HomeMy WebLinkAbout00850 l ~, ,\Ii~:il \ .~ PW-644030'\:'~ , P.~~' D APPLICAJION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FE!) oi~ 1985 TO THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF;"tHE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA::,!,>,. hf~...<, ,. Pursuant to the provisionsof Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfl~ld' th~,~"9nder- s!gned hereby applies ~or a ~ermit to place, erect and /or majntf1.in an enrroachment on p,u. ,lie pro,p".,',.,',','~.. ~,'. ty or right of way as thefelll defmed. : ,'.. ?i1j';:'" , .~t: ' . ";r:~~.:i " The name and address of applicant is: ~ a-" ~. 1,,, \i The nature or descript'on of the encroachment for which thi$ application i. made i. a. fO,~OW" 1t~Lf,) -ft 17 - i J"I . ./, 1-'" . :ti., .4.t,y dii-k ' d/v".I-t."J/ ~~CZ-~A:'~ AJII! 7t{~-K/hIk-ALJ. -1JI 'I- ~"...LI.A:" . )r l1/.try~~rJJ.#l Th';~tion o{ h"p-roP~denCrO&Chment;" j~ l ~ ~r f( 'll l,r I ) :r-...'{..~) 4-'r!' /.lrr /1.. .7...u r f/ II / f 70 9 , ~J\A/tf;;~~~ ;\~':'t Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroach ment during the following time ::'~, ~ \. ~ t2 t;I:'I' -::-' h. ' . /, 1 c.., ~ ...:, )~{'~::i r, -~ ' \;:.' ,;--",,;},;@ agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will . demnify, save and hQld, arrrt(~s the of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees aga.in,S, t and fro. m all damages, judgments.,:,;;','.",' laims, costs and expenditures, and again ~t all loss or liability which the City of ~akets,(telq or such or employees may suffer, or whIch may be recoverable from, or obtamable~galllst the City alf or such officers, agents or employees, proxima~ely caused by, growing out of or in anY way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said ~ncroachment. ' 1fiA \. ,." " , Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of ~he permit for which this appUcation J~ made, if, granted, or upon the revocati,on thereof by t~e City Council, applicant will ~t his own ~st and,~~pen~e r,emove the same from the pubhc property or rIght of way where the same IS located, Sl<nd restM,e saId ~ublic p~operty or right. of way, to t~e condition as n early may be in which it was before ~e placrrl:~, erec- bo.. :.:::mnance 2r ~xtn_ce t/"Id encroachment, ... ~J!? ~t ~i , ~ignature of ApplicaJl.~:~~ ..' , I; .<'~' ,.' I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the fac~ stated in the foregoiri$';applical{bn and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) wiH ppt substantially interfere wittfthe us~;:.of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will nofconstitute a hazard to person~ using s~ld pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-d~) ,~",,;;' Z-&.-,(15 No. 904 New Series, was (granted) JxttX1000 by the ij o. 8S0 ct. (. ity En I eer'(t;~ .f'; . '\1 (~apted) (!emed~ by order of)he citi,.t~ouncil flt1a.A...4"W-A.;,!L ~bA~Ji:~~ I City Clerk iJ'~ ';;1, l;.