HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 91-74RESOLUTION NO. 91-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES AND GENERAL PREVAILING RATE FOR LEGAL HOLIDAYS AND OVERTIME WORK TO BE PAID IN THE MATTER OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 896. WHEREAS, the Councilof the City of Bakersfield, California, did on the 23d day of September, 1974, adopt Resolution of Intention No. 896 for the construction of certain improvements in Public Improvement District No. 896; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Labor Code of the State of California, it is necessary that the Council for the City ascertain and determine the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for public work, and by the provisions of said code, make it mandatory upon the awarding body of any public contract where the body subsequently calls for bids for any public improve- ment, to ascertain and determine the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract, and also the general prevailing rate for legal holidays and overtime work for each craft, classification or type of workman. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, that said Council has ascertained and hereby finds and d~ermines that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages in the locality in which said work is to be performed as described in said Resolution of Intention No. 896, for each craft, classification or type of workman needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate of legal holidays and overtime work for each craft, classification or type of workman to be as follows: BASIC RATE PER' HOUR. $ 6. S0* 8.81'** 6.25'. 8.51'**. 7.38* 7.38* 6.15' 7.88*** 8.81'** 6.45*** 8.92*i*' 8.71'** 8.40*** '8.35** 7.61'** 7.44* 7.55* 7:2o* 7.35* 7 ·60* ,, EXHIBIT "A" CLASSIFICATION H ~ W Asprmlt Raker, Ironer, 65~ph Luteman .- A~phalt or Concrete Spreading, 95~ph -Mechanical Tamping or Finish- ing Machine Operators (all types) Asphalt Shovelet 65~ph Screed Operator Casphalt or concrete) 95~ph Bootman Driver of Road Oil Spreader Truck Flagman Heavy Duty Repairman's Helper EMPLOYER PAYMENTS FOR VACATION PENSION Heavy Duty Repairman Laborer (General or Construction) 35~pk $I.35 ph 'Motor Patrol Operator (Multi-Engine) Roller Operator (Asphalt or Finish). 30~ph A Frame'Operator Carpenter Cement Mason 35~ph 30~ph Driver of Transit Mix Truck' under 3 yards Driver of Transit Mix Truck 3 yards and over 1.50 ph 1.50 ph 1.50 ph Driver of'Truck C2 axles) MiSC. 10.¢pk Driver of Truck C3 axles) 124 ¢ph. lOCph 14 ¢ph Driver of Truck C4 or more ailes) $1.'00 ph $1.00 pk 65~ph None 1.00 ph 1.00 ph 65~ph None 6S'~:ph 9 S ~ph 95~ph 65{ph 9$~ph 95~ph 9S~pk 74~ph 90~pk. $1.00 ph 1.00 ph 3S~ph' $1.35 ph 30~ph 1.50 ph 30~ph. 1.50 ph 35¢ph 1.35 ph 30~ph .1.50 ph 30¢ph 1.S0 ph 30¢pk 1.S0 ph 70{ph 95¢pk 8O~pk $1,20 ph $1,00 ph 65~ph -XOCph 14~ph I0¢ph 1,4¢ph 14e~ph 1.00 pk 1.00 ph _ 1.00 ph 14~ph 8{ph 8¢ph None· 1.00 pk 65~ph None 1.00 ph 65~ph None 1.00 ph 65¢ph None . ! -' 00 ph _. 65 ¢ph None BASIC RATE: PER HOUR $ 6,46 * 8.71'** 8.81'** ~.49' 8.51'** 7.88*** 8.71'. 7.4O* 7.50* CLASSIFICATION Operators and tenders of pneu- matic and electrical tools not separately classified herein Tractor Operator, Up to D5, Push'Tractor Bulldozer, Taper and Scraper Tractor Operator above D5, Bulldozer, Tamper and Scraper War chinart Boxman or Mixer Box Operator Compressor Operator Backhoe Operator (up to and incl. 314 yd). Water Truck Driver - 2 axle Water Truck Driver - 3 or more axles DIPLOYER PADIF-NTS FOR H I~ W VACATION 'PENSION 65¢ph 55¢ph $ 1.55 ph 'F '- 95 ~ph S'0 ~ph 1. S 0 ph 95~ph 30~ph 1.S0 ph 65 ~ph 35 ~ph 95~ph 30~ph 95~ph S0¢ph 95~ph 30~ph $1.00 ph $1.00 ph 1.00 ph 1.00 ph MISC. 10~ph 14 ¢ph 14¢ph 1.35 ph 10¢ph 1.50 ph 14¢ph 1.50 ph 14¢ph 1.50 ph 14¢ph 65~ph None 65¢ph None 8.51'** 6.66* 6.44* 8.71'** 8.71'** Trenching Machine Operator (Up to, 6' depth capacity) Pip~layer .Pipelayer's backup man Rubber-tired earth moving equip- ment operator (single engine up to and incl. 25 yards truck) Skiploader Operator (S/4 yd. to 1-1/2. yds.) 95~ph S0~ph 65 $ph 35 $ph 655ph 5SSph 95 ~ph S 0 $ph 95~ph 30~ph $ 1. So ph - 14 1~35 ph 10¢pli. 1.35 ph 10¢ph 1,50 pit 14~ph 1..50 ph '. 14¢ph .3. FORhMEN: Carpenters - Not less than $ . 75 .per hour more than hourly rate o£- highest class over which he h~s responsibility. Cement Masons - Not less than $ .60 per hour more than h~ur!7 rate of highest class over which he has responsibility. Laborers - Not less than $ .50 per hour more than the hourly rate of highest class over which he has leadership. Operating Engineers - $ .50 per hour over highest paid Engineer under his supervision. Teamsters - $ .35 per hour more than highest teamsters class over which he is foreman. OVERTIme: * One and one-ha!B times prevailing rate shall be paid for any working time more than 8 hours during any. one calendar day where work is r~-. quired in cases of extraordinar}- emergencies, and double time for Sundays and holidays. ': Double time over 8 hours.- *** One and one-half times prevailing rate for first 3 hours over 8, double time over 11 hours. ~mployer pay~,ents other thmn those itemized herein, as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid in accordance with the Zenns the collective bargaining agreement 'applicable to the type of classificatio~ ~he workmen or mechanics employed on the project. Copies of all collective bargainin% agreements relating to the work as set forth in the Labor Code are on file and available for inspection in '~he office Of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of LabGr Statistics and Research· Attention is directed to Section 7-1.01G of the Standard 'Specifications providing .for employm..ent of apFrenzices on tl~e work. Every 'such apprentice s~a!i be paid the standard ~age p=id te apprentices under the regulations of =he trade at which he i.s employed. !nform~tion relative to the emp!gyr~ent of apprentices .shall be obtained from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. who is'theAdministrativs Officer of '~be California Apprenticeship Council. ,' .o'0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of November, 1974, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, BL~ECKER, HE, ISEY, MEDD"'ER,.q, ROGERS, STRONG, ~'~.'--'/'-:'..:'.~ NOES: COUNCILt'AEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Council of th~~s ie the .' ,'.~.:Z',,.,5'. , -, APPRO thls 4L~ d..%~:7= 1974 ..'hPO''R'~Bakersfield APPROVED as'tO.;f6rm: