HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 32-74RESOLUTION NO. 82-74' A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDING CONCERNING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: TENTATIVE MAP OF TRACT NO,.. 37!5, LOCATED NORTH OF STOCK- · DALE HIGHWAY, APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET + AND EAST OF EL RIO DRIVE. WHEREAS, Section 11526 (c) of the Business and Professions Code (Subdivision Map Act) states that a city shall not approve a tentative or final subdivision map unless the City Council of such city shall find that the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvements, is consistent with the general plan and applicable specific plans of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, on May 1, , 19 74 , did make the finding required by the above statute and recom- mended that the City Council make such finding; and WI{EREAS, the City Planning Co~ission, on May 1 , 49 74 , approved the tentative map of Tract No. 8715 conditioned on the making of the appropriate finding by the City Council under Said Section 11526 (c); and WHEREAS, a copy of said tentative map, together with ~he Planning staff report and other related papers and documents have been.filed with this City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: ' 1. It is hereby found and determined that the proposed subdivision designated Tract No. 3715 , together with-the pro- visions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the general plan and applicable specific plans of the City of Bakersfield. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be forthwith trans- mitted to the Planning Department by the City Clerk. O00 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of May , 19 74 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HE'ISEY, MEDDERS, ROGERS, STRONG, NOES: COUNCILMEN: . ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: the Council o~~f Bakersfield APPROVED this.i..~6th day ~ May ' , kersfieldR f 19 74 . of APPROVED as to form: ,2. At a negulaP held May 1, t974, the Planning Cor~qmiss~,~f,,- e. ot~s[deped map of Tenteli. re ~'P,a.¢., A'ften nevievv and del[be it was moved by Com- missioner, Joe Davis, by Commissioner' Dee duty car,r,ied, that map of Tentative Tr,act No. 8715~ togethen with pnovisions for` its design and Lmpcovement~ Ls consistent with applicable genenal and specific plans and r,ecommended that said map be apppoved as submitted and on File, subject to the following conditions as set for'th: 1. Water` supply to be pnov[ded to the saff'[sfaction of the fir,e chief of the City F[r,e Depar,tment, and f/r,e hydr,ant locations as shown in RED · Easements and sir,eel lighting to be pnov[ded to the satisfaction of the fLr,e ch[ef~ as shown [n RED. Dr,a[nage to be pPovided to the satisfaction of the fir,e chLefo Soils r,epoPt with minimum d~ta in accor,dance with Or,dtnance 1618 N. S. (Res. 88-66). No building pePrail on any lot within the it,act shall be issued on be Valid until the final soil r,epor,t for` this tr,act has been filed with the building dinactor, and the city engineer` and cer,tified by the engineer` on the final necor,ded map. Wher,e the final soil nepor,t has not been completed until after` the r,ecor,dLng of the final map, a separ,ate cer,tificate signed' and issued by the city engineer, must be r,ecor,ded with the County Reconder- of Ker,n County bef0r,e a building per,mit may be issued. Pnovis[ons ar,e to be made for` adequate f[r,e pnotection to the satisfaction of the fir,e chief of the City Fir,e Depar,tmento Tempor,ar,y tur,nanound ar,ea and gr,ading for` dr,ainage as shown in RED on file copy. Dated; May 1 ,~ 1974 DEWEY S.,~'EA LES~ Secr,etar,y · Planning DLPecton of the city of Bake r,sfLe ld