HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 10-73 RESOLUTION NO. 10-73 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDING CONCERN- ING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION TRACT NO. 8660, LOCATED SOUTH OF WHITE LANE~ NORTH OF PACHECO ROAD~ AND EAST OF MONITOR STREET. WHEREAS, Section 11526 (c) of the Business and Professions Code (Subdi- vision Map Act) states that a city shall not approve a tentative or Final subdivision map unless the City Councfi of such c~ty shall find that the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and tmprovements~ is consistent with the general plans and applicable specific plans of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, on February 7, 1978, did make the finding required by the above statute and recommended that the C~ty Councfi make such finding; and WHEREASp the City Ptanntng Comm[ssion~ on February 7, 1973, appPoved the tentative map of Tract No. 3660 cond[t[oned on the making of the appropriate finding by the C~ty Councfi under said Section 11526 (c); and WHEREAS, a copy of said tentative map~ together with the Planning staff report and other related papers and documents have been fried with th~s City Counctt. NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Councit of the City of Bakers- fietd, as fortows: 1. It ts hereby found and determined that the proposed subdivision designated Tract No. 3660~ together with the provisions for its destgn and improvement, is con- sistent with the generat ptan and appttcabte specific ptans of the City of Baker sfietd. 2. That a copy of fh[s Resotutton be forthwith transmitted to the Ptanntng De- partmerit by the City Cterk. SECTION 2. This resotutton shaft become effective thirty days from and after the date its passage. ..... o0o ...... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the lopegoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakepsfietd at a pegutah meeting thereof held on the 26th day of February , 19 73 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN 3LEECKFR, HEISEY, M.r-DDERS, REES, RUCKER, THOMAS, WHITTEMORE CITY CLERK and Ex"-Off[c~o Clerk of~he Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this :E~8_~h.. Jay of February City of Bakersfield , 1973 . A PPROVED: CITY ATTOF~EY ~y' -2- _ : I At a eegula4:-rnE&ng held February 7· ~,973 nntng Com~.~ission :considered the Tentative Map of Tract No. 3660. AFter review ana] deliberation· it was robred by Commissioner Gay · seconded by C.',~mmissioner Vetlet , and carried, that Tentative Map of Tract No. 3660, together with provisions for its design and improvement· is consistent with applicable general and specific plans and recommen '- tied 'that said map be approved as submitted and on file subject to the following conditions as set forth: 1) 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) 9) Water supply be provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the City Fire Department, and fire hydrant locations as shown tn Red, Easements be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer· Drainage be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, Soils ·report with minimum data in accordance with Ordinance 1613 N. S., (Res. 38-66), -. .., No building permit on any tot within the t:~act shall be issued or be vati. d until the final soil report for this tract has been filed with the Chief Building .Inspector and the City Engineer and certified by ~he Engineer on the final recordea] map. Where the final soil report has not been completed until after the recording of the final map, a separate certificate signed and issued by the City'Engineer must be recorded with the County Recorder of Kern County before a building permit may be issued, Provisions be made for adequate fire protection to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the City Fire Department, Names for streets and an alternate for each t6 be submitted to Planning Depart- ment prior to finattzation of the map. ? Masonry walt required on east side of Lots t, 18, and 19. Also masonry wall on the rear of Lots 19 through 42, and the south side of Lot 46. Development of drainage and park site will require $50 fee per tot from developer. DEWEY SCEALES; Secretary PlannLng Di rector