HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/2007B A K E R S F I E L D r' ~' 1 ' Zack Scrivner, Chair Christine utterfield Harold Hanson For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Ken Weir MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 1, 2007- 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room -Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 1. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Zack Scrivner, Chair; Harold Hanson and Ken Weir 2. ADOPT NOVEMBER 7, 2006 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Committee Chair Scrivner stated that anyone wishing to speak on a New Business item could speak at the beginning of the meeting or defer their comments until the item is heard. Linda Vernon, Jeanne Radsick and Steven Montgomery deferred their comments. Dave Dmohowski asked if the Committee would discuss the Central Valley Blueprint project in the future. Committee Chair Scrivner asked that a Kern COG representative be invited to the next meeting to give an update to staff. 4. CLOSED SESSION (Heard after Committee Comments) Committee Chair Scrivner asked that any Closed Session items be agendized at the end of the meeting. A. Conference with legal counsel pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(1)(3)(A) 5. CLOSED SESSION ACTION No reportable action Planning and Development Committee March 1, 2007 Page 2 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regardins Amending and Adopting the 2007 Committee Meeting Schedule -Stinson Adopted as submitted B. Discussion resardina motorcycle parkins -Butterfield This item was referred by Council member Benham at the request of Steven Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery, who was in attendance, suggested that staff install motorcycle parking spaces in the downtown area, specifically in the spaces between existing striped motor vehicle stalls and crosswalks. Public Works Director Rojas reported that under the Vehicle Code, motorcycles are considered vehicles and can be parked in any parking space. Police Capt. Bivens corroborated this statement. Mr. Montgomery proposed to take advantage of these spaces to increase the parking capacity. His belief is that it would encourage more people to ride motorcycles, thereby reducing the amount of pollution and wear on the roadway. In response to a request by Committee Chair Scrivner, Public Works Director Rojas reported on costs involved with designating specific parking spaces for motorcycles. Each space would require a posted sign at a cost of $200 - $250 each, and staff estimates there are 20 - 30 spaces. Committee Chair Scrivner suggested, and staff agreed, that painting a stripe and moving the red curbing over would be the least costly option. There would be enough space for a motorcycle, yet not enough for a full sized automobile. Committee member Weir suggested that Mr. Montgomery talk with the Downtown Business Association (DBA). This item was continued to the next meeting when the Committee will hear reports from staff and the DBA. C. Discussion regardins City Policy for providing water and sewer service to unincorporated areas - Roias Public Works Director Rojas reported that California State Law specifies that cities cannot provide services outside of their boundaries. There is also a City ordinance that states that the City is not to provide sewer or water outside the boundaries. Residents must annex in order to receive these services. City Manager Tandy noted an exception includes an agreement with the County that obligate the City to provide sewer service to a specific area, CSA 71. The arrangement with the County has been unsuccessful. The City has to reserve capacity; but the County does not have trunk installation policies, so few residents connect. Essentially, City taxpayers pay for reservation of capacity, but insufficient revenue is generated, Planning and Development Committee March 1, 2007 Page 3 Public Works Director Rojas further stated that there is no recourse for the City if a resident in CSA 71 chooses not to pay. According to City Attorney Gennaro, State Code directs that the City cannot directly enter into an agreement with a County resident. Linda Vernon, of the Bakersfield Association of Realtors, spoke on behalf of the property rights of private property owners. There is concern that some people are unable to develop their property because services are not available. John Hudson spoke in regard to a three-acre pocket where Hughes dead ends into Terrace Way. Several residents still have septic tanks. Kern County Environmental Health officials want the residents to hook up the City sewer; however, City officials do not allow this. He asked staff for options. City Manager Tandy recommended that residents in the neighborhood work with the Annexation Task Force to discuss the annexation process. Mr. Hudson received the FAQ's from City staff and did go door-to-door. Some residents are opposed to annexation due to animal zoning concerns. City Manager Tandy stated that the Municipal Code will allow the neighborhood to retain the zoning. Ms. Vernon asked how they could help expedite the process. City Manager Tandy suggested they appear before LAFCO and inform the Board of their interest and perspective. 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Staff present: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Managers John W. Stinson and Christine Butterfield; City Attorney Ginny Gennaro; Deputy City Attorney Bob Sherfy; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Traffic Engineer Stephen Walker; Wastewater Manager Art Chianello; Civil Engineer IV Marian Shaw; Development Services Director Stanley Grady; Planning Director Jim Movius; Management Assistant Rick Kirkwood; and Capt. Bob Bivens, Police Department; Others present: Stephen Montgomery, ABATE; Dave Dmohowski, Premier Planning Group; Jonathan Hudson, Hudson Custom Construction; Jeanne Radsick and Linda Vernon, Golden Empire Association of Realtors; Kevin Burton, Young Wooldridge; and miscellaneous members of the media. APPROVED 3/1/07 cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council members