~ F4iR'IpE. J fo: \ ;s, '(;. ~_lilIf_. ..................-------- --... ------- -_r:t:- ; ?3\ff~l~?t;RA'uT ~ ~ -? rZ Co -rG vJ<2 {-i/O,! deer (" '.ce jf-(; " '1j '/ ,.,./ /t /d,/,0 ~ . 't;; : i i1r · - .1::/ p;A:1 ;;,:::;',. ,,/ a)'r" >, DF - " ",4._..,.t "', rv<< "'.. 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SPOCIFlCATIll'lS SllNL CCNSTl NI'E CI.N..l.USlVE l:.VlDDU r:l K'CEI'lll.'O: Of' Tllf..s!: RE~"l'Rll'l'lll'lS, WRlI'I~ D~SltM; UN rtlESE DRAWINGS SHlIU" HAVE PR!,'O,1Jl:N..'E WEll. SCIILro Dll'WSItJll, <XM'R!'L'roflS SlIALL VUUFY IIND BE RF.sIWSlBIE roll. ALL Dll'WSlll'lS l\ND l\WITIlMi tJIl '1!p; JOB lI.'O THIS OtTlCE M1JS'r BE tQl'IFlI:D OF NI't 11I.F\lA1IlMi l'lO'I 111l!: Dll'WSIll'lS :I !IN!) O.l'lOlfI~S SIQ-IN BY !'lIES!: DR/IWlNGS. SIU' DE:lAlLS ~S'r BE SUIffll'l'l:D ''0 THI~ N OtT1Cl roll. N?f'll!.NIIL B~RE PlU'UDm:; WI Iii FAllIUCArlCl>l, ell /1' /2'-... /3'.. /4'.... /5'-... Checked '\ , . > (805) 321-6840 .. Job No.86:?k1, / J,\ ?' f 42 '- t9 If (of'':-Cyt ~ 4 ~~kI5;, ~pq:q ) ," ~ . ~ C{3 ".}.-_:_" '- '" "_ ~ <'3.'::9'_}. __8'- {p " _ F":- Cl.':",' v__ ~ '. ,I' . I I > I I, --:----.f~-~~- '~===~~--~~-i.,:---:--~-rl.~ tl' ~---,-- ,-lll I I C~;;,0T ..5)l-4LL I I II I I be AKYYG..Y--1eLJ5T~ I I! 1 I ~~ I ~ I II .. ~ -,~~v~)---m_-\LH~' '-1 t~: I I I I - . . . . 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'VIt310Na.i QF.?~r/av 71 OF THE STANOA/?.o 5'Pe'C/FIC4T/ONS or::-' l"f16 .~TAi6r,.~CAL/r{?/?NI4/(!Jl/.9~NI.fSS AJ.,;O T/~ANSPO/?-(ArIO~ AgeNcp P.(~~T/Y16fNr or::. r~ANsPo/(rAT/ON) . C(,{.et;?~'(./T, ~{)I7'(OIJ~. ~,4NO THe c.1.//<>~EIV7Jr 'A.S,7:M..' tOGSIf'lNATIC?N C-/ f?, ,', (Z) t./N?!.ASTICIZ'cc; POLYVI/VYL CH'Lo~/oe /;::!I/.c:.) PIPe 1~t!r?t.//~a:N~NTS': . (8.) nt't! PiPe ANO rITTINCi~$ f!J1-I.4I..L, 131: Prf'TRA ::7TI'?t:NQTH,/-?k'c. i7,aA. !3G a/~A v/ ry ,.'fIlWt!R ,PIPe C,"ON;'-()/~MINe rei t;'(./l~/~eNr ,4.9. J:~ 8PE;C/., ; , -. .' . " . ,~ ~, . FICATICJNS, . /;)-,goa4- 74. Tl-fE:! Pipe .'!;1",t,lALL, ,fJe 'COLOI'!dD eRe-EN r~~ /N-Q,<(d./NO./Oi!f'NTIP'I<:.W Tlo;v Af:1S€ Wc:~ Pipe, ., $ (b) ALL PIPEI' A/ki? P'ITTINC}S f3NALL HAve t4 ~eLL .eNO ANO 10,< A 6"PI{'jor cN4J1/ITII COl";fP/~6SSI0N JOINTS AND MUST ,8tfi Mr//...."E ~~ CONT~orION AND eXP.4N'::3/O,V AT E!'.4CII JOINT WITH /1 j,,?U8tf3Gr( RII'/(1 MEeTIN(-) /~E(j)UI/<c:MGNr.9 0;: A. 9. r M. 0- 3i!le. ,8eOOINC7 6'HAt...I-8€ IN ACCO/?OANCE J-VITh' A.s' 7:M. 06f$(({t/ATION O.....i188/.-1Zi (VNO€Ra/~OUNO INSTAL.t...4TION cJ"c: T/~e/?MC>~M8TIC .5'eWd/~ pipe. II ('t-) , : '\,) 'I " 1 VICINITY MAP r -I ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 't .~~> .,~ t;lU.4It.WOOO O/?/V4' "~ 4J /~'. f/ ~ IQ, , . ~ " ~ ~ /\ / II. / I / ~ : / ~ / ~ ~/ \j / ~'\ /~ \~ / ~~ // ~ ~ / (.~Cj / ~ / '</ ~ / ~. / / ~ / ~~~ ~. /~/ ff. / ~~ / '\j , / ~ /,0/, \\j L ~ // \~ ~. /~ , \J I / ?;.?J.' ~ / p~OJC!Cr 81TE" .'7rOCK OAt.E H/QIlWA STANO~RO NOTES --. - . (3.) Jvye FITTINC;S SI-I.4t.t_ BE UseD f:'"O.~ ALL LATe/(At.. c.:O,VNC!CT/~~, 5Ac# WYc p/rrIN(j 51"41..t.. ,(-Ie; 80TATeD A /Y11/vIMUt"t 23 oecj/~G.G9 Aaol/t? T#i? 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