HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Rhonda Smiley Zack Scrivner, Chair Harold Hanson Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council -City of Bakersfield Thursday, August 2, 2007 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor -City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT JUNE 14, 2007 MINUTES 3. PUBLIC- STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Electronic Message Signs -Grady /Movius B. Discussion regarding Temporary Signs -Grady /Movius C. Discussion regarding Motorcycle Parking -Rojas /Walker D. Discussion regarding County Response to Requested Changes to Transportation Funding Task Force -Tandy 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Transportation Impact Fees -Tandy 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:\Council Committees\2007\07 Planning&Development\August 2\07 August 2 agenda.doc B A K E R S F I E L D W ~- Staff: Rhonda Smiley For: Alan Tandy, City Manager AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Zack Scrivner, Chair Harold Hanson Ken Weir PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room -Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA The meeting was called to order at 1:06:47 PM 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Zack Scrivner; Chair Councilmembers Harold Hanson and Ken Weir Staff present: City Manager Alan Tandy; Assistant City Manager John W. Stinson; Assistant City Manager Christine Butterfield; Management Assistant Rick Kirkwood; Public Information Officer Rhonda Smiley; City Attorney Virginia Gennaro; Associate Attorney Michael Richards; Intern Joseph Ahuna; Public Works Director Raul Rojas; Development Services Director Stan Grady; Civil Engineer Ted Wright; Assistant Public Works Director Jack LaRochelle; Others present: Greg Iger, Citizen; Dianne Hardesty, Bakersfield Californian; Will Winn, Kern Transportation Foundation; Paul Newberry; Adrian Moore, Reason Foundation; Michael Turnipseed, Kern County Tax Payers Association; Kevin Burton, Young Wooldridge; Tracey Leach, Providence Consulting; Bob Decker, McMillin Land Development; Dave Dmohowski, Premier Planning Group; Chris Clark, Parsons-TRIP; Cassie Daniel, Homebuilders Association; Roger McIntosh, McIntosh & Associates; Lorraine Unger, Sierra Club; Arthur Unger, Human Rights Watch; 2. ADOPT MAY 3, 2007 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None Planning and Development Committee June 14, 2007 Page 2 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding the proposed Joint City/County Open Space Advisory Committee -Tandy / Smiley Staff was requested to present a report to the Planning and Development Committee based on a proposal made to the City by the County to consider participation in an Open Space Advisory Committee. The Committee's purpose is to explore opportunities for acquiring open space resources for the benefit of the community. It would include a representative from the Board of Supervisors, City Council, staff from City and County Planning and Parks departments, as well as those from special interest groups. Public Information Officer Rhonda Smiley gave an overview of the following two processes that are currently in place, and factor in very closely with the County's request: 1. The Bakersfield Metropolitan General Plan -This plan outlines the guidelines and policies for determining and implementing open space elements. The City and County are working together to update the General Plan. In cooperation with The Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 Committee, four community workshops were facilitated and a comprehensive web survey was developed to solicit community feedback. 2. The Recreation and Parks Master Plan -The City is working on an update of this plan to include current and future needs assessments for park land. Community input was obtained through meetings, workshops, and a citywide phone survey to identify park and recreational amenities required and utilized by local residents. Results will be incorporated into the updated Recreation and Parks Master Plan, referred to the Community Services Committee, and then forwarded to City Council for further action. City Manager Alan Tandy added that during the comprehensive telephone survey of the City's constituency, 80% of respondents rated the City's parks planning as "very good" or "excellent". Will Winn of Kern County Transportation, expressed concern and skepticism regarding the City's plan. Mr. Winn also stated that the City does not allow enough public input in the process and planning of open space issues. Adrian Moore of the Reason Foundation affirmed that the Planning and Development Committee June 14, 2007 Page 3 General Plan is an open participatory process for addressing open space issues. However, in his opinion, the formation of a special committee would dominate the process and discourage public participation. Mike Turnipseed of Kern County Tax Payers Association commented that although there has been rapid growth in population and housing within the last few years, Kern County has the highest amount of irrigated, harvested farmland in nearly 20 years of crops within the current system. Lorraine Unger of the Sierra Club commended staff on their analysis but reiterated previous comments that the formation of the Open Space Advisory Committee would not be necessary. Committee member Ken Weir motioned to decline participation in the Open Space Advisory Committee. The motion was second by all ayes from committee members. B. Discussion regarding the Joint Emergency Transportation Task Force -Tandy Committee Chair Scrivner asked that staff provide insight on the current intergovernmental transportation issues, specifically the Thomas Road Improvement Program (TRIP). City Manager Tandy gave an overview of the TRIP process and explained that the City, County, CalTrans, and management consultant, Parsons, jointly carry out the implementation of $630 million, plus a $110 million local match of the Thomas Road Improvement Program. Public Works Director Raul Rojas added that the TRIP program is implementing the Alternate 15 Proposal which was a two year, $2 million regional planning effort by Kern County of Governments (Kern COG), the City and the County. Committee members discussed the County's proposed Task Force and agreed that the formation of an Advisory Committee for the Joint Emergency Task Force would create an exclusionary nature and hinder public participation. Committee member Harold Hanson would like to see the County and City develop an action plan to help keep focused on the issues. Committee member Hanson suggested that the Committee respond to the County as soon as possible. Upon review of the County's proposal regarding the formation of an Emergency Transportation Funding Task Force, Committee members agreed to the following: 1. Staff should perform support functions and should not be members of the Advisory Committee. Planning and Development Committee June 14, 2007 Page 4 2. Instead of creating a formal Advisory Committee by appointing specific groups to formally participate, invite all citizens with interest in the issues to attend, allowing equal status for all and not excluding anyone. 3. Meetings should be scheduled "as needed", rather than by set meeting dates. 4. City and County staff should schedule and allocate the time for all agenda. items, in order to keep the meeting duration reasonable and to keep them on schedule. 5. The word "Emergency" to be removed from the title, revising it to "Transportation Funding Task Force". 6. The purpose of the Task Force is to identify funding sources for projects, rather than to "author a transportation plan". 