HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/2008 B A K E R S F I E L D Staff: John W. Stinson Ken Weir, Chair Rick Kirkwood Sue Benham Irma Carson BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE of th e City Council - Ci ty o f Bakersfield Monday, July 28, 2008— 12:00 p.m. i City Manager's Conference Room Suite 201 Second Floor- City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA A G E N D A 1. ROLL CALL 2. ADOPT APRIL 28, 2008 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. NEW BUSINESS Department of A. Discussion of De i p Housing & Urban Development Community Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Action on Plan Amendments(mclud.m g p o tential Friendship House funding) — Kunz B. Discussion regarding Assessment Districts—Smith 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS 7. ADJOURNMENT Z00�00Z B A K E R S F I E L D � Ken Weir, Chair John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Sue Benham For: Alan Tandy, City Manager Irma Carson Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Monday, April 28, 2008 — 12:00 p.m. City Manager's Conference Room —Suite 201 City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA The meeting was called to order at 12:16:28 PM 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Ken Weir, Chair Councilmember Irma Carson Councilmember Sue Benham Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager Kevin Barnes, Solid Waste Director John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager Sal Moretti, Solid Waste Superintendent Rick Kirkwood, Management Assistant Phil Burns, Building Director Steven L. Teglia, Administrative Analyst III Nelson Smith, Finance Director Ginny Gennaro, City Attorney Chris Lee, Development Services Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney If Robert Sherfy, Deputy City Attorney II Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Georgina Lorenzi, Assistant to the Public Works Director Others present: Tonya Short, HBA Roland Burkert, Roland Consulting Dave Baldwin, Community Recycling Jay Price, Price Disposal Walt Price, Price Disposal Benard LeBeau, LeBeau-Thelen, LLP Dan Panero, Varner Bros, Inc. Larry Moxley, Kern Refuse/MRC James Geluso, Bakersfield Californian Jim Verros, Cedar Ave. Recycling Greg Sanders, Varner Bros, Inc. Steve McDoogald, Cedar Ave. Recycling Nancy Ewert, KCWMD Dave Dmohowski, Premiere Planning AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Page 3 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday,April 28, 2008 the County is open to sharing the cost and proceeding with this process with the City. Committee chair Weir requested the motion be restated for the Committee to vote. City Attorney Gennaro restated Councilmember Benham's two fold recommendation. The motion was approved by all Committee members. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion regarding Cost Recovery Fees—Smith Finance Director Nelson Smith provided an overview of the Master Fee Schedule, which includes the 2008 Cost Recovery Program Update and increases to fees over the Consumer Price Index factor for 2008. Staff proposes expanding the structure of the Code Enforcement fees to start collecting money early in the process and escalading the cost as staff time involvement moves forward. Other areas outside the cost of living category where fees will be increased are in land use review and public safety. Staff is recommending moving the proposed fee increases to the full Council for their consideration. Committee member Irma Carson motioned to move this forward to public hearing then onto the full Council. The motion was approved by all Committee members. B. Discussion regarding Transportation Development Act Audit— Rojas Public Works Director Raul Rojas gave an overview of the Independent Auditor's Report which is prepared in compliance with the Kern Council of Governments Rules and Regulations, the California Public Utilities Code section 99245, and the California Code of Regulations section 6664. The audit summarizes the fiscal activity for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Fund, and the Public Transit Fund. This year the majority of the Public Transit Funds expended were used for the Amtrak Railway Station. The City is owner of the station and leases the facility to Amtrak. The funds are used solely for the maintenance expenses incurred by the City as owner of the facility. The fiscal activity for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Fund were used for construction of pedestrian bike paths along the Kern River and the Mill Creek Project. Committee member Sue Benham asked how staff evaluates what to recommend for funding. Assistant to the Public Works Director Georgina Lorenzi stated that the bike path fund is a competitive based fund, whereas the other fund is for public transit which the City usually gets reimbursed. Committee member Benham motioned to forward the audit to the Council for approval. The motion passed with all ayes. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Irma Carson made a referral to Code Enforcement regarding a hauling agency that would like to enter into an agreement with the City to pick up abandoned or inoperable vehicles at no cost the citizen or the City. City Attorney Genarro advised that staff would look into this issue. • B A K E R S F I E L D Economic and Community Development Department MEMORANDUM July 21, 2008 TO: Budget and Finance Committe a.) 0 Tj ffv FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Action Plan Amendment No. 1 (FY 08/09),Amendment No.3(FY07/08),Amendment No.5(FY06/07),Amendment No. 5 (FY 05/06), Amendment No. 6 (FY 04/05, and Amendment No. 8 (FY 03/04). (Wards All) Economic and Community Development staff is proposing to reprogram Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)and HOME Investment Partnership(HOME)funds from completed or cancelled projects. This amendment will allow for the creation of two new projects; Green Gardens II, the development of 24 units of permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless individuals and Community Action Partnership of Kern — Friendship House improvements to the outdoor sports complex at 2424 Cottonwood Road. In compliance with HUD regulations, any significant change or addition to the approved CDBG or HOME annual plan must undergo an amendment process which includes obtaining citizen views and comments on the proposed change for a period of 30 days. A notice was published on June 28,2008 requesting comments and to date no comments have been received. The City Council will be reviewing this amendment at its July 30th meeting. Staff is proposing the following amendments to CDBG/HOME activities: CDBG 1) Cancel Mill Creek Linear Park in the amount of $300,000 for costs associated with the pedestrian crossing at 21 st Street for the Mill Creek Linear Park - North portion of the project. This portion of the project will be financed from the California Infrastructure Bank loan. 2) Reprogram Acquisition and Demolition Program in the amount of$23,944 for acquisition and demolition of deteriorated industrial, commercial and residential properties in an economically distressed area. Funds will be reallocated for property acquisition along Millcreek Linear Park. 3) Repr� Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Installation in the amount of $140,440 for street improvements to include street reconstruction and installation of curbs and gutters and related appurtenances to facilitate local surface drainage in an area bordered by East Truxtun Avenue to California Avenue and Union Avenue to Williams Street. This project is complete. 4) Reproaram Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Installation — Various Streets in the amount of $276,642 for curb, gutter and sidewalk installation in an area of Alta Vista Drive to Baker Street and from Bernard(previously was Flower)to Highway 178. This project is complete. 5) Cancel Acquisition and Demolition in the amount of$258,611 for acquisition and demolition of deteriorated structures in economically distressed areas for economic development and job creation. Funds will be reallocated for property acquisition along Millcreek Linear Park. 6) Add additional funds in the amount of$752,295 and change scope of work for Mill Creek Linear Park Improvements to acquisition and relocation costs associated with the purchase of a commercially zoned improved parcel located at 525 18th Street and acquisition of a commercially zoned unimproved parcel located at 408 & 424 20th Street for park development in connection with the City-owed and operated Millcreek Linear Park Project. Total CDBG budget for this project is $1,152,295. 7) Create Community Action Partnership of Kern — Friendship House in the amount of $247,342 to improve outdoor sports complex including perimeter fence, expansion of basketball courts, refurbish softball field at community center located at 2424 Cottonwood Road. HOME 8) Cancel Madison Place Apartments Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $350,000 for exterior renovation and on-site improvements for eight (8) residential buildings at 1885 Madison Street. The apartments are owned and operated by Mercy Housing. Upon a closer review of the HOME regulations this project has been deemed ineligible for the use of HOME funds as these funds were used to rehabilitate other units in the facility several years ago and the 15 year HOME affordability requirement is still in effect. Additional HOME funds cannot be used for this project for at least another 7 years. Southeast Bakersfield low-mod housing funds will be used for this project when ready to proceed. 9) Reprogram Housing Urban Bakersfield — Downpayment Assistance in the amount of $250,000 for 0% loans up to $100,000 for downpayment and closing costs assistance to help low-income buyers purchase a home in Downtown, Southeast Bakersfield and Old Town Kern-Pioneer Project Areas. Includes funds for City staff direct delivery costs. Funds to be reallocated to the Green Gardens II project. 