HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/2008 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: John W. Stinson Ken Weir, Chair Rick Kirkwood Sue Benham Irma Carson BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE of the City Council cil - City of Bakersfield Monday, February 25, 2008— 12:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room, Suite 201 Second Floor- City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT JANUARY 28, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY 3. _ PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding CDBG, HOME, and ESG Action Plan FY 08/09 — Donna Kunz 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 6. ADJOURNMENT B A K E R S F I E L D /00010 -� Ken Weir, Chair John W. Stinson,Wisistant City Manager Sue Benham For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Irma Carson Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, January 28, 2008 — 12:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room — Suite 201 City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA The meeting was called to order at 12:07:26 PM 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Ken Weir, Chair Councilmember Irma Carson Committee members absent: Councilmember Sue Benham Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager; John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager; Rhonda Smiley, Assistant to the City Manager; Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant; Steven Teglia, Administrative Ananlyst III; Raul Rojas, Public Works Director; Sandra Jimenez, Assistant Finance Director; Joshua Rubnick, Deputy City Attorney; Steve Womack, General Manager — Rabobank Arena; Georgina Lorenzi, Assistant to the Public Works Director Others present: Eric Xin, Brown Armstrong CPA's; James Geluso, Bakersfield Californian 2. ADOPT OCTOBER 25, 2007 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 2 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, January 28, 2008 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation regarding Amending and Adopting the 2008 Committee Meeting Schedule —Stinson Committee members adopted the schedule as submitted, with the understanding that meeting dates may be amended should scheduling conflicts arise. B. Audit Reports — Nelson Smilth Backup materials for the Committee meeting, including financial reports, were distributed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council at the January 16, 2008 Council Meeting. Due to the size of the documents, copies will be available for public review at the Finance Department and the City Manager's Office. Staff provided copies for review at the Committee meeting. • Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. • Independent Auditors Report — Single Audit Report — Schedule of Federal Expenditures for the City of Bakersfield for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. • Independent Auditors Report — Compliance with Contractual Requirements relative to the Bakersfield Subregional Wastewater Management Plan for the year ended June 30, 2007. • Independent Auditors report on Appropriations Limit Worksheet (GANN Limit) of the City of Bakersfield for Fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. • Independent Auditors Report — Rabobank Arena, Theater, Convention Center, Bakersfield Ice Sports Center & Brighthouse Networks Amphitheatre for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. Assistant Finance Director Sandra Jimenez provided an overview of the Brown Armstrong audit. There were no reported financial findings and the single audit went well. There was one finding in the budget report for the Technical Advisory Committee for Waste Water and one finding in the Transportation Development Act Funds. Staff will follow audit recommendations for next year. Eric Xin of Brown Armstrong CPA's presented the new requirements for auditing standards for the next fiscal year, as well as overview of the audit process and risk assessments. Mr. Xin also discussed the improved processes and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 3 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, January 28, 2008 Committee