7. Evening times are necessary, not only because City Councilmembers have day jobs, but because it would also allow members of the public to attend sessions. A 6:00 p.m. start time is preferred for those reasons. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 2:23:03 PM cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council members B A K E R S F I E L D Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director M E M O R A N D U M July 26, 2007 TO: STANLEY GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: JIM EGGERT, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SIGN REPORT -ELECTRONIC MESSAGE CENTER SIGNS On June 29, 2007, city staff and representatives with the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce met with two local sign companies and Lamar Advertising (billboards) to discuss the use of electronic message signs. Presently, the code prohibits electronic message centers as follows, "...electronic message boards with moving print messages, except those that depict noncommercial information such as public events, time of day and temperature". The current language is problematic since the restriction is not content neutral. An electronic sign can move if the message is noncommercial (i.e. public service announcement) but not if the message is commercial (i.e. business name, product advertisement). Although the city has permitted electronic signs that prohibited moving print messages, this restriction is extremely difficult to enforce due to the ease of changing the sign. The sign representatives stated that more of their clients are considering electronic signs since costs have been decreasing but they recognize that these signs can expand their advertising ability. These signs now come in a variety of sizes and include such features such as full color and high-resolution video. Issues to consider for such signs include: • Greater setbacks from residential areas (due to lighting) • Limit brightness, especially at night • Allow animation (if no animation, clarify how often messages can change) • Allow on billboards (no further restrictions were suggested since the City's requirements already deal with location and setbacks) Examples of electronic signs currently operating in the city: • Bill Wright Toyota (along State Hwy 99) • Kern Schools Credit Union (Ming west of Stine and the southwest corner of Panama/Stine) • Walgreens (most locations -small monument signs) • Coffee Road, south of Meacham (car wash/small commercial center) • Outdoor advertising structure (billboard) at the northeast corner of Chester and California The group felt that the ordinance should embrace this technology since costs and demand will enable more businesses to take advantage of the flexibility that these signs offer. They also felt they should be fully animated since there are no studies to suggest it compromises public safety. C:\DOCUME-1WWSTIN-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Electronic signs memo to PD Committse.doc POINTS TO CONSIDER: The price of electronic message signs is making it easier for more and more businesses to afford, so more and more business will see advantages to reaching their customers with unique advertising. Small electronic signs with moving messages (usually single or two lines) are available online or at stores such as Costco or Office Depot for under $300. 2. The ease in operating these signs makes it difficult to enforce whether animation occurs since it only takes a few keyboard strokes to change or animate a message. Since enforcement may not be practical to control sign animation citywide, the issue is whether these signs should be permitted with no restrictions concerning animation, or that they be prohibited entirely. 3. If electronic signs are allowed (includes both private business identification signs and outdoor advertising signs), staff recommends the following: • Consider increased setbacks for business identification signs near residential areas -this would need more study (Note: outdoor advertising signs currently have a 300-foot setback, which would remain unchanged) • Only allow electronic message pylon signs for shopping centers or stand-alone retail stores of 50,000 square feet or larger (coincides with the city's architectural standards for large retail centers). Use and number of electronic messages on monument signs (smaller ground-mounted signs) would also need to be considered. C:\DOCUME-1WWSTIN-11LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Electronic signs memo to PD Committee.doc B A K E R S F I E L D Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director M E M O R A N D U M July 26, 2007 TO: STANLEY GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR FROM: JIM EGGERT, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SIGN REPORT -TEMPORARY SIGNS/BANNERS (AUTO DEALERS) On June 14, 2007, city staff coordinated with the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce to hold a workshop where representatives from both used and new car dealerships could learn more about the current sign ordinance and recent code enforcement actions concerning sign compliance. More than 20 attendees were present where I gave a brief overview of the issues showing permitted and prohibited signs as they pertained to automobile sales. - prohibited signs - Except for permanent business identification signs (i.e. pylons or monuments) and changeable window displays, all other signs such as pennants/streamers strung across car lots, banners (includes air-blown figures), flags, balloons, and A-frames are prohibited. The presentation also covered when special event permits are required from the Building Department for grand openings and special sales. The workshop provided opportunity for attendees to ask questions and provide feedback on advertising preferences, some of which would require changes to the existing ordinance. Used car dealers noted their preferences as follows (in order of priority): • Pennants (top priority) -these would extend across their outdoor display areas • Pole banners • Feather banners • Flags/balloons C:\DOCUME-1\JWSTIN-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\Auto signs memo to PD Committee.doc Many stated that unlike new dealers that have large interior showrooms, used car dealers do not typically have building showrooms, just outdoor display areas that these overhead pennants help define. They also felt these advertising products help to differentiate sales lots from a typical commercial parking lot. ~ ~ the new -Took of '! comfort: " i T06D Ott?t1A>~ ' TO[>D OLDN,U~ L' A~! O Y~ L A e 9 O Y I I I 4 1 -pole banners - -feather banners - New car dealers stated that their preferences as: • Pole banners • Balloons (individual on antennas) • All others acceptable through the Special Event permit New car dealers' national advertisers provide pole banners to help identify specific models and specials, and they change constantly throughout the year. They noted that pennants and flags were not necessary except during special sales events where they did not object to getting a special event permit from the City Building Department. Streamers across the display areas are not frequently used. Both new and used representatives agreed that the ordinance be: • Consistent in its application for dealerships both inside and outside the Auto Mall, and • That sign enforcement be evenhanded. Staff noted that the Building Director was allowing in the interim use of pole banners and a single small balloon on each car antenna while this issue is pending. Staff found that these professionally done pole banners are attractive and provide necessary advertising without being overly aggressive. CONCLUSION: In keeping with the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance to encourage signs that provide necessary business identification while maintaining good design and aesthetics, staff suggests the following: Amend the ordinance to allow pole banners Discussion: Pole banners are the least objectionable banners since they present a professional appearance and provide appropriate advertisement for both new and used auto dealers. Additionally, because sign regulations are by zone district and must remain content neutral (i.e. cannot restrict by use), other types of businesses such as fast food establishments and shopping centers could use these pole banners in parking lots without overwhelming the streetscape. 