HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/2007 B A K E R S F I E L D City Council members: Irma Carson, Chair Staff: John W. Stinson Zack Scrivner Assistant City Manager Jacquie Sullivan REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE and Community Advisory Committee of the City Council -City of Bakersfield Thursday, May 17, 2007 11:45 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPTION OF APRIL 19, 2007 MINUTES 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update regarding Gang and Graffiti Enforcement -Rector B. Update regarding Gang Injunctions -Gennaro 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding AB 802 (Salas): Establish the California Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention -Gennaro 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT S:\Council Committees\2007\07 Safe NeighborhoodsWlay 17W1ay 17 Agenda.doc B A K E R S F I E L D City Council members: ~- Irma Carson, Chair Staff: ohn W. Stinson Zack Scrivner Assistant City Manager Jacquie Sullivan REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE and Community Advisory Committee of the City Council -City of Bakersfield Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:45 a.m. City Manager's Conference Room 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 MINUTES Meeting called to order at 11:49:09 AM A moment of silence was called for in memory of the students at Virginia Tech. 1. ROLL CALL Present: Council member Irma Carson; Chair Council member Zack Scrivner Council member Jacquie Sullivan Advisory members present: Steven Perryman, BHS Devon Johnson, OGPC Walter Williams, GBLA Stephanie Campbell, Cornerstone Group Ann Batchelder, Employers Training Resource Staff present: Assistant City Managers John W. Stinson and Christine Butterfield Management Assistant Rick Kirkwood City Attorney Virginia Gennaro Associate Attorney Andrew Whang Police Chief William Rector Capt. Tim Taylor Capt. Bob Bivens Asst. Recreation and Parks Director Allen Abe Recreation Supervisor Linda McVicker Economic/Community Development Director Donna Kunz S:1Council Committees~2007107 Safe NeighborhoodslApril 19Wpril 19 Minutes.doc Page 1 Others present: John Roberts and Susan Lerude, Kern County Probation Kenny Williams, KHSD Jennifer Lopez, NFC/GMK Various members of the media 2. ADOPTION OF MARCH 15, 2007 MINUTES Motion by Scrivner to adopt. Unanimously passed by the following vote: Ayes: Carson, Scrivner, Sullivan Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Update regarding Gang and Graffiti Enforcement -Rector 11:51:06 AM Chief Rector provided updates on both gang and graffiti enforcement. Gang Enforcement: There have been 304 felony arrests to date, which is an average of 100 ± per month, 196 misdemeanors, and close to 170 total warrant arrests. There have been 1,300 probation/parole searches, which is about 430 per month. Graffiti Enforcement: Arrests have increased from 31 last year to 51 to date in 2007. There have been 130 offenses cleared to date, compared to 73 last year. There are fewer secret witness graffiti tips, with 15 to date last year and only 2 this year. Committee member Sullivan recommends staff work with the media to promote the graffiti website and the fact citizens can report offenses anonymously. Committee member Scrivner suggested advertising the information in the next Recreation and Parks brochure, which will be distributed in the fall. Captain Givens indicated that the 32 ERASE number is so successful, people are using that instead. Probation Chief Roberts reported that Kern County Probation has participated in mass sweeps in gang areas, making arrests and confiscating weapons. They will soon be proposing additional programs and personnel to further address gang issues. One proposal in particular would be a high-risk offender unit, which will deal with felony gang members on probation, as well as sex and other high risk offenders, and incorporate a GPS and canine component. The Bakersfield Police Department may assign an officer to the unit. According to Chief Rector, the Bakersfield Police Department applied for a grant to purchase GPS anklets which will be given to Kern County Probation. This system will aid both agencies. Committee Chair Carson asked for a copy of the proposal. S:1Council Committees~2007107 Safe NeighborhoodslApril 191April 19 Minutes.doc Page 2 B. Update regarding Proposed Strategic Plan to Combat Gang Violence and Possible Funding 12:02:47 PM Assistant City Manager Stinson reviewed the financial document that had been distributed. According to department memos, the City of Bakersfield budgets approximately $8 million annually to combat gang violence. Some costs not delineated include regular Police patrols, revitalization efforts, a recent a job fair, national night out, neighborhood watch, among others. Future figures will increase and will include costs for Park Patrols. Committee Chair Carson asked if the Economic and Community Development Department has identified funds for prevention and intervention. Mr. Stinson reported that Community Development Block Grant Funds cannot be used for operations, but can be used for capital expenditures, such as security cameras in parks. Economic Development Director Kunz said that residential centers, affordable housing, job training, and facilities in a redevelopment project area are eligible, but it has to be something that benefits low- to moderate-income citizens. Committee Chair Carson indicated that talks were held with the City Manager, who has been asked to look at setting aside contingency funds for anti-gang activities. She also asked Ms. Kunz to research any grants that focus on combating gang violence. Committee member Sullivan noted that education is a key component. Assistant Recreation and Parks Director Abe stated that the Department would look at any grants that will support youth education programs in schools. Economic Development Director Kunz stated that in the past there was an effort to create a youth build program with qualified community based development organizations. Staff found that the required expertise is not available locally. Federal funds are available to pair at risk youth with qualified construction firms to build homes then sell them to qualified low-income individuals. The City would assist with the construction loan and down payment assistance for the buyer. At Ms. Carson's direction, staff will try again to find a local firm to participate through an RFP process and ensure that Employer's Training Resource is involved. Advisory member Williams provided the name of a local contractor who may be interested. C. Gathering of Signatures by the Committee and Advisory members in Support of AB 104 and SB 456 12:27:16 PM The Committee and Advisory members were provided three letters each to sign. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Report on the Graffiti Tracking Software -Police Department 12:28:59 PM Captain Bivens researched this software at the request of Committee member Scrivner and found that the software utilizes GPS cameras. The purchase price is $30,000, with $30,000 per year maintenance costs. S:\Council Committees12007\07 Safe Neighborhoods\April 19Wpril 19 Minutes.doc Page 3 The City's existing system involves: 1) a call to 32 ERASE; 2) a referral is made; 3) a crew goes out and takes a picture; 4) the graffiti is cleaned up; and 5) follow-up information is entered manually into the computer system. The Bakersfield Police Department then begins its investigation based on the photos. GEO mapping is used, which is software currently installed on City computers. The system now in place works well. Staff does not recommend any changes. Committee member Scrivner thanked staff for their time. B. Discussion regarding Programs for Fathers in Strategic Plan 12:31:34 PM This item was referred by Advisory member Wesley Crawford. Committee Chair Carson directed that this be placed on the agenda for the next City/County meeting., 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 12:31:52 PM Advisory member Johnson gave an update on a competitive basketball program at both the Boys and Girls Club and the Police Activities League. He notes that there are enough funds to pay staff, but not to purchase recognition items such as trophies. This is an activity that falls into the Prevention category so it is important that adequate monies are provided. His belief is that staff members associated with the facilities should be held accountable. Committee Chair Carson recommended that Mr. Johnson meet with the Board in regard to his concerns. Mr. Johnson distributed a brochure that details the activities of the League. To raise funds, advertisements are sold. Committee member Scrivner directed staff to provide information regarding the gang and graffiti hotlines and graffiti website to Mr. Johnson to include in the brochure. Probation Chief Roberts expressed an interest in providing information regarding their programs, also. Economic Development Director Kunz stated that her Department has a small marketing budget that allows for placement of fair housing ads in these kinds of brochures that reach low income neighborhoods. Advisory member Campbell asked if the City has any additional funds available for intervention and prevention. City Attorney Gennaro explained that this Committee is the same as any other Council Committee, and no funding is provided directly for Committee activities. Any requests for funding must be referred to the Budget and Finance Committee, then further to the full City Council for review and recommendation. Assistant City Manager Stinson noted that Council has an existing policy that limits contributions to three non-profit groups. Committee Chair Carson said that it may be possible to set up a special fund that would be matched by the City and administered by the Bakersfield Foundation. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:56:10 PM S:\Councit Committees\2007\07 Safe NeighborhoodsWpril 19\P,pril 19 Minutes.doc Page 4 AI{E oF,w~.. s -~ ~ ~ MAY '~' G 2007 MEMORANDUM ' -- - ~'ttFO~ ~ CITY ATTORNEY ~~.,_.,, ,; ,_ _ May 8, 2007 TO: SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Irma Carson, Chair Zack Scrivner Jacquie Sullivan FROM: JANICE SCANLAN, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: AB 802 --CRIMINAL STREET GANGS INTRODUCTION: On February 22, 2007, Assembly Member Salas introduced Assembly Bill 802. If passed, this bill will establish the California Commission on Gang Prevention and Intervention. The Commission would be responsible for creating a statewide strategy on gang violence prevention and intervention and collaboration with. local agencies to implement the statewide strategy. SUMMARY OF PROVISIONS: The bill seeks to: o Develop a more strategic, coordinated, and collaborative effort between the state, municipalities, law enforcement agencies, social service providers, and the general public .with the objective of significantly curtailing gang involvement, and its negative impact on communities within California; o Create along-term and joint effort that incorporates municipalities, law enforcement. agencies, social service providers, citizens, and other appropriate public agencies; o Make recommendations concerning gang .prevention, intervention, diversion, and suppression methods; identify local, state, and federal funding sources; and address other gang-related policy matters, including, but not limited to, assessing the problem, identifying the target areas and population, developing a strategic plan, identifying local, state, and federal funding sources, and setting goals with measurable objectives; o Oversee and guide the work of collaborating agencies, support creation of intervention teams, remove barriers and promote policies, facilitate community capacity building, and support ongoing. monitoring of efforts; and o Consult with governmental and nongovernmental organizations in developing recommendations to strengthen state and local efforts to prevent gang violence, protect and assist victims of gang violence, and prosecute gang members. The commission shall be comprised of the following representatives or their designees: o The Attomey General; o The Chairperson of the Judicial Council of Califomia; o The Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development; o One Member of the Senate, appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules; o One Member of the Assembly, appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly; o The Secre#ary for Education; o The Director of Social Services; o One representative from a Califomia public defender's office, appointed by the Govemor; o One representative from a Califomia district attorney's offce, appointed by the Govemor; o Two representatives of local law enforcement, appointed by the Governor; o The Speaker of the Assembly shall appoint one representative from a community organization working on gang issues. o The Senate Committee on Rules shall appoint one representative who is a reformed gang member. On or before July 1, 2009, the commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the Govemor, the Attomey General, and the Legislature. STATUS OF BILL: The bill passed out of the Public Safety Committee (7-0) and has been referred to the Appropriations suspense file. Bills are sent to the suspense file when they carry appropriations over a certain amount and are generally held there before adoption of the Budget Bill and before summer recess. S:\COUNCIL\Committee\SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS\06-07\ab 802.doc SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE Thursday, May 17, 2007 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail ~ec~~, ~ !~~-~. 1~-~~~-- ~i '~. ~~a l ,U ~ S 3 z~ ~ ~' ~~-f I Glf~n a~'d~-1 ~a"~'~~lfa ~nL 6 33-x'7) 3 ~~~~ ~~„z~~e~2, ~- ~ g ~3 ~-S"33 7 ndr~zw ~,f ~~ c.,+-~ q ~ ~.~.y S ~ ~~i ~ X26 - 3 ~ 2 ~ ~~~ ti ~ l~.Q r ~t P.l.~ ~ +~ b cc ~ c ~ ~ ~~' '~ ~~ ~~,