HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 51-70RESOLUTION NO. 51-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY REPEALING CHAPTER 1.50 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield proposes to submit certain amendments to the Charter of the City of Bakersfield to the electors of said City, in the manner required by Section 8 of Article XI of the Constitution of the State of California, at a Special Municipal Election to be held in the City of BakersField and to be consolidated with the State General Election to be held on the 3rd day of November, 1970, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield proposes to submit to the electors of the City of Bakersfield a proposition to repeal Chapter 1.50 of the Municipal Code providing For the operation of a Municipal Transit System, and WHEREAS, the Charter Amendments and the Ordinance Repeal so proposed to be submitted are as follows: Proposition No. 1 That Chapter 1.50 of the Municipal Code providing for the operation of a Municipal Transit System be repealed effective March 1, 1971. Proposition No. 2 That Section 43 of the City Charter be amended. Qualifications of Officers and Employees Section 43. Except as otherwise specified in this Charter, the qualifications of officers and employees of the City shall be as follows: Each elective officer must be a citizen of the United States, of the State of California, and of the City of Bakersfield, for three years next preceding the date of his election-. Residence within the limits of-any- ..... territory which has been or may hereafter become annexed:to~-the'~Ctiy of Bakersfield, shall, after any such annexation has been accomplished, be deemed and construed to have been within the City. Appointive officers, subordinate officers, all municipal employees and all members of any board or commission authorized by this Charter and the City Council, must be citizens of the United States, provided that each member of any board or commission must also be a resident of the City at the time of appointment. Residence requirements for all other officers and employees of the City shall be as established by the City Council. Proposition No. 3 That Section (228) 8 of the City Charter be amended. Appointments on Probation, Conditions of Discharge, Temporary Appointments Section (228)8. The Chief of Police shall notify the Commissioners of each position to be filled, s.~parately, and shall fill such position by appointment of one of the persons certified to him by the Commissioners therefor. Such appointment shall be on probation for a period to be fixed by the rules of the Commissioners; such rules shall not fix such period at exceeding one year. The Commissioners may strike off names of candidates from the register of eligible candidates jf they have remained thereon more than one year. At or before the expiration of the period of probation, the Chief of Police may discharge a candidate upon assigning in writing his own reasons therefor to the Commissioners. If a candidate is not discharged at or before the expiration of the period of probation his appointment shall be deemed complete. To prevent the stoppage of public business or to meet emergencies~ including the absence of any officer or member of the department, the Chief of Police, may~ with the approval of the Commissioners, make temporary appointments to remain in force not exceeding sixty days, and only until regular appointments under the provisions of this article can be made. Proposition No. 4 That Section (224)4 of the Ci.ty Charter be amended. Examination of Applicants Section (224)4. All applicants for places on the Police Department or for promotion~ shall be subjected to examination, which shall be public, competitive, and free. Such ..... examlna.t_ions_shall-be pra~tlcal in their-character, and shall relate_to those matters .or~ly _. which will fairly test the relative capacity of the person examined to discharge the duties of the position to which they seek to be appointed. Every appointive to the Police Depart- ment, at the time of. his appolntment~ must pass the physical tests prescribed by the Civil Service Commission which shall not be less stringent than those required of recruits to the United States Army. -2- No questions in any examination shall relate to political or religious opinions or affiliations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield~ California, that said propositions to amend the Charter and the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield shall be placed on the ballot to be used at said Special Municipal Election. BE !1~ FURTHER RESOLVED that a Special Municipal Election is hereby called to be held in the City of Bakersfield on the 3rd day of November, 1970, to be consoli- dated with the State General Election, all for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City the foregoing Charter and Municipal Code propositions. -3- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of August, 1970, by the following vote: .~'f~E~-- COL1~O1..~EN~ BLEECKER, I:~S~., REES, RUCK~, ~IER~ ~R, ~1~ NOES: COUNCIL~N= ~ h ~ . AB~NT CO~JNCILM~N: 7~~~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ugust . Bakersfield C'IT~ CLERK and Ex-Offic,o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield