HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 42-72RESOLUTION NO. 42 - 72 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING THE DETACHMENT OF THOSE PORTIONS OF RECENTLY ANNEXED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "AIRPARK NO. 1" FROM THE UNION AVENUE SANITATION DISTRICT. SECTION 1: WHEREAS, 'q I - '7 JANuArY ~G a) By its Resolution No. 64 71 adopted on-August 28, 1971 (Proceeding No. 267), the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission approved the proposal for annexation to the City of Bakersfield identified as Airpark No. 1 as more particularly set forth in City of Bakersfield Ordinance No. 1959, New Series, adopted August 23, 1971; and b) By Ordinance No. 1959, New Series, which became effective September 23, 1971, said annexation was effected in the manner prescribed by law; and -c) By oaid rcsoluLio~ of thc Kcrn County Local Agcncy .Formation Commission mo~c particularly identificd i~ Paragraph (~ 3ncrcinabov~ furthcr proviHea that: "upo~ CD~L~plCtiO.~ Of thC anncxa t~iem, pro~eodings shall forLhwith bc oommcncod by thc C~ty o{ ]Bakcrsficld fu~ Lhe detacl~,e~t from thc Union AveD,,~ S~m~t~tion I~istrict of thc tcrritory anncxe~ to Lhc City." C M This Council now proposes to effect such detachment. SECTION 2: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 56195 of the Government Code of the State of California this Council hereby adopts its resolution of application and in accordance with Section 56140 of said Code states as follows: (i) This resolution is made pursuant to Division 1 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 6 of said Code. (ii) The nature of the proposed change of organization is: detachment; the name of the district for which the change of organization is proposed is: Union Avenue Sanitation District. (iii) The n-ames of all other affected counties, cities or districts (in addition to the City of Bakersfield and the Union Avenue Sanitation District) are: (a) Counties - County of Kern (b) Cities - None (c) Districts - None (iv) The territory proposed to be detached is uninhabited, the boundaries of such territory all within the County of Kern, State of California are more partic- ularly described in Exhibit A appended hereto and made a part hereof by specific reference. (v) The proposed terms and conditions to which the proposed change of organization is desired to be subject is: None. (vi) The reason for the proposal is: The territory contained within the Airpark No. 1 annexation to the City of Bakersfield will now receive from said City as a municipal function thereof all of the services and functions now being provided to said territory by the Union Avenue Sanitation District; the detachment of said territory from the said district will therefore relieve said territory from taxation by both the Union Avenue Sanitation District and the City of Bakersfield. 2. It is contemplated that satisfactory proof will be submitted to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission that all of the owners of the land within the territory proposed for detachment have given their written consent thereto and all as more particularly authorized by Section 56261 of said Code. In accord with all the foregoing request is hereby made: (i) That proceedings be taken for change of organization proposed herein, to wit: detachment of Airpark No. 1 from the Union Avenue Sanitation District; (ii) That upon filing of the satisfactory proof of consent hereinabove more particularly referred to in Paragraph 2 and in accord with the provisions of Section 56261 of said Code the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission (a) approves such detach- ment without notice and hearing by the Co~m~ission, and (b) authorizes the Board of Directors of the Union Avenue Sanitation District to detach said territory without notice and hearing by said board and without an election. 4. The City of Bakersfield shall forthwith file with said Commission nine (9) certified copies of this resolution and Form LAFCKC #7 (Rev. 5/70) pursuant to the regulations of the Commission. o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day of July, 1972, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEE,CKER, HEISEY, MEDD'ERS, REES, RIJCKER, THOMAS, WHI'11'EMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN:..._~~ ABSENT COUNC!Lfv~EN: ...... ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: C Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 2.4.th ay of July, 1972. APPROVED: UNION AVENUE SANITATION DISTRICT PROPOSED DETACHMENT: AIRPARK NO. 1 EXHIBIT A Description of three parcels of land to be doltached from the Union Avenue Sanitation District. Those certain p~rcels of land situate in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being portions of Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18, T. 30 S., R. 28 E.~ M.D.B. & M. and more particularly described as follows: PARCEL Beginning at the intersection of the east line of the west 330 feet of said Section 17 with the sou±h line of the north 30.00 feet of said Section 17, said intersection being the true point of beginning. Thence (1) westerly along the last named south line and the south line of the north 30 feet of said Section 18, 565.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the southwesterly boundary line of Central Branch of Kern Island Canal Reservation; Thence (2) northwesterly 71.13 feet, more or less, along last named southwester'ly boundary line to a point on the north line of the south 30.00 feet of said Section 7; Thence (3) easterly along the last named north line 340.00 feet, more or less, to intersect the east line of the west 57.75 feet of said Section 8, said inter- s~ct[on also bei.ng a point on the east right of way line of Union Avenue of 115.50 feet in width; Thence (4) northerly along the last named east line, 4592.94 feet, more or less, to intersect the south line of the north .1/2 of the north ~/2 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence C5) easterly along the last named south line, 272.25 feet, more or less, to intersect the east line of the west 330.00 feet of said Section 8; Thence (6) southerly along the last named east line, 1~55.72 feet, more or less, to a point in the north line of the south 1/2 of the south 1/2 of the north ]~2 of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (7) easterly along the last named north line, 979.00 f~eet, more or less, to a point on the east line of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (8) southerly along the last named east line 165.10 feet, more or less, to the south line of the north 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest ~/4 of said Section 8; Thence (9) westerly along the last named south line 979.00 feet, more or less, to intersect the east line of the west 330.00 feet of said Section 8; Thence (10) southerly along the last named east line and the east line of the west 330.00 feet of said Section 17, 3332.05 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning. Containing 33.212 acres, more or less. PARCEL 2 Beginni.ng at the point of intersection of the west line of the east 30.00 feet of t~e west ]/2 of said SectLon 8 and the sou~h line of the north ~/2 of the north ]/2 of the northwest ]/4 of said Sect[on 8, said west line also be!ng the west right of way line of ~adison Street, also known as County Road No. 1211, of 60.00 feet in width, said poEnt of intersection also being the true point of beg nning. Thence (1) southerly along last named west line 2011.26 feet, more or less, to intersec~ the south line of the nort~ 30.00 feet of the southwest of said Section 8, said south line also ~I~ing the south right of way line of Watts.Drive, also known as County Roa~,1 No. 1146, of 60.00 fee~ in width; Thence (2) westerly along the last named soutt~ line to a point in the west line of the east ~80.00 feet of the west 1/2 of said Section 8; Thence (3) northerly along last named west line 2011.26 feet, more or less, to intersect the south line of the north ~/2 of the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 8; Thence (4) easterly along the last named south line 150.00 feet, more or less, to the true point~of beginning. Containing 6.926 acres, more or less. PARCEL Beginning at the point of intersection of the north line of the south 30.00 feet of said Section 8, with the east line of the west ~/2 of said Section 8, said intersection also being the true point of beginning; Thence (~) southerly along the east line o~ the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8 and the east line of the northwest 1/4 of said Section ~7, 1350 feet more or less, to the south line of the northeast ~/4 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 17; Thence ~2) westerly along the south line of th~ northeast 1/4 of the northwest ~/4 of said Section 17 to intersect the west line of the east ~80.00 feet of the northwest ~/4 of said Section ~7; Thence' Q3) northerly along the last named west line and the west line of the east ~80.00 feet of the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8, ]350 feet, more or less, to intersect the north line of the south 30.00 feet of said Section 8; Thence (4) easterly along the last named north line, 180.00 feet, more or less, to the true poi.nt of beginning. Containing 5.537 acres, more or less.