HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 87-74RESOLUTION N0. 87-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD INITIATING PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX TERRITORY ON ITS OWN MOTION SETTING FORTH ITS REASONS FOR DESIRING THE ANNEXATION, FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS BY PERSONS OWNING REAL PROPERTY WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "KERN RIVER N0. 4." WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield desires to initiate proceedings to annex to the City of Bakersfield the uninhabited territory hereinafter described and known as "Kern River No. 4"; and WHEREAS, the proposal to effect this annexation is initiated for the following reasons: (a) to conform to the request of the majority property owner who has requested the annexation; (b) to provide City services to all properties within the territory to be annexed; (c) to bring within the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield water facilities and other property in which the City has ownership interests; (d) and to provide City regulations for the protection of flood plain areas. NOW, THEREFORE, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, Chapter 297, as amended, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: That the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield are described as follows: (Kern Pdver ,No. 4) A parcel of land situate in the COunt}- of Kern; State of California, and bOing a portion of Sections 13 and 24, Township 29 ~puth, Range 27 East, Sections 3, 4, 9,'"10, 16, 17 and IS, Township..L.F9 South, Range 28 East, M.D.M., ~d being more p~rticularly described as follO,jCs: Commencing at the center line intersection of;:IiJcst Col~n~bus street, fomerly 42nd Street, and Chester Avenue, said intersection bears N 75°I9'38"E 769.Sg feet from the southwest corner of said Section 1S, as shown on a map. entitled, "M~tropolitmn Recreation Center Proposed Lease to the Junior Baseball Associa- tion,". being Map No. 9 P1 MRC .lc M1, as filed in the Office of the County Surveyor of said Kem County; ~ence S 89°52'15"E, 57.75 feet to intersec~ the east right of way line of said Chester Avenue; said point of intersection'being in the Colorate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; ]~ence N 00°07'45"E, along last n~ned east right of way line ~d said Corporate Boundary, 138.37 feet to the true .point of beginning; ~ence (i) departing from said Colorate Boundary,' Vest, 857.75 feet, along the 'northerly boundary of that l~d grated to the Kern Co~tv Fair Association on ~Iav 6 1921 and recorded in Book 365 of Deeds on Page i7 in the Office cf the County Recorder of said Count}- of Kern and the east extension thereon, ~ence (2) S 77~00'00"h·, 700.00 feet; Thence C33 s 69°17'50,'w, so0.00 f6~t; Thence C4) s 5z°o9'oo"p,, 220.00 feet; ?aence (5) s 24°14'00"w, 330.00 feet; Thence (6) S i0°50'00',W, 407.60 feet, to intersect the northeasterly right of .way line of the Southern Pacific Railroa:d dorapuny, of 100 feet in width and-also b~ing on the easterly right of way line of the Stine Canal Exte:.lsicn; Thence (7) S '14°45,00'~,I~',' along the said east right of way line 1,020 feet, more or less, to intersect the southwesterly right of way line of State High:.:ay Route 204, of 150 feet in width, also known as Golden State Avenue° said point also being in the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; 1]~ence (8) N 47°16'00"p;, along the last named southwesterly right of way line and said Corporate Boundary 2,380 feet, more or less, to intersect the north~.:esterly right of way line of the Celloway Canal, said last nzJned point lies N 89°44'06"E as measured along the north line of said Section 2~, 1390.50 feet, and S 47°16'00"E 289.75 feet from the northwest col~1er of last named Section;- Thence (9) departing from said Corporate Boundary, N 42°44'00"E,400 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the north line of the south 100 feet, and the west line of the east 770 feet of the southwest quarter of said Section 13; Thence (10)northeasterly, in a direct line, 580 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeasterly right of way line of the Southen1 Pacific Railroad, of 200 feet in width, said point also being the southwesterly conxcr of thee certain property described in a dccd recorded in. Book 4333 at Page 327 Kern Count2.- OfficYa! Records; Thence [Ii) N 6~°58'33"E along the southerly 1.