member Irma Carson made a motion to present the audit reports to the City Council for approval. Committee chair Ken Weir seconded the motion. C. Acceptance of 2005-06 Transportation Development Act Funds Financial Statements— Nelson Smith The financial statements summarize fiscal activity for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Fund, and the Public Transit Fund accounts, used to construct facilities that specifically benefit pedestrians and/or bicyclists. The audit firm of Brown Armstrong made one finding and recommendation regarding expenditures. Committee members motioned to forward the statements to City Council for approval. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:18:13 P.M. cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council S:\Council Committees\2007\07 Budget&Finance\October 25 Special Meeting\October 25 Agenda Summary.doc B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 25, 2008 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Developme rector SUBJECT: CDBG, HOME, and ESG Action Plan FY 08/09 As an Entitlement City under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the City receives ' annual entitlements in order to improve low-income neighborhoods in our City. The HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership(HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG)entitlements for FY 08/09 have been allocated reflecting a decrease from $5,144,518 to $4,981,250. The City's CDBG allocation for FY 08/09 is$3,304,560($99,367 less than FY 07/08). The HOME Investment Partnership Program allocation for next year is $1,530,027 ($64,297 less than FY 07/08). This HOME entitlement amount also includes funds ($9,106) for the American Dream Downpayment Initiative. Lastly, the Emergency Shelter Grant funds for FY 08/09 are $146,663. Staff is projecting program income for CDBG in the amount of $20,000 and$150,000 for HOME. The total proposed budget for CDBG, HOME and ESG for FY08/09 is $5,151,250. The deadline for the submission of CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications for FY 2008/09 funding was October 31, 2007. This year we received 7 proposals for assistance from non- profit and for-profit organizations totaling $967,978 for projects to improve the quality of lives for low-income neighborhoods and improve infrastructure in those low-income neighborhoods. Attached is a list of all the proposals and projects submitted for this years CDBG, HOME, and ESG funds. After reviewing the requests for funding, staff has prepared a proposed budget and Action Plan for FY 08/09. Attached is a summary of the proposed budget for consideration by the Budget and Finance Committee and recommendation to the City Council. SADEBBIE'S1Budget&FinancetAction Plan 08-09.doc B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 15, 2008 TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager Y I FROM: Donna Kunz, Economic D pment Director SUBJECT: Non-Profit & For-Profit Applications for HUD FY 2008/09 Funding The deadline for the submission of CDBG, HOME, and ESG applications for FY 2008/09 funding was October 31, 2007. This year seven (7)applications were submitted from non- profit and private entities totaling $967,978. Below are summaries and staff's comments of the applications received from applicants requesting assistance from the various HUD programs for FY 08/09: Bakersfield Senior Funds to continue BSC $65,000 Total Project Cost Yes Center(BSC) current level of services to seniors in southeast BSC Public Services and central Bakersfield. $65,000 City Located at 530 4th Street Ward 1 Boys&Girls Club of Funds for repairs and $300,551 Total Project Cost Yes Kern County renovations including roof, ceiling panels, air Club House conditioning&gym floor $ 40,000 City Renovation repair at the Boys&Girls $ 40,551 County CDBG Club-801 Niles Street. $ 220,000 donations Ward 2 d Page 1 of 2 RTOE Community Action Refurbish and repair $3,593,029 Total Project Cost Yes Partnership of Kern outside sports area of (CAP) the Friendship House Community Center—300 $ 247,342 City CDBG Friendship House 19th Street(Ward 1) $ 267,687 County CDBG Community Center $ 39,000 Murray Hayden