HomeMy WebLinkAbout00865 f APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Pt\lD JU!t '8 1985 Per.~...., ,c PW-644030 o TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No, 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby Hpplies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: Wally '~~1UUu-..-100 Baker Sueet. Bak.;uaf1eld. California, 93305 The nature or descript:on of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: To construct a refuse container pad and eneloaare, and a 1.1' hi~ r~t~inins wall within ~ i~~t ~~s~ment. The location of the proposed encroachment is: 3101 Cattle Utiva. Applicant desires to maintain the aioresaid encroachment during the following time: Indefinately-- Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or wh ich may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which this application is made, if granted, or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, applicant will at his own cost and expense remove the same from the public property or right of way where the same is located, and restore said public property or right of way to the condition as n early may be in which it wa~ before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence 00 said encroachmpnt. /,_";"/" / / ,..,...... ,,;./ J 18 198& rrt~>~:"'''. {/,o/' ! / I' ,--- Date: une . J hy '//, / i , ". J ,,/ > " 'Signature of ApplicaIlf (/ I hereby certify that I have made an investigation ~ot1eC?!tJ~~~~lt~~Ip~~~~~Gg a~gRclti~~~~ find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-den-ied) Date: ~~/'6-<,{S JE1'~r I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) (~by order of th,e City Council dated. .TunA 26, Hl~fS // --- City Clerk TO' Wall~ Tucker Nissan . 700 aker Street Bakersfield. CA 93305 Your application dated 6-18-85 Date 7/9/85 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 865 (~~~~ by the City Council on , 6- 26- ~s, . J ,.f { 1/1 / il/ ,;;:-1"""" - /1/1 .h/J,' "." /t' 'i ," Cit~ED.itneer · No. 904 New Series. was (granted) Le:~€ND e>e.-NGH ~J2.I<. ~01"e6 - ~ ~ a ""lop c,p ~ q~ A<;;'~L. "I ~...~,t::>e. 64,yr-rE:R. ~,t:::>€.. S~ C1~€. " - C:t,;)'rT~ 61~pe:. ~~.,....< UNE: ~~ fT.ovJ Llf'l~ q~ ~~~K E:.'{IS."nN~ ~ E.LE:'1J>'flor-..l ~?e6€D 6~G ~ ~1"c...1--\ E:/.4 5>11 ~ ~11Z.PP€; eIJ !>1i~ <:::1-~Ce. P?DFbS,e:.D 61li?bpe:. 8t-OL.-~ Wt>LL P q, ~ ez, VpVL.;'f \tJi>o-re:: lZ tv\ere,g:. L/>f3tE.. ".,I,J, ~I- CcrJc..e.ere. Plu...GD 2" \f?<,tJ 'Bf"e \,A,J\rH U:>~ fblNI ~-r 1r-J'TEU~"nOtJ \"';~"Me poND WI~~, G.L-€.", ::31Loz- u.l, I.) 6HP-Pe:,D ~s lr-JDIGJ>.-re:. ft:;bfb:..~ CDrJ(,~16 Wor?Jt-, 2) 0>VIN4 :SH.o<--<- LoN~,f' o~ 2" A.L-, ~€fZ. 4" A13. ~(.., Z. 3.) I'>U- Q~~ vJJ.u...-=- t:>Nl> J2E.:rf"fI,ilN<':. '#J,..~ ~p.\.,L.; a.e I-~Noeg. ~):>pPrE:- ~rl, 4,) eNslre:.. Lvf?-& P10JP ~,rf1"€j2. 6.r(x..L Be: 1'{~ "i3" f'-e~ Q'l'{ oF ~~n0...D SfD, ~~wlrJ6 5-1 . .5.) (aJG~I~ ~l- ~ 1 ~<<:.JC- HI)l. \J11'~ ""'--<P€. -n: ~eJr P>ND ;::. MINIMVM ~If!.sz,. <:.€t-1€N1' ;i?P1"IO oF" o.4b.. (2EJV~~- MEN-r $I--l&>u... \-We:. ~ MINIlV'''''''''' LO!<l<!:?-€.-re. ~OV~ oF .3 ". 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Approval by the Publi: Works Department and [)Ijildin'] Department iI1Ji~olo, ap. proval only as to des'Cl" crilcria u'''',i end (O;"'lfon':"10tl(~ t,) (iiy Stondmds, Cocks ana Crd'nanc?s, [n'Jineer f:;r 1he 5ubd>...k'~r or developt::r sholl be ras r,'O'l(:):~ f:-r OCLlJrCl:Y of cdCl..lut1011:; {,;: 'his pk:n ond ::.hall SIJbmit ,~ ('2'rtif,ed "u:.-grudI'J' pk:!" aft.:;( c,;"r,p'i'lin I of the grading, , 1\ CORNERSTONE ENGINEERING: JUN 13 935 4~T'Yl1v CD ~,,~S"'f~(.;O PJ&..H.. '-'.I6(l;~ D<w.PRflrr.I<;;,,J.., f(UtJ!l_ Cj~'5r(tvcnO-.J I"'> nt1..0r(t:t1 r 'lAlflltr- dF..... t..JI1...~ GRADING CONSfRUCfrON NOTES 'r, . p~,.r :5 tt1h- ~ aGo '::-rl<o .-.. f,fe e.1ry dp I 41i% "~- <:2 \ '('\ \\3" 0 \if ,,,- (1(' \:;-) I "" ...-' 0" 2 : I ~L-c;p;E: tD .e:.;(6fl~j L1 r6N L~ '" -~ ~ ~ ~r ." , ,\1;~/ \1\ \ I I( / iZ~ \ t 12-4 I Tl> ~y If) - j ?, . ')/ ,... ":"''7. > ..5E>' vJ'c€ ~ t::;>E.L.l~ v.)~-rE.R- _______ \.;;:/V .s"foec>-~E. P1Sil2Jc-i PlfE:.4NC IE.J>.~I. ,\,1-~ /\~/ 1\0,' ' v-: /(~,,/ "', , \.~Y ,!jY:, \ \ I '\ \ "'fJ"l APPROVED BY: 1. ".m ,), '...~J "..... ..,."..~.L3...~_~"S_".____. Ps,Ql: Works Depurt:ncnt All work shall be in conformance with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. and the recommendations of the Preliminary Salls Investigation prepared for Parcel Map No. 7145 by BSK & Associates, dated February 29, 1984. signed by John B. Moore, Jr., RCE 24218, and any adenda thereto. .~" 'c- . ,. -0 -1) .-. 4,IIr/l \ ,1\,;,';, / \ '~I I/' . ~~,I\', )\' "o'\V /~ ,0J,.- 1 / "y"1,/ ,,;\:j .)1/ ,~.> --.....--..-----...........- ......_..--.......:-.-......-..~....._.._--_................ 'lP~ ,\1.- pi \+ 1~,q .~ "'( \) 10,0 l' z' Building Depor1ment 2 , The existing ground surface has been prepared in accordance with the soils report. Prior to placing additional fill the ground shall be scarified to a depth of six inches. brought to a moisture condition commensurate with efficient den::>ification, and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM fest Method D1557, _......-......_............._--,..-..