HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 139-08CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY DECLARING THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY FOR THE ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF REAL PROPERTY (California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.230) Resolution No. 1 3 ~ - o WHEREAS, in order to improve traffic capacity and circulation between northwest Bakersfield and the downtown azea, and between the California Avenue area business district and Rosedale Highway, to connect existing streets, and to promote the public welfare and safety, the City of Bakersfield ("City") intends to develop and construct the Westside Parkway Project (the "Project"); and, WHEREAS, the public interest and necessity require that certain real property situated between the Langley Road and the Cross Valley Canal, west of Mohawk Street Bakersfield, California, and more particularly described in Exhibit "1"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, be acquired for public roadway purposes for the Project; and, WHEREAS, the City has provided all record owners of the real property whose names and addresses appeaz on the last Kern County equalized assessment roll with notice and opportunity to appear and be heard on the matters referred to in California Code of Civil Procedure section 1240.030 in compliance with California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235; and, WHEREAS, the City made an offer of compensation as required by California Government Code section 7267.2 which is attached hereto as Exhibit "2" and Exhibit" 3" and incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure section 1245.235, the City Council intends to make certain findings and determinations. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, based on applicable law and the whole record concerning this matter, including, but not limited to, the accompanying staff report, which is hereby made a part of this resolution, as follows: 1. The real property is being acquired in order to construct a portion of the Project which will improve traffic capacity and circulation between northwest Bakersfield and the downtown area and between the California Avenue azea business district and Rosedale Highway, to connect existing streets and to promote the public welfare and safety; 2. The City is authorized to acquire the real property by the Eminent Domain Law (Title 7, Part 3 of the California Code of Civil Procedure commencing at section 1230.010) and California Government Code section 37350.5 for public roadway purposes; -1- Resolution of Necessity Resolution No. 2008- _ Property: Wanamaker, et a1. g A K~c C:\WPStUCAI-S FILESVWID\BAKERSFIELD~WANAMAKERUtESOLUTfON OF NECESSITY AMENDED (2) DOC O~ '7~ ~ ~ ~_ m r U p ORIGINAL A description of the general location and the extent of the real property to be acquired is attached in Exhibit "1 ". A copy of Kern County Assessors Map No. 332-280 depicting the location of the property to be acquired is shown in Exhibit "4" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 4. The City of Bakersfield hereby finds, determines and declares: (a) The public interest and necessity require the proposed Project; (b) The proposed Project is planned and/or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; (c) The real property described in this Resolution of Necessity and attached exhibits is necessary for the Project; and, (d) Prior to making the above findings and determinations, the City made an offer of compensation as required by California Government Code section 7267.2. See, Exhibit "2" & " 3". 5. City staff is directed to take all necessary and appropriate actions to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution of Necessity. 6. The law firm of Griswold, LaSalle, Cobb, Dowd & Gin, L.L.P. ("GLCDG"), is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and prosecute proceedings in eminent domain in the appropriate court to acquire for the City of Bakersfield the property interests described and depicted in Exhibits "1 ". GLCDG is hereby further authorized to obtain such orders for immediate possession of the real property. A warrant(s) shall be issued to the State Treasury Condemnation Fund as a condition of immediate possession. WHEREFORE, the following Resolution was passed and adopted thisao`-~-day of August, 2008, at Bakersfield, California, by a majority vote of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield. AYES: FEaMSV-~~ Corso,,, ~e~~6~1,r,1i Wu v'~ Cou,c,~., 5u,(,(,~ va~r• , ~Scv~i v r..s>~ NOS: ~~ ABSTAIN: -tioY.~ ABSENT: ltip-~2,_ -2- Resolution of Necessity Resolution No. 2008- _ Property: Wanamaker, et a1. C~\WPSlvcAY'S flLESUtMD1BAKFRSFIELDIWANAMAKERUtESOLUTION OF NECESSITY AMENDED ft).DOC o~0 A KF9~,~ ~- r`~ ~- ORIGINAL ATTEST: PAMELA A. McCART TO FORM: VIRGI~A GENP'~AR6, City Attorney CERTIFICATE OF C, ITY CLERK I, PAMELA A. McCARTHY, Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, certify the foregoing is the full and true Resolution No.13~j -v~ ,passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on the~`"~`day of August, 2008. PAMELA A. McCAR -3- Resolution ofNecessity Resolution No. 2008-_ pK Property: Wanamaker, et ai. 0~0 Fq~~ C'\WPSIVCAY'SFI[BSUlMD18AKERSFIELD\WANAMAKERVtE.SOWTIONOFNSCESSiTYAAQTiD6D(2}DOC ~ F- P U ~ ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "1" O~ ~ A KF9`J-c~ } rn F-- r v ~ ORIGINAL WESTSIDE PARKWAY PARCEL 272926-02 ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS I8, 23, AND 26 IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.B.dtAd., IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING} TO THE SUBDIVISION OF SAID SECTION 27 AS RECORDED, DECEMBER 7,1909, IN BOOK i, PAGE 130, OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUN'T'Y, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE N 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 370.31 FEET, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27; THENCE 5 89°03'21" E, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2b, ALSO BEIl~t3 A POINT ON THE NORTH WEST RIQ~HT OF WAY LINE OF THE CROSS VALLEY CANAL, AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4839, PAE'iE 848, OFAICIAL RECORDS AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE {1) N 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 2,298.29 FEET, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LING OF LOTS 26, 23, AND I $, TO A POINT LYING l 1.b7 FEET SOUZTHERLY OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 18 AND TO THE BE~CSINNTNG OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 44.00 FEET, TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 43°38'38" E; THENCE (2) SOUTT~RLY AI.ANG SAiD CURVE, THROUGH A ANGLE OF 30°5709", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.7? FEET; THENCE (3) S 10°45'58" E, A DISTANCE OF 245.53 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1015.04 FEET; THENCE (4) SOUTHERLY ALONCI SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20°35'i7", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 364.7? FEET; Page 1 of 3 p~~ A KF9`f'-c~ .... ................... .. ........... >- m ~-- r V ~ ORIGINAL THENCE (5) S 09°49'19" W, A DISTANCE OF 374.96 FEET, TD ~ BEGINNIN(} OF A NON TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THtORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 30.00 FEET, TO WHICH A RIADIAL LINE BEARS S 45°39'56" W; THENCE (6) SOti~RLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CLTR ,THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OP 44°23`44", AN ARC DIST CE OF 23.24 FEET; THENCE (7) S 88°43'44" B, A DISTANCE OF 106.39 FEET, TO BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SO T, HAVING A RADIUS OF 500.00 FEET; THENCE (8} EASTERLY AND SOLyTHERLY ALONG SAID CUR , THROUCIH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38°2575", AN ARC DIST CE OF 335.31 FEET; THENCE (9) S SQ°1$'19" E, A DISTANCE OF 327.45 FEET, TO BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NOR HEAST, HAVING A RADNS OF 400.00 FEET; THENCE (14} SOUIT~RLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CUR THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°18'42", AN ARC DIST CE OF 197.65 FEET; THENCE (11 } S 78°37'41" E, A DISTANCE OF 144.47 FEET TO A FIOINT ON THE NORT~iERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID CRO~S VALLEY CANAL; THENCE (12) S 87°26'10" E, A DISTANCE 4F 51.27 FEET ON ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGIiT OF WAY LINE, TO BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUT AST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 334.89 FEET; THENCE (13) WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CUR'~'E, ALSO BEING SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WA LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF ~l °39'24", AN C DISTANCE OF 243.48 FEET; Page 2 0~3 s o``~AKF T '~ m ~ r U O ORIGINAL THENCE (14) S 45°4fi'S1" W, A DISTANCE OF 96T.83 F$ET, Oi~i AN13 ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGFIT OF W AY L1NE; THENCE (15) S 44°13'I1" E, A DISTANCE OF I0.00 FEBT, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL Rft#HT OP WAY I~Il~E; THENCE (16) S 45°46'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 104.99 FEET, ON AMID ALONG SAID NORTI~RLY CANAL RICIHT OF V~AY LINE, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LIlVE OF LOT 26 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH ALL RIGIiTS OF INGRESS AND EC}RBSS TO OR FROM THE ALIt#NMENT OF THE WESTSIDE PARKWAY, MOHA~+'K STREET, THEIR RESPECTIVE FRONTAGE ROADS AND THE CROSS VALLEY C;ANAI, ACCESS ROAD, OVER AND ACROSS Ct}I3RSES 11,10, 9, $, 7, 6 AND THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF COURSE S. AREA: 15.334 ACRES I~+IORE OR LESS f~ N0. C i~~ ,(„~~'U.6 ~1 ~ 4 ~"~"~ w'b ~. ~,~ ~ d Page 3 of 3 0PKF9 >- m F- v ~ ORIGINAL KCS BR TAG IN CONCRETE HON HRkO fOR CDR IN LN ]NOT TO 8E USED A5 CTR ~ SEC! ,rCALCO CTR NE COR t)F \ ~ =I OF SEC 27 _,,,.~- AREA TA9LE SCt/4 SECTION 21 A ,. H - N ~ c u 3 ~ Q ~ S ~ i a --.~ : ORIGINAL PARCEL lGROSSi - ~2.TOQ AC T29S.. R27E• `~'+~,,, ORIGINAL PARCEL INET 7 - ~9.A32 AC .r„~_`"`~..``~`•.,, TAKE ~~,) - 75.3Jt AC t- TAKE [N? 11.725 AC _ REHAi1~p~R !C> - 27.365 AC 2 ( 3 ) aPNo32-280-1 t REMAINDER tNt - 2b.3DT AC ~ G'~ 1 ~', ' ~ ....~ ~ ~ 1EASUR>rd OR CALCgLATEd #EARlNOS i '~ i M0~'~, t 1.67' ~ NG tIR4CKET5 OlSTANCES PER Cy, TRANS WO ~ oR 14.980' Cog suRV¢r INVEST[GAT)oNS ~ ~-' f ( ! P£R RECORD ~ s1A~v7~r 6K 77 PG , ,r ,; ~-C2 E 4 ) ~~ ~/ 1 { pER REOCRd OF S[JI~YiEY dK 7a PG 13• -. CTR OF .~_ ~ ~ ~U AccESS PROn[elreo SEC OETAlL A ~ • DISTANCE Ta CdlNER L3 t5) a ~' Ci -C 3 7 ) t6) • l9) t13f ~ ~ SS CONTROL ON HERLY 100' OF SE 5. -C4 181 LQT 2~ Kam,: t., ~. APN 332-280-27 ' : ; NUI~ER OIRECTION~ ~ DISTANCE Lt N 00.5A'39" E 2.298.29 FT t2 S 10'45'58" E 24b.53 FT` L3 5 09.45 '19" w 374.95 FT L4 S 88.43'44 E 106.39 FT L5 S 50.18 19" E 327.45 FT 6 S 78'37'0]" E 140.47 FT 'L7 S 87.25'10" w 51.P7 FT LB 5 45.46'51" w 967.83 FT L9 S 44.13 11" £ 10.00 FT Lt0 S 45'46'51" w 109.99 FT L11 S 83.05'21" E 30.00 FT N W v+ e 0 z _,, irs + w~ i ~, e ~o N i / ~ ! / ~ s j // PGdE T07fER L t ' ~/ O fA5EHENT - r -- --~_ •.----~K _513 P~ .@6-'------.».._ ---- --» ~ i Q I .-....- - ---IAAP OF-°-r,._.°--• - --- ''~:...ar.rs c c..----• - -- - Z DESIGNATED aGdE iOwER wE ; FLCIODIt11Y EASEMENT [[E ~8K 1 . PG t D. Fl, /' BK t 332 PCa17 ~ `~ L5 r-C5 Ito) ; ---------•L8-•- -- -----'---1-i4f ' A-30.O0' L1t 5) ~. L16) 0'54'39"E 0.31 ' ~-SECt[01~1 Z7 7295.. R27E ~~0 QgOFESSIpNq` ~`" ~y~ h V RONALD F. RUETTGER ~ NO. 15369 ~ * Exp. 3-31-09 ,* J~q~C` p v ~~a ~7F CAL14 1G9' GROSS VALLEY CANAL PER 9tc 4(139. PG 818 O.R, M7•ANENt ~ ------ ~ L6 111 ) L tt NUMBER DELTA ANGLE TANGENT RADIUS ARC LENGTH Ct 30.57'09" 12.18 44.00 23.77 C2 20'35'17" 184.3 1015.00 354.72 C3 44.23 40" 12.24 30.00 X3.24 C4 38.25'25 174.2 500.00 335.31 C5 28'18'42" 100.89 400.00 197.65 C6 41''39'24" 127.40 334.89 243.48 54"E 2665.860' 589.07'15"E 2666.811 SE 1 /4 CORNER SECTION 21 T29S.. R27E. A pOrtiOT1 of the SE~~1 of SeC. 21. T. 245.. R. 27E.. N.O.B. N. BA515 OF 8;_AR1MG tHE BEAR 1 NG (>f S B9.O5' 54 " E AS THE SQUTti L J NE t>F THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF 5ECT1l7N 2T o``gPKE9s T } m ~ r ORIGINAL NUMBER DIRECTION R1 N 43.38 38" E R2 5 45.39'56 W EXHIBIT "2" o``~'PK~9s > m F- r ORIGINAL • / ~ A K E R 5 F I E ~• L .. D July 23, 2008 Certified Mail -• Return Receipt Requested (See attached list of property owners) Rc: Westside Parkway -Offer to Purchase Real Property -• APN 332-280-1 I , 27 Dear Property Uwner(s): We an: consulting cngineerc to the City of i3alcersfiCld (the "City"). The City Council has author•i2ed neKotiations to purchase a portion of your property, locatod near the Kem River, for the Westside Parkway. Pursuant to S~iion 72G7.2 of the (:aiifi~rnia Government Code, the City of Bakersfield offers Cigtrt Hundnxt Sixty•Five Thousand dollars C$86i.000) as total just compensation for acquisition of thrr property. You will be compensated based upon your fractiaral ownership interest of the property. Agarcbed i%~r yinrr information is: the Appraiser's Summary uf'the Basis for rite Appraisal (Exhibit A): C'ercificate of Apptaiser (~rchibit B); and a legal description and plat of the area to be acquired (C:xltibit C}. The above offer represents the full amount believed by the City to be just compensation for your property as determined by kelps Fisher Merriman inc., an independent real estate apprai:~~r. The City's determination of ,just compensation fir the real property «> be acquir~^c! is base.