Sport Complex Grant $3,039,000 State Urban Park Act Garden Pathways, Expansion of the existing $605,771 Total Project Cost Yes Inc. 11,840 facility at 900 22"d Street to provide The Garden services for mentoring, $381,636 City Community Center training&education $224,135 Garden Pathways Retrofit programs for low-income &at-risk families and outh. Ward 2 No applications received for HOME funding. Bethany Services, Continue to fund $1.16 million annual operating Yes Ina operational cost of the budget Homeless Center Bakersfield Homeless including cost of security $125,000 City Center maintenance and utilities $125,000 Match at 1600 E. Truxtun Avenue. (City Wide Alliance Against Fund the operating cost $1.38 million annual operating Yes Family Violence of the Battered Women's budget (AAFV) Shelter including utilities, insurance, maintenance $32,000 City ESG Battered Women's and wages for a $32,000 Match Shelter counselor. (City Wide) Bakersfield Rescue Continue to fund $1.53 million annual operating Yes Mission (BRM) operational cost of the budget Bakersfield Rescue Homeless Mission including $77,000 City ESG Intervention Services maintenance, utilities, $77,000 Match and personnel. (City Wide Page 2 of 2 B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM February 15, 2008 TO: Alan Tandy, Manager Y, Ci tY Mana g FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Intra City Proposals Received for FY 2008/09 CDBG Assistance The deadline for submission of proposals for FY 2008/09 was October 31, 2007. We received 12 proposals totaling$4,430,000:t. Below are project descriptions, location,cost estimates, and eligibility/qualification summaries. . r. § n PUBLIC WORKS Airport Landscaping Public Works Yes/Yes Provide landscaping around the perimeter of the airport Ward 1 for beautification in SE Bakersfield. CDBG - $200,000 Oleander Area Street Improvements Public Works Yes/No Install curb, gutter and sidewalk and reconstruct and Ward 1 pave streets as needed. California Avenue to Bank Street and from A Street to U Street. CDBG -$300,000 Beale Area Street Improvements Public Works Yes/Yes Install curb, gutter and sidewalk and reconstruct and Ward 2 pave streets as needed. Flower Street to Niles Street and from Beale Avenue to East City Limits. CDBG — 300,000 Belle Terrace and Brundage Area Street Public Works Yes/Yes Improvements Ward 1 Install curb, gutter and sidewalk and reconstruct and pave streets as needed. Brundage Lane to Belle Terrace Way and Chester Avenue to Union Avenue. CDBG —$400,000 California Avenue and P Street Area Street Public Works Yes/Yes Improvements Ward 1 Install curb, gutter and sidewalk and reconstruct and pave streets as needed. California Avenue to Brundage Lane and from T Street to Chester Avenue. CDBG — $500,000 SADEBBIESHUMCIP funding request 2008 49.doc <r ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Q Street Streetscape Streetscape improvements EDCD Yes/Yes along "Q" Street between 24th Street and Truxtun Ward 2 Avenue. CDBG -$250,000 Baker Street Village Mid-Block Pedestrian Crossing EDCD Yes/Yes Wireless, lighted crossing to benefit livability and Ward 2 pedestrian access as safer crossing for the Village at Baker Street. Baker Street between Kentucky and Lake Streets. CDBG - $50,000 McDonald Way/Stockda/e Area Assessment Proiect EDCD Yes/Yes Help low to moderate income residents abandon septic Ward 1 tanks and connect to City's sewer line. Stockdale Highway to Joseph Street and McDonald Way to Stine Road. CDBG - $400,000 RECREATION AND PARKS Central Park Restroom with Pump Station and Recreation & Parks Yes/Yes Storage Area Ward 2 Design and/or improvements for Mill Creek Linear Park Project. 500 19th Street. CDBG -$580,000. Lowell Park Playground Replacement with Shade Recreation & Parks Yes/Yes Structures Ward 1 Replace playground equipment with ADA compliant equipment at 800 4th Street to benefit 5— 12 year olds. CDBG - $400,000 PUBLIC SERVICES Graffiti Removal Program Public Works Yes/Yes Removal of graffiti within various low-income areas in City-wide the City. CDBG - $750,000. Martin Luther King, Jr Center Roof Replacement Public Works Yes/Yes Replace leaking roof at 1000 South Owens Street. General Services CDBG - $300,000 1 Ward 1 Note: CDBG funded public services cannot exceed 15%of CDBG entitlement. SADEBBIESHUMCIP funding request 2008-09.doc 9 �bnuwy,,P,200e sal:Y1r DID ok:Dolk. CDBG Entitlement for FY 2008-09 Warc $3,304,560 Program Income Projected for 08-09 $20,000 TOTAL RESOURCES $3,324,560 TOTAL ADMIN. -20% CAP $664,912 Long term obligations: Debt Svc. Public Fac.