HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 45-70RESOLUTION NO. ':45-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE PREVAILING RATE OF WAGES TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN CRAFTS AND TYPES OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED ON PUBLIC WORK IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, Labor Code Section 1773 requires the public body of a public agency to ascertain and determine the prevailing rate of wages to be paid each craft and type of workmen employed on public works in the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, from time to time there are changes in the prevail- ing rates of crafts and workmen employed on public work in the City of Bakersfield. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, California, that it has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for the crafts and type of workmen listed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, is as indicated on said Exhibit "A" which is made a part hereof as if set forth in full herein, and that the wages heretofore ascertained as prevailing for the crafts and type of workmen are amended accordingly. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of July, 1970, by the following vote: AYES~ COUNCILMI~N-'~'BL~,HEISEY, RE'ES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETI'ER, WHITTEMORE ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: / ~'2'~'_---' CITY CLERk a~ Ex-Officio~of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this , , 1970 APPROVED: CITY ATTORNEy WAGE SCALES, FRINGE BENEFITS, LOCAL UNIONS AND THE.AGENTS HAVING JURISDICTION Ill THE KERN, INYO AND MONO .COIJi'rEIES OF CAt~IFORNIA BUILDIi~G,Ai]D CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL May 20, 1970 Asbestos Workers #5 - Win. Lewis, Bus. Rep,, 1829 W~ Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, Calif, Phone: Plymouth 6-1469 Travel Time and Transportation: 12¢ per mi, trave. led. $1 zone and $5 zone, Subsistence: Between 50 and 75 miles - $6,50 per day each day worked. Beyond 75 mi. radius $7.50 per day - $52.50 per week, Show-up time: 2 hrs. Overtime: Double, Health and Welfare: 38¢ per hr.; 8-1-70 - 484 per hr, Savings: 50¢ per hr.; 8-1-70 - 67¢ per hr. Pension: 35¢ per hr,~ 8-1-70 - 404 per hr, Apprenticeship: 2½4 per hr, Contract expires: 8-1-72 2-1-70 8-1-70 8-1-71 Journeyman = $7.45 $8.10 $9.10 Foreman 7.70 8,35 9,)5 General.- Foreman 7.95 8,60 9,60 Occupational Health: 24 per hr, BOILERMA[~P.S #92 - Paln~r Lee, Bus. Rep., 4809 E. Firestone, South Gate, Calif. 90281 Phone: 564-7711 Travel Time and Transportation: Mileage - 10¢ per mi. outside the ~40 mi. zone, Travel cost - 184 per-mi. Subsistence: 10-1-69 - $11.00 per day; 10-1-70 - $12,00 per day. Health and Welfare: ~0¢ per hr, Vacation: 404 per hr,; 4-1-71 - 454 per hr. Pension: 554 per hr,; 10-1-70 - 704 per hr, Apprent iceship: 24 per hr, Contract Expires: 10-1-71 10-1-69 10-1-70 Jour heyman $6,80 $ 7.20 Foreman 7,5 0 7.70 Gen. Foreman 7.55 7.95 BRICKLAYERS #5 Robert Langston, Bus, .Rep,, 217 E1 Tejon, Oildale, Calif, Phone - 399-4688; 523-7957, Travel Time and Transportation: On all jobs 55 miles from City Halls of Bakersfield,Bishop and Tulare - 12¢ per mi, one round trip, Over 90 mi. from City Halls - 12¢ per mi, and · -tr~{~&i time based on 50 mi, per hr, over most direct route to job, Subsistence: $6,00 per day 20 to ~0 mi.; $8 per day 30 to 45 mi.; $10.00 per day 45 to 60 mi.; $12,00 per day 60 to 90 mi,~ $15,00 per day 90 mi, and over, Show-up. time: 2 hrs. Overtime: Double. Health and Welfare: 30¢ per hr,; 8-1-70 - 35¢ per hr..; 5-1-71 - 40¢ per hr, Vacation; 50¢ per hr. Pension: 174 per hr.; 8-1-70 - 25¢ per hr.; 5-1-71 - 40¢ per hr.; Trade Promotion: 54 per hr.; 5-1-71 - 10¢ per hr. Apprentice: $1 per too. per contractor plus 5¢ per hr. Contract expires: 5-1-72 5-1-70 7-1-70 8-1-70 5-1-71 11-1-71' Journeyman $6,20 $6.60 $6.60 $7.20 $7,80 Foreman 6.70 7.10 7.10 7.70 8.~0 BRICKTENdERS #220 - B. T, James, John Wiley, 2201 - H St., P, O, Box 301, Bakersfield,Calif.~ Phone: 522-3460, Travel Time and Transportation: 1 hr, straight time on all jobs outside of 25 mi, free zone up to fifty miles. Over 50 miles subsistence of $9 per day and 10¢ per mi. one trip at start of job and 10¢ per mi. one trip at completion of day, 8-1-70 - $11 per day; 1-1-71 - $12 per day, :_ . S_h_pw.-up _.t_imp: ._21~h~_~ ........... Ov.ertime: ' Double, - Health and Welfare: 25¢ per hr.;i6_I17o_ ~54 pe~'~.; 8'1'L7~-- 454'per hri~,'' ~-1-72'- ~' 554 per hr.; 5-1-7~ - 654 per hr.. Pension: 35¢ per hr.; 10-1-70 - 604 per hr.; 8-1-71 - 85¢ per hr,; 5-1-73 - $1.35 per hr, Vacation: 25¢ per hr, 8-1-71 - ~0¢ per hr.; 5-1-72 - ~54 per hr,; Subsistence will be negotiated with wages 1972'- 197~, Contract expires: 5-1-74. 4-1-69 6-1-70 10-1-70 5-1-71 8-1-71 Journeyman $4.285 $5.00 $5.20 $5.70 $5.85 Foreman 4.585 5.~0 5.50 6.00 6.15 5-1-72 - $1,10 per hr 5-1-7~ - 404 per hr. EXHIBIT "A" CARPET, LINOLEUbi & SOFT TILE #1247 - Fred Adam, Bus. Rep. - 2119 W. 8th St. Los Angelesl Travel Time & Transportation: 10¢ per mi. from shop to job; from job to job and from job to shop.. Subsistence: ~ $9 per day or ac'tual expenses, if such is higher when working out of town overnight. Return from job $4..50 finish. ltealth and Welfare:- 21¢ per hr. Vacation: 29¢ per hr. thru September 30, 1970 Contract expires :. 9-30-70 5-1-70 Journeyman $5.65 ELECTRICIANS #428 -Bus. Mgr. Ivan Beavan, A1 Engi, Bus. Rep., 911 -20th St.., Bakersfield, California. Phone 325-0512 Travel Time and Transportation: Subsistence: There will be subsistence pay only on sub- sistence jobs west of the L.A. Aqueduct of $12 per day worked (No on and off pay or daily travel pay or transportation). Wage rates east of the L.A. Aqueduct exclude any in and out or reporting time or pay, any subsistence pay, or any daily travel pay or transportation unless suitable roads or parking facilities are not available to jobsite. Show-up time: 4 hrs. Overtime: Double. Health and Welfare: 25¢ per hr. 7-1-70 - 35¢ per hr. Vacation: None. Pension: 30¢ per hr.; 7-1-70 - 50¢ oer hr. plus 1% gross payroll (N.E./~.F.) Apprentice Training Fund: Contract expires: 6-50-71 Journeyman Foreman Gen. Foreman Gr oundman 10¢ per hr. West of L.A. Aqueduct 1-1-70 '7-1-70 1-1-71 $6.g0 · :~e-.90 $7.20 7.65 7.6~i 7.95 8.40 8.40 8.70 5.175 5.175 5.40 East of L.A. Aqueduct Journeyman $8.90 $8.90 $9.20 Foreman 9.65 9.65 9.95 Gen. Foreman 10.40 10.40 10.70 Groundman 6.675 6.675 6.90 ELECTRICIANS #477 - Bus. Reps. Gharlie Gier and Philip Dowse, 955 W. Jefferson Ave,, San Bernardino. PhoPE: TU5-7865 Travel Time and Transportation: plus time at 40 miles per hour. Subsistence: $9.00 per day. Show-up time: Wireman - 2 hrs. Bealth and Welfare: 25¢ per hr. Pension: 25¢ per hr. plus 1% NEfF Contract expires: July 1, 1972 1-1-70 7-1-70 Journeyman $7.03 $7.43 10¢ per mi. road miles both ways from San Bernardino Lineman, & hrs. Overtime: Double. Vacat ion: None. Apprenticeship: $10.00 per year. 1-1-71 .~,1-71 $7.83 $a.63 GlASSWORKERS #152 - Don Dobson, Bus, Rep., 4574 E. Turner, Fresno, Cali..fornia, Phone: Clinton 5-3175. Travel Time and Transportation: Straight time and transportation by employer, Subsistence: All expenses. Overtime: 1~ first 4 hrs, - all other doublee Health and Welfare: 25¢ per hr. Pension: 25¢ per hr. Contract expires: 7-1-73 Vacation: 6% all straight time earnings, 7-1-69 Journeyman $5 ~92 Foreman: $1.00 per day over journeyman rate. 7-1-70; 7-1-71;-7-1-72 - !00%.average of twenty crafts of Building Trades for next three years to determine increase), lATHERS LOCAL #300 - Ralpl~ Schwebel., Bus. Rep., 214 Bernard Street, Bakersfielde Calife .... p.h..oUe _-. _~_2_5-~7.95_7.. - ..... - ............. Travel Time and ~ransportition: 'O~e~ '~ mile's~nd'~'to 60 ~iles f~om Union office. 1 hr's. pay per day. Over 60 mi. - one round trip at straight time plus subsistence. Subsistence: $12.00 per day worked. Show-up time: 2 hrs. Overtime: Double ,. Health and Welfare: 20¢ per hr. Vacation: ~0~ per hr~ Pension: S2~ per hr.; 7-1-70 - 45¢ per hr. Investment Plau: Trade Promotion: 5¢ per hr. Contract expires: 7-1-71 7-1-69 7-1-70 Journeyman $5,805 $6,23 Foreman 6.18 6,605 2 7~1-70 - 10¢ per hr, on Appendix B LATttERS LOCAL #559 - Bus. Rep. Lester Bright - 422 W. Ave., Lancaster, California. Phone: Whitehall 2-1025. Contact agent in area for wage scales. MILLWRIGHT LOCAL #1607 - Bill Dillard - BUs. Rep. 6071 So. Normandie, Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: PL 5-5455. Travel Time and Transportation: Mileage - 11¢ per mi. from Los Angeles City Hall, Travel time at speed of 35 miles per hr. Subsistence: After 55 miles - $9 per day. Over 60 miles - $11.00 per day. Show-up time: 2 hrs. (regular) Health and Welfare: 51¢ per hr. Pension: 65¢ per hr. Contract 6xpires: 5-1-71 4 hrs. (Premium) Overtime: Vacation: 45¢ per hr. Appre nt ice ship: 5-1-70 Journeyman $6.18 Foreman 6.78 Double. 1¢ per hr. PAI~,~ERS #314 - Jay Hale, Bus.. Rep. - 26 Bernard St., Bakersfield, California Phone 525-1825 Travel Time and Transportation: 10¢ per mile with a minimum of $4.00 per day, whichever is greater for each car used. (50 Mile free zone) Subsistence: Living expenses shall be paid by the employer on members required to stay over night'~. Show-up t me 2 hrs. Overtime: Health and Welfare: 20¢ per hr. Vacation: Pension: 26~ per hr.; 1-1-71 - 51¢ per hr.; 1-1-72 - 56¢ per hr. Apprenticeship: 1¢ per hr. Contract expires: 7-1-72 1-1-70 Brush $5,63.