-J upon an inspection of the proporty, sales of eomparablc properties, and other factors that influence value. The offer disregards any decrease or increase in the fair market value a.f the property prior to the appraisal of this property caused by the City's interest in the property. Also, the above at~'er dcxs not include rctcication assistance, to which you or your tenant may be entitled. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1263.025 should you elect to obtain an independent appraisal, the City will pay for tht; actual reasonable vests up to five thousand dollars ($5,000} subject to the fallowing conditions: a. You, not the City, must order 11-e appraisal. Should you enter into a contrnct with the selictul appraiser, the City will not be a party to the contract; b. I"he selected appraiser is licensed with the Ofilice of Real Estate Appraisers (UREA}; c. Apprnisal cost reimbursement requests muss be made in writing, and submitted to the City along with copies of the contract (if a contract wa:5 made), appraisal report, and the invoice for the completed work by the appraiser. 1'he costs mus-i be rE;asortable and justifiable. "1'ltc City's offer is subject to: approval by the Bakersfield City C`.auncil; availability of fundinb far this acquisition; an environmental review and your ability to deliver unencumbered title. The City will pay normal closing costs, i.e. escrow five and title insurance. You will be responsible for the costs of delivering unencumbered title, i,e. tapes, demands by lien holders. City of Bakersfield Property Management Division • i 501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfit?Id • California • 933U1 (fib 1) 326-3061 Fax {661) 852-2442 prflperty<a'F7~~kf>rsf'ieldcity.t~s o~~AK~A`!'-c~ ~ ~ v ~ ORIGINAL Wanantaker Property Qwners July 23, 2008 Page 2 394-07 Please ccmtact me at your earliest convenience to discuss the City's offer. I may he reetched by telephone at (Gtil) 327-19b9, ext. 214 or by email at aplane~+t1t~c~il;cam. Very truly yours, Sheila K. Plane, Ruettgers & Schuler Civi! Engineers Right of Way Agent Enclosures: Caltrans'!'itle VI tnfortnational Flyer Just Cumper-sationlFair Market Value [)Efinitions ce: 17onald M. Anderson, Real Property Manager -City of Bakersfield 'I'licodorr M. Wright, Civil Engincx;r IV - City of Bakersfield City of Bakersfield Property Management Division • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • California • 93301 (661) 3263061 Fax (661) 852-2042 praperty~u-t,rikersfieldciry. us ~gPKF9 o s.~ '- m ~ r v o ORIGINAL Robert Wanatnaker, Est. P.O. Box 4106 Incline Village, NV 89450-4106 Jefi Wannamaker P.U. fiox 4106 Incline Village, NV 89450-4106 James G. Leonhard & Robin C. [.,eonhard, 'trustees I $40 l,ayfayette Road Claremont CA 91711 Masonic Homes of California 11 t 1 Califomia Strt~i San Francisco CA 94108-2284 John R. Mathie, 'Trustee; 8825 West Stickney Avenue Wauwatosa, Wt 53226-2734 Marshall flan, LT'C.). 6841. Livingston Drive Fluntington Heach, C'f192649 I:dwin Leroy Tulles, 'Trustee P.U. Iiox 55007 Metro Station Los Angeles, C:A 9005 Mary Anne Garner Prisone, Trustee 25300 Randall Way Carn~el, CA 93923-8370 James L'. and Cherrott G. Munson, Trustees P.O. 13ox 141 Deer Harbor, WA 98243-0141 Gayle Garner Roski,'1'nastee 1Op51 Valley Springs Lane North Hollywood, CA 9"1602 Patricia E3urns Ciebhardt Sfipl Turtle Bay Drive, Apt. Naples, Flr 34108-2702 Charles B. Randall 2510 North 81" Street Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 Ludy Shultis Steffens 1938 South Boxelder Avenue Casper, W Y 82604 James A. Shultis 844 Kalispell Street Aurora. C4 80011-7370 Kerminette S. 13ontx.y 16090 West Desert Winds thrive Surprise, AZ 85374-4983 Annetta l..ee 20018 North 47`~ (.one Glendale, A7.85308-5127 Kenninette S. Bonney and Georbe W. Honney 16p90 West Desert Winds 13rive Surpri~;, AI 85374-4983 Tucker tiamer Janette R. Garner 7256 Holly Hili Drive Mercer Island. WA 98040 Charles W. and Anne Lane Borarth, Trustees 1 Goldring Place Rolling Hills, CA 90274-25U5 Toni Bloemer, t3xccutrix 4948 Engle .Road 13ai,ersfeid C'A 93313 Uptomists Boys Home Ranch 6957 N. Figueroa Stre'e't L.os Angeles, C'A 90042 Northern 'Trust Attention; Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue. Suite 26(?0 i.,os Angeles, CA 90071 1402 RRR C;usKeydy Attention: Cathy Yane;z 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 260(1 1.os Angeles, CA 90071 o``gAKF9s } o ORIGINAL Ralph B. ~'ilspet 64272 East Round Robin Lane Tucson, AZ. 85739 C`orneGa M. Bell {Rich) 215 Belmont Forest Court #2U1 `fimonium, MD 21093-7773 Laurie Link Wallace 24 !'ole Plain Road Sharon, MA 02067-1741 Robert James Rudolph. 'Trustee Attention: Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600 l.,os Angeles, CA 90071 p~~AKF9`~-c~ >- m ~ a v ORIGINAL • CITY OF 13AKERSF[BLD APPRAISAL SUMMA1tY STATEMENT (Form ir) ~1Q'IDS4 71~e doaenenr merit p~rrnr- I~+mtior S-EX-15A (REV 42gOZ) .ea r m cws coax ~ ~u r, i e,.n t» taw yea i. a r~ .~ rruaaaiae ddde><wre. Diaz Co. R19e. PM. Parcel No. Federal Aid Pro'ect No. Date t7vvnty: 7eff Waaarnalrar, et al Date Acgisaed N;'A Property Address: Ptn SB'/. Sec. 27, T29SJR27E Pmpcriy to be acgtrired: 15.334 Acres Locale: 8akrss5eld, Califosaia Part X A}l Total Propdty Area: 42.70 Acres Tnchtding Access Rights Yea X No BASIS OF VALUA770N The market vahu for the property to 6e acquired by the City of BabasSeld u based upon ea appraisal prepared in aearrdance wi$r aeceptai appsaiaet princeslea and lsocedures. Code of Civr1 Procedure Section 12tI3320 defines Farr Mr+rket Vahre as follows: a) The fair marlrat vahu of fho pr~apcrty taltea is the highest pace on the date of vahratioa that would be agrted in be a seller. being ws7iing tp ae[t brat under no particular or urgent aeco~iiy fast sa doing, nor obliged ro se4 sad a buyer. being ready, and able w brry but nrgiar ~ particular neuxsdty for so doing, each dealing wi@- the attar with fuII kaawiadge of aU ilye uses and purposes for which the property is reasonably adaptable sad svailabk. b) The fair ararlcet value of property taken for which there is m relevant, comparable marktt is its value as the data of wahtation es detarnuaed by suymetlmd of valuation that is just and egaitabla. Receoz sales of cable pa~opeatiea and i~ome data sre utilized as appropriate. Full cansidcation is given to zonizrg, development potential sad the income the property is capable of producing. Exhibit A o~~AK~~~'-c~ >- rn t- r- V O ORIGINAL EXHIBIT APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT {Cant) s-EX-tsA (x.