HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 98-76RESOLUTION NO. 98-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CONSOLIDATING THE GENERAL MUNIC- IPAL ELECTION FOR THE ELECTION OF MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL FROM WARDS 1, 3, 4 AND 7 WITH GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER~ELECTIONS, SCHEDULED BY VARIOUS SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, AND CONSENTING TO THE CONSOLIDATION BY EACH OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ELECTIONS WITH SAID GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION, ALL SUCH ELECTIONS SCHED- ULED FOR OR TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY,.MARCH 8, 1977. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 67 of the Bakersfield City Charter, and the Resolution and Order of the City Council, a General Municipal Election for the election of members of the Council from Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 in the City of Bakersfield, will be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977; and WHEREAS, Governing Board Member Elections are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977, for the Kern Union High School District, the Kern Community College District, the Bakersfield City School District, the Kern County Board of Education, Area 3, the Beardsley School District, the Fruitvale Union School District, the Greenfield Union School District and the Panama Union School District; and WHEREAS, it is desirable to consolidate the elections above-mentioned as to all precincts which will be the same for all the elections, pursuant to law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS FOLLOWS: 1. The General Municipal Election for the election of members of the Council from Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 in the City of Bakersfield (hereinafter referred to as the "General Municipal Election") is hereby consolidated with the Governing Board Member Elections, each 'scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977, in and for the Kern Union High School District and the Kern Community College District, respectively, in all precincts established in Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 and the City hereby consents to such consolida- tion by said Districts, and each of them. 2. The General Municipal Election is hereby consolidated with the Governing Board Member Election scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977, in and for the Bakersfield City School District in the territory that is in part the same, ~to wit: in Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 in the precincts listed in the Special Political Subdivision Report, attached hereto and made a part hereof, which listed precincts are subject to consolidation by the County Clerk for the purpose of these elections and the City hereby consents to such consolidation by said District. 3. The General Municipal Election is hereby consolidated. with the Governing Board Member Election scheduled to be held on Tuesday, MarCh~!8, 1977, in and for the Kern County Board of Education, Area 3, in the territory that is in part the same, to wit: in Wards 1, 3 and 4 in the precincts listed in said attached Report, which precincts are subject to consolidation by the County Clerk for the purpose of these elections and the City hereby consents to such consolidation by said Board of Education. 4. The General Municipal Election is hereby consolidated with the Governing Board Member Elections scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977, in and for the Beardsley School District and the Fruitvale Union School District, in the territory that is in part the same, to wit: in Ward 4 in the precincts listed in said attached Report, which precincts are subjec~to consolidation by the County Clerk for the purpose of these elections and the City hereby consents to such consolidation by the said Districts and each of them. .......... 5Y"~e"G~e~a{ Muni~pa{ Eiec~i0n' i~ hereby consolidated with the Governing Board Member Elections scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 8, 1977, in and for the Greenfield Union School District and the Panama' Union School District, in the territory that is in part the same, to wit: in Ward 7 in the precincts listed in said attached Report which precincts are subject to consolidation by the County Clerk for the purpose of these elections and the City hereby consents to such consolidation by the said Districts and each of them. 6o The County Clerk of Kern County is requested to provide that within the territory affected by this order of consolidation the election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall, in every case, be the same and there shall be only one set of election officers in each of the precincts for the General Municipal Election and the elections scheduled to be held on the same day by the various entities named in this resolution, and that the offices in Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 in the City of Bakersfield and the candidates therefor be set forth in each ballot to be used at said General Municipal Election insofar as the same is held within said territory affected by said order of consolidation. 