HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-74RESOLUTION NO. 58-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SETTING SALARIES AND RELATED BENEFITS FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and job- related benefits for officers and employees of.the City; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield has determined what such salaries and related benefits should be for the officers and employees of the City, to be in effect corf~nencing July 1, 1974, and until changed bY this Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. Commencing July 1, 1974, the attached document shall be the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits for officers and employees of the City of Bakersfield; such schedule is incorporated into this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 2. All other ordinances or resolutiom relating to employer-employee relations and governing employment conditions and benefits, not in conflict herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. o0o - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22d day of July, 1974, by the following vote: NOES: COUNCILMEN: .-' ABS',:IqT COUNCI LMiN: '-----~.,,~ ' ? ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN= '-"/"'/2~_zCL CITY C. ic~ Clerk of the Counc the Cit Bakersfield APPROVED this 22d day/gf July, 1974 APPROVED as to form CITY ATTORNEY Bakersfield SALARY SCHEDULE Class Number 306 310 315 318 321 327 330 339 342 343 345 348 351 352 358 361 362 403 406 410 413 414 419 420 422 428 432 433 436 439 442 447 719 757 Overtime Comp. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C GENERAL EMPLOYEES BLUE COLLAR UNIT Class Title Building Maintainer I Building Maintainer II Equipment Operator I Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator III Motor Sweeper Operator Park Maintainer Sanitation Worker I Sanitation Worker II Sanitation Worker III Sewer Maintainer Utility Worker Welder I Welder II Machinist Tree Maintainer I Tree Maintainer II Automotive Service Worker I Automotive Service Worker II Electrical Technician II Electrical Technician I Air Conditioning Technician I Traffic Painter I Maintenance Craft Worker I Maintenance Craft Worker II Equipment Mechanic Maintenance Mechanic Automotive Mechanic Waste Water Treatment Plant Lab Technician and Operator Waste Water Treatment Plant Opt. Waste Water Treatment Plant Opr. Trades Assistant Traffic Painter II Air Conditioning Technician II Step 1 3.089 3.409 3. 763 4. 153 4.584 4.363 3. 763 3. 763 4. 153 4.363 4. 153 3.409 4.699 5.185 5.185 3. 763 4. 153 3.409 3. 763 5.185 4.699 4.699 4. 153 4.699 5. 185 5. 185 4. 936 4.699 5.059 I 4. 153 II 4.584 4. 153 4.584 5.185 Step 3.245 3.582 3.954 4.363 4.816 4.584 3.954 3.954 4.363 4.584 4.363 3. 582 4. 937 5.447 5.447 3 954 4.363 3 582 3.954 5447 4 937 4 937 4 363 4. 937 5.447 5.447 5.186 4.937 5.315 4.363 4.816 4.363 4.816 5.447 Step 3 3.409 3.763 4.154 4.584 5.060 4.816 4.154 4.154 4.584 4.816 4.584 3. 763 5 187 5 723 5 723 4 154 4 584 3 763 4 154 5 723 5 187 5 187 4 584 5 187 5 723 5 723 5 449 5.187 5.584 4.584 5.060 4.584 5.060 5.723 Step 4 3.582 3.954 4.364 4.816 5,316 5.060 4.364 4 364 4 816 5 060 4 816 3 954 5.450 6.013 6.013 4.364 4.816 3. 954 4.364 6.013 5.450 5 450 4 816 5 450 6 013 6 013 5 725 5.450 5.867 4.816 5.316 4.816 5.316 6.013 Stel~ '5 3. 763 4.1~5'4 4.585 5.060 5. 585 5,316 4 585 4 585 5 060 5.316 5 060 4 154 5.726 6.317 6.317 4. 585 5.060 4. 154 4. 585 6.317 5.726 5.726 5.060 5.726 6.317 6.317 6.015.' 5.7.2~ 6. 164.- 5. 060 5. 585 5.O6O 5. 585 6.317 Class Number 408 503 508 512 515 518 521 524 527 530 603 605 606 610 612 618 621 622 623 627 628 632 639 642 657 706 708 752 789 989 Overtime Comp. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A C C A C A GENERAL EMPLOYEE S WHITE COLLAR UN IT Class Title Auditorium Technical Assistant Planning Technician Data Processing Operator Engineer I Engineer II Engineering Aide I Engineering Aide II Engineering Draftsman Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Accountant I Accounting Clerk I Accounting Clerk II Buyer-Trainee Cashier-Receptionist Clerk-Stenographer I Clerk Stenographer II Clerk Typist I Clerk Typist II Key Punch Operator I Key Punch Operator II Data Processing Accounting Clerk Police Communications Operator Receptionist Financial Investigator Associate Planner Building Inspector II Buyer I Community Center Leader Principal Planner Step 1 3. 763 5.185 4.257 5. 863 6.476 3. 763 4.472 4. 936 5.185 6.014 5.059 3.409 3. 763 4.472 3.245 3.245 3. 409 2.940 3.245 3.089 3.409 3.581 3.409 3.245 4. 936 6.014 6.014 4. 936 4.472 6. 638 Step 2 3.954 5.447 4.473 6.160 6.804 3.954 4.698 5.186 5.447 6.318 5.315 3. 582 3.954 4.698 3.409 3.409 3.582 3.089 3.409 3.245 3.582 3.762 3.582 3.409 5. 186 6.318 6.318 5. 186 4.698 6.974 Step 3 4. 154 5 723 4 699 6 472 7 148 4 154 4 936 5.449 5.723 6 638 5 584 3 763 4 154 4 936 3 582 3 582 3 763 3 245 3 582 3 409 3 763 3 952 3.763 3. 582 5.449 6. 638 6. 638 5.449 4. 936 7.327 Step 4 4.364 6.013 4. 937 6.800 7.510 4.364 5. 186 5. 725 6.013 6.974 5.867 3.954 4.364 5.186 3. 763 3. 763 3.954 3.409 3. 763 3. 582 3. 954 4. 152. 3.954 3. 763 5.725 6.974 6.974 5.725 5.186 7.698 Step 5 4.585 6.31.7 5.1B7 7. 144 7.890 4. 585 5.449 6.015 6.317 7.327 6. 164 4. 154 4. 585 5. 449 3.954 3. 954 4. 154 3.582 3.954 3. 763 4. 154 4 363 4 154 3 954 6 015 7 327 7 327 6 015: 5 4,~ 8 088 - 2 - FIRE UNIT Class Number 205 210 215 220 431 :625 Overtime Comp. A A A A A Class Tit le Fire Alarm Technician I Fire Alarm Technician II Fire Engineer (Shift) Firefighter (Shift) Equipment Mechanic (Fire) Communications Operator (Fire) Step 1 4.936 5.724 82.994 75.179 5.185 3.409 Step 2 5.186 6.014 87.199 78.978 5.447 3.582 Step 3 5. 449 6.318 91.607 82.980 5. 723 3. 763 Step 4 5. 725 6. 638 96.250 87. 184 6. 013 3.954 Stel~ 5 6.015 6. 974 101.118 91.592 6.317 4. 154 Class Number 104 115 120 125 127 135 303 739 Overtime Comp. B A A A A A A C POLICE UNIT Class Title Detective Police Communications Police Lab Technician Police Officer Senior Police Officer Range Master Animal Warden Electronic Technician Sergeant Step 1 6.014 5. 724 5. 724 5,448 5,724 5,724 4. 153 6,476 Step 2 6.318 6.014 6.014 5.724 6.014 6.014 4.363 6. 804 Step 3 6. 638 6.318 6.318 6.014 6.318 6.318 4. 584 7.148 Step 4 6.974 6. 638 6. 638 6.318 6. 638 6. 638 4.816 7. 510 Step 5 7.327 6.974 6.974 6.638 6.974 6.974 5.060 7. 890 Class Number 711 712 715 OVertime Comp. A A A GENERAL EMPLOYEES SUPERVISORY UNIT Class Title Supervisor I Supervisor II Supervisor III Step 1 404.72 446.72 493.12 Step 2 425.20 469.36 518.08 Step 3 446.72 493.12 544.32 Step 4 469,36 518.08 571.84 Step '~ 493.12' 544;32 600.80 - 3 - Class Number 740 742 743 754 771 785 836 Overtime Comp. A A A A A A A GENERAL EMPLOYEES SUPERVISORY UNIT (Cont.) Class Title Step i Auditorium Stage Manager 435.84 Recreation Supervisor 435.84 Community Center Coordinator 435.84 Buyer II 457.92 Waste Water Treatment Supervisor II 493.12 Waste Water Treatment Supervisor I 446.72 Civil Engineer III 600.80 Step 2 457.92 457.92 457.92 481.12 518.08 469.3 6 631.20 Step 3 481.12 481.12 481.12 505.44 544.32 493.12 663.12 St ep 4 505.44 505.44 505.44 531.04 571.84 518.08 696.72 Step .5 531 .'04 531.04 531 557.92 600.80 544.32 732.00 Class Number 718 842 846 Overtime Comp. C C C FIRE SUPERVISORY UNIT Class Title Fire Captain Fire Alarm Superintendent Fire Mechanic Supervisor Step 1 531.04 531.04 531.04 Step 2 557.92 557.92 