2. All other signs to be subject to the existing ordinance requirements for special events. C:\DOCUME~IWWSTIN-1\LOCALS-1\Temp\XPgrpwiseWuto signs memo to PD Committee.doc Q. ~ A K E. R S F i~_ I~ I) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Traffic Engineering Memorandum DATE: July 20, 2007 TO: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director FROM: Stephen L. Walker, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: On-Street Designated. Motorcycle Parking Spaces LOCATION: Downtown Bakersfield WARD: 2 The subject location is in downtown Bakersfield. Ten locations have been selected to provide a total of 14 motorcycle parking spaces to acconunodate the motorcycle riders of our city. Subnutted herewith are the following: Sheet 1-Potential Downtown Motorcycle Parking, Locations Indicating the potential & soon-toibe installed locations of motorcycle spaces. Sheet 2 -Location Map Showing an enlarged downtown map with the locations of motorcycle spaces. Sheet 3 -Standard Motorcycle Parking Space Dimensions Showing striping details of typical motorcycle parking spaces General Services will be installing the spaces over the next two weeks. Original: i~ersectlon Flle S:\Trafflc_Opa\SMpi~ing.doc ~.1DP ----- -------_I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I ----- ---------1 -------------------- ( -- ~ I I II I I I I ~--------- -- -- -J I I I I I M15TALL 1 aACONAL I I PARKMG SPACE I I I I I D 20TH STREET ---------------- -- 1 I I I I I ~ N W W ~~ I I W I I I 1 I - 1 I WSTALL 1 aACONAL I PAWWG SPACE I I I ----- =---------J ( -- 1 I I I I I INSTALL 2 aA40NAL I PARKMIG SPACES I I I I I I I I -- I I I NrSTALL 1 PERPENOICiRAR ~ PAPoa1G SPACE I I r 1sTH sTREET ----------------~I -- 1 I 1 I asrALL z aAax~A~ I PARKMIG SPACES I I I I I I L-------- =---------J ---------------- -- ~ r-------- -- --------~ I I I I I I INSTALL ~ aAOONA~ I I PARIONC SPACE I I I I ~ I -- I -- ) 18TH STREET -- 1 ( -- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ----- =---------J ~--------- =- --------J -------------- -- --1 r-------- -- --------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- ) l -- ) Q rn w U ._. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -T ~ J I II I ~ I I I I I ~ I I t 1 I I 11 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I ----------------- ( -- 1 I I I I I INSTALL 1 gACONAI I PARKWG SPACE I I I I I I + I I I I I I I I I 1 I +I l`------- ----------~1 I I I I I I I I I I I I L-------- =----------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l -- 1 ( -- 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I L-------- =----------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - I I I I I ---- I I I I I 1 I ---------- v I I I I I I I L---------- 1-- W W I I I I I I Y ~ ------- I I ~sTALL z aA(iONAL PARIpNG SPACES I I I L---------- I I i I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 17TH STREET - ---~I I~--~~ I----------------------__---------- !~ LOCATION MAP '~ o ~ , SCALE: 1:150 SHEET 2 ALLEY ~- cuR6 8'-0° TYP. PARKING STRIPING FOR MOTORCYCLE SPACE 0 ,~ SIDEWALK PLANTER ""' " """"" STRIPING :LE SPACE CURB CURB ~ ~'/ / / / / SIDEWALK /~ l~ ~i I I .v. B DIAGONAL PARKING ~: 1. VERIFY EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS & DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 2. PAINT "MOTORCYCLE" ON CURB WHERE SPACES ARE INSTALLED. ~ovEo STANDARD p+"~ ~ MOTORCYCLE PARKING o~am SPACE DIMENSIONS ~ scKE NT. SHEET N0. CrTY OF c~°- ~~ ~ 3 ENa~ • B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager June 18, 2007 Ronald M. Errea County Administrative Officer County of Kern 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Transportation Funding Task Force -Requested Changes as of 6/14/07 Dear Ron: The City Planning and Development Committee met and would like to make the following changes in the formation structure/purpose of the Transportation Funding Task Force:- • Staff should perform support functions and should not be members of the Advisory Committee; • Instead of creating a formal Advisory Committee by appointing specific groups to formally participate, invite all citizens with interest in the issues to attend, allowing equal status for all and not excluding anyone. • Meetings should be scheduled "as needed", rather than by set meeting dates. • City and County staff should schedule and allocate the time for all agenda items, in order to keep the meeting duration reasonable and to keep them on schedule. • The word "Emergency" to be removed from the title, revising it to "Transportation Funding Task Force". • The purpose of the task force is to identify funding sources for projects, rather than to "author a transportation plan". • Evening times are necessary, not only because City Councilmembers have day jobs, but because it would also allow members of the public to attend sessions. A 6:00 p.m. start time is preferred for those reasons. City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California • 93301 (661) 326-3751 • Fax (661 } 324-1850 Ronald M. Errea Transportation Task Force June 18, 2007 Page 2 The consideration of these items by Kern County would be appreciated. Meanwhile, I believe our staff sessions to pre-plan issues and ideas have been productive, and I look forward to those continuing. Sincerely, ~ f ~ ~ ~, l ~ Ian Tandy City Manager cc: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers Stanley Grady, Development Services Director Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Rhonda Smiley, Public Information Officer BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SUPERVISORS Jon McQuiston ................ District 1 non Maben .................... District 2 :ke Haggard ................. District 3 Kaymond A. Watson ...... District 4 Michael J. Rubio ............. District 5 KATHLEEN KRAUSE CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Kem County Administrative Center 1115 Tnixtun Avenue, 5th Floor Bakersfield, California 93301 Telephone 661.868.3585 TTY Relay 800-?35.2929 r !i°-` ~ ~'~Q~ July 12, 2007 Mayor Harvey L. Hall and Bakersfield City Council City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Transportation Funding Task Force -Requested Changes Dear Mayor Hall and City Councilmembers: On behalf of the Kern County Board of Supervisors, this is to respond to Alan Tandy's June 18 letter to County Administrative Officer Ronald Errea concerning the structure of the joint transportation task force, which will develop solutions to important issues and questions concerning transportation planning. The Board of Supervisors has considered the issues mentioned in that correspondence and the Board is pleased to finalize certain details that will allow the Transportation Funding Task Force to initiate its first meeting as scheduled for August 20, 2007, 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers. In Mr. Tandy's letter there were seven proposed changes with respect to the structure and organization of the task force. Those matters are addressed in the order they appeared, with the City's comment in italic font and the County's response in regular font. 1. Staff should perform support functions and should not be members of the Advisory Committee. - The County concurs with this request, noting that County staff will be present at Committee meetings to facilitate answers to technical questions in order to maximize progress at each meeting. 