HomeMy WebLinkAbout00809 PW-64403l;l ~ oOG 29/25 APPLICATION FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA: Pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 904 New Series of the City of Bakersfield, the under- signed hereby applies for a permit to place, erect and lor maintain an encroachment on public property or right of way as therein defined. The name and address of applicant is: ~ .fS.6.I.c;;Ptz~RGt-O f CA _ '7 > ~c;. (2, O'?SO/V ,- '3' z :;--~ 2/7 4()-f 6'A1"~l/#t:.- D1 , , The nature or descriptlon of the encroachment for which this application is made is as follows: A/.;L l11f6.rp,t- LAlvtJf?~ tPlJ~ft, PUrSue 5I~,A L-I c.. The location of the proposed encroachment is: 91 ~ CAt..-/~N/ p.. .,bvJ;F: .~ .? Applicant desires to maintain the aforesaid encroachment during the following time: '[)::.,-IUN~ 60lv~ uS/€.. t7~ /~/t-/.?/,A.J& Applicant agrees that if this application is granted, a pplicant will indemnify, save and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its agents, officers arid employees against and from all damages, judgments, claims, demands, expenses, costs and expenditures, and again st all loss or liability which the City of Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees may suffer, or which may be recoverable from, or obtainable against the City alf Bakersfield or such officers, agents or employees, proximately caused by, growing out of or in any way connected with the placing, erection or main tenance of said encroachment. Applicant further agress that upon the expiration of the permit for which thi's application is made, if granted. or upon the revocation thereof by the City Council, aP.]2licant will at his own cost and eX,Rense remove the samerrom"tllepW5lic property or rlglif"o[way'wflere -tliesame"'TS1O'cated, and restore said pu01ic propert:y- 'ot--iignroIWayrol11econdition as n earl~ma be in which it was before the placing, erec- tion, maintenance or existence 00 said encroachment. .n d'}/J __ A ~ fii7I<- ~ 7 ,t. ~ Date: ~- ZS--&1f' ~/~ ~~ t7/" PA-~~.c~ Signature of Applicant I hereby certify that I have made an investigation of the facts stated in the foregoing application and find that the maintenance of said encroachment (1) will not substantially interfere with the use of the public place where the same is to be located and (2) will not constitute a hazard to persons using said pub- lic place; I therefore recommend that said application be (granted-dooi'Gd Date: t.J 2(;6' 't II C'VJf tuArtt. City j ? neer ( " I hereby certify that the foregoing application was (granted) t'&fli~iI) 1)y order of the City Council dated. May 2, 1984 City Clerk TO: Gary rL 01 s,)n 409 Cahriel Dr. Eakersfii~ld. CA 93309 Your application dated 4-25-84 Date 5-3-34 for an enc roachment permit under the provision of Ordinance No. 904 New Series, was (granted) No. 80:) (;deni~d) by the City ~un"~i,I/1 ITa\'~, 1984 I )-'-,' .........".[ ~.1 /~,'~,l~' /r./ I I ,,,,,, . /' " ! Cit~ Engineer ~, ~ __I <::) ~ ~,LIS1l1JC.. ~~...J~ f-flJeA -Z/I"s C. F'Nltf;:.- ~+" ~ ~ ~~ ~UMPAcn:;D ~t3~, A c.. r~~ f'I';~ ~ H-ltL'i. STN~$ZJ) .::;~, C41Pk.-1 10 1 c>J... ~ LA IN~ p::l,f)'1(. ~A1l-fr;~ PA\llN~ -ro pc 1.- L. r;;~(. ~) .i711 Wlr,:t: ~rp.jn;:s ---- ,~r" , I <:) ~J I h-L--~ [1 I' CO!-',(Jur -;t> f!..oA'W~ I},./ Attey ~ ...... ~ ~ ,.,~ -' \{\ ~1'S1l~ tsI.lILf;;iN ~ 1'1N. nf2. (/,0 <1\~ CA-Llf~Nl~ \" \ l 61~ft rLAN c;o~.; Zot-Jr:: C,I :f7U1!..-DP"i~ "f~~ 3[- H occur.o-"'C-( b,'2,. A~t:::A AL(...oI.JE:-D (S~f1>-I?,b..Tl~ ~ "N eiJILDlt-./60 A~~p.... : ef-l'?l1....~ H.tW 10T,& t.. Z <>1r.:eD) 4, 4'l. ~ <? .F'. ~4-1(,,2.f. __~_ ~/~11 -;).r: UH.I~lO--'\ Bulu:::u't::S- CoCp, 1114 ~ctftai, ITT~ Pf- Au.... Loc-~ cot;e;s &: o~qN.A-N$S ANt? ""'" ,- ~ .!!PPLI:.MENT ARY _.f.Y~I.! ().!'