~ ";1; 'F, ,:1:'~~ '',y, """"l of (~~inance ", :l~ ,Wf: Date: I hereby certify that the foregoing application was dated. February 1~t 1985 TO' 'tank R. Sousa . 0704 S.ddl.ba~k Ollv. Baktr.li.lda CA 93309 Your application dated 2/6/8! I' ~-.i . ~i ~ Date -2t~O/8S ;:~:j- ' for an enc roachment perrqit under the provision " "'. ,\ . t , m m lD ~ I " ru [Y) o Ul _0 U~ M (f] m mLe m~ U o C .J W - U. U] 0: W ~ <( r.o o 0-- ~ sas. 'i.Heer I- ru A~ll ~pilS' -it Af'e.A -rr/~ W C)5 U] . w -~ 02 O~ J 0: I- ~ I[Y) ~ [Y) o U] I- m'~ _t I u 0: I~ U~ --. ~ 14' ra!. @,/~CH..I?B~ JfI!6(;t;rJff~ M~~.lf(o-F f';-? ~aN ~K C/Y' e..oGe- oy:? - ~/;; / / ~ .:f:. ~ll '--- '" ~ 1" ~~ ~ "~~ ---.. _ JftCf~ifR\j -=- ~-1do~ Jk.. - L1;-fAS'Q"-./~Y...A'S P-B5) -Fat s.;/';q:z::r- I ~av BPIC/< - c;y....; ~- c;.v=- 7r?/C'AL- r (p~ v/x It/' SLUMP~"'!OI-./E ~c &..oc~ WA./.:. TrP. 1:4&' NIGH NQ1--1._ (FIELO ve/'-l F-f:. L.ENG'7H cuIo/AJU?e--9E:e 9T[S -<tJ- -~~. _. I 10' ~"'r: ,__ ~ qoeNM.JQ-rrP. LETTERS SHALL BE REO ON WHITE BACKGROUND ---.., ,ReC~C? f/fl!:' I~-;;r w~ /f'fy-.J _8 vE.F!1l €I' 12/1~ CI/k:l. IN ~eJi?N ~ ' ~U1a<tm C/..x~;y/c/~r S..,-ov e CO^IC ~ W,4LL -ryl? lS.64.140 $tcUon 13.209 .dded - rUll: LAlIIS. Sutton 13.209, 'lr. Lene., I. .dd.d to thl Uniform 'lr. Cod. ,,'foltaw.: "(.) Flu hn.. .h.n iii I'ro.ld.d .1''''1 the t'tonc of .n .hoHin, compl.xe. and .11 other bulldlni5 othet than dw.llln,. when any p.rt of ,aid ~o~lex or bul1dlnl I. mort than 150 f..t from. public Brut." 4Y~, -< -<I I ~@ OPENINtS' "(b) Flu Ian.. ah.ll b. lo~ttld .. det.nlnld b)' the Chlef, and lhall not be 1.la than 15 feet in width, with turnin, radiu,ea of not 11.. than 20 feet In width .nd 110.11 h.v. . clnt haj,ht of not le.. th.n 13 feet." ~~~rt- ~! L.CVV ~//'..G" ~r.uB">"" ~ ~ bLftt-. VV'ALL "Cc) Fire lanea .h.n ba ...Intained clear It .11 timel without ex- ception. lt lhall b. unla~ful for '0)' per.on to implit or block .u~h flra lanea b)' vehi~l. parklDI or pl.ciD, an)' other ob.tru~tion therein. An)' p.rlon vlol.tinl thl. .ection .hell be 5ubjact to a Hne.1t W~L ELCVA770N eLOC/< eLeVAjlO'l eL.<X:/< W"d,LL ~ "Cd) Flra Len. Identification. Fire hnea .hall be Identified hi .u~h a IIlInn.t ao .. to leave no doubt.. to their Allhtence aod intend~d PUlPO'A, Identlflcatton Ih.ll be by me.n. of IliD' belnl loc.ted alonl tha .ncire lenitb of the fira l.ne and ah.ll ba pIeced not lllOU th.n 50 fur aplrt. IIher. d.."",d neceuery by lh... Chief, the .liIla Ihall b. .upplelllcoted by dialonal y.llw urlp.a beinl plinted on the required width of the fll' lane, Stripe. Ihall be a 1Il1nimum of four inch.. 10 width." /'" ItCe) Fire lan.. .10.11 b. conHl"cted In "cordente..it pecU!"- Uon. ut forth by the hl<.euH.ld (Ordinance 2311 I 1 (partt. 1911). ~ 0/00 I -;;.t. II J:$,... .. "- .e (Uj': ~cr I / ee, jq I .L..o-r 6 .. era t .. ~Dr '7" ~ .tl"i' tR'O .L~~ PI, 1i1. -"LANa/'.- /--K> ~~5 ~/~ /I! L.AAlG.. eJG?Ne ~ ~ I...JNl;13 ~L eJ~ 'G J&Y I2.A. v./~-r1-J. IC::UILIOl;;:J::2. / . toI!5JQ.. ct2JG/NAL 7~T 4fPa:./ J...cn- /;> l1J ~ a-. ...t-I , il) ~ .'t " I\Q }\ -<' ..- ....- ---- ..--- ....- -- .. 4-~ /e~- ~~~..P~'." ~ 7' 'I~~?~~" ~ ~~-;/ I I ! ---- ...---- .....- -- ---- CfX~'N:? ' ~ -- ..-- lei /. (];) Elt2E f-A.f.J;;;:.. /~/ -- ~K~ 7'!{fCJ I:J- C~ ~/O" --1....0- _ - - ---- --- ,- - ...-- -- -.....----- ---- U~-rut'6 _..,--~~ U.NO b~~ PJA.7A- F-IIl-L. -- --- --- - - \ # f/IGHWA'{' y~Lt.ori. ~y~~" Tn? I , . \ ---- - --t cP , , .... \ ~ I' ~ee S'H/5ff \ I --1~jf ~ THIS' I ~ t- ~ '1j-? _---=:( '\ I 1 , \-'- ~,\ I I I I I I r I I5c: t - I .. I I ?Via _ -= ~ _- -=-=-r ~_ ~~~j "I~ ~'~f', ~~~ 'f-e.- .. 4:?-~ ~orc" ,1vfP./1- W;< "PfPI CAL- eF (-f) ~\ '1 ~ col ..- 74 00 I ....\ \ LO'r. e. .. .. I \ I - \. 1--/ d~~ -p. -r }\ ~\ r r-L' I I --- ~I I --cr-r--" -r--r-,..._ --=-. I' , 81'- -,- ---_ --==-'---~ /, . I, -~~ ----==-~--==--=- --- / '" 0fCE~~r<- per: _ //h 11" ( I~ I.:::::C~ C(),6, SV-A/VO~ t7...u' ~.Jl~ ~// 7~ L (I r 1 j PI J , . ~..NH '-- - ~. " ~ , - 'I- ~ ,:~~X r;:J.QbD .- J ~"'t~:' 7'-' LE ~v lEe.. jfj/' R ~/I..,A.,NS' f"t.Y<- /t'Y/- ,~ ~~ ~ ~PACT ~ 2..;)-5YS L/S ;::C)P.. .A,LL. We;:" r PA-:>~ EL.E~r/CY'/S' -r;r VEl ~OPA4l~ I I /I o/=Q.o-o ~ sIre .I~l liD'_J-"-_1!'lIlI!III1IIlft1ll1 -__J....- -- llllio. 1iOMl~IIIS!:!1-'Ul:_U 1 ,~....._.....- Il)jV UUI -.,..t JUlllIIIIlIIDJ-.1i'U1IV -. IT -- .... ~lIIIL_ 17....r.-v- - - -, J; .A...Il. !I III . IlJUII r- --,- ~~ ~4_ .44 v 1 '" -- 'Jl T- 'lJ1'l-- ~ ...f<Ia..1 -. JJ?r~ 1'2.,/~~7,(i1leJ, <;~ ac:- ~'FI~ p. ;}t: ~I '" co ;;; co .. tor "~VI ,,,.,OU '0. lOt""<" 0.".1 IOU' .UIU. UI u...u.cua u,u. IUITlO TMI1Il" AI.. .....D SIUU. .,... III TIit! "0'(1" 0' '"ll"MIII(.' '11'10 'A.f Tlltllea &JUlio. II C,O'I(' OUC~I,JH:) 10 O'M\&' O. \,Ist~ 1M (O,UIC,'IOff "I/1M ,un .Oltl 01 ,atH,' Of.(1 T..... uq, ,'rtt' C 'IOH(' '01 *"1(14 HH' Mh'. U:III "("'10 A., .'WfLO'.1 ,*'f"O,,",t TMI.IITH" CO.tt.., O"MI'I'"I'I" Vl,\,jAL,COlltUtfWlt" "'UII '1l.,0" OI.'ltltl'lT,QO.""l <OOITITWTI (o.nW."1 rv OCO'1 Q' H<H''''I 0, '''III..,,"tTle,., w. It CO 1i1l0.,00, 00 !Mill ",.,.U'OUl on. ''''IDue. OVlIlCfLU ".U. '10. to"T.'('O"'tl'tl.~I' f"'.D,tIU'O..IlI'O. ,utl.t'UIC"''''.O(OIllO\'fIOIil' o. T~I Jl,;' .h, 'Hit OH Cl .~i' il 110' r I' 0' ,un VAI.u ow, '10" 'Me t .tw, 0'1 lit. (.0111' tIC)"'. 'IIIIC..... tNIH CH." -.." $/IlO' C[~"'lll .\.iH I. S",. nlO TO ",.. '" ct ,~. ."IC".~ 1t/QI( ,to(ru,\IIIllG wIn. "',. "l' QJlf CH~~IS A, AOOING"ON C 9093 s/r~ j:::ljE::'VELCP~ ~ ~ - ~tM~~~ R, - -- ~ P.O. Box 9342 0J ~2~~ Sf\-~ DATE: PRINTS ISSUED FOR: MARK DATE REVISIONS DRAWN P,5:;r /0 U?- e-g, b'/7S ~~ F~~ /1"-... DATE /e.. '7 &1 Va"'-. V3"-... .Joa N08.,to/~ ! 1/4"-... < ~ CHECK O~ , ~"""--'t ?T_'<:.?It"lIrW''V~.~iIMtd:~~-r~''~ I1i OF 15 SHEE ra , OZAUO