HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 83-71 . e 7 ~ ~ . RESOLUTION NO. 83-71 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KERN ADDRESSED TO LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION REGARDING PROPOSAL TO FORM THE GREATER BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DISTRICT. WHEREAS; (a) Sections 101035 and 101036 of the Public Utilities Code (a portion of the Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Transit District Act) provide that proceedings for the formation of the district shall be initiated by the presentation of a proposal for such formation to the executive officer of the Local Agency Forma- tion Commission and that such proposal may be made by joint resolution adopted by the City Council and the Board of Supervisors; and (b) The City Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern desire to initiate proceedings for the formation of the Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Transit District by presenting such proposal to the executive officer of said Commission by this joint resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT JOINTLY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield and the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern as follows: 1. That this joint resolution is addressed to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission. 2. That the public in~erest and necessity require that a metropolitan transit district be established in the territory comprising the City of Bakersfield and the unincorporated area of the county adjacent to the City in order to meet the public transit problems within such territory. r' . . .0 3. That a metes and bounds description of the boundaries of the territory herein proposed to be formed into such district is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and is by this reference incorporated herein as a part of this joint resoluti.on as if fully set forth herein. 4. That a map delineating the boundaries of the territory proposed to be formed into the Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Transit District iSj attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and is by this reference incorporated herein as a part of this joint resolution as if fully set forth herein. 5. That the names of the officers or persons who are to be furnished with copies of the report of the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission and who are to be given mailed notice of the hearing before the Commission are as follows: Harold E. Bergen, City Manager of the City of Bakersfield; 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. Norman A. McNamee, Chief Administrative Officer ~iof the County of Kern; 1415 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California 93301. 6. That it is hereby jointly requested that all appro- priate proceedings be taken for the formation ofa transit district pursuant to Part 13 (commencing with Section 101000) of Division 10 of the Public utilities Code, known as the "Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Transit District Act." I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Joint Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 29th day of November , 1971, by the following vote: Ayes: Rees, Rucker, Thomas, Whittemore - Noes: None Absent: None Abstaining: None Councilmen Bleecker, Heisey, Medders, !.~"'~1~ ~~) CITY CLERK and E Offi '0 Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the 2. e . . ,- .... . v 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Joint Resolution was passed and adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of November AYES: ; NOES: ABSENT: Jackson, None None , 1971, by the fOllOWfj]'ng vo . Head, Young, Wehb, Miller' . Y n (\ ~5?5.r~j : COUNTY CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern November , 1971 APPROVED as to form: /~ ?t;'-AitP CITY ATTORNEY ( City of Bakersfield COUNSEL Y of Kern -3. (~ .~ e e I -. EXHIBIT "A" DES C RIP T ION PROPOSED BOUNDARIES GREATER BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN TRANSIT DISTRICT The Greater Bakersfield Metropolitan Transit District shal I consist of all of that portion of the County of Kern bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 6, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M, being a point on the 7th Standard Paral lei South, MDB&M; THENCE (I) departing from said Standard I ine, Southerly along Section Jines 2 1/2 miles, more or less, to a point on the West line of Section 17, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M, also being a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described In City Ordinance No. 1823, New Series; THENCE (2) - North 630 03' 38" East along said corporate boundary to a point in the East I ine