2. Instead of creating a formal Advisory Committee by appointing specific groups to formally participate, invite all citizens with interest in the issues to attend, allowing equal status for .all and not excluding anyone. -The County agrees that all persons with an interest in the matter should be encouraged to attend and participate in task force meetings. The County, however, continues to support the participation of directly affected key stakeholders that can serve the dual purposes of being a source of technical information and formal dialogue leading to agreement on the resulting solutions. This should be in a supportive role to the process by those directly impacted by task force recommendations. Creating this participatory role and .having a direct conduit with these interests will better assure the exchange of accurate and complete information and is essential to fostering the necessary support and sense of "ownership" required in order to generate additional program dollars. Providing such a role for these stakeholders is appropriate in light of the fact that they may be called upon to bear a significant share of the cost related to solving this problem and will be asked to help define new and creative means of addressing the issues. Accordingly, to serve in this assistive role, County staff will appoint a Stakeholder Working Group that will serve in this capacity. Although not formal task force members, this Mayor Hall and City Councilmembers Transportation Funding Task Force . July 12, 200'7 Page 2 of 2 group will provide valuable input to staff and the opportunity will be provided for this group to participate in task force meetings. We invite Bakersfield to also embrace and benefit from this group's active participation in the process. A copy of the letter being sent to .Stakeholder Working Group invitees is attached. 3. Meetings should be scheduled "as needed ", rather than by set meeting dates. -The County concurs with this request, although it would still be appropriate for task force members to address this issue. We make this comment because given task force members' busy schedules, it may be more efficient for them to designate potential standardized future meeting dates to facilitate meeting as the need arises. We also believe that it is important to establish an aggressive timetable to develop solutions for the region's urgent transportation needs. 4. City and County sta, fJ'should schedule and allocate the time for all agenda items, in order to keep the meeting duration reasonable and to ,keep them on schedule. -While the County certainly supports the concept of efficiently-run meetings, it believes that no such artificial restraints are necessary in this case. The meetings will be conducted by local elected officials that are fully capable of managing these types of activities. There are times when the complexity of the issues under discussion and the superior value of achieving an open and complete discussion of the issues are likely to make it very difficult to predict any given item's appropriate timeframe. It is preferred to schedule items for discussion and continue such discussion to a later meeting date, should that need arise. 5. The word "Emergency" to be removed from the title, revising it to "Transportation Funding Task Force ". -The County concurs with this request. 6. The purpose of the task force is to identify funding sources for projects, rather than to "author a transportation plan ". -The County agrees that an important purpose of the task force is to identify funding sources for projects and although transportation is in the name of the task force, funding source identification is too narrowly focused and too simplistic to effectively address the challenges facing our local transportation network. Our work over the past few months has confirmed that when discussing funding, it is a natural progression to also discuss road segments, funding sources and realistic time frames required for project delivery. While it is not clear how the City would define authoring a transportation plan, the City itself, as part of the funding discussion, has suggested that fundamental changes be made to the nature and scope of various project segments. For example, the City has included abandoning the northerly east-west alignment of the future State Route 58 as envisioned in Alternative 15 in favor of using the South Beltway for this purpose. Therefore, this process being more inclusive than just considering funding issues is essential if a complete, thorough review is to answer the specific questions raised and provide a roadmap -for how we will get there. Accordingly, the County continues to support the following purpose and work plan elements as originally envisioned at the time the task force was first proposed: "To deliver a plan that identifies and updates the necessary metropolitan Bakersfield transportation projects required to meet the needs of current and projected new development within the Metropolitan Bakersf:eld General Plan area. " Mayor Hall and City Councilmembers Transportation Funding Task Force July 12, 2007 Page 3 of 3 • Identify the current and future project. list required to meet the level of service standard within the 2030 planning time frame of the general plan • Identify current and future funding sources with realistic timing priorities and strategies concurrent with #1 above • Identify any funding gaps ~ Identify future funding sources to address shortfalls • Identify other traffic mitigating solutions • Identify project cost cutting options, such as downscaling, redesign, or rerouting • Identify strategies to initiate immediate construction of projects 7. Evening times are necessary, not only because City Councilmembers have day jobs,. but because it would also allow members of the public to attend sessions. A 6:00 p.m. start time is preferred for those reasons. -The County concurs with this request. The Board of Supervisors appreciates the interest of the Bakersfield City Council in working together on this joint effort and we look forward. to our future progress in addressing these important metropolitan area transportation issues. Sincerely, 0 ~. Don Maben, Chairman Kem County Board of Supervisors DM/PRO]ECfS/TRANSPORTATION/ATRESPONSE Attachment cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Alan Tandy, Bakersfield City Manager Ronald M. Errea, County Administrative Officer David Price, Resource Management Agency Craig Pope, Roads Department Ted James, Planning Department 07/19/2007 13:39 FAX 661 868 3190 CAO Kern County Administratiive Offi County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Filch Flaor • Bakersfield, G 93301-4639 Telephone 661-668-3195 • FN( 661-868-3190 • TTY Relay 800-735-29: The attached letter was also sent to: • Ron Brummett -Kern COG • Debbie Moreno - Chamber of Commerce • Cassie Daniels - HBA / BIA • John Fatlgatter -Smart Growth of Kern • Parsons Group • A.J. Whitaker - CELSOC July 12, 2007 Mr. Gary Blackburn Kern Transportation Foundation 5401$usiness park South Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear Mr. Blackburn: As the metropolitan Bakersfield area experiences increasing urban development, the community is facing a number of