HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: Rhonda Smiley Zack Scrivner, Chair Harold Hanson Ken Weir REGULAR MEETING NOTICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council -City of Bakersfield Thursday, November 1, 2007 1:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor -City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT THE AUGUST 20, 2007 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF MEETING WITH THE JOINT CITY/COUNTY TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE 3. ADOPT THE OCTOBER 1, 2007 AGENDA SUMMARY 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Review and Discussion of Ordinance Relating to Electronic Message Signs - Gennaro / Grady 6. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion Regarding Construction Workmanship Levels 7. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 8. ADJOURNMENT S:\Council Committees\2007\07 Planning&Development\November 1\07 November 1 agenda.doc B A K E R S F I E L D D Sta ~ Rhonda Smil For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Zack Scrivner, Chair Harold Hanson Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF MEETING WITH THE JOINT CITY/COUNTYTRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE August 20, 2007 6:00 p.m. Kern County Administrative Center Kern County Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue, 5t" Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 1. ROLL CALL 2. SELECTION OF COUNTY CHAIR AND CITY CHAIR Councilmember Zack Scrivner was selected as Chairperson of the Committee. 3. INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS Task Force members provided introductory comments. 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Summary of Thomas Road Improvement Program (TRIP) and Westside Parkway Projects -City Staff and Parsons i Discussion regarding Background, History and Rules ii Discussion regarding Projects Moving to Construction iii Discussion regarding Projects under Contract for Environmental and Design Work 'iv Discussion regarding Relationship to Alternate 15 CITY MANAGER ALAN TANDY, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR RAUL ROJAS, TRIP :MANAGER TED WRIGHT, PARSONS PROGRAM MANAGER CHRISTOPHER CLARK, AND PARSONS DEPUTY PROGRAM MANAGER GIRAIR KOCHIAN GAVE AN OVERVIEW OF THE THOMAS ROADS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Planning and Development Committee August 20, 2007 Page 2 b. Presentation regarding projects beyond TRIP in metropolitan Bakersfield area - County Roads and Planning Staff; Stakeholder Advisory Committee KERN COUNTY ROADS COMMISSIONER CRAIG POPE MADE PRESENTATION REGARDING VARIOUS PROJECTS AND EXPRESSED CONCERNS REGARDING THE REGIONAL PLAN. c. iDiscussion and Comments regarding Stakeholder Advisory Committee, Allocation of Time for Agenda Items, and Purpose of the Task Force -City of Bakersfield Councilmembers COMMITTEE CHAIR SCRIVNER DISCUSSED THE STAKEHOLDER ADVISORY COMMITTEE, ALLOCATION OF TIME FOR AGENDA ITEMS AND THE PURPOSE OF THE TASK FORCE. STAKEHOLDER SIGN-UP CARDS WERE MADE AVAILABLE AT THE MEETING. d. Referrals to Staff SUPERVISOR RAY WATSON -STAFF TO IDENTIFY THE SHORTFALLS OF THE REGIONAL PLAN AND SUBMIT POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATIONS ON HOW THEY CAN BE FUNDED. SUPERVISOR MIKE MAGGARD -STAFF TO REVIEW THE PLAN AND FIND ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO DELIVER THE PROJECTS AT A LOWER COST. STAFF TO SUBMIT A BETTER PROJECTION OF THE TIMING FOR !DEVELOPMENT, AVAILABLE MONIES AND MITIGATION. COMMITTEE CHAIR SCRIVNER -ADD THE FOLLOWING ITEMS TO THE NEXT AGENDA WITH POSSIBLE ADOPTION AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE RESPECTIVE BODIES: - 9 PT. PLAN - INTERIM TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE - SPECIFIC PLAN LINE FOR THE SOUTH BELTWAY - OFFICIALLY AMENDING ALTERNATE 15 TO INCLUDE THE SOUTH BELTWAY AS A NEW ROUTE 58 (FOR CONSIDERATION ONLY). 