~ c 0 \->5'1'17/\) on \J io.,) G~f0 sAs'1/--1, 't -r---> --:S 4- I . r:, 'f:;/- \ 6> ,\\~ ~ ,.1\p1' e, \ O~ (L(C'D I/O .( fbf?- \ ll9 r-.},..'i-;-j.. ,("'~~ ~ f,,\C,l I \,~_i~Jt .-\ ;::'"--' r' l' , .. A"...-..L . r,-:: -;:'Cf;" _ f'"r r " ,^ ;:::J--:>/'1<::;:'" , ,'"... _J.J'--' \~j"L~- - :'" v'/~ "c>- c f v. ?,--,-, ?e-"{!:'>"!"~ \:',-l(..;j c;.1C-c;" :A'~ 'J>\'-'- 3. Fill shall be placed in thin uniform lifts not exceeding eight inches in uncompacted thickness. brought to proper moisture content. and compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASrM Test Method 01557. 'Fe.o L---\ ( 4 _.::.. _, ).':J. -~. ~~"1"~ ~rJD ~ \ 410 4 LorJr, feofb~ .!A.-~~ Z~ ;..<... J 4"):> ~, .-- ~o/~ tJ t9' ~wJL\rJj(, ~ o,.j re., ~I) "{ Cl/ 2~G(C, ,\ ......'. i..)._......... ~', c<.:~ .$-:~:fF..wJ4 !~ , Compaction testing shall be supervised and certified by a Soils Engineer. S"'l'L L- UT'L (L of f ,.....J F1 (J... , 5, All cut of fill slopes or the combination of cut and fill slopes shall not be steeper than 2 horizontal to l vertical. 0J \ \ \ ~ ~ ~ @ 31' 8EJJo IIJ\"O ~t!~ --- 1 6, Grades shown at the gutterline are finish flowline grades. ~.. e:Jl.S"fI,JU C~p L ~-.....-------- ~3 ~~~ ~?-.. ~l] . i 4- .J.'3 ~~./' U>NliNvW~ ii) 7. Building pad& shall be graded to the elevations shown on this plan. lz" ~o..)e:::c;r l-o~"florJ ~~ ~ Dtsce.,PnOU ? f'k "~5~ -........ z' I' ,. ~~ ~bl'\.Jc'4 z..: I ~f'e" -1 8. Accuracy of grading shall be within 0.1 feet of the grades shown on this plan. 9. the Engineer shall exercise sufficient supervisory control during ,radins and construction to in~ure co~pliance with the plaos. specificationa and codes within his purview, .-?PR.1t' 41-89 + I ~~ I ' ,- - ~'~":l~~"""" . ',." :',::,'0:''''; ~E" ; '. .:.,: '.,.-~' Ill; ...'.... ,. .....:.'.J (j ,. .. ,.. ..... . . .. ., >> ,. .. . . ,.'.. . " ,.. '( ,.. ,., ~ . .; oil ': :,:; ~"..'f :",; ~.,... ~... '.,' 'J <( . ,'- (0" r. UN J~""o1, > ~ ~ ' ~~~-" ~/ ~-nON A..-A 2-' WID~ ~ - u\l1'~ ~o -S~ No-tE!h: I> P>U-- ~.Jr-:o~&J-r ~ ~,..;~ M\J'JIM\.lJ'\.1 Z " t:C'J r,[.E:.. . ~) oNra V~GA- MC'fZ.""~~ IN Fi~"f' ccue4!.. "(0 ~ t:;~l~' TUCI<E,e-SA7TLEY N/SSAN ff:i'lt}/ff 'i!ffA/ '.11.6S ~CORNERSTONE 8akerSf~~~~, 1~~~j;~~~~: l$.~~-~<ENGINEERING (805)325-9474 93301 ~ INC. ConsultJng CJvJ1 EngJMe"s .. !r\.,ja.EdiAo'l __ o . o II: No ~ -lAhi" 8e'k.lf'Ure ~ aJ L- -{ Ibti ~ \ \ ... < ~~ rJo HOlki, Awn.... tJo ~ -P-'-<!:. .JOBI ~ -/03 ~~~ - - .~- ; ."CH,e/sr. wee~, C~ WAY SeAL. E: I" =.30' DES! GNED ay: c I DRAWN 8Y: -r. C,I...-:>~.a ..ec~ .:10:121 DATE: S-I-f-'1f SHEIlT I or 1 ~ VI CIN ri-{ M~P