>/v arzoo2) (Fam Ary Value of the Entire Property S ],66s 000 ,_ __ Value of the property being acquired including the following improvements: Lend: S 598,026 Imps: S -0- S 398,026 Value of tine remainder as part of the whole before the City's acquisition S l,Ob6,97A Value of the remainder as a separate parcel (curt S 800 230 Severaaee Dannagras: $ 2bb,744 Cost to Cure Damages: S N/A Total Damages: S 266,744 ]3enet~: $ NIA The amount of any other compensation: JUST COMPENSATi~N ROR ACQUISITION Caastruction C~tract work NSA Roandtd To $ N/A $ s6a,no S 865.000 p``g A KF,9~'-c~ >- m F= o U ORIGINAL EXHIBTT APPitAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT (Coat) 8-Ex-1sA (R.EV ar002) (Form th 1'HE FOLLO'WII~tG INFORMATIQN IS BASED ON THE PARTIAL AC~U151T10N ONLY 1. The Sales Comparison approach is bawd on the consideration of comparable lead and improved sales. Indicated value by Saps Comparison Approach $ 1,665,000 See attached sheet for principal transactions. 2. The cost approach is based is part oa a replacxnscnt cost new of impravcmants less depreciation. Cost information was obtained from coat urvica publications and/or knowledgeable vendors. Total Replaaernertt Cost New $ NIA Depreciation from all causes $ ~ ~ Value of Improvements in Place $ Land (estimated by direct sales comparison) $ _ Indicated value by Cost Approach $ 3. The income approach is based on an analysis of income and expenses to the property, Overall Cspitali2ation Rate NIA Net Operating Income $ Indicated value by Income Approach $ o~~ A K~9`1'-c~ > m F- r v ORIGINAL APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEME~iT (Coin) (Form ~ EXHIBI'T' 8-EX-15A (REV 4/2002) BASIS OF VALUATION BASIC PROPLRI'X DATA Interest valued: Fee Simple Dais ofvaluatioa: June l8, 2008 Applicable zoning: M-2, General Manufacturing Area to be acquired: 15.334 Acrts Highest and beat use: Speculative for light to medium industrial use. t~ureat use: Vacant o``gPKF9~ T ~- ~ o ORIGINAL E3CHII3TT APPRAISAL SUtVLN,[ARY STATEMENT (Coat} 8-irX-t sA (REV 412002) ~~ ~ LIST OR PRIN AL TRANSACTIONS -VACANT ADDRESS: Ptn NW'/. Sec. 35, T28S/R27E APN: 483-020-01, O5, 06 SALE DATE: Febru~uy 10, 2005 SALE PRICE: 5370,000 ADDRESS: Ptn W'/s of NE'/, Sec. 28, T29S/R27E APN: 36$-050-13 SALE DATE: March 16, 2005 SALE PRICE: 5475,000 ADDRESS: Pta NW'/. Sec. 23, T29S/R27E APN: 332-040-33 SALE DATE: May 6, 2005 SALE PRICE: S7G2,000 ADDRESS: Ptn NW'/. Sac. 35, T28S/R27E AFN: 463-020-0i, O5, 06 SALE DATE: August 24, 2005 SALE PRICE: 31,550,000 ADDRESS: Ptn Sec. 33, TZ$SlR27E APN: 462-030-21, 39, 40, 41, 4i, 46 SALE DATE: October 25, 2005 SALE PRICE: $8,255,000 ADDRESS: Pta NW'/. Sec. 35, T'285/R27E AP,i: 483-020-22, 25, 26 SALE DATE: Febcvary 2, 2006 SALE PRICE: SS,OG7,500 ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: AFN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: p~~PK~9~'-c~ ~ ~ ~- r v ~ ORIGINAL EXHIBTT APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT (Coa>t.) a-Ex-> sA (REV x/2002) ~~ ~ ~,T QF P)~tCIPAL TRA'VSACTIONS - XMpRO~'ED ADDRESS: N!A APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: aDDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRESS: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ADDRE55: APN: SALE DATE: SALE PRICE: ~gAKF9 o s~ ~- m ~:- r U ~ ORIGINAL lSXHIBIT APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT (Canty) 8-EX-15A (R£v 4/2002) c~+~ AREAS wITI~ THE RIGHT og way Sub-parcel AreA Total Area ' I i.33d Acrea IMPROVEI~IENTS WI~'HiN ?SrE RIGHT (?R WAY Item Size N!A Lump Swat Total = 5598,026 o``~PKF9`n-c~ >- m I- r v ORIGINAL ~~Ir APPRAISAL SUMMARY STATEMENT (Con#.) 8-EX-15A (REV 4/2002} (Form ~} CAST TO CURE DAMAGE ITEMS Item Size N/A Lump Siam Total ~ $ p~0FK~9J'.c~ >- m I- r U ~ ORIGINAL EXI~BIT APPRAISAL SUMMARY 51'ATEMENT (Coot) 8-F:X-15A (REV 412002) c~~ ~ colvsrROCrro>v coN~ACr wottx rr~rs 1. N/A 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. o~~AK~9`S'-c~ > ~ ~ ~ v o ORIGINAL STATE OF CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATK7N SUMMARY OF SEVERANCE DAMA©ES AND BENEFITS RW 7.12 {pEV WZOQ2} A. Value of the whol$ ~g~ fg acquisition: Land Improvements B. Value of thepart acquired as oart~f the who18: land, including easements acquired Improvements 1,665,000 87,665,000 $ -0- $ 598,026 g 598,026 $ -0_ C. Value of the remainder as Dart of the whole: (Line A less Une B} g 1 , 0 6 6 , 9 7 4 land, including areas encumbered by easements acquired $ 1 - 0 6 6 , 9 7 4~ Improvements S -0 - D. V~lyre of a remainder aftg.L3he acquisition and before consideration of benefl~: 3 800.06 Land, including areas encumbered by easements acquired $ 80 0 , 02 6 Jmprovements $ -0- E. Severance Damag,~ Land Improvements F. y,~iue o(,Lhe remainder after the acaufs~ion a.nd after considering benefits: (Line C less Line D) S 2 6 6, 7 4 4 $ 266,744 $ - O r ____ g 1300,026 Land, including areas encumbered by easements acquired $ 8 0 0 , 0 2 6 Improvements $ -0- G. @@ en tits: (Line F Isss Line D) $ ~.0-..~..__.._._... Land lmprov8ments $ -0- $ -0- Net Damages or Net 8eneffts (difference between Lines E & G~ g 2 6 6 , 7 4 4 ADA Notice F0f ~vKluAla "~ i1p07 e~~' ~ ~~ ~ svaliabie M akamate tcrma3a. For k+tamaNa+ au (916} 85~:;418 Voior. CRS: 1.80D.7&'r252Y or wrNa Riptri of Way, t tZQ N 8traa4 Ms-87, baorar»ento, CA 6687 ~. o~`0AKF9T '- m ~ r v a ORIGINAL STATE OF CALIEORhf1A • t~P1tRTlViENT OF TRAhSPOATATlDlJ CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISER aw r~ (~ srloo~ ,~. /,~Iereliy Cer7ify: TZiai I ba.ve personally inspected ibe property heaein a}~raised ar~d that. tfie property a~vrtcr leas been a.f!'ardtd an opportunity io be prrsea~,t ai the tuna of tl3e imspectiorr. A personal field insperiioD of iba comparable sales rtJied upon tat making said appraisal has also been made. Tb*. subjcci and the comparable sales relied upo~o in 3ualcing said appttaseJ Wert as neprr.