~.ne of last n~ed property, 309.82 feet, to intersect the cast line of Lot 27, Robcrts Ranch Subdivision, as ::aid Lot is shown on a m2p fi!cd in Book 2' of Maps, at Page 8 of said Kern Count,' Records; ' Thence (12) northeasterly, along the southeasterly property line of thnt certain propert), described ]n a :!,:ed r~cord~d in Book ,1162, at Pnoe Official Records, the following 12 courses, N 71~44'33"5, 594.09 Thence (13) S 16°23'57"E, 12.00 feet; Thence (14]' N 71°20JS0"E, 299.. ~, feet; Thence (15) N 83°15:'IS"E, ~S.95 feet; Thence (!6) N 66°35'40"E, 49.76 feet; Thence (17) N 39°31'10"E, 30.25 feet; Thence (18] N 05°47'4"'~' 127.45 feet; Thence {19} N 01°59'33"E, 101.25 feet; Thence (20) N 08°S0'S3"E, 50.37 feet; Thence (21) N 23°04'48"E, S0.1S feet; Thence (22) N 35°36'25"E, 49.90 feet;. Thence'C23) N 41°47'33"E, 109.12 feet; Thence (24) leaving said property line, northeasterly, in a direct line, 360 feet, more or less, to intersect the west line of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 13, at a point which lies S 1°03'07"~': 1,1SS feet, more less, from the northwest corner of last n~med northeast quarter of southeast quarter, said last nmaed intersection' also being the southeast corner -of that certain property described in a deed recorded in Book 4574, at Page 669, of said Official Records; Thence (25) N 61°38:18"5 along the southeasterly line of last n~md property, 1451.968 feet, to intersect the south line of Block "C" of the james Arp Subdivision, at a point which lies N 89°23'21"W 41.00 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 1, as said subdivision and block arc shown on a map filed in Book 2, of Maps, at Page :!, Ken: Count)' Records; Thence (26) S 89°23'21"E, along last nvaned south-line, 71.00 re:st, to intersect -- the west line of said Section Thence (27) northeasterly~ in a direct line, 795 feet, more or less, to the center line intersection of Beardsicy Avenue, of 60 feet in width, and Hart Street, of'60 feet in wid=h, as said street and avenue are shox.rn on a map entitled, ",Map of the North Bakersfield Subdivision", flied March 7, 1911, in Book 2, of Maps, at Page 23, Kern County Records; Thence (28) N 58°47'40"E, 597.67 feet, to the southeast corner of that certain- property described in a deed recorded in Book 4533, at Page 576, of said Official REcords; 'Thence (29) northeasterly, in a direct line, 1890 feet, more orless, to intersect the southeasterly right of way line of County Road 2447, also kno~,m as East -Roberts Lane, from which point the radial center of a non-tangent curve, concave to the south, boars S 34°16'08"E, 500 feet; Thence (30) easterly, along last named curve, through a central angle of 66~28'54'', an arc length of 580.16 feet to intersect the east line of the northwest quarter of said Scc-tion 18 at a point that bears N 1°,I0'22"~V, along last nv~:cd east line, 306.36 feet. from the souf[iweit &orncr of the west half of the nornhwcst quarter of the northeast quarter of last n~::ed section; Tl:ence (31) continuing along last named curve, through a central angle of 18~28'49'', an arc length of 161.27 feet to the end point; Thence (32) S 39°18'25"E 501.62 feet to intersect the southwesterly'right of way line of County Road 1624, also known as Manor Street, of 150 feet in width; Thence (33) S 36°55'16"E, along last named southwesterly right of way line, 16~4.~;5 i'eet tn the beginning of a tan,gent curve, concave to'the southwest, the radial center bears S 53°04'44"W, 2948 f~et; Thence' (34) southeasterly, along last nam6d curve., through a central angle of 11~21'40'', an.arc length of S84.56 feet, to the end point; Thence (35) S 25~33'36"E, 342.40 feet; Thence (36) N 64°26'24"E, 1S0.00 feet, to intersect the northeasterly right of way line of said Manor Street; Thence (37) N 46'57'52"E, 518.38 feet; Thence (38) N 63°44'34"E, 633.24 feet; .. Thence (39) N 54°59'2~"E, 496.05 feet, to intersect the south line of the northwest quarter of said Section 17, at a point which lies S 88°29'18"E, as measured along last n~med south line, 676.14 feet from the southwest corner of the north~est quarter of said Section 17; Thence (40) continuing N 54°59'24"E, 600 feet, more or less, to in{ersect the east line of the west 1130 feet of last named northwest quarter; Thence (41) northeasterly, in a direct line, 1675 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the south line of the north 920 feet and the west line of the east 610 feet of last named northwest quarter; Thence (42) northeasterly, in a direct line, 900 feet, more or less, to intersect the west line of the northeast quarter of said Section 17 at a point, which lies 250 feet southerlf, as measured along last named west line, from the north quarter corner of said Section 17; Thence (4'3) easterly, along the south line of the