~ 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Genetal Conditions referred to herein appHe. to the nGenera~ Conditions of the Contract for Construction", a Standard Form of the American Institute of Architects, Document A20l, August 1976 f.dlt1on and shall b.. considered a part of the Contract DOCuments as though attached hereto. Coptes of the same may be examIned or obtained In the Office of the Architect, AkTICLE It.l.a Supplement as follow.: .1 In the absence of contrary written instructions Iroflll the Owners, the Contractor at the Contractor's expenSe, shall obtain and maintaIn Insurance at all times during the prosecution of the contract, In companies and through agencies approved by the Owner, and within limIts not less than those stated hereinafter: 2. AllCIlITECT: In the event the Ownpr's Agreement with the Architect does not include construction phase services hy the Architect, all references to the Architect In the Contract Documents, where aplicable, shall be void. In place thereof insert the word "Owner". . I Workmen's Compensation: Amount and coverage as required by law of the place of building as amended from time te time. Employer's LIability Insurance: $I00,OOU.Uu each occurence. Comprehensive Genral LIabilIty Insurance' .2 .3 J- I 3. SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITJONS: When any article of the above "AlA General CondItions" is supplemented hereby, the provision of such article shall remain In effect; all supplemental provisions shall be cODsldered as added thereto, Where any such artIcle Is amended, deleted, or supplemented thereby, provisions of such artit'lps not so spect flcall y amendpd, deleted or supplementp(1 shall n'maln In efff'ct. .1 Public LIabIlity: (Includes Premises, ~levator- if applicable, PrOducts, Completed Operations, Personal Injury, and Contractural) (a) Bodily Injury LiabilIty: $1,000,000.00 eaCh person $I,OUO,OOO.OO each occurrence (b) Property Damage LIabIlity (Includes E~U (Explosion. Collapse. and Underground Damage); Water Damage, and Broadform Property Damage or ThIrd Party LiabIlIty): $300.000.00 each occurrence. Comprehensive AutomobIle LIability Insurance (Includes O..ned. Non-Owned and Hired Vehicles): FollowIng Article Numb"rs rpCer to Artlclps In the aforl'mentloned "AlA General Con<11 tl"ns" hpln>! amen,I,,<1 or supplemente<1 as Collows: AItTlCU; 1.2.J Supplement as Collows: .4 ~~ a. Larger scale drawings govern slnaller scal.., an<1 figured dllnensions govern scale mpasUrf!ments_ N(l measurements shml1 be scaled, IC fIgures or Information on any <1rawlngs are Insufficient, th.. Contractor shall secure th.. Archltpct's Instructions he fore proceedIng, .1 Bodily Injury LIabIlity $1,000,000,00 eaCh person $1,000,000.00 each occurrence ,2 Property Damage Liability' SJ(J\J,UUO.UO each occurrene.., h. Illsplacf!lnent, addition, or omLsAton or any "0 reI , I..tter, fll!\ur.. or punctuatLon mark In no W8V chang.'s thp true spirit, Int"nt, or mf>llnlnlll of th.. drawlnKs and sp.>cl rtratlons. ,:./ The abov" IJollcles shall name the ()wner a. addltle,n named Insured. I -L- ~ I ~- ~~ I I ~' I -r-+ r.. 111 ~T- ~ I I lil I rL I t- j VI (AS r rfi;;- p,A 12 k-JNC- :. 1L ~ c. In th.. evpnt of cnnfll,tlng statpments or requIrements. th~ Contractor shall notlt# th.. Art'hl teet prior to hL<1etlng In sufficient tlm.. to IJermlt th.. IAsuan".. of wrltt..n clarification. flltlur_ to nottfy th" Architect prior to bidding shall not rplLeve the Cnnt,actor of th.. responslhlllty of so dOing before 8ny aff,'ct,'<1 work,ls pprformp(1, at which tlrY)~ h~ Itgrpfl's to accppt th... r1pclslon or thp Archltt'~{~t And prn("f'fli ",c('orf1in.,;lv without Ilr1{1Itinnlllll ('ompf'n~att<)n . .3 Acceptance of the CertifIcate of Insurance shall not relieve or decrease the liability of the Contractor, .4 The Insurance required by this Article must be wrItten by a company lIcensed In the State where the work Is located at the time the policy Is ISsued. .5 Certificates of Insurance shall be submItted In triplicate, contaIn transcripts from the policIes authenticated by the proper office of the Insurer, evidencIng in particular those insured, the extent of the Insurance, the locatIon of and the operatIons to whIch the Insurance applies, the expiration date and the thIrty (30) day NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CL6USK, as provided In subparagraph 11.1.4. AIt'rl~!!~~.2 Amend.>,l as follow.: L":'lIt Itn~, Itd,1 "It said t'-K"I dt"~{'rlptt<ln I... ,'s,.'ntllll to thp prop.'1' ptorrPI'ln...ncr <If tll... "'llrk". AKTICLK 4.3 Supplement as tollows' AHTIClK 11.3 Supplement as follows: 4.3.4 In accordance with lIlenerally accepted construction practices, th~ Contractor wIll be solely and completely responsible for conditions of the job sIte, IncludIng safety of all persons and property durIng performance of the work. This requirement will apply continuously and not be llenlted to nOl'mat workLng hours. .1 This insurance does not cover any tools or equipment owned or rented by the Contractor, Subcontractor, Sub-subcontractor. or their employees, the capital v~lue 01 which la not included In the cost of the work. AHTllLK 11.3.4 Amended as follows: The Cwner wilT provIde a copy of the policIes, If requested by the Contractor In writIng. 4.3.~ VIsits to the site by the Owner, Architect, theIr agents and employees to review the ~ontractor's performance ls not Intended to Include revlew of the adequacy of the Contractor's safety measures, In, on or near the construction site, AkTIClE 12.1.4 Supplement as follows, 4.3.6 The Contractor shsll provIde and maIntain all work necessary to establish location and gra,les for all iterns of the contrllct. A reasonable allo..ance for overbead, bonds and profit shall be Interpreted as not mOre than a total of fifteen (15) percent, AHTICLE 14.1.1 Supplement as follows: lId. ~" AIt'rICI.~; 4.la.1 Amended a. follows: Reasonable profit shall be Interpreted as five (5) percent of unpaid amount of work performed Jnd materIals lncorpated In such work, [I I I I I Add the follo...1ng: "Wherllin the Contract Document" reference Is made to shop drawinllS It shall Include. as defined belo_, pro<1uct data as may be applicable." .AH~~!.la.9 Supplement as follows: Contractor shall submit wi~hln 30 days of ... (3 ) such ftA~1t:12 be kept 011 E~ , " AH'fICLg 4,I,J,~ Supplelfient c~$ follon: * , I .t Such atea$ ~hpn a~t~{d* "t'tie llmtts of tn. C-ontraetl' shallJ ' ,upOn:.compleHo'n 9f t~f: contract. he'restored to thelr orIginal conditiOn.,'] ~ , , !(I AlIrICL~!.o!~ SuPplement 'as' follows: , , ,I Each Contractor shal}:.: ~.&.LE' I:w a. Proceed wIth due tautlon to protect the work of others. b. Remove and legally dispose of all e.cess materials, debris, etc., resulting from his work. c. Clean all finger marks, smudges, smears, spatters, drippings, etc., from his work and the work of others, caused by workmen in his employ, 4tzG'4 0 r " (;;tJce()4C /j. meN r oe~ s~ 4-3 d. The subcontractors. upon completIon of their work and prior to quittIng the project, shall meet with the ArchItect and the Ceneral Contractor, Inspect the work performed and make such corrf'ctlons as may he found necessary. e. Supplementary cle.nlng shall he performed as may be req uI red due to work pe r formed pursuan t to 1 terns a" 115ted on Hnal rnspectlon, (Punch List). Note: CleanIng of various Items shall be don~ In accordance with recommended procedures for resppctlve material and damale by Improper cleanIng shall he rectIfIed by the Contractor at hl~ e'ppnsp, AItTlCLK 4.18.1 Supplement as fOllowA: .1 The Contractor shall further Indemnify an<1 hold harmless the Owner, Architect and their Rgent" Crom and agaInst all claIms, damages, losses and expense" Including, but not Ilmlte<1 to. Attorney's fees arIsing out or the Injury to unauthorlzt'd persons irespasslnK upon Ihe pr.,mlse~, AHTICL~ 9.3.1 Supplement as follows' .1 Unless otherwise Instructed, the Contractor shall subml t five (5) copies to the ArchItect who wIll distribute same. .2 Upon written rt'quest of the Owner, Architect, or 1l0ndInK Company, the Contractor shall suhmlt wIth eacb payment request a sworn statement hetore a notary publtc that all labor and materials to and IncludIng the date of such payment request have been paId In full. In the sworn statement of the contractor, It shall be specifically stated that this sworn statpment Is made for the purl~se of obtaIning a periodic payment In connectIon with the .lob and that th.. Contractor and surety compan, knows that the Owner and ArchItect rt'ly upon such sworn statement In makIng such payments. ARTICLE 10.2.1 Supplement as follows: .4 and shall check all projects, off~sets, foottngs, etc" and prop..rly determine that there are no pncroachments 01 the building or appurtenances on adJoinIng property. Where encroachments occur as a result of the work performed under these plans and specificatIons, the Contractor shall remove SUCh encroachments at no exp~nse to the Owner. .5 shall gIve to adjolnins landowners all legal notices of ex~vation that may be requIred hy law or otherwise, and he shall take all steps necessary or required by law to protect the adjoInIng land and the building and/or other structures situated thereon, REVISIONS BY f. . 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