~nt~ed by tilt photo,gaphs r~oat~ed in sat d appraisal. T'6at. to the best of xuy lmovrledge and belief, the statements contained in the a~ppraasal herein set forth arc rue, grad the information upon which !ha apinioas capressad theresa are based is cormct, subject to limiting conditions therrin sat farih. That I undrsstaad that such appraisal is to be used m conncdion v~~ith ilse acquisition of right of way for a lxigbway to be consizvcted by t}-c S`tate of California. vvit~h the assistance of Federal-aid highway fur{ds, ar othrr Federal funds. T1sat SllCh appraisal has been nzadG In oonfoxmity with the apprapriata S`tata IaA'S, Title Vi of the [ 464 Qvil Rights Act, and rrgulatioas, palicies anal proeediues appiicablc tv appzaisal of right of way far suct+ puzposrs; and that to the best of my knowledge no portion of floc vacua assigned io seach properly corssists of items which arc noacampansabie under the established law of said Static. That neither my employxneast ,nor my cgmpensation for making this appraise] and repozi are in amy way contingent upon the valuos rapoxi~d hezran. T1~a1. I have no diracx or indirect prrsant ar contcmp3a~d future personal iattrest in such. property oQ in any baxefit from the acquisit9oa of such propcriy apgmisad. . That I have nat revealyd the findings and rest;lts of such Bppraisal to srayo3e othtr tl>an. tht; ~opar officials of the Califomia I~erpart~nt of Traasportatian or officials of ~.ha Feda:el Iiig~By Admmistratioz- and I vvi31 not do so until so authoxizcd by Slate officials, ar uati} I am raquind to do so by due pmcass of lave, oa until I am zeleased ficmn this obligation by having publicly testified as to such findings. 't'hat my opinion of the total fair met vahue as shown on the summary shut inclO~d in ibis re~rt and ruadc a part hcr~of by raft, as of diet 8t}>~y of June 2fl ~...~ , is $ N ;and that sucb. conclusion ~~,~as dtrived without collusion, coercion or. dirrction as to value. .~ {Signature] a i . r man, MAI Cer No. AG006809 07/14/0$ Dale ADA Notice Feru~dividuali wIn afwepNies. ~ dcaa,.rd h a to apmwtetarre.la for i-Annnallnn o1(a~s) asi•s.1s yoke, cas: ~-aoo-~~aa, o~ wills Rlphi of Way,1720 N &Yrset. NS-!7, Sarnm~po, CA e58f4. Exhibit B ogPKF,9s '- ~ '= v ORIGINAL WESTSIDE PARKWAY PARCEL 272925.02 ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS 18, 23, AND 26 IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, M.D.B.&M., IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALffORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE SUBDIVISION OF SAID SECTION 27 AS RECORDED, DECEMBER 7,1909, IN BOOK 1, PAGE 130, OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SA1D COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCII3G AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE lv' 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 37031 FEET, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27; THENCE 5 89°05'21" E, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET, 'TU A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 26, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CROSS VALLEY CANAL, AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 4839, PAGE 848, OFFICIAL RECORDS AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGiIv'NING; THENCE (1) N 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 2,298.29 FEET, ON AI`'D ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOT5 26, 23, AND 18, TO A POINT LYL~iG 11.67 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAiD LOT 18 AND TO THE BEGINNING OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 44.00 FEET, TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 43°38'38" E; THENCE (2) SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30°5709", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.77 FEET; THENCE (3) S 10°45'58" E, A DISTANCE OF 246.53 FEET, TO T'HE BEGINII~]G OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 1015.00 FEET; THENCE (4) SOUTHERLY ALONG SAtD CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20°35'17", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 364.72 FEET; Page 1 of 3 Exhibit C o`~gPBF,,~'~'~ ~- ~- ~ U ~ ORIGINAI= THENCE (5) S 09°49'19" W, A DISTANCE OF 374.96 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF ANON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADItTS OF 30.00 FEET', TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS S 45°39'56" W; THENCE (b} SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44°23'40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.24 FEET; THENCE (7} S 88°43'44" E, A DISTANCE OF 10639 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE 50UTHV4''EST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 500.00 FEET; THENCE (8} EASTERLY AND SOUTTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36°25'25", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 335.31 FEET; THENCE (9) S 50°t8'19" E, A DISTANCE OF 327.45 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 400.00 FEET; THENCE (10) SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28°l8'42", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 197.65 FEET; THENCE (11) S 78°37'01" E, A DISTANCE OF 140.47 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID CROSS VALLEY CANAL; THENCE (12) S 87°2b'IO" E, A DISTAI\`CE OF 51.27 FEET ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, HAVLNG A RADIUS OF 334.89 FEET; THENCE {13) WESTERLY A`~iD SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, ALSO BEING SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41°39'24", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 243.48 FEET; Page 2 of 3 o~~P~~~ v ORI(31N~1- THENCE (14}S 45°46'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 967.83 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE (15} S 44°13'11" E, A DISTANCE OP f 0.40 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE; THENCE (16) S 45°46'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 109.99 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL R1GHT OF WAY L1NE, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 26 AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; AREA: 15.334 ACRES MORE OR LESS ~ t 2,../Y , off' Ctv-1- OF C Page 3 of 3 O~~ P K~~`f'~ ~ ~ F- r° ~ ~ ORIGINAL KCS BR TAG IN CONCRETE IRON MRKD FOR COR 1N LH tNOT TD BE USED AS CTR OF SEC) CAL CD CTR AREA TABLE NE COR t1F t 5E1/4 SECTION 27 ~ J ( OF SEC 27 _~--'~ 1295.. R2TE. rA1L A (/~ e C Y n Q c t~ Y ~ a c '~~ ~` DR1GlNAL PARCEL rGR055I - 42.700 AC DRTGiNAL PARCEL tNETI - 40.4!2 AC "-•-~,. ~` ~ TAKE t C) - 15.334 AG ` '~.., ' r TAKE tN) - 14.125 AC ......__ __.._ ` REMAINDER tGl - 21.366 AC L v T ~ ~ ` REMAINDER tN) - 2s.30T AC L. ~ T •E '~/, f f 3 l 4PN 332-280-t 1 ' ~ ~ ~ i MD11t~ ~ ' '~ MEASURED OT7 CALCULATED BEARINGS 8 ' CiSTANCES PER tAITRANI AND / t1R 1 1 .67 , ~~ NO BRACKETS CDB SURVEY IHVE5TiGA7tON5 14.980' ~ PER RECORD OF SURVEY 9K 11 PG 4 _. ~ % ~ ~ ; } PER RECCRD OF SURVEY BK 1d PG 13B ~' C 2 ( 4 ) . ~ CTR OF ~` / , ~ L 1 I f 1.1 ACCESS PROMIBtTED ~ SEC DETAIL 4 ~ + pfSTANCE 7p GORNER MONti1~NT ~ -•--- - ~`~- ~ 3 t5) ;3 l6) L'•'q `r (7) :4 ce) LQT 23 x4~~; t•+ goo, A?N 332-280-27 C5 ti0) / L5 ,/ f9) L6 (11) ~ C6 ' L7 ( i2,,); NUMBER DIRECTION O15TANCE Lt N 00` 54'39" £ 2.298.29 FT L2 S 10. 45'58" E 246.53 FT L3 5 09. 49'19" W 374.96 FT L4 S 88. 43'44" E 106.39 FT L5 5 50. 