~ Spray 5.885 Time and one-half. 25¢ per hr.; 7-1-70 - 28¢ per hr.; 7-1-71 - ~5¢ per hr. '7-1-70 '1-1-71 '7-1-71 '1-1-72 $5,855 $6,085 $6,54 $6,64 6.085 6.335 6.59 6.89 Foreman: 25¢ per hr~ over journeyman rate. *The Union may elect, at its option, prior to 1-1-70; 7-1-70; 1-1-71; 7-1-71; 1-1-72; to allocate up to a maximum of 10¢ per hour out of the above listed ~mounts to each or all of the fringe benefit plans. ~ PAI~.ITERS #1795 - W.. F. Reno - Bus. Rep. - 58269 - 6th St'. East, Palmdale, California. Phone: Windsor 7-5051. Travel Time and Transportation: 25 mi. free zone; 2 hrs.; over 75 miles - $12.50 per day. Subsistence: $12.50 per day plus one round trip. Show-up time: ~ hours. Overtime: Health and Welfare: 25½¢ per hr. Pension: Vacation~ 15¢ per hr. 25 to $n mi. one hour~ 50 to 75 mi. - Il except holidays are double. 20¢ per hr. Contract expires: 7-1-74 1-1-70 7-1-70 1-1-71 7-1-71 1-1-72 7-1-72 1-1-75 7-1-75 Brush $6.05 $6.25 $6.50 $6.75 $7.00 $7.55 $7.65 $8.00 $8.35 Spray 6.50 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.60 7.90 8.25 8.60 Foreman: Not less than $5.00 per day additional. PI~'~STERERS #191 -Arthur ilickerson, Bus. Rep., 26 Benxard St., Ofc. #100, Bal~rsfield~ Calif. phone: 525-6018 and 525-6019 Travel Time and Transportation: One hour straight time pay Dn j;obs over 25 miles and Show-up time: 2 hours. Health and Welfare: 20¢ per hr. Pension: 25~ per hr~ 7-1-70 - ~0¢ per hr. Overtime: Double. Vacation: 41¢.per hr.; 7-1-70 - 50~ per hr. 7-1-69 7-1-70 Journeyman $5.86 $6.57 Foreman 6.2~5 6.74! · z Bodfish, Isabella, Kernville, still subsistence area. PLASTERER TEi~DERS #220- B. T. James, Ace Thompson, John Wiley, Bus. Reps. 2201 H St.., P. O. Box 501, Bakersfield, California - Phone: 522-5460. Travel Time and Transportation: 1 hr. straigh~ time pay on jobs over 25 miles and up Over-60 miles - $12.00 per day subsistence. still subsistence area. S how -up time: 2 hour s. Health and Welfare: 25¢ per hr. Vacation: 25¢ per hr .... Pension: 55¢ per hr. Contract ex..p. ires -- 7-1-71 Plasterer Tenders No change on Bodfish, Isabella and Kernville- Overt ime: Double. Trade Promotion: 5¢ per hr. 7-1-69 $s .63s PI,U~_fBERS~AND STEAIIFITTERS #460 - Bob Carter, Bus. Mgr. - George White, Assistant, 208'Oak St. B~:kersfield, California- Phone 524-9768 Travel Time and Transportation: Free zone of 15 mi~ radius~ After that based on mileaget 104 per mi. in and out. Subsistence: Over 50 miles - $12.00 per day. Shox~--up t i~: 4 hrs. Overtime: Double. Health and Welfare: 51~ per ~. Vacation: 50¢ per hr. Pension~ 75~ per hr.~ ? Apprenticeship: 7¢ per hr. Industrial Promotion Fundr 10¢ per 1~.; Dues Check-off: 5~ per hr. %,Test of L.A. Aqueduct East of L. A. Aqueduct J ourne yman $6.92 $ 8.92 Foremen: 10~ over journepmn scale Gen~ Foreman: 20% over journe~an scale. ~'!-1-71 - 60¢ per ~. to b~ applied as Local ~460 decides. * 1-1-72 - 60~ per ~.. to be applied as Local ~460 decides. ROOFEKS #66 -Jaras Gates, Bus. Rel~. -516- 51st St., Bakersfield, California Phone ~' 325-8739 Travel Time and Transportatiion: 1 way - under 50 miles. Both ~ays over 50 miles - use of auto - 10¢ per mi. Subsistence - $10.00 per day. Show-up time: 2 hours Health and Welfare: 50~ per hro Contract expires:' 8-15-70 8-15-69 Journeyman $5.65 Foreman 5.90 Over time: Vacation: Time and one -ha 1 f. 10¢ per hr. SHEET i, EETAL I'70RKERS #i.~?., Gilbert Rice, Bus. Rep., 26 Bernard California. Phone - 525-4461 Travel time and. transportation: Mileage - 22¢ per mi. 50 miles or over. Show-up time: 2 hours° Overtime: Health and Welfare: 594 per hr. Pension: Imdustrial Promotion Fund - 6~ per hr.. each employee Contract expires: Ju~e 50, 1971 1-1-70 7-1-70 1-1-71 Journeyman *$6.77 *$6.92 $7.07 Foreman: 10% above hourly wage scale. *6% Vacation included in hourly wage scale. St., Ofc. #30, Bakersfield, Subsistence: $16.00 per day. Double. 40¢ per hr. TILELAYERS #5 - Robert Langston - 217 E1 Tejon~ Oildale, Calif. Phone 599-4688. 525-7957. 214 Bernard St., Bakersfield, Calif.. Travel Time and Transportation: Over 20 to ~,0 mile - 10¢ per mi. plus one hour. Subsistence: Over f~0 miles - $10.00 per day worked or $70.00. Show-up t~n~ - 4 hrs Overtime:. 1! except holidays and Sunda]~ double. · z Pension: ~,None Vacation: 20~ per hr. Health and I,Telfare: 25~ p~r hr. 11-1-69 Journeyman $5 ~50 TILE HELPERS #154 - Robert Langston, 217 E1 Tejon, Oildale, Calif. ofce, 214 Bernard St., Balersfield, California~ Home Phone 399-4688. Ofc. 525-7957 Travel Time and Transportation: Over 20 miles from Bakersfield City Hall, but less than ~.0 mileS, employer will provide transportation or workman will receive 10~ per mile tetal mileage, both ways and one hour's pay extra per day at straight time rates, Monday through Friday. Subsistenos: Over ~0 miles - $10.00 per day or $70 per week. Health and Welfare: 25¢ per hr. ~ Vacation: 20¢ per hr. ~ensio~: None . Contract expires: 11-1-70 .................. _--. .].1-1-69 .......... - ........ ~ Dated May 20, 1970 Address: 214 Bernard St., Suite A Bakersfield, California 95505 Phon~ 525-7957 H, D, LACKEY, Exec. Secy. Kern, Inyo and Mono Counties of California Building and Construction Trades Council ~ o. q o0oo~o~co cq. e, Z 0 I- ; 1970 ; S IX BASIC TPj~DES Wage Scale and Fringe Benefits - see enclosed pamphlet CARPENTERS #743 - John Ebert, Bus. Rep., Win. Pinckard, 911 - 20th Street, Bakersfield, California. FA 7-1429 Travel Time and Trans?.ortation: None. Subsistence: $9 per day as per map. Show-up time: 2 hrs. Contract Expires: 5-1-71 CAllPEddlERS #1239 - Basil Ott, Bus. Rep., P. O~ Box 357, 16490 Sierra Hwy, Mojave, Calif~ Phone: Valley 4-4236. Wage Scales and Conditions same as Carpenters #743 CARPE~YfERS #2224 -Julius ~coots, Bu~. Rep., 205 W.. Ridgecrest Blvd., Ridgecrest, Ca!if. Phone: Inyokern 8-9151 Wage scales and 'conditions sam as Carpenters #1239 CE~fi~NT ~4ASONS #191 ' ' Arthur Hickerson, Bus. Rep., 26 Beri~-ard St., ,Ofc. #100, Bakersfield., California Phone: 323-6019 and 523-6018 Travel Time and Transportation: N one. Subsistence :.-$9 per day as per map. Show-up time: 2 hours. Overtime: Time and one-half first 3 hours~ Show-up time: 2 hours. Contract Expires: 5-1-71 IROI~7ORKERS #155 - Tommy Baker, Secy., Chet Davis, Bus. Rep., 3221-A Mayfair Blvd.,Fresno Phone: 268-9825 Travel Time and Transportation: Straight t-i~ae hourly rate while traveling, 11¢ per mi. ~ubsistence: $9 per day. Show-up time: 2hrs. Overtime: Double. Contract Expires: 8-16-70 IRONI,IORKEP, S #433 - Structural, Bus. Rep.,Kenneth ~Ioods, 2057 So. Atlantic Blvd., Los Angeles.. Phone AN3-/:183 Same wage scales and conditions as Local #155 IRO~,?ORKER3 #416 - Bus. Rep.. Duke Parkhurst, 2127 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, DU 3-1181 Same wage scales and conditions as Local #~55. lABORERS #220 - B. T. James, 'John Uiley,. Act ThOmpson, Bus. Reps., 2201 H Street, P. O. Box 30i, Bakersfieid, California. Phone:'322-3460 Travel Time and Transportation: None. Subsistence:: $8 per day.' Kern Only -Xugust 1', 1970 -$10; 1-1-71 - $11; 5-1-71 $12; 5-1-72 - $.'.~; 5-1-75 - $14. Inyo and Mono Only.8-1-70,- $15; 1-1-70 $16; 5-1-71 - $17; 5-1-72 $18; 5-1-73 - $19., Show-up time: 2 hrs. Overtim :' 1½ Gontract Expires: 5..-1-70 lABORERS #783 - Manuel Padilla, Seey. 104 W. Benedict, San Bernardino, Calif. Wage Scale same as Local #220 OPEP~TIi-~3 E~'IGIiIEERS #12 - Bo~ Zahm, Dist. Rep., Jack Forrest, Curt MeH one, Walter Campbell, Bus. Reps. 120 Bernar~ St., BakerSfield, C 'alif. Phone 325-9z:91 ]~ancaster Office: Chet Vreeland, Bus. Rep. 44250.No. Division St., Lancaster,Calif. Phone: Whitehall 8-1689 ' ' Travel Time & TranSportatiun: None. SubSistence - $10 per'day Sho~-up time: 2 hrs.. Overtime: 1½ first ] hrs. All othe'r double. Contract Exp ires: 6-1-69 '- TEAbBTERS LOCAL #982 -James Durfey, Secy. 45122 N. Yucca Avenue, Lancaster, Calif.. CARPEHTERS ; Health & Welfare - 51¢ per hr. Pension - 65~~, per hr. Vacation Savings-Holiday - 45¢ per hr. Apprenticeship: 1¢ per hr. Foreman: Receives not less than 60¢ per hour more than the hourly rate of the highest Carpenter classification over which he has responsibility, excluding "Pneumatic Nailer or Power Stapler." Carpenter ................................. $5.98 Shingler .................................. 6.11 Hardwood F1 oor Worker ..................... 6.18 Millwr ight ................................ 6.18 Saw Filer .. ............................... 6.06 Table Power Saw Operator .................. 6.08 Pneumatic Nailer or Power Stapler ........ 6.25 Wood Fence Builder on Residential Projects. 4.91 Roof Loader of Shingles ........... . ....... 4.65 Pile Driver Foreman ....................... 6.71 Pile Driver Man-Bridge or Dock Carpenter and Cable Splicer .......... 6.11 Pile Driver Man- Derrick Bargeman .......... 6.11 Head Rockslinger ........................... 6.21 Rocks 1 ingot ................................ 6.05 Rock Bargeman or Scowman ................... 5.95 Men working from a bos'n's chair, swinging scaffold, or suspended from a rope or cable, shall receive 25¢ per hour above the applicable journeyman or apprentice rate. OPERATING EiK3 IHEEP..q Health and Welfare - ~0¢ per hr.; 7-1-70 - 45¢ per hr. Pension - 60~~. per hr.; 7-1-70 - 80¢ per br. Vacation - l{ol~day Fund - 50¢ per hr. Foreman: GROUP 1 .................................... B~akeman Compressor Operator Deck Hand Engineer Oiler Gonerat.~ Operator Heavy DuEy Repairman Helper Pump Operator S ignalman Switchman per hour over 'the rate of the highest paid Engineer under his supervision. ,.- 10-1-69 7-1-70 $5.53 $6.03 GROUP 2 .................................... Building Construction Inspector Concrete Mixer Operator, Skip Type Conveyor Ope rat or Fireman Generator, Pump or Compressor, (2-5 inclusive) Portal Units - over 5 units, 10¢ per hr. for each additional unit up to nine units 1 $5.77 $6.27 GROUP 2 continued: Hydrostatic Pump Operator Oiler Crusher (Asphalt or'Concrete Plant) Plant Operator, Generator, Pump or Compressor Rotary Drill Helper (oilfield) Skiploader -Wheel type up to 5/4 yd. without attachment Soils Field Technician Tar Pot Fireman Temporary Heating Plant Operator Trenching Machine Oiler Truck Crane Oiler 10-1-69 7-1-70 $5.77 $6.27 GROUP 25 ................................... A-Frame or Winch Truck Operator Cha inman Elevat or Operator ( ins ide ) Equipment Greaser (rack) Ford Ferguson (with dragtype attachnet~ts ) Helicopter Radioman (grou[ld) Power Concrete Curing Machine Oper~?tor Power Concrete Saw Operator Power-Driven Jumbo Form ~.qetter Operator Ross Carrier Operator (jobsite) Stationary Pipe Wrapping & Cleaning Hachitua Operator $6.01 $6.51 GROUP 4 .................................... Asphalt Plant Fireman Boring Machine Operator Boxman or Hixerman (Asphalt or Concrete) Chip Spreading Machine Operator Concrete Pump Operator (small portable ) Dinky Locomotive or Hotorman (up to and including 10 ton) Equipment Greaser (Grease Truck) Helicopter Hoist Operator Highl ine Cableway Signalman Hydra-ltammer-Areo Storeper Pm~er Sweeper Operator Roller Operator (cornpatting) Screed 0perator (Asphalt or Concrete) Rodman Trenching Machine Operator (up to 6 ft,) $6.12 $6.62 GROUP 5 .................................... $6,51 $6.81 Asphalt Plant Engineer Cohere ..... Batch Plant Operator- (Oiler or Journeyman -trainee required) (Where commercial power is not used, no less than one generator operator is required) (0n multi-batch plant units not less than 10perator-Oiler and 1 additional employee) Backhoe Operator (up to and including 5/4 yd) Bit Sharpchef Concrete Joint Machine Operator (Canal and similar type) Concrete Planer Operator Derrickman (Oilfield type) Deck Engine Operator Drilling Machine Operator (including water wells) Forklift Operator (under 5 tons capacity) 2 continued 10-1-69 7-1-70 GROUP 5 ................................ .... $6.31 $6.81 Hydrographic Seeder Machine Operator (straw pu~p or seed) Ins trume ntman Machine To61 Operator Maginnis Internal Full Slab Vibrator I, lechanical Berm, curb or gutter (concrete or asphalt) blechanical Finisher Operator (concrete -Clary-Johnson-Bid-well or similar) Pavement Breaker Operat~or (truck mounted, Oiler-Journeyman- trainee required) Road Oil Mixing Machine Operator Roller Operator(asphalt or finish) Rubber Tired Earth lqoving Equipment, (single engine, up to and including 25 yd. struck) Self-Propelled Tar Pipelining i.lachine Operator Slip Form Pump Operator (power-driven hydraulic lifting device for concrete forms) Tugger Hoist (1 drum) Tunnel Locomotive Operator (over 10 and up to and including 50 tons) Stinger Crane ( Austin-Western or similar type ) Skiploader Operator (Crawler and Wheel type o=er 3/4 yd. and up to and includi.ng 1~- yds.) Tractor'Operator-BUlldozer, Tamper ~craper (single engine, up to 100 h.p., flywheel and similar types, up to and including D-5 and similar types) We lder-Ge nora 1 GROUP 6 .................................... $6.41 $6.91 Asphalt or Concrete Spreading Operator (tamping or finishing) Asphalt Paving i, lachine Operator (Barber Green or similar type - 2 screedmen'required) BHL Lima Road Pactor, Wagner Pactor or similar, Operator Bridge Crane Operator Cast in Place Pipe Laying Machine Operator Combination 14ixer and Compressor Operator (Gunite work) Concrete Pump Operator (truck mounted) Oiler required Concrete Mixer Operator - Paving (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) Crane Operator (up to and including 25 ton capacity) Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) (Long Boom pay applicable) Crushing Plant Operator (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) (where commercial power is not used, no less than one generator operat or is required ) Drill Doctor Elevating Grader Operator Forklift Operator (over 5 tons) Grade Ched~ er Gradall Operator (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) Grout ing Machine Operat or lteading Shield Operator Heavy Duty Repairman Hoist Operator' (Chicago Boom and similar type) 10-1-69 ~ ~ ' $6.41 $6.91: ~ ; GROUP 6. continued Kolman Belt Loader and similar type (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) LeTourneau Blob Compactor or similar type Lift Slab Machine Operator (VaStburg and similar types) Lift Mobile Operator (Oiler or'Journeyman-trainee required) Loader Operator (Athey, Euclid, S/e rra and similar type- Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) Material Hoist Operator Muck inS Machine Operator (1/4. yd. Oiler or J. ourne.yman - trainee required - rubber tired rail or track type) Pneumatic Concrete Placing Machine Operator (Hackley- Presswell or similar type) Pneumatic Heading Shield (tunnel) Pumpcrete Gun Operator Rotary Drill Operator (excluding Caisson type (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (single engine-Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey Wagon, and similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds and up to and including 50 cu. yds. struck) Rubber-Tired Scraper Operator (self-loading-Paddle wheel type- John Deere, 1040 and similar single unit) Skiploader Operator (Crawler and Wheel type - over 11 yds. up to 2 , and includ ins 6½ yds. ) Surface Heaters and Planer 0p erators Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator, multiple engine, (up to and including 25 yds. struck) Trenching Machine Operator (over 6 ft. depth capacity, manufacturers rat ins ) (Oile r or Journeyman-tra inee required ) Tower Crane Operator (two Operators required at all times) Tractor Compressor Drill Combination Operator Tractor Operator (any type larger than'D-5-100 Flywheel h.p. and' over, or similar) (Bull Dozer, Tamper, Scraper and Push Tractor, single engine) Tractor Operator (Boom attachments) Traveling Pipe Wrapping, Cleaning and Bending Machine Operator Tunnel Locomotive Operator (over 30 tons) Shovel, Backhoe, Dragline, Clamshell Operator (over 5/4 yd. and up to 5 cu. yd. M.R.C.) (Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) (Long Boom pay applicable) GROUP 7 .................... ~ ................ $6.51 $7.01 Crane Operator - Over 25 ton up to'and including 100 tons (Lgng Boom pay applicable) (Oiler, Journeyman - trainee or two ~erators required) Derrick Barge Operator (Long Boom pay applicable) Dual Drum l.]ixer (Oiler or Journeynan - trainee required) Monorail Locomotive Opera tot (Diesel, gas or electric) Motor Patrol - Blade Operator (single engine) Multiple Engine Tractor Operat'or (Euclid and similar type, except Quad 9 Cat) Party Chief Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator, single engine over fifty (50) yds. struck Rubber Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (Multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar) (Over 25 yds. and up to 50 cu. yds. struck) 4 GROUP 7. continuad ........................... $6.51 ~ractor Loader Operator (Crawler and wheel type over 6½ yds. ) Tower Crane Repairman Shovel, Backhoe, Dragline, Clamshell Operator (over 5 cu. yd. 1,I.R.C.) (Oiler or Journeyman-trainee required) (Long Boom pay applicable) Welder - Certified Woods Mixer Operator and similar Pugmill Equipment Heavy Duty Repairman - Welder combinatio~ 10-1-69 7-1-7;0 $7.01 GROUP 8 ..................................... $6.65 $7.15 Auto Grader Operator (2 Grade Checkers and 1 additional employee required) Automatic Slip Form Operator (Grade' Checker, Screedman, Oiler or Journeyman - trainee required) **Canal Liner Operator (not less than 4 Operators required) **Canal Trimmer Operator (not less than 4 operators required) Crane Operat or -over 100 tons (Oiler, Journeyman-trainee or two (2) operators required) (Long Boom pay applicable) **Helicopter Pilot **Highl ine Cableway Oper at 0r Hoist Operat6r, Stiff Legs, Guy Derricks o~ similar types (capable of hoisting 100 tons or more) (Oiler or Journeyman- trainee required) Mass Excavator Operator (2 operators and oiler or Journeyman- trainee required) Mechanical Finishing Machine Operator Mobile Form Traveler Operator i, iotor Patrol Operator (~4ult i-engine) Pipe Mobile b/achine Operator (2 operators required) **Remote Controlled Earth Moving Equipment 'Operator (no one (1) operator shall operate more than two (2) pieces of earth moving equipment at one time)(1.O0 per hour additional to base rate. ) Rubber-Tired Earth Moving Equipment Operator (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar type over 50 cu. yds struck) **Rubber-Tired Self Loading Scraper Operator (Paddle Wheel-Auger type self-loading - 2 or more 'units) Rubber-Tired Scraper Operator-pushing one another Push Cat, Push-Pull (50¢ per hour additional to base rate) Tandem Equipment Operator (2 units only) Tandem Tractor Operator (Quad'9 or s],mi].ar ~ype) Tunnel Mole Boring Ma'chine Operator **Wheel bxcavator Operator (over 750 cu. yds~ per hour - 2 operators and 1 oiler or Journeyman-trainee, and 2 Heavy Duty Repairmen reqt ired) ** Move to Group 9 - July 1, 1970 GROUP 9 ...................................... 7.60 Canal Liner Operator (not less than 4 operators required) Canal Trimmer Operator (not less than 4 operators required) Helicopter Pilot Highline Cableway Operator Remote Controlled Earth l]oving Equipmexxt Operator (no one operator 10-1-69 71i-70 GROUP 9 ~ ' '~ ~ = ...................................... $7.60 =shall operate ~ore than two (2) pieces of earth moving equipment at one ti!:e) ($1.00 per hour additional tu be;so rate) Rubber-Tired Self Loading Scraper Operator (Paddle Wheel -Auger type-self loading-2 cr m~e units).'. Uhcel Excavator Operator (over 750 cu~, yds. per hour - 2 operators and ~ oiler or Journe~ran-trai~ee ~ ~ l-leery Duty Repairmen required) The differentials over and above tb.3 established c!assificatioms and wage scales are:. Crr. wler Tractor (Quad 9) - 50¢ per hour additional Push Pull Rigs i 50¢ per hour additional Tower Cranes - 45~ per hour add.~.tion. al 5 Drum Hoist - 15¢ per hour additier~?~! All work performed in Tunnels-. 55~ per hour additional (.Also includes Survcy and Eydre,,~r~phic werk) Long Boom: 15¢ per hour up to tO0':; 20¢ per hour 'for each additional 20~ or portion thereof up to 200' ~ Tl'..erexfter, $!.50 per hour in a'ddi'tfon to the regular rate. Tandem Type Equipment Scrapers~ Belly DumDs,' etc. (Any combination) - $1.00 per hour additional. CIY, SSIF ICATI ON: WAGE SCALE LABORERS 5-1-70 6-15-70 10-1-70 5-1-71 8-1-71 5-1-72 5-1-73 Asphalt Raker, Luteman and Ironer $4.355 $4.755 $4.805 Asphalt Shoveler 4.245 4.645 4.695 5.095 5.145 5.595 6.045 Blastors Powdermen - all 4.505 work o~ loadin~ holes, placing and blast ing of all powder and explosives of whatever type, regardless of method used for such loadin~ and placing 4.905 4.955 5.455* 5.505 6.055* 6.595 Buggymobile Man 4.755 4.805 5.205 5,255 5.705 6,155 Cement Dum[er (on 1 yard 4.355 or larger mixer and handling bulk cement) 4.755 4.805 5,205 5,255 5.705 6.155 Cesspool Digger and Installer 4.325 4.725 4.775 5,175 5.225 5,675 6.125 Chucktender 4.295 4.695 4.745 5,145 5.195 5.645 6.095 Cleaning and Handling of Panel Forms 4,.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 9,945 Concrete Core Cutter~ Grinder or Sander 4.755 4,805 5.305* 5.355 5.805 6.255 Concrete Curer - Imper- vious Membrane and Form Oiler '4,735 4,785 5.185 5,235 5,685 6,135 Concrete Saw Man, Cutting, Scoring Old or New Concrete 4.355 4.755 6,805 5%305* 5.355 5.805 6.255 Concrete Setcoding for 4.145 Rough Strilm off (le,aceord- ante with b~morandum of Understanding with Cement Masons dated July 19, 1968) 4,545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.945 Concrete, Water Curing 4.1~5 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5,945 Cribber,'Shorer, lagging, ~.,505 sheeting, and trench bracin~ hand-~ided lagging hammer 4.905 4.955 5.455, 5.505 6.005~ 6.455 Curt ing Torch Operator (Demol it ion) 4. 195 4.595 4.645 5]045 5.095 5.545 5.995 =CLASSiFICATION 5-1-70 6-15-70 10-1-70 5--1-7~. ~-!-71 i~-1-7~ 5.-1-7~. Demolition Laborer, the $4.145 $4.545 $4.595 $4.995 cleaning of brick and 1 umber Driller: All power drills, 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.545* 5~595 6~145' 6.595 excluding Jackhammer, whether core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all other types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of motive power and excluding only that work otherwise awarded in the Memorandum of Understanding between Laborers and Operating Engineers dated in Miami, Florida 5 February 1954 Driller, Jackhammer 2½ ft. 4.455 4.835 4.885 5.385* 5°435 .~.885 6.535 drill steel or longer Dry Packing of Concrete, 4.1~5 4.545 4.595 4~995 .~0../~5 5.~95 5°945 Plugging, Filling of Shee-Bolt Holes Fine Grader, Highway and 4.245 4.645 4.695 5.095 5.145 5~595 6.045 Street Paving, Airports, -Runways and similar type heavy construction Fire Watcher, Limbers, 4.145 4.545 4.595 4~995 5~0/45 5~a, 95 5.945 Brush Loaders, Pilers and Debris Handlers Flagman 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5o0'-'~5 5~49.T.. 5.945 Gas & Oil Pipeline 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5~0~5 5=,495 5.945 Laborer Gas &Oil Pipeline 4.355 4.755 4.805 5.205 .~==255 5~705 6.155 Wrapper - Pot Tender and Form PLan Gas a Oil Pipeline 4.485 4.885 4.935 5°335 5.-~85 5.8.55 6.285 I,]rapp6r - 6 inch pipe and over Guinea Ghaser 4.225 4.625 4.675 5.175' 5~225 5~675 6.125 Head Rock Slinger 4.665 5.065 5.115 5o515 5~565 6=015 6~465 Impact Wrench, Multi- 4.~55 4.755 4.805 5,.305' 5~355 5.8C,5 6.255 Plate 2 :ClASSiFICATION Demol it ion Laborer, the cleaning of brick and lumber 5-1-70 6-15-70 10-1-70 5-1-7}. ~3,=!-71 $4.145 $4.545 $4.595 $4.995 $5~045 $5.495 Driller: All power drills, 4.595 4.995 excl ud ing Jackhammer, whether core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all other types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of motive power and excluding only that work otherwise awarded in the Memorandum of Understanding between Laborers and Operating EngiD~ers dated in Miami, Florida 5 February 1954 Driller, Jackhammer 2~ ft. 4.455 drill steel or longer 4.8~5 Dry Packing of Concrete, Plugging, Filling of Shoe-Bolt Holes 4.145 4.545 Fine Grader, Highway and Street Paving, Airports, · Runways and similar type heavy construction 4.245 4.645 Fire Watcher, Limbers, Brush Loaders, Pilots and Debris Handlers 4.145 4.545 Flagman 4.145 4.545 Gas & Oil Pipeline Laborer Gas & Oil Pipe 1 ine Wrapper - Pot Tender and Form Man 4.145 4.545 4.555 4.755 Gas & Oil Pipeline Wrapp~=r - 6 inch pipe and over 4.485 4.885 Guinea Chaser Head Rock Slinger Impact Wrench, Multi- Plate 4.225 4.625 4.665 5.065 4.355 4.755 5.045 5.545* 5~595 6~145 * 6.595 4.885 5.385* 5~435 