north 250 feet, of last naz, ed northeast quarter, 2660 feet, more or less t6 intersect the west line of the northwest quarter of said Section 16; Thence (44) northerly, along last named west line, and the west line of the southwest quarter of said Section 9, 830 feet; Thence (45) ncrtheastcrly, in a direct line, 1660 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the north line of the south 1,075 feet and the ~est line of the east 1,075 feet of last named southwest quarter; Thence (46) northeasterly, in a'direct line, 825 feet, more or less, to intersect the west line of the east 500 feet of last nmned southwest quarter at a point which lies 1,000 feet southerly, as measured along last named west line from the north line of last named southwest quarter; Thence (47) northerly, along last nmned west line and the west line of the east 500' of the northwest quarter of said Section 9, 2,850 feet more or less, to intersect the southeasterly right of way line of the Southern Pacific Rail- 'road, Oil City Branch; , Thence (48) northeasterly, along last named southeasterly right of way line, 1,430 feet, more or less, to intersect the north line of the northeast quart' .r of said Section 9, at a point which lies N S9°48'21"E, 769.54 feet from the ..... northwsst cor;ier of--l-ast ha!ned ne¢~theast quarter; Thence (49) continuing along last named southeasterly right of way line, N 52°48'50"E, 450 feet, mo~:e or less, to intersect the south right of way line of County Road 2775, of 62 feet in width, also known as China Grade I, ooi~; Thence (50) S 87°53'05"E along last named south right of way line and the south right of way line of Round Mountain Road 2,090 feet, more or less, to inter- sect the east line of the west 550 feet of the soutl:west quarter of said Section 3; Thence (S1) southeasterly in a direct line 1,800 feat, m,~re or less, to the point of intcrsC. Cticn of the south line of the north 425 feet, and the west line o£ the cas't 400 feet of ~t~e northwest quarter of said Section 10; ' ~nc~ (52) easterly] along the last named south,,line 400 feet to intersect th6 east line of last n~ed northwest quarter; ~ence fS3) southeriy, along the last n~ed east line, 610 feet, more or less to ~tersect the soutk line of the north 1035 feet of last n~cd northwest quarto r; Thence (54) westerly, along the last named south line, 460 feet more or less, to intersect the west line of the east 460 feet of last named northwest quarter Thence (SS) northwesterly in a direct line, 2,200 feet more or less, to intersect the east line of the northeast quarter of said Section 9, at a point ~.:hich lies 750 feet southerly, as measured along the last named east line, from the northeast comer of last named northeast quarter; Thence (56) northwesterly, in a direct line, 1,075 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the west line of the east 1,020 feet, and the south line of the north 390 feet of the last named northeast quarter; Thence (57) southwesterly, in a direct line, 1,850 feet, more or less, to intersect the east line of the west 450 feet of the east half of said Section 9, at a point 860 feet north, as measured along last named east line of the south line of the northeast quarter of last ns3ned Section; 1]xence 658) southerly, along the last named east line and the east line of the west 450 feet of the northeast quarter of said Section 16, 4,160 feet, m~rc or less, to intersect the north right of way line of Panorama Drive, of 110 feet in width, said last named point of intersection being also in the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakc;rsfield; Thence (59) westerly, ana along the various courses of the last named Corporate Boundary, to the true point of beginning; Containing 761.12 acres, more or less. That a designation appropriately naming such territory is "Ke.rn River No. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Monday, the 9th day of December, 1974, at the hour of 8 P. M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, is the time when and the place where any person owning real property within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having any objections to the proposed annexation may appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory should not be annexed. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 28th day of October, 1974, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN ~ BLEECKER, HE, ISEY, MEDDERS, ROGERS, STRONG, THOMAS NOES: COUNCILM!:N: ,~.ss~-~' couN ABSTAiNiNG ~OUNCILMEN: CITY and Ext~i'ci~ Clerk of the Council of the Ci of Bakersfield APPROVRD ¢~-s': ~q' ~bz~: 1974 CITY ATTORNEY of th~~Bakersfield