18'19" E 327.45 FT L6 S 78. 37'01" E 140.47 FT L7 S 87. 26'10" W 51.27 FT L8 S 45° 46'51" W 967.83 FT L9 S 44' 13'11" E 10.00 F7 110 5 45. 46'51" W 109.99 FT Lit S 89. 05'21" £ 30.00 FT N W u, o+ v °z o+ a I ~J _._.---- ~! ~ 4 . _.. ----- (1 7 ]D. fK?' L t t ~ 1 L 51~,/ L~(6 ) r i j PGdE 'LOWER L t N ' O EA3E1$NT ~ _.._ .•_ _. .r. .. _-__~_-.-._ ._._-.-....-. i L. I OESiGaATEp G~1E TJ1rE~~C NE ,,+{' i r LOGDWAr ~~~ E ASE-.tEw7 ~ ~v T ;> y. ./ / ;~K 1, ?G t O.R. i /~/ BK 1392/ PCaa±.~ ~ i 189' CRO55 vALLEr :ANAL PER sK eB39. PG 8Ad O.R. NUMBER DELTA ANGLE TANGENT RADIUS ARC LENGTH Ci 30.57 09" 12.18 44.00 23.77 C2 20.35'17" 184.35 1015.00 364.72 C3 44.23`40" 12.24 30.00 23.24 C4 38.25'25 174.23 500.00 335.31 C5 28'18'42" 100.89 400.00 197.65 C6 41'39'24" 127.40 334.89 243.48 ~b•54'39"E 0.31' ~-SECTION 2T Tt95.. R2TE ~~~o ?R~~ E551pNq` Fy H ~ V RONALD F. RUETTCER yi ~ NO. t 5369 ~ ,~, Exp.3-31-09 ,~ ~~qrF OF! CA1.~~~~~~~ 06'54"E 2665.860' 589'07'15"E 2666.811 SE1/4 CORNEA SECTiGN 2T T2?S.. R27E. A portion of rha 5E'~4of Sec. 27. T. 295.. R. 27E.. M.D.B.M. OASIS OF FARING THE BEAR}NC OF 5 89.06'54" E AS TFtE SOUTH LINE OF {~ THE 50UTMEA5T QUARTER OF SECTION 27 7 ~~ ExhibiC C NUMBER DIRECTION RS N 43.38'38" E R2 S 45'39'56" W ~gAKF9 o ~.~ m F-- r c7 ~ ORIGINAL JUST COMPENSATION DEFINI'C1UN Just compensation 1'or prol~rty acquired bti• Eminent Unmain ~tenerally means the fair market aalue ol'thc property to be acquired plus any severance damt~e or injury to the remainder property. 5z~•erance damagN generally means the diminution of tl~e fair market value ofthe (severance) and~or the construction of the project impruv~~nent in the manner proposed. FAIR MARKED f VALUE; UEF'tNIT[01 Fair market value defined by the ('ode nl'Civil Procedure. Part 3. 'i-itie 7 (Eminent Domain LaH~). Chapter 9 (Ccempensation), Article 4 f'~9easure ot'C'ornpulsation tar Property Taken). Paragraph 1?b3.320 is as follows: (a) ')'he fair market value of the property taken is the highest price on the date of valuation that would be agreeci to by a seller. being willing tc~ sell but under nn particular or urgent necessity fife so doing. nor obliged to se)1. and a huger. being ready, vrilling, and able try hug but under nip particular n~:e5sity 1'or so doing, each dealing, ti•~ith the other ~+•ith full kno~vled~:L oC all the. ust~s and purposis for which the property is reasonably adaJ~table and available. (b) "1`he fair market value of property taken for• ~i°hich there is nn rc:Jrvant market is its value on the date of'valuation as deterrt~incd by any- method of valuation that is just and equitable;. ~gPKF,9s o -~ >- m '= o ORIGINAL r .6i ~ E o ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ a °' ~~ aa ~b oa m ,. ~ ~ ° ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ c~ .aR,n ~ ~b ' .~ M~ SUE cU ~ ~~ .. •.,! ~"~ o~~PKF9~'-c~ > R, ~_ r U ~ ORIGINAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~~w tm~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~`~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ r . ,tee ~ m ~ ~ ~ „a a ,,, ce ~~ a ~g wy,~ ~=~, ~~ ~'~U ~ a ~ ~. . ~ ~, -~ ~gPKF9~ o -~ >. m ~ r v ° ORIGINAL E~~HIBIT "3" gPKF 9 O~ ~'-c. '- m ~ r v o ORIGINAL t B A K E R 5 - F r-- I E -. L ., D July 30, 200$ Certi#ied Mail -Return Receipt Requested {See attached list of property owners) Re: Westside i~arkway - Offer to Purchase Real Pr+apeerty - APN 332-280-11, 27 Dear Pmporty Owner(s): Previously you were provided an offer to purchase a portion of y+aur property. tncludod in the offer was a legal description and plat r+efcrrcd to as "Exlti6it C:' Subsegtrertt tq mailing the offer, it was discovered that the incorrect legai description and plat were sent. Enclosed pease find the corrected legal description artd plat depicting access control, v~ no changa to the aroa to be acquired. Please replace the preVrOtisly seat N~lLhll'flt C" With the enClOSCd dc-carrtertts. If you have not alrea<ty done so, please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss the City's after. l may be reached by telephone at (661) 327-1969, ext. 2l4 or by email at anlnneQrscfvilcam. very truty yours, y~ . tT Sheila K. Plane, Ruettgers & Scirnler Civil Engineers Right of Way Agent cc: Donald M. Anderson, Real Property Manger-City of Bakersfeld Theodore M. Wright, Civil Engineer IV -City of Bakersfield City of Baicersfieid • Property INattagement Division • 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield • Calif©rnia • 93301 (661) 326-3061 • Fax (661) 852-2042 grope rtyC~f~aJcers fiel d Glty. u s ~gAli~~s q <~ s ORIGINAL Robert Wanamaker, Est. P.O. Box 4] Ob Incline Village, NV 89450-4106 Jeff wanamaker P.O. Box 4106 Incline Village, NV $9450-4106 James L. Leonhard 8t Robin C. Leonhard, Trustees 1840 Layfayette Road Claremont CA 91711 Masonic Homes of California 1 l 11 California Street San Francisco CA 94108-2284 John R Mathie, Trustee 8825 West Stickney Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 5322b-2734 Marshall Plan, LTD. 6841 Livingston Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Edwin Leroy Tolles, Trustee P.a. Box 55007 Metro Station Los Angeles, CA 90055 Mary Anne Garner Frisane, Trustee 25300 Randall Way Carmel, CA 93923-8370 James E. and Cberron G. Munson, Trustees P.O. Box 141 Deer Harbor, WA 98243-0141 Gayle Gamer Koski, Trustee 10051 Valley Springs Lane North Hollywood, CA 91602 Patricia Burns Gcbhardt 5601 Turtle Bay Drive, Apt. Naples, FL 34108-2702 Charles B. Randall 2510 North 8 t ~ Street Wauwatosa, Wi 53213 Judy Shuitis Steffens 1938 South Boxeider Avenue Casper, WY 82604 James A. Shultis 844 Kalispell Street Awora, CO 80011-7370 Kerminette S. Bonney 16090 West Desert Winds Drive Surprise, AZ 85374-4983 Annetta Lee 20018 North 47~' Lane Glendale, AZ 85308-5127 Kerminette S. Bonney and George W. Bonney 16090 West Desert Winds Drive Surprise, AZ 85374-4983 Tucker Cramer Janette R Garner 7256 Nally Hill Drive Mercer Island, WA 98440 Charles W. and Anne Lane Bozarth, Trustees I G~oldring Place Rolling Hills, CA 90274-2505 Toni Blaemer, Executrix 4948 Engle Road Bakersfield CA 93313 ~ptamists Boys Home Ranch 6957' N. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90042 Northern Trust Attention: Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600 Las Angeles, CA 90071 1402 RRR Custody Attention: Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90071 o~~AK~9`s'-c~ ~- m F~ r v a ORIGINAL Ralph B. Tippet 64272 East Round Robin Lane Tucson, AZ. 85739 Cornelia M. Bell (Rich) 215 Belmont Forest Court #20 t Timonium, MD 21093-7773 LauriB Link Wallace 24 Pole Plain Road Sharon, MA 02067-1741 Robert James Rudolph, Trustee Attention: Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90071 ~gAKF9 O ~'.