HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 05-70RESOLUTION N0. 5-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, ENDORSING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO BE ADOPTED BY THE KERN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION RE: HIRING AND FINANCING OF INDEPENDENT KCRPAC STAFF. WHEREAS, the majority of members of the Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Commission (KCRPAC) favor the retention of that Commission as the Area Wide Planning Organization (APO) and the hiring of independent staff for the Commission; and WHEREAS, the majority of members of the Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Commission also favor financing the staffing of the Commission from the County General Fund; and WHEREAS, a draft of a Iproposed resolution prepared in accordance with the discussion held by the Commission at its January 6, 1970, meeting has been submitted to the City of Bakersfield by its member, Councilman Robert Whittemore, for endorsement as to content; and WHEREAS, the substance of the 'proposed Commission resolution compares favorably with the position of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield on staffing of the KCRPAC Commission taken at the December 8, 1969, meeting of the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLVES: 1. That the City Council of the City of Bakersfield endorses and ratifies the proposals expressed in the draft of the proposed "Resolution of KCRPAC Pertaining to the Hiring of an Independent Staff and the Financing of Said Staff from the County's ~~i'~u~d"~'which resdi~tibh~"i~"~'cheduie~ tO be ado'Dt~d ~ the Commission at its February 3, 1970, meeting. 2. That the draft of said pro'posed resolution dated January 8, 1970, is attached and made a 'part of this City of Bakersfield resolution. 3. That the City Clerk is instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Commission prior to that Commission's February 3, 1970 meeting. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and-adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of January, 1970, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHI1TEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: CITY CLERK and Ex icio Cler~oof~ the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this i9eh ~day o January, 1970 \.\- , . field APPROVED: KERN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION RESOLUTION OF KC~lPAC PERTAINING TO THE HIRING OF AN INDEPENDENT STAFF AND THE FINANCING OF SAiD STAFF FROM TIlE COUNTY'S GENERAL FUND. WHEREAS, the Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Com- mission (KCRPAC), at a regular meeting held January 6, 1970, reviewed the newly enacted planning requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and W}~REAS, the new planning requirements of HUD require that the Area ~Vide Planning Organization (APO) have an independent planning staff; and ~VHEREAS, the KCRPAC ~:eviewed a plan which proposed the Board of SuperVisors as the official APO for the Area V~ide Planning Jurisdiction ' (APJ) with the KCRPAC acting in an advisory capacity ~o the Board 0f Supervisors and the County Planning Department acting as the technical planning staff to the Board; and W~REAS, the majority of the cities neither approved or disapproved said plan; and W~REAS, after considerable discussion, it was the opinion of the majority of the members present that KCRPAC, as organized, should remain the APO for the APJ; and W~REAS, it was also the opinion of the majority of members that an independent staff be hired by KCRPAC and that said indepen- dent staff be finance~ out of the County Genera]. Fund; and " ~V~REAS, the recon'm~endations. of KCRPAC are based on the following findings: - :.. , 1. The Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Cornmiss.ion .~ (KCRPAC), as organized, is truly representative of all local govern- ments within Kern County. KCRPAC, because of its membership, has broad-knowledge of both areawide and local planning programs, goals, and problems. The Board of Supervisors, on the other hand, has · broad knowledge of the unincorporated area of Kern County but lacks the detail knowledge and understanding of the many planning programs, goals, and problems of the eleven incorporated cities. 2. Kern County Cities would have no direct responsibility of representation on the APO as an advisory connnission to the Board of Supervisors. 3. The progressively important role that KCRPAC Will occupy for local governments cannot be overemphasized. 4. An independent staff for KCRPAC would cost no more than the adding of ~dditional staff to the Kern County Planning Department. 5. All residents of Kern County pay taxes to operate county government. They will pay for additional planning staff regardless whether KCRPAC, the Board of Supervisors, or any other agency is the APO. ..' .6. An advisory commission as proposed would still require KCRPAC members to meet regularly, would add considerable more time for the processing of applications, double the staff time in making presentation to both KCRPAC and the Board of Supervisors, and require substantial time from each member of the Board in reviewing and evaluating each federal application. 7. The relegati6n of KCRPAC to an advisory agency to the Board of Supervisors could, with the present Kern County Planning Conunission, be incompatible. - 2 - - 8. The Board'of Supervisors, who also acts as direct~rs-o~ many special districts within the County, could find themselves acting upon application which they themselves initiated. Present members of KCRPAC question whether that in situations of this kind, serious problems as to conflict of interest would'arise. 9. It would be very difficult, if not impossible from a practical point of view, to transfer this function from the Board of Supervisors to a repyesentative basis after the County. of Kern adds additional staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE KERN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION that a recommendation be made to the Board'of SUpervisors that the Kern County Regional Planning Advisory Commission (KCRPAC), as. organiz,ed, remain the Area Wide Planning Organization (APO) for the Area Wide Planning Jurisdiction (APJ); that KCRPAC hi~e its own independent staff; and that the independent staff be financed out of the~County's General Fund. KERN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISS ION JAMES A. RILEY, Chairman Dated: January 8, 1970 - 3 -