557.92 .Step 3 586.16 586.16 586.16 Step 4 615.84 615.84 615.84 Step 5 647.04 647.04 647.04 Class Number 734 736 847 Overtime Comp. C C C POLICE SUPERVISORY UNIT Class Title Police Property Manager Police Sergeant Police Mechanic Supervisor .Step 1 394.88 531.04 531.04 Step 2 414.88 557.92 557.92 Step 3 435.92 586.16 586.16 Step 4 458.00 615.84 615.84 Step 5 481.20 647.04 647.04 - 4- Class Number 509 607 615 616 620 630 636 640 645 649 801 802 Class Number 803 806 808 810 811 812 813 814 820 822 824 826 Overt ime Comp. A A A A A A A A A A C D Overtime Comp. D D D D D D D D D D D D CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES UNIT Class Title Step I Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Data Processing Programmer 5.059 5.315 Accounting Clerk II (Confidential) 3.763 3.954 Assistant City Clerk 4.052 4.257 Clerk Stenographer II (Confidential) 3.409 3.582 Legal Stenographer II 3.581 3.762 Legal Secretary 4.052 4.257 Personnel Clerk 4.052 4.257 Personnel Technician 5.448 5.724 Secretary I 3.763 3.954 Secretary II 4.052 4.257 Administrative Aide 4.257 4.473 Administrative Assistant 6.476 6.804 MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES UNIT Class Title Step 1 Assistant Auditorium - Recreation Manager Assistant City Attorney Assistant Finance Director Assistant to Finance Director Internal Auditor Assistant Fire Chief Fire Battalion Chief Assistant Planning Director Building Plan Check Engineer Data Processing and Systems Supervisor Deputy City Attorney I Deputy City Attorney II 663.12 807,.84 696.,64 571,,84 493,,12 646,,96 586,.16 600..80 600.80 571.84 631.20 731.92 .St ep 2 696.72 848.80 731.92 600.80 518.08 679.68 615.84 631.20 631.20 600.80 663.12 768.96 5.584 4. 154 4. 473 3. 763 3.952 4. 473 4.473 6.014 4. 154 4. 473 4. 699 7.148 Step 3 732.00 891.68 768.96 631.20 544.32 714.08 647.04 663.12 663.12 631.20 696.72 807.92 5.867 4.364 4. 699 3.954 4.152 4. 699 4. 699 6.318 4.364 4. 699 4.937 7.510 Step 4 769.04 936.80 807.92 663.12 571.84 750.24 679.76 696.72 696.72 663.12 732.00 848.80 Step-5 6. i~4 4. 585 4.937 4. r54 4.363 4.937 4.937 6.638 4.585 4.937 5.187 7.890 Step 5 808.00 984.24 848.80 696.72 600.80 788.24 714.16 732.00 732.0(> 696.72 769.04 891~76 - 5 - Class Number 828 832 834 838 840 844 848 851 852 854 856 860 864 868 910 912 915 920 930 932 935 940 942 945 950 955 Overt ime Comp. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES UNIT (Cont) Class Title Deputy Fire Chief Deputy Public Works Director Drillmaster Civil Engineer IV Equipment Superintendent Fire Marshal Parks Superintendent General Services Superintendent Police Captain Police Lieutenant Sanitation Superintendent Building Inspector III Street Maintenance Superintendent Waste Water Treatment Superintendent Auditorium-Recreation Manager Assistant City Manager Building Director City Attorney City Manager Community Development Director Finance Director Fire Chief Deputy City Manager Planning Director Police Chief Public Works Director l, 1, Step 1 714.08 807.84 586.16 696.64 600.80 586.16 600.80 600.80 679.68 586.16 600.80 531.04 600.80 600.80 869.92 807.84 696.64 086.48 260.24 848.80 828.08 828.08 984.32 750.24 869.92 914.00 Step 2 750.24 848.80 615.84 731.92 631.20 615.84 631.20 631.20 714.08 615.84 631.20 557.92 631.20 631.20 913.92 848.80 731.92 1,141.68 1,324.16 891.68 869.92 869.92 1,034.16 788.24 913.92 960.24 Step 3 788.24 891.68 647.04 768.96 663.12 647.04 663.12 663.12 750.24 647.04 663.12 586.16 663.12 663.12 960.16 891.68 768.96 1,199.60 1,391.28 936.80 913.92 913.92 1,086.48 828.16 960.16 1,008.88 Step 4 828.16 936.80 679.76 807.92 696.72 679.76 696.72 696.72 788.24 679.76 696.72 615.84 696.72 696.72 1,008.80 936.80 807.92 1,260.24 1,462.08 984.24 960.16 960.16 1,141.68 870.08 1,008.80 1,059.92 Step. 5 870 ~j8 984.24 714.16 848JB0 732. O0 714.16 732.00 732.00 828.16 714.16 732.00 647.04. 732. O0 732.00.o 1,059.84 984.24 848.80 1,324.16 1,536.56 1,034.08 1,008.80 1,008.80 1,199.60 914.16 1,059.84 1,113.60 - 6 - TEMPORARY POSITIONS Class Number 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 010 012 014 016 018 020 022 024 026 028 030 032 034 036 040 042 Name of Position Community Recreation Leader Program Coordinator Recreation Supervisor I Recreation Supervisor II Recreation Supervisor III Special Activity Leader Recreation Leader I Recreation Leader II Recreation Leader III Jr. Recreation Leader Swimming Pool Manager Assistapt Swimming Pool Manager Lifeguard Cashier Official I Official II Clerical Aide Scorer Ticket Seller School Crossing Guard Janitor Police Cadet Maintenanceman Rate $3.80 per hour 3.80 per hour 4.78 per hour 5.02 per hour 5.28 per hour 3.20 per hour 2.40 per hour 2.75 per hour 3.15 per hour 2.00 per hour 3.30 per hour 2.75 per hour 2.40 per hour 2.00 per hour 5.00 per game 7.00 per game 2.50 per hour 3.00 per game 2.60 per hour 2.35 per hour 2.40 per hour 2.30 per hour 3°05 per hour - 7 - Those city officers who are not furnished an official city car who shall be reimbursed for automobile use at the rate of One Hundred Dollars a month are the City Attorney, Finance Director, CofmL,unity Development Director, Deputy City Manager and Assistant City Managers. Those city officers not furnished an official city car who shall be reimbursed at the rate of Fity Dollars per month are the Planning Director, Assistant City Attorney, Deputy City Attorney, Deputy Public Works Director, Assistant Finance Director, Assistant Auditorium-Recreation Manager. Mileage allowances on the above, where the car is in use on city business, shall be at the rate of seventeen cents per mile, provided, however, that city officers receiving car reimbursements at the rate of One Hundred Dollars per month shall receive mileage allowance only for out of town travel on city business. City shall provide funds in the amount of Thirty Dollars monthly per employee towards a medical plan for officers and employees of the city. City shall provide contributions towards a life insurance plan as follows: a. Management Unit - Fifty per cent of the insurance premium for each employee, such insurance coverage equal to the employee's annual salary. b. Confidential Unit - Fifty per cent of the life insurance premium for insurance up to a maximum of $10,000 life insurance per employee. c. General Employees -- Supervisory Unit - Fifty per cent of the life insurance premium for a policy equal to the employee's annual salary or~a m'inimdm amount of ~15,000~ d. Police Unit and Police Supervisory Unit - Fifty per cent of the premium for a life insurance policy in the amount of $10,000. All of the above provisions are subject to each employee's option to have insurance in the amounts he desires within the limitations set forth. City shall provide funds for a deferred income plan as follows: a. Management Unit - Equal to 10% of each employee's annual base salary. b. General Employees--Supervisory Unit - Equal to 5% of each employee's annual base salary. Administrative leave for confidential unit employees shall be allowed each employee up to one-half day with the approval of the department head and the City Manager. The city shall provide a uniform allowance to all safety members of the City of Bakersfield as follows: a. Police Department - One Hundred Dollars per year. b. Fire Department - Fifty Dollars per year. The provisions of Section 14 of the Memorandum of Under- standing Blue Collar Unit dated July 22, 1974, is hereby honored and ratified.