of the West 57.75 feet of said Section 17; THENCE (3) Souther I y a long the J ast named East Ii ne to a po i nt in the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described in Ordinance No. 984 New Series; THEi'lCE (4) along said corporate boundary the following courses: North 560 42' East, a distance of 2635.95 feet, more or less; THENCE (5) North 80 14' East, a distance of 2.117 feet; THENCE (6) North 550 15' 40" East, a distance of 166.71 feet; THENCE (7) North 380 28' East, a dIstance of 93.23 feet; THENCE (8) South 660 32' 30" West, a distance of 288.88 feet; THENCE (9) South 34' 14' 401; West, a distance of 200.81 feet; THENCE (10) South 81' 41' LO" West, a distance of 89.95 feet; THENCE (II) North 210 34' 10" East, a d r stance of 92.48 feet; THENCE (12) North 490 20' 201l East, a distance of 102.82 feet; THENCE (13) North 140 22' 50" West, a distance of 80.52 feet; -1- ~ .;. '. ~'... - e THENCE ( 14) North 380 25' East, a distance of 185.06 feet; THENCE (/5 ) North 720 59' 30l! East, a distance pf 88.89 feet; THENCE (16) North 410 00' 30l! East, a distance of 91.44 feet; THENCE ( 17) North 10 42' East, a distance of 101.04 feet; THENCE (18) North 630 54' 20n East, a di stance. of 163.68 feet; THENCE (f 9) North 30 56' 40" West, a distance of 87.20 feet; THENCE (20) North 370 19' 1011 East, a distance of. 206.85 feet; THENCE (21 ) North 380 II' 4011 East, a distance of 154.60 feet; THENCE (22) South 850 39' 30" East, a distance of 382.60 feet; THENCE (23) North 790 19' 30" East, a distance of 124.15 feet; THENCE (24) South 640 57' East, a distance of 101.55 feet; THENCE (25) South 300 04' lO" East, a distance of 109.77 feet; THENCE (26) South 460 58' 20" East, a distance of 120.724 feet; THENCE (27 ) North 680 46' East, a distance of 237.489 feet; THENCE (28) North 20 00' I Oil \~est, a distance of 50.441 feet; THENCE (29) North 350 44' 10" East, a distance of 101.02 feet; THENCE (30) "~orth SO 58' 30" West, a distance of 86.47 feet; THENCE (31) North 500 54' 20" East, a distance of 61.85 ,feet; THENCE (.32 ) South 510 26' East, a distance of 244.458 feet; THENCE (33) . from a tangent wh i ch bears North 740 23' 0311 East, Easterly along a circular curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 2255 feet through a central angle of 140 52' 57" an arc length of 585.738 feet; THENCE (34) No~th 890 16' East, a distance of 879.27 feet; THENCE (35) Northeasterly along a tangent circular curv~ concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 745 feet through a central angle of 120 04' 1711 an arc length of 156.96 feet; THENCE (36) North 130 57' 40" East, a distance of 120.144 feet; THENCE (37) North 620 55' East, a distance of 197.68 feet; THENCE (38) North 360 33' 50" East, a distance of 149.40 feet; -2- .,;.,"i -" ~ .,~ e e THENCE (39) North 860 391 Ea st , a distance of 205.35 feet; THENCE (40) South 70 24' East, a distance of 77 .65 feet; THENCE (41 ) South 490 17' 2011 East, a distance of 79.204 feet; THENCE (42) North 680 53' 30H East, a d!stance of 137.606 feet; THENCE (43) Northeasterly along a tangent circular curve concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 1050 feet through a central angle of 260 12' 00" an arc length of 480.14 feet; THENCE (44) South 50 05' 30" West along a radial line, a distance of 146.493 feet, more or less, to.a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield, as described in City Ordinance No. 1390 New Series; THENCE (45) along said corporate boundary the fol lowing courses: North 860 02' 3311 East, a distance of 755.158 feet; THENCE (46) Northwesterly along a tangent circular curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 2185 feet through a central angle of 160 08' 30" an arc length of 793.056 feet; THENCE (47) South 200 05' 57" East along a radial I ine, a distance of 115.073 feet; THENCE (48) North 690 54' 0311 East, a distance of 676.22 feet; THENCE (49) No~theasterly along a tangent circular curve, concave to the Northwest having a radius of 2930.073 feet through a central angle of 70 40' 02" an arc. length of 392.097 feet; THENCE (50) North 620 14'01" East, a distance of 445.80 feet; THENCE (51) Northeasterly along a tangent circular curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 2930.073 feet, through a central angle of 70 00' 00", an arc length of 357.976 feet; THENCE (52) North 550 141 01 II East, a distance of 694.80 feet; THENCE (53-) North 550 10' 4311 East, a distance of 204.643 feet; THENCE (54 ) South 340 491 I7H East, a distance of 180.00 feet; THENCE (55) f rom a tangent which bears North 550 10' 43!l East, Northeasterly ___ <. .aJ9.rlg.2._~ir~c~_I,ar curv~, .<:onca_ve to the Southeast hav I ng a rad I us of 898 feet through a central angle of 340 01' 45" an arc length of -533.341 feet; -3- ~'.,', e e THENCE (56) North 890 12' 28u East, a distance of 174.00 feet; THENCE (57) Northeasterly along a tangent circular curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 1102 feet through a central angle of 230 00' 00" an arc length of 442.371 feet; THENCE (58) North 700 41' 30" East, a distance of 767.469 feet; THENCE (59) North 660 12' 28" East, a distance of 161.62 feet; THENCE (60) Northeasterly along a tangent circular curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 1150 feet through a central angle of 210 40' 34" an arc length of 435.067 feet; THENCE (61) North 890 42' 58" East, a distance of 41.615 feet to the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 29 South, Range 28 r:ast, MD8&M; THENCE (62) leaving said corporate boundary, Easterly along the North line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of gaid Section 10, to a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described in Ordinance No. 1792 New Series. Said point being on the West I ine of the East 550 feet of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 10; THENCE (63) Easterly along the last named North I ine and corporate boundary to the NOrthwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 10, said point being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described In Resolution of the Board of Supervisors recorded January 2, 1957, In Minute Book 113, Page 270 of Official Minutes. THENCE (64) Easterly along last named North I ine and said corporate boundary to the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section I I, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M; THENCE (65) Southerly along the mid-section I ine of Section II and along said corporate boundary to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of said Section II; -4- .",' 'j,. e e THENCE (66) leaving said corporate boundary, Southerly along the mid-section line to the South line of the Nor,th half of the North half of Section 14, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M; THENCE (67) Westerly along said South I ine to the East I ine of the West half of the West half of said Section 14, said I ine being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described In Ordinance No. 1354 New Spr I ~s; THENCE (68) Southerly along said East I ine and said corporate boundary to the South I ine of the North half of said Section 14, said line being on the co~porate boundary of th~ C~ty of Bakersfield as described in Ordinance No. 1382 New S~ries; THENCE (69) continuing Southerly along the last named East I ine and said corporate boundary to the North I ine of the South half of the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14, said I ine being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as de$crlbed in Ordinance No. 1766 New Series; THENCE (70) along said corporate boundary the following courses: Easterly along last named North I ine to the East I ine of the West half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 14; THENCE (71) . Souther I y a long I ast named East Ii ne to the North Ii ne of the South half of the South half of said Section 14; THENCE (72) E,asterly along the last named North I ine to the ~"est line of the East 691 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; THENCE (73) Northerly along last named West I Ine to the North I ine of the South 4/5 feet of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of sa I d Sect i on 14; THENCE (74) Easterly along last named North I ins to the East I ine of the West half of the Southeast quarter of .said Section 14; THENGE <75-)--Seu-therly-a long last named East ,I-Ine .tothe North,J tne__oLthe____ _ South 385 feet of the North half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 14; -5- ..'... e e ii THENCE (76) Easterly along the last named North 1 ine to the Eatit I ine of Records of said Kern County; THENCE (77) Southerly along last named East line to the North line of the South half of the South half of Section 13, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M; THENCE (78) Easterly along last named North line to the East I ine of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Sect ion 13, sai d East line be I ng. on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described in Ordinance No. 1902 New Series; THENCE (79) Easterly along last named North line and said corporate boundary to the West I ine of the East 55 feet of said Section 13; THENCE (80) departing from said corporate .boundary, Easterly along said North I ine to the East I ine of said Section 13; THENCE (81) Souther I y a long Sect i on lines I. 3/4 mil es, more or less, to the center II ne of State Route V I-Ker-178 1 - sa Id center II ne be I ng a po I nt on the West I ine of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 29 South, Range 29 East, MDB&M; THENCE (82) Easterly and Northeasterly along the center I ine of said Highway 178 one mile, more or less, to the East line of Section 19 of said Township and Range; THENCE (83) Southerly along Section I loes 2 1/8 miles, more or less, to the Sou~heast corner of Section 31 of said Township and Range; THENCE (84) Westerly along Section lines 3 1/2 miles, more or less, to the North quarter corner of Section 3, Township 30 South, Range 28 East, MDB&M, said corner being on the corporate bOlJndary of the City of Bakersfield as described In Board of Supervisors Resolution recorded September 29, 1952, in Mi n,ute Book 88, Page 151 of Off icia I Mi nutes; -6- .