HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 38-72RESOLUTION N0. 38-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. MAKING FINDING CONCERNING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION: LOCATED FAST OF SOUTH "H" STREET, SOUTH OF CALCUTTA DRIVE, NORTH OF P.G. & E. TOWER LINE EASEMENT. , WHEREAS, Section 11526 (c) of the Business and Professions Code (Subdivision Map Act) states that a city shall not approve'a tentative or final subdivision map unless the City Council of such city shall find that the proposed subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvements, is consistent with the general plan and applicable specific plans of the city; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission, on June 21 19 72 , did make the finding required by the above statute and recom- mended that the City Council make such finding; and WHEREAS,-the City Planning Commission, on june21 19 72 , approvedthe tentative map of Tract No. 8626 conditioned on the making of the appropriate finding by the City Council under said Section 11526 (c); and WHEREAS, a copy of said tentative map, together with the Planning staff report and other related papers and documents have been filed with this City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that the proposed subdivision designated _Tract No. 86~6 , together with tha provisions for its design andimprovement, is consistent with the general plan and applicable specific plans of the City of Bakersfield. 2. %hat a copy of this Resolution be forthwith transm~.tted to the Planning Department by the City Clerk. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. o0o- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was .passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26-th day of June , 19 72 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN SLEECK"R-'4":!~=Y, MEDDE,"'~S, REE5, RUCKER, THOMAS, WHITTEMORE NoEs, COUNC, L, EN' · ABSTAINING COUNCILMiN: Council of the City of Bakersfield June 1972 APPROVED this .26th day , . C< i ty of Bakersfield APPROVED: CITY ~ At an adjourned elirig hetd June 21, 1972, the Planning Commission con- sidered 'l'entattve Map of Tract No. 3626. AFter discussion and detiberation, it was moved by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Frederickson, and carried, that said subdivision, together with provisions For' its design and improvement, is consistent with applicabte general and specific ptans, and that Tentative Map of T;'-.act No. 8626 be approve. d subject L0 the Following cop. riB:torts: This Tentative Tract Map is filed under`. Chapter`' 16, 22 (Optional Design and. Imp~'ovement Standards) of the Municipal C~de of the City of Bakers- field, A rnen~orandum of ]ustt.fi~ation (16,22,020) has been filed along with the neap and t&as been' accepted to. qualify for the Optional Design Standards, (See Condition #17), Water supply be provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the City Fire Depar,tment and fire hydr~nt locations as shown in red, Easements and street lighting to be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. , !Drainage be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Soils report with minimum data in accordance with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, 1970 Edition. No building permit on any lot within the tract shatl be issued or be valid unfit the final soil report for this tract has been flied with the Chief Buttcling Inspector and the City Engineer and car,tiled by the-Engineer on ~he final recorded map. Where the finaI soil report has not been cona- pieted until after` the recording of the final map, a separate certificate signed and issued by the City Engineer must be recorded with the County Recorder of Kern County before a building permit may be issued. Provisions be made for adequate- fire pr,0tection to ttne satisfaction of the Chief Engineer of the Gtty Fire Depar,tment0 A complete utility and dr,ainage plan to be"'approved by the Public Works and Buitdtng Depar,tn~ent before the map is submitted for` finatization. 10· Adequate pr,ovtsions to be made for continuous maintenance of atl private sir-eels and common areas through an association and spatted out tn full within the Deed Restrictions. The Deed Restrictions shall be approved by the Ptanntng Staff, City Attorney, Public Works and Buttdtng Depart- ments prior to the final approval of the map by the City Council and recorded atong with the final map. The ar. eas of pr,ivate drives (shown' as Lot 60) shatl be considered as private drives and at no such time wilt the City of Bakersfield accept maintenance or dedication of these private drives. On the final map any such reference to private drives sh~lt be on~itted and identified as Lot 60. 11. Vehtcu. ta_.r and pedestrian access to Lots 59 and 60 to be made for muni-- ctpal services, ie. refuse pickup, police, fire protection or any other municipal or emergency services to the adjoining tots. 12. A six-foot masonry wall to be installed around the subdivision as re- quired by Ordinance. 14· AII private streets shal. l be posted as private streets by the subdivider. (Section 16.20. 060-D). A five-foot chain link fence from the northwest corner of Lot 2 west along the south side of Calcu'Eta Drive to Sou~h "H" Street. 15. I6. A modification for the tract f0r each !or requiring a two-foot side yard setback on parking side of lot flor carport use only, A 15-foot paved vehicular access beb~een Lots I 1 and 12. Design of access to be approved by Public Works Department before finalization of tracl:. 17. (a) ' nL~at~, shown as a 3'2-foot stneet n n th~n the 'minimum 52- foot sta has been accepted as sufficient fon this tnact. Thene wilt be two tnavel lanes with no panking on eithen side of the sineel. (b) A Poll-type cunb 'and gutten has been accepted by the Public Wonks Depantment so as to penrn[t ease in installing the mobilehomes and a4so .to be us~d as: c::'t,,.,'a appnoach Fon pesic'.-'~;r,L[;s'.t c..FF-stneet panking. (c) The sidewalks have been appnoved fon on~ side of the sineel C as shown on fLle map) in tteu of walkways i:hnoughout the development. The minimum width of the sidewalks shall De 4J 6', the minimum standand fon nesidential uses. (The above Ca) and (b) shall be designed to meet the appnoval of the Public Wonks Depantment since these ar, e below mintPnurn city standands). DEVVEY SC. FS~LES; Secnetany Planning Dinecton