7. The County Clerk is hereby further authorized to canvass the returns of said ~eneral Municipal Election with respect to the votes cast for the offices of Councilman in Wards 1, 3, 4 and 7 in the City of Bakersfield in said territory affected by the consolidation herein and to certify such canvass of the votes so cast for such offices to this Council. 8. The City Clerk is hereby-authorized and directed to certify to the due adoption of this resolution and to transmit a copy thereof so certified to the County Clerk of Kern County, to the Superintendent of Schools of said County and to the Kern Union High School District, the Kern Community College District, the Bakersfield City School District, the Kern County Board of Education, the Beards ley -Schoo~ District, - the- Fruitvale- Union School District, the Greenfield Union School District and the Panama Union School District. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at ~ regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day of December , 1976, by the following vote:~ AYES: COUNC;[;vi:*N BARTON, BLEF, CKER, CH~b~r~.NSEN, M~DDi~R3, ROGF, RS, SCALES, STRONQ NOES: COUfi'L. jL, .~t: ~ ~ ABSZ~R' COU;%iLMEN: ~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~~ __ TY~~an ficio Clerk of goluncil of t~ersfield the 1976 CITY ATTORNEY f Bakersfield ............. ~ ........................ ~ .[ ~STRICT COM~N~T~ON NO, 01--D~K~~L~~ (DJI) . ~SFILL. D L~Y ~CHVN]L IllS[ ~ . ,, · , -~- . - ....................................... ....................................................... ~ ~~I STRATI ON PRECINCT ............................................................... 33~ ........ ~530-OOB~KERSFIELD.50[ 378 OS~O-O0 BAKERSFIELD 502 ' 73 O?O0-O~ 8AKE~SFIELD 508 .: ............................................................................................................................................. ;,~ 185 · CCMBINATION Ol REGISJRATID~ : ..... DIS~I~ICT'-CaMBINATION NO. 02--BAKERSFIELD ~I1Y ~A~D [ ............ iD~lZ) ................... ............................ · ,RAKE~SFIEt. D CI 1Y SCHCaL RIST [EO]I KERN CO SCHOOL ~r}-ARFA ~ ISO~) ~ ' REGI STRATi 3N PRECINCT ..... ~ 0 0230-03 3'/8 0710-00 ~14 0120-00 4 ,. ................... ~ ................... .................:_::_. ...............................................3 O? ...........07 30 -00 !, ..... 3 79 0140-00 .j 0 0760-00 ................................................................ 312 ........... 0~50-00 325 09;'0-00 BAKERSFIELD 201 {iAKERSFIELD 508 ................................................................. : ........... t]AKERSFIELO 509 BAKERSFIELD 510 --BAKERSFtELD 511 ................ : ....................... _' .................... : .................. BAKERSFIELD 51,2 BAKERSFIELD 51-4-A BAKERS FIELD .'.524 ................. BAKERSFIELD b32 .................................................................................................... 2 ,'+64 ,~ CCMBI NAT ION 02 -REG ISTRAT IDN ..... 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ZOSO-00 BAKERSFIELD-.5z+6 .......... · ~ 359 1060-00 BAKERS~IFLD 547 " 353' ~070-00 BAKERSFIELD 548 /-. 1,638 · CCMBINAT ION Ol REGISTRAT IO~ GREENFIELD UNION SCHC~L DIST (E20) -KERN .-CO-.-SCHOO~..BD-AREA. 5 ........... ( S05 ) ............... · -'. .. REGISTRATION PRECINCT " L62 ........ OZ~eO-00 8AKERSFZEL~. '~ 45~ OZ~O-O0 ~AKERSFIELD Z03 " ~,33 OZ60-O0 B~KERSFIELD 204 ---~ ......................... ~ ....................0 ....... OZBZ-00 ~AKERSF[ELD ZOO .' 335 0283-00 BAKERSFIELD 209 .;- . 382 ()590-00 BAKERS FIELD 406 .' ......................................... i; ................................................... z+5~ .......... 1090-00, B/,KERSFIELD 550 -. ......................................... a6Z l~3L-O0 BAKERSFIELD 555 DISTRICT COMBINA'TION NO, - O~--EAKER SF[ ELOC [ 1Y ~ARD 7 {DO7 ) ' ' ............ ~ ................ , .............. PANAMA.UNION SCHCCL ............. L: (E3~) REGI. STRATIDN .... PRECINCT ..................................................... 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