- P & I on $4.1 m $337,494 Debt Svc. Public Fac.- P & I on $800,000 $64,823 TOTAL LONG TERM OBLIGATIONS $402,317 PUBLIC SERVICES Graffiti Removal in HUD Eligible Areas 200,000 Bakersfield Senior Center-Admin. Contribution 1 65,000 Fair Housing 50,000 Sub-total $315,000 CDBG Home Owner Rehabilitation McDonald/Stockdale Sewer Assessment Grant Proj. 1 400,000 25,000 Sub-total $400,000 25,000 Low-Mod Benefit = 70%of Entitlement Boys &Girls Club of Kern County 2 40,000 Sub-total $40,000 Housing and Slum and Blight Activities Home Access 50,000 Sub-total $50,000 Subtotal Administration, Debt and Programs $1,897,229 25,000 r- ,422 Al,Note: Requests for Capital Improvement Projects include project cost and direct delivery: Capital Improvement Projects (Proposed) Ward Central Park Restroom with Pump Station &Storage 2 450,000 Park Improvements - Millcreek Land Acquisition - 525 18th St. 2400,000 MLK Jr. Center- Roof Replacement 1 300,000 Q St Streetscape - 24th Street to Truxtun - Phase I Design 2 277,331 OTAL $1,427',3$1 25,1140 AMOUNT OVER/UNDER NET RESOURCES AVAILABLE $0 S:\Budget FY 08-09\CDBG Budget PROPOSED FY0809 CD 0 - - O , N 000 CO � O j p _ f- O C10 L (A t0 1- N N t() W It dl CO CO r cn O N N 69 del C{} O 9. d r O r CO - --- m N O N O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 m N Cn ti EA (7 x 6 [n w 64 419. w i p 3 � x- A Op � � O y m LL t Q �rw Q C (D c R w O 'p •� > N > \° O W N h 0 ~ d a7 CD m oc� a) O O O O N N W _ N N d ~ d 0 0 _O LL U c CAS � ±' � +'' d O (D >. r 0 d Z_ w N V N d m (D () E o a (U c } d CA U- c ILL (D N SEE m a '� m U) ca C (D (D d U.1 +O• U > Q = 'rn N O N N Or O w0 � � E m � �. ca = a) o = o U) o acv m _ E _ oc = amQ a z = UQ; , a =;w �, mmaa BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, February 25,2008 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail G a�den '�a-� o v✓a kGc re-n FMCD Gr b ✓u 1 QS_hkA R14DN/CX- GA-0 X36 Z7 r VAJZ l OJT ? � Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda Media Fax Confirmation for February 25,, 2008 Meeting -IgIX al IV tow toolli tl* Main All Faxes ZfZd12ULP3 S:54 AM News Editor Bakersfield 4*bi�j �1 (3 Z,New" pgs 0 OK com., P .................................... In G.Waide 325.7814 1 Mb 1 i a d Legislate 2/22/2008 9:54 AM Editor-Bakersfield News 324-9472 1 pgs p OK lvlN + 2/22/20089:54 AM BIA 633-1317 1 pgs MN Zinc OK 2/2V2008 9:54 AM Government Affairs Dir. 6352317 1 pgs 0 OK All PlanniN I 2/22/20089:54 AM Clew Charnel Radio 2832963 1 pgs 0 OK MP Trash 2/22/20089:54 AM News Director-Channel 3 3342685 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/22/20089:54 AM Opinion-Bakersfield Cal 3957380 1 pgs 0 0 K MI, 2/22/2008 9:54 AM News Director-Univision 334-2687 1 P98 0 OK Mk 2/22/2008 3:54 AM News Director KBAK TV29 861-3810 1 pgs 0 OK M!" 2/22/20089:54 AM News Died.,-KERN/K... 3260388 1 pgs 0 OK MP, 2/22/20089:54 AM Edit..El Popular 325-1351 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/22/20089:54 AM Beale Library 631-9439 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/22/20089:54 AM Editor-El Mexicalo 323-6951 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/22/20089:54 AM News Direct..KWAC Sp 327-0797 1 fogs 0 OK MP/ 2/22/20089:54 AM News Director-KERO TV 3235538 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/2212008 9:54 AM News Director-KGET TV 283-1843 1 pgs 0 OK MN 2/22/20089:54 AM The Minority Construction 323-9287 1 pgs 0 OK All 2/22/20089:54 AM News Director-KILIZZ/K 3287537 1 pgs 0 OK I'll, 2/22/20089:54 AM Kathy Eddy-County of Kern 8683190 1 figs 0 OK Mi, 2/2212008 9:54 AM News Director-KILLY 95 F 393-1915 I pgs 0 OK MN 2/22/20089:54 AM Ne-Da-to; Chamber... 327-8751 1 pgs 0 OK MI, 2/22/20089:54 AM David Burge,-Bakersfield 3957519 1 pis 0 OK I'll" 2/2212008 9:54 AM News Director-KM 283-2963 1 pgs 0 OK MI, F4 fa.WW