5. PUBLIC STATEMENTS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Task Force on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Task Force. Task Force members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Task Force at a later meeting. Also, the Task Force may act to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. Planning and Development Committee August 20, 2007 Page 3 THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE ADDRESSED THE COMMITTEE REGARDING THE TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND PROJECTS. - ~IWIALCOLM DOUGHERTY, CALTRANS - ~IARVIN DEAN, ADVOCATE OF SMALL BUSINESSES AND DBE FIRMS - ARTHUR UNGER, SIERRA CLUB - ICON COWEN, BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS - ~DENNIS FOX, RESIDENT - A.J. WHITTAKER, CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS OF CA. i;CELSOC) - DEBBIE MORENO, GREATER BAKERSFIELD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6. ESTABLISH NEXT MEETING DATE AND TIME OCTOBER 29, 2007 7. TASK FORCE MEMBER COMMENTS CLOSING COMMENTS WERE RENDERED BY THE TASK FORCE MEMBERS. 8. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D nCJ Sta :Rhonda Smile For: Alan Tandy, City Manager AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Zack Scrivner, Chair Harold Hanson Ken Weir SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, October 01, 2007 -10:00 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room -Suite 201 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA The meeting was called to order at 10:03:29 AM 1. 2. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Zack Scrivner, Chair Councilmembers Harold Hanson and Ken Weir Sta#f uresent: Alan Tandy, City Manager; John Stinson, Assistant City Manager; Rhonda Smiley Assistant to the City Manager; Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant; Stan Grady, Development Services Director; Phil Burns, Planning Director; Michael Richards, Associate Attorney; Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney; Jim Movious, Building Director; Jim Eggert, Assistant Planning Director; Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney; Jefferson Billingsley, Associate Attorney Others present: Steven Teglia, Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce; Mark Howell, KUZZ; Elliot Kirschenmann, Carosella Properties; Roger McIntosh, McIntosh & Associates; Jay Gauthier, Bakersfield Auto Sales; Alejandra Elliot, Autaline, Inc.; Alan Elliot, Autoline, Inc.; Araceli Herrera, C & A Motors; Carlos Herrera, C & A Motors; Victor Martinez, Auto Source America; Jerry Armstrong, City Auto Group, Inc. ADOPT AUGUST 2, 2007, AUGUST 8, 2007 & AUGUST 20, 2007 MINUTES Ado,~pted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. Planning and Development Committee October 1, 2007 Page 2 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Electronic Message Signs -Grady /Movius At the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on August 2, 2007, staff was asked to provide language concerning use of electronic message displays. Assistant Planning Director Jim Eggert gave an overview of staff's recommendations which would permit the use of Pylon signs at large retail developments (defined as containing buildings of 500,000 square feet of more), or in shopping centers of five acres or more. Monument signs will be allowed for both large and small developments with a restriction of one per street frontage. Changeable copy will be permitted for all electronic message signs. Outdoor advertising signs (billboards) may contain electronic message displays, subject to regulations. In addition, Mr. Eggert provided a copy of the proposed ordinance additions regarding electronic message displays and outdoor advertising signs. Committee chair Zack Scrivner motioned to approve staff's recommendation. The Committee asked staff to provide the final changes as a proposed ordinance at the next scheduled Committee meeting in November. B. Discussion regarding Temporary Signs -Grady /Movius At the Planning and Development Committee meeting held on August 2, 2007, the Committee requested that staff revise its recommendations on special event signs, pole