10)Create Green Gardens II in the amount of$600,000 for construction costs associated with the development of 24 permanent supportive housing units for chronically homeless individuals to be located at 2300 South Union Avenue. x MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Nelson K. Smith, Finance Director DATE: June 3, 2008 SUBJECT: Assessment District History and Current Issues The City of Bakersfield began approving the formation of 1915 Bond Act Assessment Districts in 1981. Since that time the City Council has approved .the creation of 40 separate District areas. Assessment Districts formed by the City have historically been created during the development phase of an area with bond funds used to reimburse developers for the construction of public improvements. Examples of these improvements would include sewer pipelines, streets, curbs, gutters, storm drains, and block walls. When a District is formed a lien is placed on-each parcel within the boundaries of the District that is deemed to receive some benefit from the public improvements being constructed. The property owners then repay the debt administration costs of the District as a s � principal and :interest ) and bill. The bonds are Pal assessment charge on their Property tax has been_ generally structured to be repaid over a 20 year period. When the debt are been-r aid the liens are removed from the property and the annual tax assessments The City currently has 24 active Districts with about $84 million in outstanding debt (see attached listing). It is important to note that the City of Bakersfield is not obiiyatad In any way to use City funds to repay any of this debt, The City acts in an administrative and fiduciary capacity to collect the annual assessments from the Property owners within each District and make a'reasonable effort to pay the bond holders in a timely manner. Part of this fiduciary responsibility includes a covenant made by the City to initiate foreclosure Proceedings on delinquent parcels within a given District if delinquencies reach or exceed 5% of the annual amount billed within a District and if District reserve funds are drawn upon to make a debt service payment. The City takes this responsibility very seriously and has routinely taken action against delinquent property owners whenever warranted by the District bond covenants. Staff believes it is critical for the City to protect the interest of the bond holders—to do otherwise might be interpreted by the investment community as an act of bad faith and could affect the City's credit rating on existing or future debt issues of the City. Historically the Assessment Districts have carried delinquencies of 1% to 3.% and there has been limited foreclosure action required. In 2003 there were four Districts (73 parcels) that required the initiation of foreclosure action and of the 73 paMels all but one cured their &WELSWASWse NX niMic Umo-aria Wswy and MW iW=lace 2=.ax i delinquency prior to a final court ruling. In 2004, 2005 and 2006 there were no Districts that required foreclosure actions. In 2007 the City had seven (7) Districts (296 parcels) which required the initiation of foreclosure collection activity. As of April 30, 2008 we still have approximately 95 properties that have not paid their delinquent assessments ( see attached listing and delinquency graphs). We attribute the high increase in delinquency and collection activity to the economic downturn and devaluation of the housing market in the Bakersfield area. Additionally, due to the current condition of the housing market combined with general investor concerns about sub-prime mortgages and the housing industry in general, the City and our bond underwriter had great difficulty in selling bonds for the most recent Assessment District (AD 07-2 Sydney Harbour). Our initial offering found no investors willing to buy the "long" bonds for this project. After considerable efforts by the underwriter we were able to find one (1) buyer for the bonds, but at a much higher mite than originally anticipated. Furthermore, in two separate articles published in the Bakersfield Californian, issues regarding land based financings and the local housing markets have provided additional insight to this topic. A May 9, 2008 article pointed out that, in Kern County alone, there are nearly 1,000 finished vacant homes and nearly a 34 month supply of vacant developed lots. A May 29, 2008 article discussed the County of Kem decision not to pursue formation of Assessment Districts in light of the current market conditions as they were concerned about the potential impacts these actions might have on their bond rating and ability to issue debt in the future. City staff from both Finance and Public Works-are evaluating the status of various Districts formed within the last few years to try and keep ahead of potential problems. One of those problems is continued escalation of delinquencies and possibilities of more foreclosure actions. Finance staff are still processing recent delinquency information provided by the County Tax Collectors office to determine delinquency percentages and dollar amounts for the current tax year. We hope to have this analysis completed in time for the June 30 Budget and Finance meeting. The other concern is that of developers not constructing the public improvements that have been promised as part of their tract map approval process. Public Works staff have identified over 15 separate tract where development has stopped; two of these tracts are within the boundaries of Assessment Districts. There are additional tracts within other Assessment Districts where work has not stopped completely, but the work has slowed significantly and/or some of the public improvements have yet to be started (listing attached). In summary, there are several issues regarding the formation of Assessment Districts where City staff are suggesting we re-evaluate the City's involvement in,forming such Districts, given the current economic conditions and housing market status. Attachments S:MLSON ►"ds&kftVn&T0_G W/Nskty and WMW Issues JUe 2008 doc Q 0 N O r- C1O O CC) a — as a O CO CO P M iF M O> 0$ N Of OD CM N p •- �O O r• tC a0 O � h N O N O h f� � � t0 N W) 1� CO N .= CO n M V' M CD CO m N CO of tM �0p► V CD fD O 1� M I, f, O N M — M Of e0 f0 a0 M c - C pt If1 � O Nf C CD t0 1� CIO � OD N Of � N di V ai O M to ED O a O CO O M tp tF .� a0 aD N N N CA V) CM C � � N r r N N N N V' M � M N f• CO � a O N N CO N t0 n V' tOC) M tD V CO h CA O COO O W — N r CO am W O CD l�'1 N Of to W e+f p M� - 7 O f Ol W Of C7 B O O W O CO)M Ol (Op � N N N'> CA O ��pp p app s� OMi OOf CEO COQ CGO O CO 1� < � ' m N N M f0 M O � t0 c CO a o o pp pp pp wi wi o W g o wi pp o w S C M h 't C'7 p h M C") W, CO tp is N O NN pp ppp aD �p lr! 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G © o an o � U o o V W w 00 oa N to� s = az � c2t� � vtaU w ►- a aa4 z � �LU �w z� w y; Q ut)� CJx w �nrr3 u� x 05 06 QC N UJ w:w cu ur a w cr co n s n ' z ' ' w 1w v' z go Q •- �- '02_ CL �aw � O tiL � � .- O O p � � W - t0 ti N N Ni W eh c � r FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2008 Real estate - - Home inventory statistics - show months=Ion supplies The Sakomfield Califomian _ _.. take about three months for the Some Bakersfield home builders housing market to consume Kern's and related housing industry inventory. professionals _ .. _.. . got a statistical -- - - -- - .-- snapshot of first-quarter market Vacant 10tS data Thursday. The information comes from In the hour surveyed counties, Metrostudy, a company that offers there are 20,338 vacant developed housing data, including counts of lots. subdivision lots under construc- That's nearly a 34-month supply. tion, throughout California and As the market begins to pick up markets such as Florida, Texas, and housing starts increase, those Arizona and North Carolina. supply timelines will decrease,said Here are some highlights for Greg Gross, director of Metros- Kern, Tulare, Kings and Fresno tudy's Central California regional counties: office. There are 5,398 homes in new Until things change, though, construction inventory.Of those: empty lots will linger. 2,201 homes are under construc- Gross told the small audience tion. that foreclosure rates will drive 2,384 homes are finished and home prices lower. Similarly, - vacant;most are in Kern and Fres- excessive lot inventories will bur- ._ no counties. These lots are on den the regional market and push paved streets that have curbs and pricing down. gutters. On the bright side, the company _.... .. . ......... ..._-.. 813 are model homes. believes the housing industry will That equates to about a seven- start to show signs of improvement - month supply across the four coun- by mid-2009. . . ties, and much of that inventory is Statewide, Gross said, the hous- from national builders, publicly ing market started to slow down traded companies that had to satis- earlier than a lot of other places. fy Wall Street's high expectations. As a whole, California's "been In Kern, there are nearly 1,000 through the cycle longer...the soon- -- finished,vacant homes. er we get out of it,the better we'll canPam►6stIntates it would be,"he said. � � C CN ; cc .^yam GM � ao3 air°� >,o co cc.00 � o 0 cc 8 co Co O Qw � v �c ° � A &EA G C C yy iyy � •• cis t IV CL 0 S. 0 m 8.0 4) 0 0 tox, co W ^ fl yNco 0 0. 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O A W � J. W A N <11 N CT PD O m o co N W O 00 O CT O CO O W N c0 W O W O W O C- O CD 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 o \ z 0 0 co A A -+ O N N V to c0 A CT A A N W A 9D N p 0 ��110 N O W co CO CNT O f00 W OOD O COT W W CA r N cn ° ° co p° o o e Coll co cco o co O O tAf O 0 D ° ° ° c c � i� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o p p r T W CO w O T CT N N N X O -+ Co 0 N '�► 411 W W 0 T m 0 r m Cn r CAO O1 V 0 A N N N D � O V A A n� N ol o co co 0) 0 CA W to m V m D r r Cn 0/� B A K E R S F I E L D Alan Tandy • City Manager May 21, 2008 Home Builders Association of Kern County P O Box 1848 Bakersfield, CA 93303-1848 Attn: Darryl Tucker, President— HBA of Kern County Patrick Henneberry, Castle & Cooke Michale Wyatt, Centex Homes Jim Norum, K. Hovnanian Homes David Cates, Lenox Homes Subject: Assessment Districts Thank you for your letter of April 25, 2008 concerning assessment districts. An inability to sell bonds because prospective purchasers are concerned with delinquencies, bankruptcies and foreclosures is not a discretionary act of the City of Bakersfield. It is, instead, a market problem. Attached for your information is our recent delinquency listing which is one cause of the problem. I will be asking that the City Council to refer this issue to the Budget and Finance Committee for discussion. We will notify you of meeting dates and location. Thank you. Sinc ly, f 6L- Alan Tandy City Manager attachments cc: onorable Mayor and City Council Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Marian Shaw, Civil Engineer IV Nelson Smith, Finance Director City of Bakersfield • City Manager's Office • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 (661) 326-3751 • Fax(661) 324-1850 U I O O N w C 3 O to Q � L' N p O O N N N ,p c c c rn O rn w w L to L i rr o 0MN � N >. o 0 6 .r +� O O O H Q Q Q m O N N N d N Q O 0 N G O O O O O Cl O O O O O C5 6 O O O O 0 O U-) d cui O to O M N N r ;unowy U w _N 0 I f co O O N F G t t N V L � O 4- 1 N O C 000 N N N Z O O O L' N !