~ '- m ~- r v o ORIGINAL WESTSIDE PARKWAY PARCEL 272926-02 ALL THAT PORTION OF LOTS IS, 23, AND 2b IN SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, IvLD.T3.&M„ IN THE COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE SUBDIVISION OF SAID SECTION 27 AS RECORDED, DECEMBER 7,1909, IN BOOK 1, PAGE 130, OF MAPS IN TFIE OFFICE OF THE COLTNPY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COM1ViENCIlVG AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE N. 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 3 70.31 FEET, ON AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE SOUIT'HEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2?; THENCE S 89°05'21" E, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 26, ALSO BEING A POINT ON THE NORTH WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE CROSS VALLEY CANAL, AS DESCRIBED TN BOOK 4839, PAGE 848, OFFICIAL RECORDS AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE (1) N 00°54'39" E, A DISTANCE OF 2,298.29 FEET, 031' AND ALONG THE WEST LINE OF LOTS 26, 23, AND 18, TO A POINT LYING 11.67 FEET SOUTHERLY OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 18 AND TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON•TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 44.00 FEET, TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS N 43°38'38" E; THENCE (2) SOU'T'HERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROiJGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 30°57'09", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.7? FEET; THENCE (3) S 10°45'58" E, A DISTANCE OF 24b.S3 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, T~iAVING A RADIUS OF 1015.00 FEET; THENCE (4) SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20°35' 17", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 364.72 FEET; Pie i of 3 Exhibit C o~gAKF9~-~ ~- rn .... 1- r U ~ ORIGINAL THENCE (5} S 09°49'19" W, A DISTANCE OF 374.96 FEET, TO THE BEGIIVNING OF A NON•TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 30,00 FEET, TO WHICH A RADIAL LINE BEARS 5 45°39'56" W; THENCE (6) SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY AIANG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 44°23'40", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 23.24 FEET; THENCE (7) S 88°43'44" E, A DISTANCE OF 106.39 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUT'IiWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 500.00 FEET; THENCE {8} EASTERLY AND SOUTHERLY AL(?NG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 38°25'25", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 335.31 FEET; THENCE (9) 5 50°18'19" E, A DISTANCE OF 327.45 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 400.fl0 FEET; THENCE (10) SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28° 18'42", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 197.b5 FEET; THENCE (11) S 78°37'01" E, A DISTANCE OF 140.47 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LII3E OF SAID CROSS VALLEY CANAL; THENCE (12) S 87°2b'10" E, A DISTANCE OF 51.27 FEET ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE, TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHEAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 334.89 FEET; THENCE (13) WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE, ALSO BEING SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 41 °39'24", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 243.48 FEET; Page Z of 3 O~~ A K~9`s-c~ v a ORIGINAL THENCE (14) S 4S°46'51" W, A DISTANCE OF 967.83 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE; ~' THENCE (IS} S 44°i3'11" E, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF wA1' LIIVE; THENCE (16) S 45°46'SI" W, A DISTANCE OF 109.99 FEET, ON AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY CANAL RIGHT OF WAY LINE, TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 26 AND THE T1tUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH ALL RIGHTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS TO OR FROM THE ALIGNMENT OF THE WES'I'SIDE PARKWAY, MOHAWK STREET, THEIR RESPECTIVE FRONTAGE ROADS AND THE CROSS VALLEY CANAL ACCES5 ROAD, OVER AND ACROSS COURSL~.S 11,10, 9, 8, 7, 6 AND THE SOUTHERLY 100 FEET OF COURSE 5. AREA: 15.334 ACRES MORE OR LESS ...-- ,~rM.9r ~ ~ ~~~/~ frW J,-, z ~, orb lJ Paga 3 of 3 ~~AKF9 o sr ...... _ _ ~ o ORIGINAL TICS pR TAG IN C01~RETE NOFt IMtKO FOR COR !N LH INOT TO BE USED AS CTR OF' SECt CAICD 47R Nf COR OF \ ~ ~,~OF SEC ?7 ~,,..--" ~ ~~ TA~ Sft/i SECTION 27 T29S R27E. SEE- OFTAII A 1- t~ ~ c Y r ~ ~ Q c Q i ~ ~ C f DR.(GlNAL PARCEL tGRI>SSI - 42.>00 AC ~ „ ~'`~.,` ~ ORIGENAL PARCEL tNET1 - 40.452 AC --+~~.'-..~_ -~~ TAILS I G - - 15.334 AC F TAKE IN7 - 11.125 AC _._. _ ~ REWENDER IC1 - 27.366 it 0 l '~ ~ REMA ENDER t N 7 - 26.307 -C i G ; ; ,~ 2 ( 3 ) APN 332-284-11 ~'~ ~~' ' ~ MEASURED OR I:ALCULATEn BEARINGS 6 t MDeT\ 11 . 6T Na BRACKETS DISTANCES PER CAL TRANS AND ~ OR ttb SURVEY lNVESTlGATIONS t4.980'~_-. I ~ ( I PER RECORD of suav£Y eK 1+ Pt: 4 ~; i ~ ; ~- C2 ( 4 ) ~ / ( 1 PER REOCRn aP sWivEY BR +e Pc +~t tii --. _ ~ I~ 1~ 1 t I 1 ACCESS PRONI6ITE0 ~ SEC OF r OETAEL A ; • DISTANCE TO CORNER aADIW1IENT tp ---- ~ L5 C5 {10f ; 191 L6 (113 , C6 ' 1131 L (t ; J ~~-- ~L3 tSaCCE5S CONTROL ON SOUTHERLY 100' OF COURSE 5. ; C 4 ( e) L a T ~~ KALE+ j + .•oa~ , L4 APN 392-280-?7 ` 631 171 ..~ ----~--._L'g._.__._ 30.00' / L11 L5 ) L 61 POB tl NT0.34.39"E ~--SECTION 27 T?95.. RITE ~----. ~c~0 Q~pf ESS1pNat ~ rn yi V RONALD F. RUETTGER ~n ~ NO. 15369 ~ * E xp. 3-51-09 ~~~~ OF CAl.1F~a`Q -------- _ 0 T %~ NUMBER DIRECTIDN DISTANCE t1 N 00.54'39" E 2.298.29 FT L2 ~S 10.45'58" E 246.53 FT L3 S 09.49'19" W 374.98 FT L4 S $8'43'44" E 106.39 FT 45 5 50'18'19" E 327.45 FT L6 S 78.37'01° E 140.47 FT L7 S 87.26'10" W 51.27 FT L8 S 45.46'51" W 967.83 FT L9 S 44.13'11" E 10.00 1'T X10 5 45.46'51" W 109.99 fT L1t S 89.05'21" E 30.00 FT !V W u, v a z tT i v; ei ai • (V l ~ ~ o' PGdE TOWER l1N ' EASEMENT j r ~1K_25t3 P __ 86 . _ ~ MAP OF ; DESIGNATED ' GdE LOWER INS FIOODMAY ~---~ EASEMEN"~ t3K +. PG + O. q. / B!c 1342 PC4Ot I NUMBER Dfi.TA ANGLE TANGENT RADIUS ARC LENGTH C1 30.57 09" 12.18 44.00 23.77 C2 20'35"1T 164.35 1015,00 364.72 C3 44.23 40" 12.24 30.00 23.24 C4 38'25`25" 174.23 500.00 335.31 CS 28.1$ 42' 100.89 400.00 197.65 C6 41.39 24" 127.40 334.89 243.48 189' CROSS vALIEY CANAL PER 8K 4859. PG $48 O.R. 54"E 2665.860' [589°07'15"E 2656.611 5E1/4 CORNER SECf10N 2T 7295.. R2TE. A portion of the 5E1~• Cf Soc.. 27. T. 295.. R. 2TE.. M.1).B.M. "BASIS DF BEAR NG THE BEARING OF S 89.06'54" E AS THE SOEiTti {.I NE df` THE SWJTHEA5T QUARTER OF SECTION 27 MDHAWK ST. GRADE SEPERATtON R i g11t-Of-MOy ACQU i S ft i Oh EAOR a-w ~~4,,~ ~~~f ~-7~~1^ awc.. E7s~ibit C ,,.