HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/2008 CANCEL gAR I pP0 T O NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE JOINT CITY/COUNTY STANDING COMMITTEE TO COMBAT GANG VIOLENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Meeting of the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence scheduled for Thursday. May 8, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. in the Kern County Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California has been canceled DATED: May 6, 2008 John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager $AKE�s�f A Y 11" ItFOA � NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE JOINT CITY/COUNTY STANDING COMMITTEE TO COMBAT GANG VIOLENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Meeting of the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence scheduled for Thursday, May 8, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. in the Kern County Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California has been canceled DATED: May 6, 2008 /s/John W. Stinson John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager I RightFax Fax!Ultil File Fax List Tools Help zr rul, I A a ii�k Main - All Faxes —be, T7- R I Fax Number/..fVral Stifte wyor �Wlff — I Accaurn Maurer Uri Editor-Bakersfield Californian ........................ .......... _I 413C -----------------W61- -KN 5/61200812:43 N:"Direct;-KEROTV23 323-6538 1 pgs 0 OK AL -j All T /W088 12:43 News Diredo-K I o GETTV17 283-1843 1 pgs •OK AL �J Main M200812 43 The Minority Construction News Bulletin 323-9287 1 pg. 0 OK AL Li MISC 516/2008812:43.,News Director-KUZZ/KCViFWLM TVIS 328-7537 1 pgs *OK AL 5/612'0 243..Holly Vogel-County of Kem 868-3190 1 pgs 0 OK AL 13 Trad 5/612.0812:4,,News Director-Chamber of Commerce 327-8751 1 pg$ 0 OK AL 5/6/200812:43,..News Dimctor-KLLY95 FMIKNZR 393-1915 1pgs 0 OK AL 5/6/200812:43...Charles G Waide 325-7814 1 pgs 41 OK AL 5/61200812 43-Editor-Bakersfield News Observer 324-9472 1 pgs Y OK AL 5/6/200812.43..HBA 633-1317 1 pgs OK AL 5/6/200812.13..Government Affairs Dif-Bakersfield Assn... 635-2317 1 Pigs 0 OK AL 516/200812:43.,Clear Channel Radio 283-2963 1 pgs *OK AL 5/6/200812:43...News Director-Channel 39 334-2685 1 pgs •OK AL 5/6/200812:43_.Opinion-Bakersfield Calffornian 395-7380 1 pgs *OK AL 51612006 12:43 News Direcior-Univision 334-2687 1 pgs •OK AL 51612008 12:43 News D-cfor-KBAKTV29 861-9810 1 pg. 0 OK AL 5/6/200812'.43...News Director-KERN/KGEO/KGFM I pgs *Phone Line Problem AL 5/6/200812.43...Editor-El Popular 325-1351 1 pgs *OK AL 6/6/2008 1 2 43 Beale Library 631-9439 1 pgs *OK AL 516/2008 12.43..Editor-El Mexcalo 323-6951 1 pgs 0 OK AL 5/612008 12,43,News Direclor-KWAC Spanish Radio 327-0797 1 pgs 0 OK AL 5/61200812:43,..News Director-KK>O( 283-2963 1 pgs 0 OK AL F faces listed Q!Staro i 0 a t&0 0 0 1-34 PM I QGmup... IS?Novell... Alan Ta... C4_Mg... MIC!'050...11�1 RightlF.. J1 P A „,A AW Kern County City of Bakersfield Michael Rubio,Supervisor-Co-Chair Irma Carson,Councilmember-Co-Chair Mike Maggard,Supervisor Zack Scrivner,Councilmember Staff: Adel Klein Jacquie Sullivan,Councilmember Staff: John W.Stinson SPECIAL MEETING OF THE JOINT CITY/COUNTY STANDING COMMITTEE TO COMBAT GANG VIOLENCE May 8,2008-10:00 a.m. Kern County Board of Supervisors Chambers 1115 Truxtun Avenue,Bakersfield,CA 93301 AGENDA ROLL CALL 1. Public Presentations This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons to address the Committee on any matter not on this agenda but under the jurisdiction of the Committee. Committee members may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed. They may ask a question for clarification,make a referral to staff for factual information or request staff to report back to the Committee at a later meeting. Also, the Committee may act to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. 2. Committee Member Announcements or Reports • Follow upon Community/Business Partnership Meeting(February 2008) 3. Statistics on Gang Violence Activity&Prevention/Intervention Update • Presentation-Kern County Sheriffs Department • Presentation-Bakersfield Police Department • Presentation-Kern County Probation Department 4. Development of Youth Subcommittee 5. Discuss Process to Update Gang Violence Strategic Plan 6. Discuss Potential Topics for Next Meeting ADJOURNMENT AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (Government Code Section 54953.2) Disabled individuals who need special assistance to attend or participate in a meeting of the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence may request assistance at the County Administrative Office, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, or by calling (661) 868-3198. Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities by making meeting materials available in alternative formats. Requests for assistance should be made five(5)working days in advance wherever possible. • Keith Nelson made a few introductory comments on behalf of the Kern County Sheriffs Department. The formal update was delivered by Commander Kirk Foster. He provided an overview of gang activity in Kern County in 2007/2008 as well as updates on recent improvements made within the department's gang unit. 4. Combating Gang Violence through a Community/Business Partnership • Jan Castill with New Life Recovery provided an overview regarding this non-profit's vocational training programs,its training facility for construction training,its efforts to build homes in southeast Bakersfield,its relationship to Bakersfield College,and anecdotes demonstrating the participants'commitment to creating positive change in their lives. She emphasized the need for the business community to become more engaged with giving at- risk youth and adults a chance with employment opportunities in the community. • Supervisor Rubio then led a discussion amongst the 30+business leaders who were present in the chamber. A few specific business leaders discussed the following: • Richard Mallard&Bob Tyner with WESTEC provided an overview of their 2-week training programs and shared experiences regarding their success with reducing recidivism within the population they serve. • Jeff Green with Grimmway Farms dispelled myths that an individual with a felony was NOT ABLE to gain employment.Mr.Green also noted that the New Life Recovery program should get connected with the Bakersfield Homeless Shelter about obtaining property in the southeast for the vocational trainees to build homes. • The following action items emerged from these discussions: • An overview of tax incentives available for business employing at-risk individuals should be provided to the Chamber of Commerce for distribution to the business community • Increase access to the Kern County Probation Department's Resource Guide • Supervisor Rubio plans to make a referral at the upcoming Board of Supervisors meeting to have County staff investigate whether or not the County can give higher priority to local businesses that bid for contracts who are employing more at-risk individuals in the community • The Bakersfield Police Department plans to link school officers to resource programs • Follow up with the Superintendent of Schools high at-risk youth programs to ensure they have easy referral system in place with newly developed mentor programs • Work with Bakersfield High School on their current grant and ensure the program's success 4. Discuss Potential Topics for Next Meeting • Feedback from attendees emphasized the logical next step in this process to better identify a streamlined path for Kern County's at-risk population to gain employment should involve a meeting with the local labor and trace union organizations. ADJOURNMENT AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (Government Code Section 54953.2) Disabled individuals who need special assistance to attend or participate in a meeting of the Joint City/County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence may request assistance at the County Administrative Office, 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, or by calling(661) 868-3198. Every effort will be made to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities by making meeting materials available in alternative formats. Requests for assistance should be made five(5)working days in advance wherever possible.