issues concerning how best to plan for and accommodate that growth. Ia order to better address transportation and circulation related issues, the Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Bakersfield City Council have both approved the creation of a Transportation Fu»ding Task Force (Task Force); The Task Force will be comprised of two members of the Board of Supervisors and the three members of tie Bakers$eld City Council Planning and Development Committee. The purpose of the Task Force is: "To deliver a plan that identifies and updates the necessary rrutropoliran Bak,ersf:eld transportation projscts required to meet the needs of current and projected new development within the Metropolitan Balf~ersfield Qsnsral Plan ann. " In order to assist County staff in addressing related issues, you are invited to participate on a Stakeholder Working Group to serve is a support role to the staff. It is anticipated that this Group will consist of eight organization representatives as follows: California Department of Transportation Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors of California Home Builders Association of Kern County Kern Council of Governmaus Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce Kern Transportation Foundation Thomas Road Improvement Program -Parsons Group Smart Cnowth Coalition of Kern County Xou are receiving this letter as a point •of contact for the group. Kern County respectfully requests that your organization designate a representative that can serve on this important work group. The Task Force has scheduled its fast meeting on Monday, August• 20, 2007, 6:00 p.m. at the Board of Supervisors' Chambers. As such, yrour early attention to making this appointment, or an interim appoiatmart for this initial meeting, would be greatly appreciated. It is requested that your representative be generally available to attend meetings as may be called so that consistent attendance and participation RECEIVED: 7/19/07 1:58PM; ->CITY OF BAKERSFIELD; #313; PAGE 5 07/19/2007 1:40 FAX 661 868 X190 CAO C~j005 Mr. Gary Blackburn 7u1y.12, 2007 Pagc 2 of 2 • can occur from your organization. We request that you advise us of your appointee's idartity, mailing address and telephone number no later than Friday, August 10, 2007. fior yow information, general Task Force operating procedures will be as follows: 1. Meetings will be open to the public and publicized consistent with the California Public Meeting .Law (`Brown Act"). 2. 'The Task Force will meet as ncccssary to review data, share information, and to offer input into the transportation plan development process. 3. The meetings would be noticed and agendas created.by the City Manager's Office and the County Administrative Office. ~ Staff will distn'bute nay materials related to the Task Force's activities. 4. Meetings would occur in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers and the City Council's chambers on an alternating basis. The meetings will be televised on KGOV-TV. 5. It is anticipated that the work group will participate in various meetings, including those of the Task Force itself, to assist in addressing key transportation issues and will be instrumental in developing and supporting related short and long-term solutioirs. Additional information related to this project, including local and rtgional transportation projects and related cost data, will be forwazded to yow appointee for review prior to the August Z0, 2007 meeting. The County of Kern looks forward to your~representative's active participation on this important work group.. To advise us of your nominee or to have any questions addressed, please contact David Price lII, Resource Management Agency Director, at•2700 M Street, Suite 350, Bakersfield, CA 93301-2358, 661- 862-8802-voice, 661-862-8801-fax or daveC~co.kern.ca.us. Sincerely, Ronald M. County A true Officer' w~nvpxaeclsa'wa+sronr~noru~nvooMM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY DAVID PRICE Ill, DIRECTOR Community and Ecoramic Development Department • Engineering & SurveyServices Department • Environmental Health Services Department • Planning Department • Roads Department 'hones: (661) 862-8800 ;00) 552-5376, Menu Option 5 Fax: (661) 862-8801 TTY Relay: (800) 735-2929 July 31, 2007 Board of Supervisors Kern County Administrative Center 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 350 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301-2370 E-mail: rma@co.kern.ca.us Web Page: http://www.co.kem.ca.us/rma/ RESPONSE TO REFERRAL REGARDING EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION FUNDING TASK FORCE NAME AND MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION MODIFICATIONS (ALL S.D.s) Fiscal Impact: None The purpose of this Board letter is to seek your Board's concurrence with three changes to the Emergency Transportation Funding Task Force (Task Force) that were referred by your Board to staff at your meeting of July 10, 2007. At that meeting, your Board considered requests presented by City of Bakersfield City Manager Alan Tandy in a letter dated June 18, 2007. Staff recommended that several of those requests be agreed to and your Board did so at that meeting. Three of those requests, however, require more formal approval today if they are to be effective prior to the first scheduled meeting of the Task Force. The first request was to change the name of the Task Force by deleting the word "Emergency". The formal Task Force name would be "Transportation Funding Task Force". The second request was to increase the number of City of Bakersfield Task Force members from two to three to accommodate all members of the Bakersfield City Council Planning and Development Committee. The third request was to delete the proposed Advisory Committee from the Task Force. Therefore, IT IS RECOMMENDED that your Board approve the task force name of Transportation Funding Task Force; include as a voting member a third Bakersfield City Council member; and delete the Advisory Committee from Task Force membership. Sincerely, ~ ~~> David Price III Director cc: County Administrative Office RMA Department Heads Alan Tandy, Bakersfield City Manager, City of Bakersfield, 1501 Truxtun Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 I:\ADMINIDP1TransportationWletro BFL Trans Funding\Task Force\BoS-TF Changes 7-31-07 Final.doc Printed on Recycled Paper B A K E R S F I E r. L rr D CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM July 27, 2007 TO: Planning and Development Committee FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager SUBJECT: Transportation Fees Staff received a request to place the issue of transportation fees on the August 2, 2007 Planning and Development Committee agenda. Staff is in the process of developing the transportation fee in question. However, the draft fee calculations have not been completed at this time. Staff hopes to have the draft calculations completed by-the August 2, 2007 meeting for discussion purposes. AT: jws ~1 President and Chairt,rm of the Board Michael Flair,.h'- Irvr'ra~rrrtr• i.ancl 1)t'YP1n,rlrAl'rll, J!H'. hirst Yice President Kogcr Mclntotih A4t Avn.