~ NUMBER DIRECTION Rt N 43.38' 38 ` !: R2 5 45.39`56 W ET AL 0-1, a zT o~ ~'~~ ~. v ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "4" ~gAKF,~ o '~~ ~ ~, U ORIGINAL N N f!1 M i Qhb ~ O~~ ~~~ A J S z n L,J {` oN m~ f- N ~~ 7 r~ N ~W aN 3 Lc. O vi N •N N N M ~~ cit' .: ~=~~ . ~ ZR ~o~! ~ ~ ~:a~ Z ~, :t:~ a ~ e~~ ~ =a a _s.~ ~ Z ~~~~ ~ C ._ ;s ~_~: N ~ g~~'~ W N N 4 N S N fV a ~- F- ~ v ~ ORIGINAL 't 8 N l,J NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY To: (See attached list of property owners) RE: APN 332-280-11 & 27 Portion of the SE 1 /4 Sec. 27, T29S/R27E Bakersfield, CA California law provides that a public agency may exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire property for a proposed public project if the following conditions are met: 1. The public interest and necessity require the project; 2. The project is planned and located in the manner that will be the most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; 3. The property interest sought to be acquired is necessary for the project; and 4. The offer required by California Government Code section 7267.2 has been made to the owner of record. You are hereby notified that the City of Bakersfield, at a meeting to be held on August 21, 2008, at 6:30 p.m., or a soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, in the City Council Chambers at 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, will decide whether these conditions are met concerning your property and, if it decides that the conditions are met, will consider adopting a Resolution of Necessity pursuant to Califomia Code of Civil Procedure sections 1245.220 and 1245.230 and California Government Code section 35350.5. The Resolution of Necessity, if adopted, will authorize the City of Bakersfield to acquire a portion of your property by eminent domain. A description of the subject portion of your property to be acquired is attached to the proposed Resolution of Necessity. The proposed Resolution of Necessity is attached to this Notice as Exhibit "A". The proposed public use is for public transportation, health, and safety purposes for the Westside Parkway Project, specifically, the construction of the Westside Parkway Project, Rosedale Highway/Mohawk Street Widening and Mohawk Street Grade Separation Project. You have the right to appear at the meeting and be heard on the conditions listed above if you file a written request to appear and be heard within fifteen (15} days after the date this Notice was served/mailed to you. Your written request to appear and be heard must be submitted to the Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. If you mail your written request, it must be actually received by the Clerk within f fteen (1 S) days after the date this Notice was served/mailed to you. The date this Notice was served/mailed to you appears at the end of this Notice. If you are unable to appear at the meeting but would like the City of Bakersfield to consider your comments, concerns or objections, you may submit them in writing to the Clerk of the City of o~~A~~~ ~- "~, ~ r U ~ ORIGINAL Bakersfield at the address specified above. Any written comments, concerns or objections that you want the City of Bakersfield to consider at the meeting must be actually received by the Clerk no later than fifteen (15) days after the date this Notice was served/mailed to you. The City of Bakersfield cannot commence an eminent domain proceeding to acquire a portion of your property unless it first adopts a Resolution of Necessity pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure sections 1245.220 and 1245.230. If the City of Bakersfield adopts a Resolution of Necessity, it will commence an eminent domain proceeding within six (b) months of the adoption of the Resolution of Necessity. The eminent domain proceeding will commence in the Kern County Superior Court. The amount of just compensation for the acquisition of the property will be determined in that proceeding. The City of Bakersfield will not consider the amount of just compensation to be paid to you at the meeting on August 21, 2008. If you have any questions, please call Donald M. Anderson at (661) 326-3061. DATED AND SERVED/MAILED ON AUGUST _, 2008. Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC City Clerk, City of Bakersfield Attachments: A. Resolution of Necessity and attachments thereto. 0 ~ b v ORIGINA~~ Raben Wanamakcr. [st. P.C). Box 41 t)b Incline Village, NV 8945U-410G Jeff Wannarnakrr P.O. I;ax 4 I UG Incline Village. NV 89450-4IOb James L. Leonhard & Rabin C. [.eonhard, 'I'rutitees 1840 C.ayfayette Road Claremont CA 91711 Masonic I lames of Califi~mia 111 l California Strrtt Sttn Francisco CA 94108-2284 John R. Mathie, "fcustec 8825 West Stickney Avenue Wauwatosa, V~'I 5322b-2734 Marshall flan, l_"i'D. 6li41 Livingston Dri~~e ]luniingtan Beach, CA 93649 Edwin Leroy T'ollcs, Trustee P.C). Rox SSOU7 Metro Station l..os Angeles, C'A 9{H)iS Mary Acute C;urnrr Frisone, Trustee; 25300 Randall Way Carmel, CA 93923-8370 James L•;. and Ghenan Ci. Munson, 'Trustees P.C). liox 14 t I)rrc liartx~r, Wr'198243-[}t41 Gayle Garner Roski, 'Trustee 10051 Valley Springs Lane North Hollywood, C`A 9 t 602 Patricia E3urns Ciebhardi SC~OI 'T'urtle Aay Drive, Apt Naples, Fl., 34108-2702 ('harks li. Randall 351 U North 8 I t' Street Wauwatosa, Wl 53213 Judy Shultis Stcflfens 1938 South Boxelder Avcnuc Casper. WY Z;2604 James A. Shultis 844 Kalispell Street Aurora, CC18U011-7370 Kerminette S. Eionitey 16090 West Desert Winds Drive Surprise, Al 85374-4983 Annetta Lre 20018 North 47`h lane Glendale, AT.. 85308-5127 Kerminette S. Bonney and George W. Honney 16090 West Desert Winds [five 5uipri:+e, AL $5374-4983 Tucker Garner Janette R. Garner 7256 Doily Nill Drive Mercer Island. WA 98U40 Charles V1f. and Anne Lane Roxarth, 'Trustees 1 Goldring Place Rolling [-[ills, CA 90274-2505 Tcsni Eiloemcr, l:xccutrix 494$ Engle Road Bakersfield CA 93313 C?ptamists Bnys Flame Ranch G957 N. T'igueraa Street l.os Mgclcs, CA 900~a2 Narthem 'Trust Attention: Cathy Yanex 355 South Grand Avenue. Suite 2G00 Los Angeles, C'A ~)U071 1402 RRR C;ustady Attention: Cathy Yanez 355 South Grand Avenue. Suite 2600 l.as Angeles, CA 90071 o`` g AKF9~ ,-_ v ORIGINAL Ralph I3. ripFx:t b4272 Dist Round Rubiu l..ane Tucson, AL. 85739 ~'ornel.ia M. F3clt (Rich) 215 l3t;lmont Forest Court #2U1 `I'intonium, MD 21093-7773 Laurie link Wallace 241'ule Plain Road Sharon, MA (12(f67-1741 Katxtt James Rudnlph. ~I'rustue f~t1Ct1[IOii: Cathy Yanec 355 South Grand Avenue, SuiU; 2bdU l.os Angeles, CA 9U071 ~~AKF~ o '~~ ORIGIN~I-