- Md U) 000 a LL2 C F w M O O O f Q Q Q m r d p d! N Q ' i E o a N i s i O O O O O O O O O O O LO co N O O O O O O O O O O ti m tfJ sIGOied;o aagwnN d% H8F1 Home Builders Association of Kern County April 25, 2008 3 Mr. Alan Tandy City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Tandy: This letter is in response to the City Manager General Information Memo dated April 18, 2008, Item 4, in which you state that"the City has no choice but to implement a freeze on applications from developers for new district formations until both the housing market and bond market conditions improve." The Home Builders Association, its members, and the building community as a whole, would like to express our deep concern over this action that has subsequently led to the freeze of development/project applications. As you are aware, many developers use Assessment Districts to generate revenue for improvements. They are flexible and versatile, and are an important way to fund many capital improvements, land acquisition, and related long-term debt service, as well as the costs of ongoing maintenance. The developer pays for the cost to establish the Assessment District through a nine-month process. This source of financing is a great benefit to the development and the City using the Municipal Bond Market to raise capital to construct improvements. Some benefits of bonded Assessment Districts are: • Used to pay the costs of providing specific park capital improvements, fire, flood, water, sewer and other community services. • Are based on assessing those properties that directly benefit from the services. • Is of NO-COST to the municipality. • Provides a tax-free return on investment for the investor who purchased the bonds. • All City and consultant costs incurred in the evaluation of new development district applications and the establishment of districts are paid by the applicant(s). Both City and consultant costs can be funded from Bond proceeds regardless of how funding is initially arranged. PO Box 1848, Bakersfield, California 93303-1848 Phone(661) 633-1316 Fax(661) 633-1317 • Infrastructure and pubic facilities eligible for district financing are those public improvements which benefit properties within a proposed development, and/or will mitigate impacts of that development upon areas of the City outside the proposed development, and which will be owned, operated and maintained by the City or another public agency approved by the City. This includes Transportation Impact Fees. • All terms and conditions of the bonds are established by the City. The City will control, manage and invest all district issued bond proceeds. Bonds issued under this policy may be sold through competitive or negotiated sale. • Bonds issued under the Improvement Act of 1911, the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the Mello-Roos Act of 1982, or such other mechanism as is utilized by the City in its discretion to finance the infrastructure and/or public facilities. We ask that this "freeze" be lifted immediately as our community's economic vitality heavily depends upon the construction of housing, commercial, industrial and retail development. This "freeze" will only prolong our economic distress, which in turn hinders job creation, industry relocation to Kern County, and local revenues to City of Bakersfield. Sincerely, D rt Tucke President, B ern Cou y Patric Henneb y Michael Wyatt Castle & C ke, A Centex Homes im Norum David Cates K Hovnanian Homes Lenox Homes Cc: Honorable City Council Members, City of Bakersfield Honorable Mayor Harvey Hall, City of Bakersfield PO Box 1848, Bakersfield, California 93303-1848 Phone(661) 633-1316 Fax(661) 633-1317 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING Monday,July 28,2008 ATTENDANCE LIST Name Organization Contact: Phone/ E-mail � kw C4� �CtMGS �`�liS� Cct f��✓�IC� GA P/� " ctr l eR PCC, v crwv� aJ ��ir�r, - o X 3 7Y� Budget and Finance Committee Meeting Agenda For Monday, July 28, 2008 Media Notification Sheet Z fill I A E) QA el!510 LU All - All Faxes nn Newyork Fa R!!!/Trne To/From,)F j i .j All -ar ............... E I P 5ii 9 op D .......... ........... ......................... ................................................................................... 7125/20088 avid B-'W Bakersfield 395-7519 1 pgs 0 OK .............................................. Lj main 7/25/2008 8*32 AM New,Edito,'Bakesrfield 395-7519 111 0 OK Mil La Pli t 7/25/20088:32 AM Charles G.Waid. 325-7014 1 pgs 0 OK M!" 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