HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 12-77RESOLUTION NO. 12-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS TO HAVE ACCESS TO STATE AND LOCAL SUMMARY CRIMINAL HISTORY INFORMATION. WHEREAS, under Section ll105(b)(10) of the Penal Code, the State Attorney General is required to furnish state smm~,ary criminal history information ("state criminal record") to any city official when access thereto is needed in order to assist such official in fulfilling employment, certification or licensing duties, when such record is required to implement a statute, ordinance or regulation that expressly refers to specific criminal conduct applicable to a subject person and contains requirements or exclu- sions, or both, expressly based upon specified criminal conduct, and when such access is specifically authorized by the City Council; and WHEREAS, under Section 13300(b)(10) of the Penal Code, every local criminal justice agency is required to furnish local s~LmLary criminal history information (local criminal record) to such official, under the same terms and conditions applicable to the furnishing of a state criminal record under Section ll105(b)(10); and WHEREAS, there are numerous statutes, ordinances and regu- lations referring to specific criminal conduct containing require- ments, exclusions, or both, which are applicable to persons applying for employment, certification or licensing, requiring access by certain city officials to assist them in fulfilling employment, certification or licensing duties, and, included among such statutes, ordinances and regulations, are the following: Title 7 of the Muni- cipal Code, Civil Service Regulations for Miscellaneous, Fire and Police Employees, the Char.ter of the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the City COuncil makes the following findings: (a) Access to state and local criminal records is. required to implement the various chapters of the Municipal Code, the City Charter, administrative regulations and state statutes pertaining to employment, certification and licensing and referring to specific criminal conduct applicable to the persons who are the subjects of such records, which laws contain requirements and exclusions expressly based upon such specified criminal conduct. (b) Access to state and local ~riminal records is needed by the City Manager and City Attorney to assist such officials of the City of Bakersfield in fulfilling employment, certification and licensing duties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The recitals and findings above set forth in this Resolution are true and correct. 2. The City Manager and the City Attorney of the City of Bakersfield are hereby specifically authorized access to state summary criminal history information from the State Attorney General under the provisions of Section ll105(b)(10) of the Penal Code of the State of California. 3. The City Manager and City Attorney of the City of Bakersfield are hereby specifically authorized access to local summary criminal history information from local criminal justice agencies within the State, under the provisions of Section 13300(b) '(10) of the Penal Code of the State of California. 4. The provisions of Chapter 1321of the Statutes of 1974 and Section 432.7 of the Labor Code of the State of California shall apply when-records are furnished for the purposes set forth in this Resolution. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY'that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the ?th day of February , 197:~, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, BLEECKER, Ul;i;i~:'_~CEN~ MEDDERS, ROGERS, SCEALES, ~ NOES; COUNCILMEN: ~.-/---7_A~.,(Z::Z~/-/K~J;2~ ABSi~NT COUN~;iLI~EN:/~ <f,.-..~'-_~----.-' ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~j~~ 19 27~ APPROVED as to form: EVELLE J. YOUNGER ATTO,RNEY GENERAL STATE OF CALI,FORNIA 3301 "C" STREET SACRAMENTO 95816 ( 916 ) 3~4350 ~ebruary 18, 1977 DALE H. SPECK DIRECTOR ; P. O. Box 13281 [] Sacramento, California 95813 H. E. Bergen City Clerk City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 ~ear Mr. Bergen: Your Resolution #12-77 authorizing certain city official access to state and local criminal history information has been reviewed and meets the criteria set forth in Penal Code Section ll105(b)(10) and 13300(b)(10). You should, however, change the 2enal Code section cited in line 1, paragraph 2, page 1, from l1300(b)(10) to 13300(b)(10). Sincerely, ~AT,E H. SPECK, ~irector Division of Law Enforcement Criminal Records Security Unit VJ2:ece