~, ,I.. L~~. e . w THENCE (85) along said corporate boundary the following courses: Southerly along mid-section lines 3 miles, more or less, to the North quarter corner of Section 22 of said Township and Range; THENCE (86) Easterly along the North I ine of said Section 22 to the Northeast corner of said Section; THENCE .(87) Southerly along the East line of said Section 22 to the North fine of the South 30 feet of said Section 22, said point being the Northerly right of way line of County Road No. 931; THENCE (88) leaving said corporate boundary, Southerly to the Southeast corner of said Section 22; THENCE (89) Westerly along Section lines 6 miles, more or less, to the Southwest corner of Section 23, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MOB&M; THENCE (90) Northerly along Section I ines one mile, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Section 15 of said Township and Range; THENCE (91) Westerly along the South I ineof said Section 15 to the South quarter corner of said Section; THENCE (92) Northerly along mid-section lines 90 feet, more or less, to the Northerly right of way I ine of the Southern Pacific Railroad, said I ine being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described in Ordinance No. 1799 New Series; THENCE (93) a long sa I d corporate boundary the fo II ow I ng courses: Norther I y along mid-section lines one and one-half miles, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of Section 10 6f said Township and Range; THENCE (94) Westerly along the South line of said Northwest quarter to the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter; THENCE (95) leaving said corporate boundary, Westerly along mid-section lines, 2 miles to the West quarter corner of Section 8, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MDB&M; -7- ~, '... '-:;, -', . e e THENCE (96) Northerly along Section lines I 1/2 miles, to the Northwest corner of Section 5 of said Township and Range; THENCE (97) Easterly along Section lines one mile, more or less, to the East line of the West 55 feet of Section 33, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, ~~B&M, said I ine being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described In Ordinance No. 1932 New Series; THENCE (98) along said corporate boundary the following courses: North 00 01' 1811 East, 80 feet. more or less, to the North right of way 1.lne.of.Stockdale Highway of IIO.feet in width, also known as County Road No. 2341; THENCE (99) South 890 50' 12" East along said North right of way line, 1269.37 feet, more or less, to the West line of the East half of the West half of said Section 3~, said I Ins also being on the corporate boundary of the City of 82'kersfield as described In Ordinance No. 1778 New Series; THENCE (100) along said corporate boundary the following courses: Northerly along said West line to tha South I Ina of the North 1600 feet of said ~- Section 33; THENCE (101) Easter I y a long the last named South II ns to the East II ne of s':Jld Section 33; THENCE (102) Northeasterly to a point in the North I ins of Section 34 of said Township and Range, said point baing dlstant thereon 2000 feet West of the Northeast corner of said Section 34; THENCE (03) Easterly along the last named North I ine and the North line of Section 35 to Intersect the Southeasterly bank of the Gates Canal, Southeasterly s(;Jid '.. ;-/.[, bank also being a point 00 the corporate boundary of ~, ~-I~ the City of Bakersfield as described by Ordinance No. 1748 New Series; THENCE (104) a long sa i d corporate boundary the fo II ow i ng courses: North 350 20' 42" East, a distance of 132.32 feet; THENCE (105) North 470 49' 12" East, a d I stance of 599.96 feet; - TAE'NCE( f06)--NOrttt890 48 t 12"- EasT, a distance of. 1616.99 feet; --- - ~_____c -8- ',.. -."',.. "'\'.. e e ~ THENCE (107) North 00 III 48f1 West, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point on South the/rlght of way /Ine of the AT&SF Railroad; THENCE (108) along said right of way line the following three courses: hJorth 890 48' 121t East, a d I stance of 850.00 feet; THENCE (109) North 0011' 4811 West, a distance of 250.00 feet; THENCE (110) North 890 48' 12'1 East, a d I stance of 519.20 feet to the v-Jester I y right of way line of U. S. Route VI-Ker-99, said Westerly line also being on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described by Ordinance No. 1445 New Series; THENCE (II I) along said corporate boundary and last named right of way line South 890 10' 14fl East, a distance of 74.34 feet to a point on the corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield as described In Ordinance No. /639 New Series; THENCE (112) along said corporate boundary and said highway right of way I !ne the following courses: North 150 53' 20" West, a distance of 313.24 feet; THENCE (113) North 890 10' 14" West, a distance of 74.72 feet; THENCE (114) North /50 57' 26" West, a distance-of 82.04 feet; THENCE (/15) North /70 31' 0/11 West, a distance of 290.98 feet; THENCE (116) North 80 23' 59" West, a distance of 175.89 feet; THENCE (/17) North 120 55' 2211 West, a distance of /84.67 feet; THENCE <1/8 ) North 60 26' 55" West, a distance of 307.80 feet; THENCE (119) North 50 48' 00" West, a distance of 306.44 feet; THENCE ( /20) North 30 00' 37" West, a distance of 357.28 feet; THENCE (12/ ) North 00 28' 25" East, a distance of 551.93 feet; THENCE ( 122) North 8029' 14" West, a distance of 202.24 feet; THENCE ( /23) North 30 39' 07 !I West, a distance of 678.76 teet; THENCE (124 ) North 60 16' 38" We st , a distance of 228.91 feet; THENCE ( 125) North 40 12' 1211 \vest, a distance of 186.04 feet; __.~_ "______ _~..'_____d__~. ~ .--- THENCE ( 126) Nortl: 240 40' 38!~ West, a distance of 540.38 feet; -9- ~. ,;,"." .,;" e e i: ~ THENCE: (127) from a tangent wh I ch bears North 27Q 52' 1911 \vest, Northwester I y along a circular curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 145 feet through a central angle of 5So 37' 55" an arc length of 140.79 feet; THENCE (128) North 850 03' 24u Wast, a distance of 364.94 feat; THENCE (129) North 860 12' 12" West, a distance of 30.20 feet; THENCE (130) North 00 53' 08H East, a distance of 106.42 feet to Intersect the Northerly boundary of Section 26 of said Township and Range, said Northerly boundary being the centerline of Resedale Highway; North 00 28' 1I11 East, a d.J stance .of 54.02 feet; THENCE (131 ) THENCE ( 132) THENCE ( 133) THENCE ( 134) THENCE (135 ) THENCE ( 136) THENCE (137 ) THENCE (138 ) THENCE ( 139) THEN~E ( 140) THENCE (141 ) THENCE ( 142) South 890 06' 15" East, a distance of 154.94 feet; North 850 46' 1311 East, a distance of 265.14 feet; North 450 48' 01 !l East, a distance of /41.42 feet; North 270 42' SOH East, a. distance of 358.91 feet; North 80 16' 12tl Ea st , a distance of 419.31 feet; North 30 51' 27" East, a distance of 300.66 feet; North 50 II' lOll East, a distanCe of 502.03 feet; North 00 02' 36" East, a distance of 300.00 feet; x.... 2. ..;~;.... ~ (' .~.' ,.,.I v' "" North 00 45' 34" Ea st , a distance of 400.03 feet; North 20 10' OO" East, a dtstance.of :800.09 feet; from a tangent which bears North 10 28' 1311 East, Northerly along a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of 2~905 feet, through a central angle of 00 43' 21", an arc length of 377.20 feet; THENCE (143) North 00 57' 341: West, a distance of- 388.36 feet; THENCE (144) North 20 06' 19" West, a distance of 600.10 feet; THENCE (145) from a tangent which bears North 00 57' 34tl West, Northwesterly along a circular curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 740 feet, through a central angle of 160 02' 24" an arc length of 207.16 feet; THENCE (146) North 170 52' 57" West, a distance of 420.79 feet; -10- , ~. 't-.. '1. '.. '\ .' e e .; . 'v THENCE (147) Northwesterly along a tangent circular curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 825 feet through a central angle of 100 091 01 It, an arc length of 146.15 feet; THENCE (148) leaving said corporate boundary Northerly and Northwesterly along the Westerl'y right of way I ine of said U. S. Route VI-Ker-99, a d I stance of I 114 m i'les, more or less, to the West Ii ne of Sect Ion II, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, MDB&M; THENCE (149) leaving said Westerly right of way I.lne, Northerly along Section lines, 2 miles, more or less, to the Northwest corner of Section 2 of sa I d Townsh.i p, sa I d corner be I ng on the 7th Standard Para II e I South, MDS&M; THENCE (150) Easterly along Section I ines and said Standard line, a distance of 3 miles, more or less, to the point of beginning. Containing 42~000 acres of land, more or less OffiCE OF COUNTY SURVEYOR ~etlag~ By ----,{'f~------~_===_____(t.::(.'L==p=R~g ~ompar8d By--&.~!2._----f;JJ?___~__-:_(t..:iL<?',o==p R~Zc. ~~Qved 6y-----------__________________________X~=__ -11- Typed 11-22-71 cb