banners and pennants. Staff was asked to provide renderings of different versions to share with the Committee and Chamber at the August 20, 2007 meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce office. Committee chair Scrivner proposed that the Building and Planning staff consult with the City Attorney's Office and report back to the Planning and Development Committee with their recommendations. Assistant Planning Director Jim Eggert gave a brief overview of staff's recommendations and proposed ordinance amendments as stated in the memorandums presented to the Committee: 1. Special Events: Businesses shall be limited to 60 days of special event signage per calendar year. The number of special events shall not exceed 5 per calendar year, and no single event shall exceed a duration of 20 consecutive days. 2. Pole Banners: Permanent use of pole banners will be allowed under the following conditions; a) Banners may not exceed 30" wide x 96" tall each; b) No more than four banners per light pole; Planning and Development Committee October 1, 2007 Page 3 c) Banners may not extend above the top of the light pole; and d) Banners must be on permanent onsite light poles. Illumination of the pole banners will be permitted. 3. Pennants (Streamers): Shall be permitted on properties zoned C-2 or M zones. There shall be a limit of two strands around the perimeter of the outdoor sales area. Each strand shall not exceed 18" in height and shall not extend above the roof of a building or top of the light pole. To accommodate the advertising needs of the car dealerships, Committee chair Scrivner suggested staff consider revising the ordinance to allow for 8 special event days and reduce event duration from 20 days to 15 days per event. The total event days allowed per calendar year will remain at 60 days. Members of the audience thanked the Committee and staff for their consideration to the auto dealers' requests, and for allowing the flexibility needed to advertise their business. Committee chair Scrivner motioned to approved staff's recommendations with the amendment changed on the special event change. City Attorney Ginny Genarro recommended the issue be brought to the Planning Commission for review. All Committee members agreed to the motion and recommendation. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Norse 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30:16 AM cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council members • B A K E R S F 1 E L D Development Services Department Stanley C. Grady, Director M E M O R A N D U M October 25, 2007 TO: ALAN TANDY, CITY MANAGER FROM:~~'STANLEY GRADY, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS At the last Planning and Development Committee meeting, the Committee directed staff to bring back the final ordinance language to the sign ordinance concerning electronic message displays, special event signs, and use of pole banners and pennants for outdoor sales areas. The amendments affect a number of different sections of the ordinance and the ordinance is rather lengthy (approximately 60 pages, including the definitions). Therefore, instead of burdening the Committee with the entire ordinance chapter, staff has summarized the major sections as follows: Section 17.04.547 (Sign definitions): Modify the existing electronic message display definition and add a new definition for pole banners. "Electric message displBV beard" means a sign displavinq words. symbols, figures, images or video that is automatically controlled by mechanical, electronic, or computerized means. "Pole banner" means a sign on a square or rectangular piece of lightweight fabric or similar non-rigid material that is attached on the longest side to a vertical pole, and is framed along the top and/or bottom by a solid structural unit attached to the pole to ensure that the pole banner hangs flat. • Section 17.60.020 B (Permits not required): Add new language that a permit is not required for these promotional signs. 