+'h d' A,vcnriurr.r Second \'icc President Darryl 'locker TSquarc Secretary Colvin R, Stead, Gsq. J3nruln, f r•n'DrJ d Cnnrorr, LJ.P 'FYeasurer David Dnx>howski Nrojccr Decil;rr Cnrr.crelrunr.r Immediau Past President David cater l~nna Hnnrr'.r President of BIPAC Gregory H;~sh Frrll,~unr'r Rharlr.c Jn.curarrre Fsxecutive Vice President Carrie L. Daniel Board of Directors Donna Carpenter Sikund Jsnxirrer'rin;; Tr,~„ uee L.r'nnur Corrrnvurities Darryl G6cf Grarvire Consvrwctinn Co. Pat Hennct~n~' Ca.rtlr' d Coo(P, /nc. Jcromc ]acohi K. Nnrnanian hlomes Russ Johnson Ctnler Hanres Mike Kanc SunCul Cumpunic's ste„~ F~c,tt The Gns C'nnr/umz' Marion Malamn,a First Arncricun Tito' Vauahu tv9intcr PC d l: .I;ones C. nickel A'ickc'/ l•imrily. LL,C' Ron Ray Drnriu„ Uevehlpn;rnr Cah'in Rossi McMi!!ur Hnme,c BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF KERN COUNTY, INC. P.O. BOX 1848 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303 PHONE (661) 633-1316 FAX' (661,)-633-1317 July 13, 2007 Bakersfield City Council 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Honorable Mayor Hall and City Council: The Home Builders Association of Kern is concerned about the latest conditions placed on the development community regarding transportation impact fees at the July 5, 2007 Planning Commission meeting. The manner and timing of the conditions placed are not consistent with reasonable solutions to transportation funding. Based on our concern about how this fee was adopted and implemented, it is imperative that the HBA be an active participant in the implementation of the City of Bakersfield's development and imposition of new fees on new development. We wish to partake in every level of the formulation of new fees and road funding strategies. Homebuilders have invested substantial time, energy and financial resources to create quality neighborhoods. Because of this the HBA offers great insight and experience on practical, economical and equitable infrastructure solutions. Payment of impact fees prior to securing project entitlements at the subdivision map or site plan review stage, as now conditioned by the Planning Commission, will not be acceptable to lending institutions or private investors due to the extreme risk assumed. The use of re- conveyance fees and repayment methods that permit up front financing by builders with a guaranteed payback once new development begins to generate- tax revenue should be considered. We should explore more cost-effective design standards like expressways instead of costly freeways. Identification of financing mechanisms for delivering road improvements more expeditiously than traditional methods should be examined. The use of public/private partnerships would be cost effective and expeditious in the delivery of completed projects. Facilitation of bonding procedures like assessment, bridge and major thoroughfare districts, and community facilities districts deserve serious consideration. Sales tax measures and toll roads are also viable considerations. Mr gin,! rem ~r ~aG~ ~~~ Nnnonai, Asac,r,'nun u1~ Hurai~ Buu.ucus David Turner l~urirl A. Tin•rrr-r Hnrnc,c We request the imposition of the conditions and the timing of the payment of the unknown fee be referred to the August 2 Planning and Development committee for further review. Sincerely, ~~ J ~. (,~ Cassie L. Daniel \ Executive Vice President cc: i11an 'Tandy, City Manager HBA Board of Dixectors Bakersfield Planning Commission Bakersfield Association of REALTORS® The following documents pertain to the: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE meeting of Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 1:00 PM. Impact on Used Vs. New New Car dealers have the advantage of having the support of a major corporation with major financial support. New showrooms, offices and nationwide advertising A used car dealer must support his/her own business with personal investment. These individuals support their own business. As an independent business owner everything that has an impact on sales determines your ability to survive and succeed. Even a minor event such as vandalism or theft can make a difference in your ability to keep your doors open and your employees working. When we had to remove our lot decorations there was an immediate loss in sales of 30 to 44% depending on your location. This is why this meeting is vitally important to our business success. Positive Impact on Community Our business support many other community businesses. Here is an example of how One car sold effects the community: Original Seller of Vehicle Auction -Purchase Vehicle Trucking company -get the car to the lot Smog Shop -Smog Vehicle Mechanic -Safety Checks Vehicle prior to sale Parts Supply Stores Detail Shop -Cleans and Details Vehicle Cleaning Supply Distributors Paint and Body Shops Tire Shop -Checks and replaces tires as needed on Vehicle Tire Distributors t Salesman -Sales Vehicle Insurance Company -insures Vehicle Warranty Companies Banks/Finance Companies -Finances Vehicle Credit Bureaus ` Glass Shop -Repairs or replaces windows/windshields as necessary Newspaper Advertising Sale Radio Television Print Shops, business card There are 21 businesses directly effected by the sale of this one car. Multiply that by the number of used cars sold in the city and that is a huge impact on city revenue. ~,> `', Tax Base Supports Our City Services We aze a major source of the city's sales tax base. This supports our community and its services. We also buy a business license from the city and pay a city tax which, if you consider the amount paid by every used car dealership in town you are looking at a considerable amount of revenue for the city. The used caz industry supports our community in a number of ways a few of which are the great number of people in the community we employ. Each one of these individuals and their family's support various other businesses in the community by using the wages earned from us to purchase goods from within the community. Every area of service an individual and their families utilize in our community is a direct result of the wages earned from our business, which comes directly from the sales we have generated. A few of the industries within the community that are supported as a direct result of our being a successful business are: food, clothing, entertainment, fuel, charities, schools, our swim center, our community center, sports events, community events, and many, many others, with each one of these businesses supporting other businesses. There is a trickle down effect each one has on the other. As you can see our business has a major financial impact on the health of our business community. We also bring a large number of buyer's from outside the Bakersfield area and they support area businesses while shopping here. Negative impact on Community The result of the enforcement of this ordinance had an immediate impact on our businesses of at least a 30% to 40% with several potential sales going to other cities. With the trend of implementing restrictions on businesses in our community combined with the cost of vandalism and theft, many dealerships could very well be put out of business. This could leave blight in our community as buildings and lots are left vacant and the graffiti artists and homeless move in. (7/31/2007) Rhonda Smiley -Electronic message and temporary signs, items A & B before the P & D Comm. Page 1 From: Stephen Montgomery <samonty@pacbell.net> To: <City_Council@bakersfieldcity.us> Date: 7/28/2007 11:31 AM Subject: Electronic message and temporary signs, items A & B before the P & D Comm. To the Planning and Development Committee and Council: While not taking a position on the matter of requested changes to the city sign code for use of balloons and other items along with temporary signs one point that is often overlooked is the use and display of the American flag for commercial promotion frequently in violation of the federal Flag Code. The laws relating to the flag of the United States of America are found in detail in the United States Code. Title 4, Chapter 1 pertains to the flag; Title 18, Chapter 33, Section 700 regards criminal penalties for flag desecration; Title 36, Chapter 3 pertains to patriotic customs and observances. These laws were supplemented by Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations. More information is available at http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html#5 and at http://www.legion.org/?section=our flag&subsection=flag_code&content=flag_code I would suggest the Committee and Council when defining the sign ordinance to draft it to be consistent with and support the federal Flag Code. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Steve Stephen A. Montgomery 2115 1st Street Bakersfield CA 93304 Mobile: 661-496-6585 Land/fax: 661/324/3522 7lires~y July s4'"' door CaettciMtember Za~h S~rtvrier Carpeeilme» char Kett Nreir Coea~tlmeneberHaroldHarrs~n Nell Trey t~q~rte is Jay.G~ruthtar, a long time Bakers,~ield resided and the owner of Baker~sfi-eldAeetoSadea Pyre writing this letter in respo~ae to the current dialogue between the City and the lo~err! Auto Dealers ~ the plaati~tg of an acceptarbk plant,~6r Dealer I.ot Decoro7ions and Sales Aia~u I uauld JraMe lm~ed to he a prtrt~lcipa~rt of floe meethtg T3ntrsd[ty, but am cttly or: vaarr oat of stale. As I have stared be, fare fn the last meeting, I belfeve we s3raield h~an~e a review of the curre»t pohicies re~rraiYng signs. banners, , f lags autd other ,Lot Sales Aides I believe a7 times; there acre soeae lots that have gntte a little ovierbaaTd arad need ro be t-veaked But, I also believe that the laracd Auto Industry is a huge part of the .local ecorramy avtd~ob sourcae. nth than, I believe that with the ctdrent aCawnturit in the local market which has ge+emly ar,~ected not ottlyAuM 1?ealers [used aurci newt but also lotaal Flnrne SaJe~ CansiructionJobs, Retch! Tf~e, Bankingand otherlnabcstrles, this ts~ not a tttne~i'ar more r+estric#loris but better unairxsr~g of what Btrs'iness owners one fcicing. ,- ~ I'd like to point out, how flee Sale of Only- One Vehicle hel~is the I,,acal.~.cnrtocrry. T1te road ro a ccrt sale: Lkaler sells ta arrctintt Auct/on Jcllt tvNr-vlhaler Dealer hire dx~rortariaer driller Dealer ppys,lbw Servlcx i Deahrpaysfar D~etall Dealer preys for ?Yi+e,: IaeaYer p~,~ touch-itp Dealer prays for' advertis~titg Dealer pays f~rli~ pg h~terest Dealer Sells vehlck ,bank receiv~as loan I~ went writes policy Chas,ttatiott ~ellsgp~t City receives tgaaes State receives tames Etc, etc, ...I could mention mot9e , but yeti get the picture. Oh, yes if there's arty ls,~ the Dealer raighr get a little. Please work with us in a fair a~gneenent on IlF 4L.~,~R SAI.~,•S A117S. We need them! ,SYncerely, Jary M. Gauthier Bakers,~eld Auto Sales dd1.869. Z8U0 v VL.-LY~L17 .7 r n~ c 11 rf'1 2SHKtKSFIELD AUTO SALES 869 2822 p, 0~ ~i ~~Cag t11#t W~l~ WQ~`k: Ban7acrs and Stre~roers are Headed! Maybe we limit them to two rows. ltiole banners are needed. But must be kept within the Mfg. Si7a limits. Flags are needed, but not on every car, Maybe ana for every twenty feet. Flying Manor Big Gorilla type balloons...Y'rn neutral an this point. Balloons are rueedcd, but NOT ONLY. To hvt in the summer for balloons And they melt on the vehicles. Window stickers are nead~l. But perhaps limited to three rows, Balloons streanwrs in the sky. Look great, but should be limited to thirty feet high. ~ . And Ha more than I O feat on a front line an a road or highway. T~IESE ARE ~'CJST A FEW IDEAS TI~AT W1LL ALLOW US TO. INC;RF..ASE x~~IC, BUT WITHOUT CAUSIlJG AN EYESORE TU TIC CITY. PS WE COULD ALSO HAVE A SMALL CROUP 'T`HAT WOUi~ WORIG WI'CH THE CL'i`Y TO MONI"t'OR THE USE 4P "LOT SALES ATDS." THANK YaU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. Jay Gauthier Bakersfield Aaatn ~alae 661.869.2.~Q0 July 26, 2007 To Whom It May Concern, I am here on behalf of Camera Ads. My name is Danette Romero. I work closely with many car dealerships in town. As I was thinking about the City Zoning Ordinance, I do have many concerns that I would like to address. Our main concern starts with the domino effect that will take place if this ordinance goes into effect. There will be many businesses that will be affected due to City Zoning. Local car dealers have to grab the attention of potential buyers. Camera ads are both a directional and creative way to advertise the car business and many other businesses in town. Camera ads and any other form of print advertising can be very effective if the cycle. continues to run smooth. Animated advertising (banners, balloons, signs, etc.) partnered with print advertising has been very successful over the years. For a business to be successful they have to brand their name and there has to be a positive appeal for a customer to purchase a product and the business has to somehow differentiate themselves from other businesses. If our customer's see a decrease in business they will not have the funds to advertise. Not only will Camera Ads be affected, but so many other businesses will feel the hit as well. Dealerships use smog shops, auto body repair, and detail shops, Tube shops, sign companies; balloon and helium shops, as well as wheel and tire shops. In such industries such as retail, there is signage to promote sales and specials within the store itself. The fact that with most car dealership the merchandise is on the outside of the building/store, there has to be some sort of signage to promote the product in order to attract attention to there product to potential buyers. In closing, we hope that you take the information provided into consideration and hopefully you realize that this will effect not only the dealerships themselves but also the economy. you, Romero and Camera Ads Councilmember Zack Scrivner Councilmember Harold Hanson Councilmember Ken Weir City Planning Jim Eggert This is a rough draft of the items that we would like to see taken into consideration for the sign ordinance: Streamers/pennants -usually metallic-like material, and borders around the display area. Height - I believe is not a concern, usually 6-12ft. above Length -from to pole Limit - 5 to 7 rows Appearance -not to sag or appear tattered Banners (such as Kern Schools, Kern Federal, or other financial institutions) - be able to display Pole banners -kept within the manufacture size limits Flag poles -must be secure, not tattered, nor to exceed mfg. size limits Balloons - no limit in size/ no limit in amount Balloons with tail/streamers must not get entangled with utility lines Not to exceed 30 to 50 feet No more than ft in a front line from road or highway Hot air balloons (such as on roof tops) -must be secured and safe. Maybe a permit for 60-90 days Animated, moving, revolving, and rotating signs - to be kept off public sidewalks and public areas. Not to be distracting to traffic flow. Flying man - to be able to use, but to be kept off sidewalks and walkways Roof signs- name of business and on special events Electronic message boards with moving print messages -not to exceed mfg. recommendations Feather banners (poles attach to tires or in grass) Confirm: not of concern -hood signs and flags attached to car windows. Decals on vehicles such asyear/price etc. Thank you for your time and consideration in this very important matter Sincerely, V.Martinez-Tate Auto Source America Councilmember Zack Scrivner Councilmember Harold Hanson Councilmember Ken Weir City Planning Jim Eggert Hello, my name is Vickie Martinez-Tate, I am long time Bakersfield resident and a co- owner of Auto Source America, we sell used vehicles. Thank you for meeting with us today in regards to the recent enforcement of an existing city ordinance, that the majority of us were unaware of. I have been in business for 8 years, and was only cited 4 months ago, at the time I was not informed that there was a