5.885 6o335 4.595 4.995 .5..045 5.495 5~945 4.695 5.0~5 5o145 5~595 6,045 4.595 4.995 5~045 5°495 5.945 4.595 4.995 5°045 5~49~ 5.945 4.595 4.995 5~0~5 5,.495 5.945 4.805 5~205 5,,755 5,705 6,155 4.955 ~335 ~385 5°835 6.285 4.675 5.175' 5.225 5°675 6.125 5.115 5~53.5 5~565 6~G!5 6~465 4.805 5..505* 5o~5 ~8C5 6~255 ;CLASSIFICATION 5-1-70 Kettlemen, Potmen and men $4.485 applying as'~halt, lay-kold, creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials ("applying" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling of such materials for pipe wrapping and water proofing) 6-15-70 10-1-70 5-1-71 8-1-71 5-1-72 $4.885 $4.935 $~.3~5 5.385 $~.835 5-1,-73 $6.2a~ Laborer, General or C on strut t i on 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5./~94 5.945 Laborer, Temporary Water and Air Lines 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.945 Laborer Packing Rod Steel and Pans 4.27 4.67 4.72 5.12 5.17 5.62 6.07 Landscape Gardner and Nursery Man (has knowledge of plant materials and how to plant them. Lays out plant arrangements to follow the landscape plan) 4.245 4.645 4.695 5.095 5.145 5.595 6.045 Material Hoseman (Walls, Slabs, Floors and Decks) 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.945 Mixer-Truck Chute Man (Walls, Slabs, Decks, Floors, Foundations and FoOtings - curb and gutter and sidewalks) 4.145 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.495 5.945 Operator of Pneumatic, Gas Electric Tools, Vibrating Machines and similar mechanical tools not separately classif led here in 4.355 4.755 4.805 5.305* 5.355 5.805 6.255 Pipelayer performing all 4.455 services in the laying and installation of pipe from the point ~.? receiving pipe in the d itch until completion cf operation, including any and all forms of 'tubular material whether pipe, metallic or non- metallic, conduit, and any other stationary type of tubular device used for the conveying of any substance or dlemeLit who ther water, sewage, solid, gas, air, or other product whatsoever and without regard to the nature of material from wi~ich the tubularmaterial is fabricated 4.855 4.905 5.405* 5.455 3 6.005* 6.455 CLASSIFICATION Pipe Layer's BackUp Man, 5L1-7o 4.335 coating, groutinS, 'making of joints, sealing, caulking diaperinS am'~'including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and all other services Oversize Concrete Vibrator 4.455 4.855 4.905 Operator, ?0 pounds and over Power Broom Sweepers(small) 4.355 4.755 4.805 Prefabricated Manhole 4.455 4. 855 4. 905 Installer Rigging and Signalling 4.145 4.545 4.595 Riprap Stonepaver, placing 4.335 4.?35 4.785 stone or wet sacked concrete Rock Slinger 4.405 4.805 4.855 Roto Scraper and Tiller 4.355 4.?55 4.805 Sandblaster (Nozzleman) 4.595 4-.995 5.045 Sandblaster (Pot Tender) 4.335 4.735 4.785 Sealer 4.195 4.595 4.645 Septic Tank Digger and 4.295 4.695 4.745 Installer (Lead Man) Slip Form Raisers 4.145 4.545 4.595 Steel Headerboard Man and Guideline Setter 4.57 4.97 5.02 Tampers, Barko, Wacker 4.355 4.755 4.805 and similar type Tank Sca~:.:T and Cleaner 4.27 4.67 4.72 Tarman and Mortarman 4.195 4.595 4.645 Tree Climber, Faller, 4.355 4.755 4.805 Chain Saw Operator, Pittsburgh Chipper and similar type Erush Shredders 6-15-70 10-1-70 5-1-71 8-1-71 5-1-72 4.735 4.785 5.285* 5.555 5.785 5-1-73 6.235 5.405* 5.455 5.905 6.355 5.205 5.255 5.705 6.155 5.405* 5.455 6.005 6.455 4-.995 5.0Z~5 5.49Z: 5.945 5.185 5.235 5.685 6.155 5.255 5.505 5..755 6.205 5.205 5.255 5.705 6.155 5.445 5.495 5.945 6.595 5.185 5.235 5.685 6.135 5.045 5.095 5.5~5 5.995 5.145 5.195 5.645 6.095 4. 995 5.04-5 5. 495 5. 945 5.42 5.Z!7 5~92 6.37 5.305*'5.355 5.805 6.255 5.12 5.17 5.62 6.07 5.045 5.095 5.5z~5 5.995 5.205 5.255 5.705 6.155 C LASS IF ICAT I ON 5-1-70 6-15-70 10-1-70 5-1-71 8-1-71 5-1-72 5 -1-73 Trenching Machine, Hand Pr ope 1 led Underground Laborer, including Caisson Be 11 owe r $4.355 $4.755 $4.805 $5.205 $5.255 $5.705 4.275 4.675 4.725 5.125 5.175 5.625 $6.155 6. 075 Watchman 5./'85 3.885 3.935 4.335 4.585 4.835 5.285 Welding in connection with Laborers' work 4.455 4.855 4.905 5.~05' 5.455 6.005* 6.455 Window Cleaner 4.14.5 4.545 4.595 4.995 5.045 5.z:95 5.945 NOTE: The wage rates shown above indicate all increases agreed to by the par tie s. *Indicates an upgrading of 10¢ per hour above the annual negotiated increase. # Indicates an upgrading of 9¢ per hour above the annual negotiated increase. @ In.dicates an upgrading of 5¢ per hour above the annual negotiated increase. LABORERS FRI~iIGE BENEFITS HEALTH Ai{D WELFARE: 25¢ per hr. 8-1.-72 - 55¢ pe~ hr. 5-1-75 - 65¢ per hr. 10-1-70 - 554 per hr. 8-1-71 - 45¢ per hr.. PENSIOi']: 55~ per hr. 10-1-70 - 604'per hr.; 8-1-71 - 85¢ per hr.; 5-1-75 - $1.55 per hr. VACATION: 25¢ per hr.; 8-1-71 - 504 per hr. ; 5-1-75 35¢ per hr. TRAIHIiIG A~D RETRAINING - 6-15-70 - 5¢ per hr.; 5-1-72 - $1.10 per 5-1-72 - i04 per hro