11. Pole banners, pennants and streamers in compliance with the provisions of Subsections 17.60.060 B.4.. B.5., and 6.9. (C-2 zone. M zones and the Bakersfield Auto Mall tables). • Section 17.60.050 C (Sign location restrictions): Include the Westside Parkway to list of streetscapes that prohibit pylon signs and billboards (includes electronic displays) to retain the scenic way along the Kern River consistent with similar restrictions along Truxtun Avenue. 6. Alona or within 1.000 feet of the right-of-way of the Westside Parkway • Section 17.60.060A 3 (Sign development standards): Add to allow the Building Director to address electronic displays that may become too bright or otherwise cause nuisances to motorists or nearby residents. e. Signs that contain changeable copy produced by light emitting diodes (LEDs), incandescent or low voltage lamps or bulbs, cathode ray tubes (CRTs), plasma, or other such lighting devices, shall include automatic brightness compensation features to adjust brightness to compensate for sun angle and ambient light conditions, and ensure that the sign is visible but not excessively bright to adversely affect motorists or nearby residents. • Section 17.60.070 B (Special event signs): Modify the section to increase number of days and events. Special event signs may be approved by the Building Director as a means of publicizing events such as grand openings, carnivals, parades, charitable events, community holiday activities, and other such events. This section does not include events promoted by the City of Bakersfield pursuant to Section 17.60.080 O. Special event signs shall be limited to the following provisions: 2. Signs shall be limited per business to 60 45 days per calendar year. This time may be utilized in any combination of durations; however, the number of special events shall not exceed 8 5 per calendar year, and no single event shall exceed a duration of 15 consecutive days. 3. Balloons and inflated devices provided they do not exceed a height of 100 feet, search lights, beacons, pennants, flags, banners and streamers may be allowed subject to approval by the Building Director. Flags for model homes/tract sales offices are not subject to this subsection. 4. Copy on a banner or balloon shall not exceed an tetat area of 100 square feet, and may include the name, symbol or logo of the business or sponsor, but in no event shall such name or logo exceed'/a of the total permitted copy area. 5. Signs may be illuminated and contain movement upon approval by the Building Director provided they do ' not adversely affect neighboring properties or motorists stfee~ts. 6. Nonprofit organizations, as defined in this title, shall be permitted to advertise a maximum of 5 charitable events per calendar year in accordance with the following: a. Signs shall not exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 6 feet. b. Off-site signs may be permitted by the Building Director not to exceed a total of 8 locations within the city for each event. No off-site sign shall be allowed within any residential zone district or project of a residential nature. c. Signs shall not be erected sooner than 14 days before the event being advertised, and shall be removed within 3 days after the event has ended. d. The Building Director may grant no more than 2 additional signs or events if it has been demonstrated that the limits in this subsection place an unnecessary hardship on the nonprofit organization inconsistent with the intent of this chapter. e. No fee shall be assessed for permitting said signs. • Section 17.60.070 G: Add a new section regulating electronic message displays. G. Electronic message displavs: 1. Only large retail developments as defined in Section 17 04 367 or shopping centers encompassing 5 acres or more are permitted use of an electronic message displav on a pylon sign 2. Only one of the allowed pylon signs permitted along a street frontage may include an electronic displav. 3. If a pylon sign contains an electronic message displav and monument signs are also permitted for the center, only one of the allowed monument signs along a street frontage may contain an electronic message displav 4. Pylon signs that contain an electronic message displav shall be setback a minimum of 150 feet from any R, PUD, or OS zone and 50 feet from any interior property line not within that center. 5. Electronic message displavs are not permitted on pylon signs located on properties that do not meet the definition of a large retail development or are less than 5 acres. However, one of the allowed monument signs along each street frontage is permitted to contain an electronic message displav 6. Electronic message displavs shall not be permitted on building walls or in windows. 7. All other sign regulations that pertain to the particular zone district and specific business shall apply. 8. Outdoor advertising signs (billboards) may contain electronic message displavs subject to the regulations in Section 17 60 070 E a~ 0 .C C N U a N N N N C .N U ctt N N O Q Q t~ C O O E 0 n 0 c c~ c Q i C C Rf _~ Q O 7 U C 'C* m c o ~ U L ~ 3 d ~' N N ~. ~~X ~ ro d W $ ~~ .. ~ m e W ~ > N c >. ~ '- .~ O ~ C W V d1 ~ W ~ N .O t3 f0 d 7 c~ ~ D V M ~O \ N 'O W . U y~ ~ ~ R m ~ ~ ° t m ~ d ~ d C ~ ~ V W v ca i ~ n ~ ~ w '~ .~ v ~ ~ i a ~ ~ ~ rnp E oma ~ e :: a ~ d v «~ t v ~ ca ~ io Ev p ~ ' O E . . O•N« C ~ E OC'im~O ~ ~~i ~~ I v O m pE af ~ o a a~ v ~ i p_ N~ N O~ C C C o ~~ 1(~ ~ ~ °N' ' E ' W W ~ ~ ~~~Z, ~~°~ roE o w O o ', ~ oo ~ vi .~~ ~~€ E p E ~%o '~ E ~ ~+gO u~ ~ uq o~ ~ c oa ~ ~~ a m .~ aLRSi v v coo, O , W~ W ~ W U upi o0 ~ Q :o Q o 'o ~ C) ~ m ~ 1~ C ~ c0 a p W W 4 O ~ .-. ~ O ~ +. = M p i v 3 ~ d .. N t0 1~ c C W ~ ~ 0 O ~ ~ C` ~ q d ~ , ~ ~ O ~ O m W W « W m ~ J~ C7 o O 01 T W O c i o ~• ~ c } >I z°~ E - ~Q c ~" C O y ~.. Q ~" _N i 7 w. ~ r' 0 41 ~ « ~ C1 .~ . N ~ vi O a~ vi 3 cp ~ C O G ~ , G v. I O X la = C o N O v p /~~ G ~„ ~G V d 1p O ` ~ ~G V d E 3 _cN ~ 'O ~ ~a ~ ~ l0 -~ L C 7 p V (/J Of ~ k () ~ _ ~ V v. d 3~ O t ~ 3 ' ~ d y W r ~Q y oa ro ~ 3, t..t ° ~ o co ~ ~ ~ w W e '~ N~m~ M WWt v rn ~ ~ ~ v c°v c o +-t Y ~ G CC ~ '~ I K C ~ Z ~ V > C) i0 ~ ~ N \ ~ ~ ` C ~ 'C w y ~ p- ~ N O N d a N O 3 N 'p0 CC C ~ C ~ C .Q C W C ~ m ~ in a a a y a~ ~ c H m p ~I ~ ~~ o N ~ a v s • ~"~ O ~r ~~'A ,+,~ City of Clovis Building Division Memorandum SUB,TBC'T; Construction Deboct Litigation Over tAa past S to l0 yeas there bas beta ab epidemic of defect litigation in Southeta Califors3ia. Reoeutly this epidemic bps spread to Central California, specifically fire Frestyo/Clovls auras. It should be rioted that there are two typo of pet~eeived defocsa is housi~ eonstttt~ction;. state building code zequiretnaots, which are tnimmum standards and exported weriansnship levels, which may or may net be oove,~d by the building codes, Faoh 6om~c is a different case, and the merits of any litigation between thlc Hpmwvraer sad DevtloperlConorector will bt ascertained by the courts. The City's interGSt in this type of lltigati0a is to aosure that, if there is a court settleaseat and theme are state 'ldi~i fig~defe~. that the hottye {p gyesti0n will be repaired, or at the vtry ieaat eny future prospective buyer wt-il bo notified of the defects. In order to prefect future hams buyers in Clovis one of the fvllowiag courses of action slwuld be followed: 1. The ltotaaowner repafa3 tho defect with ::attiar-ent outdo (may rogttire building parmit). 2. The: owner Gat3 dcfecti OA A diSCIOSUC~ ststelaCllt to poeential leridecs Or buyers. 3_ The City files a eotrxtivtua or intoomatioa lion oa the home title, to assure protection of futute owners. depending on seriousness of defoeL Queaions but say perceived state building code tdoL-tioa or defects should be directod to, Stexva Haker, (559) 297-2396, Clovis Building Ofiicisl. _ PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 1, 2007 ATTENDANCE LIST Name ET~R -S!~ o ~ Organization ZZ IZ osa Contact: Phone/ E-mail 3a S ~- ~7So5 ~ r~z Zn~wS~ G ~-IS L u ILPI~ D 3z-6 - 37g0 G~IeeC (tea ~~~ R,I`S ~~c~, 326 ~ 37z~ ~„~.~ ~~~o _ _.. ~~ ~ 7~r ' (~ Q~ 7 ~ ~ ~~. l ~ 3 z~ - ~{-~ ~ ........... '~'ow~ S ~oy~ r~~~<if J.CfS