permit available for a limited time of use. The majority of the dealers that were cited, were not informed of the temporary sign permit available also. I did pay the permit fee, which went up for $40 to $50 The permit application fee, had gone from 1 page to 4 pages. Since then, I have removed my sales aides, (except for the items that are currently allowed). The streamers, banners, had been put up professionally by a local company, who also comes out to do any maintenance when required, such as after a windy day. This has cost me thousands of dollars in sales aides, which I cannot use, and that had not even had been an issue for the last 8 years that I have been in business. I believe that this is also true for the other dealers in Bakersfield. I believe my sales have suffered from this. I agree the economy is down. But it can get worse, and I believe in the past few months because of the lack of the sales aides we have seen our sales go down., If this gets worse, which is the reason we are all present today, is that this will affect us all, we are already, downsizing our job force, our spending definitely on sales aides, such as balloons, helium, banners, and advertising which has impacted our local vendors and suppliers, some who are present at this meeting. We all pay our annual business city license and our annual business tax return statement, that was due July 31 S`, which is based on our sales for the past year. If our sales our down, so are the taxes that we collect and pay to the city, county, and state. DMV fees are also collected and forwarded on to the state, the state of California is also affected by the monies that they receive. I believe the portion of sales taxes, license fees, permit fees that the City of Bakersfield receives will be affected by the downward of sales also. We are concerned not only for ourselves and our businesses, but our employees, our vendors, our schools, and in general our local economy. The way that the Bakersfield City sign ordinance impacts our advertising and marketing efforts is: Our merchandise is on our "parking lot", not in a showroom floor, not in a storefront display window, and not in a store. By dressing up our display area, we are able to attract potential auto buyers. Our main sourcing of sales is from what we call "drive bys" When tracking our sales, a majority of our customers, drove bby our location, and stopped. Period. Was it the vehicle? Maybe, was it the dancing man? Maybe. Was it the flying balloons. Maybe. Was it waving flays? Maybe. Who Really, really knows, mabybe it was all of it, that made the customer stop, the synergy that we create on our carlots. Us used auto dealers are in agreement, that an attractive, clean carlot is important, no one wants to shop at a dirty, run down location, not even us. We do the best we can. We know how important presentation is to attract and sell customers. We intend to do what is necessary to keep our business going and profitable, so that we can all benefit from this Maybe the auto dealers need to be included in section 17.60.020 B, which allow flags for model homes which do not need a permit. Or maybe we should consider the section 17.60.030 which covers the comprehensive sign plans, which allows business owners to request special consideration of signs that are specifically integrated into the overall style or theme for their business. Section 417.60.30 #3 states that exceptions to the sign regulations may be permitted. The sign and zoning ordinances is an area that I am not familiar with, and I don't know all the if ,and buts, to. But, I do know that the recent enforcement, has affected my business, and the other used car dealers business, as well as our suppliers and vendors. The general public needs or wants cars, and we would like them to buy them from us, here in Bakersfield, and not go out of the area to buy. Our fellow dealer was voted favorite used car dealer in town, the Auto Shopper America, he did use the balloons, streamers, pendents, flags and a big balloon on the roo£ ..I believe if his location did not look appealing he would not have received this award. The existing allowance of one balloon per car, yes I did get cited for having 3 balloons on a car. And slowing the banners on the light poles, nothing to exceed above the lights. I feel this is to minimum. Since the sign ordinance has not been enforced for years, we would like to hae the opportunity to make changes so that the car dealers are in compliance. Maybe we need a ~ ' task committee made up of car dealers, vendors and suppliers to fully investigate our options. The use car dealers provide a lot of revenue for the City of Bakersfield, what I want and I believe my fellow auto dealers would like, is to continue to conduct our business, has we had in the past, and for the city to allow us to be profitable. i y V 9 ~ g ~ i ~ T a a ~ P 9 e~ 4 ~' r ~ ~j F ~ - ~ ~ p~ J `• ~ ~ ~. 9 ~ )j ~ 3 O C ~~ J A F { '1 1 ~ J ~ ~ nu F M n! fd V ~~ 0 ~~ ~ • ~ ~~ r! 7 C '~ ~ ~ ~~« ~~~~ ~ N N ~~m~ ~~^o ~ON10 /C N Of N N N N ~ pp p O O pp pp pp 8 O O OO = „ p p 00 (~pppp (~ O ~~ 131 0 ~ N a D_10 111 ~ f N ((~~ f+> Of N N(O N ~ _6 N H N N N N E O ~ a d. 4 ~ V' c {~~` ti a'W 3 O '~ 8 a ^n ~ ~ ~ QR _ I ~ ~ ~ ~~ L E (/ O LL C 1~ RS l O. Z E m map ~ ~ W ~ J T ~ ~ c E N ~ ~3 v ~W~aW e a ~0 ~ L =~` a ~•°"~~~ ~ ~` € ~v'~ ~Wa3~,~8 ~ ~ 0 N a' O .. H 7 `~ aa. '`~ O i.~~~a ° a. L`~ mt C G U ~~m y- ~ D ~~3 „~aa3~°5 ~~ r ~~ K 3 0 ~~ ~ ~p ¢¢~ v ~ $ d F N ~ s ~ .. ddq ~ F 3 ~ ,~ ,. I~ { P { ~ l i~ I J( ~ ~$ _ ow ~ °o ch i of . ~ ~~ N N N ~ o ~ .~ ~ o ~ N p H N O , ar N C7 8 r N N N ~~ LL M 'L V ~ ~ ~m~ € ~~ ~~ w $~a'~ W Q 4 C ~ ~ c ~ C C1H ~'.~ ~ .~ ~~~ m °~~_ ~ V ~HLLU N S `~ ~ E 'n '~ w N c ~~ " W ~ ~. IY A o c ~ ~ y m ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~' o t W = ai ~ e: m ~ O ~ ~ p C c ° ~ = ~ T~ ~ L y j ~ s g c m w r p J M ~ ~ ~U ~ ! 2 ! Gt ~f, ~ ~ ~IU ~ ~ 01 ~ ~y u T ~ a p F N ~ O ~ a va ~ c~ f `J~ ~a 3 ~ N c~ ~ m ` . ; t a E ~~ W~ ~ Q m ~ » N E gm~ ° _ 5 mom= F ala~ . - ~i >j ~ LL ? ~ E ~. V ~ N C 0 ~ N ~ A M {p ~" N ~ N 5T!' N n ~ 3 N N i ~~ ~~ 8 ~ ~ O N ~ g V ~~ 2.- ~ ~ • ~ Q ~ 3m ~ ~ 3 ~ y~ ~ ~ ~ b `~ N N N !i ~ ~ KK ~ g ~ ~t~ ~ ' a 3v 1: ~ ~~T ~ ~~3 ~ ~ ~~ ~ N N ~ p G6 . q •~ Nq N C LPL N 1 N O d W LL Z F a a LL m LL m O PLANNING AND DEVELOP'*'EP'T COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 2, 2007 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail !~/~ ~ I ( ~ ~~v ~ ~ ~L f~; ~~~ R~~~s ~ C P, 0 ~Z6.3~z ~ "~'~ `l ~~ IN ~~ ~~ ~--cr21 S GLPsI~.. ..._........ Tte~~ -°'PP~~2So~1s ~ t~1~r ~ ~ G~' P~~1-~ ~~ 5 s~~ . a ss` ~ ~~rt. e l E-t Le.~ ~ o ~ v ~~ (0 3 - i 3 DOty~ d ~ _ ~- ~~~~~r~ ~sr-~ r7'C~ ~~.e ~~~ ~ -~ ~ a - 7d ~ -S~ s,~ ~tiTr~ ~~~~«, ~~~ «P ~-~~, _~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ar~,,L 3 2 7 ~ ~1 2 S~o ' ~~ >~~ z I , ~ -3-77 3da t ~~'''~~P 4 ~~1W5(~ '1J u ~{'~e~~ ~ o'~`~ -f/Mlur l `t 1 _ ~ ~V 3 ~ _ _ rl,~. b ~a5 - z~,~- ~~1 ~ ~D'~i 1~~K~R /~C/Y/ic~riv 4¢,~y~ ~vECBI'M~N7 X41-275/~'7cC.KE--~~`~I~ Cal r1~j_~ G l~ri~ rye 3~'l - z~ CI`oSs ~ rlf~ ~r - r- I r ~ - 4 /" ~~ ~~~~.~~~ ~~3~ s ~ILL~n/. Co,~ //,,~.,', c~~~ - .. ~ - - - PLANNING AND DEVE' ~1.~'~'~ENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 2, 2007 ATTENDANCE LIST Name L, _ c.~~. ti~~a~ Organization ~ ~ ~ Contact: Phone/ E-mail p l7/p~T p~ !'~ SI /~ ~ ~~~~ ~ a dd~~s; ~~• eou~~~' a Gl,/~ ~(,~~ ~. CL G (1 - Ty-w Fes,' C .~ Z--b - ~ ~ el S ~~ S^ ~ I '~ ~!~ ~nS -~7-3~9 Jr ~~'1r~ ~e,.5 ~~ ~ ~ t,~4-~ v « ~-vri ~iCaz ~ -1 ~ lei Q ~ ~~~ ~Ols ~ ~ 5~~ ~ _~1 ~C~~~ ~ ~~G C--S ~- ~'~~~ r5 (931^ 8'y ( U ~dS t~-e ~~ -er c, ~ ~ ~ '~c~a,r S C~ 3 ~ - $ ~ I D ~~ T ~J~:~- ~, 32 -Z--73(0.3 ~ ~ ch~~ I ~~~~~ ~Q ~~I~ ~.- ~~- 3 z3 - z~ ~ 3 ~aM