HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 77-71SECTION 1: WHEREAS, RESOLUTION N0. 77-71 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DETACHING THOSE PORTIONS OF RECENTLY ANNEXED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS BEALE NO. 2 FROM THE PANORAMA SANITATION DISTRICT. a) By its Resolution No. 70-36 adopted on October 13, 1970 (Proceeding No. 257), the KERN COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION approved the proposal for annexation to the City of Bakersfield identified as Beale No. 2 as more particularly set forth in City of Bakersfield Ordinance No. 1915, New Series, adopted March 15, 1971; and b) By Ordinance No. 1915, New Series, which became effective April 15, 1971, said annexation was effected in the manner prescribed by law; and c) By said resolution of the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission more particularly identified in Paragraph (a) hereinabove further provided that: "upon completion of the annexa- tion, proceedings shall forthwith be commenced by'the City of Bakersfield for the detachment from the Panorama Sanitation District of the territory annexed to the City." d) This Council now proposes to effect such detachment. SECTION 2: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 56195 of the Government Code of the State of California this Council hereby adopts its resolution of application and in accordance' with Section 56-140 of said Code states as follows: <i) This resolution is made pursuant to Division 1 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 6 of said Code. <ii) The nature of the proposed change of organization is: detachment; the name of the district for which the change of organization is proposed is: Panorama Sanitation District. (iii) The names of all other affected counties, cities or districts (in addition to the City of Bakersfield and the Panorama Sanitation DistricO are: a) Counties - County of Kern b) Cities - None c) Districts - None (iv) The territory proposed to be detached is uninhabited, the boundaries of such territory all within the County of Kern, State of California are more particularly described and delineated as follows: Description of a parcel of land to be detached from the Panorama Sanitation District. A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California and being a portion of southwest quarter of Section 21, Township 29 South, Range 28 East, M.D.B.& M., and also being a portion of Drury's Addition to Kern, as per map filed April 27, 1893 in Book 1 of Maps at page 41, in the office of the County Recorder of said Kern County; Beginning at the intersection of the west line of said Section 21 with the south right-of-way line of Jefferson Street (formerly Main Street, of 80' in width, as shown on said Drury's Addition), said intersection also being a point on the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by the Charter of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (1) departing from the last-named Corporate Boundary, easterly, 25'7 feet, more or less, along the last-named south right-of-way line 'to the northeast corner of Block 33, said Drury's Addition; Thence (2) easterly, 80 feet, more or less, in a direc[ line to the northwest corner of .Block 32, said Drury's Addition; Thence (3) (using as a basis of bearing the bearing as shown for the south right-of-way line of Jefferson Street on Sheet 2 of 6 of a map recorded October 28, 1966 in Book 3, Page 15 of State Highway Maps in the office of Kern County Recorder) S 73°08'15'' E, 111.36 feet, more or less, along the last-named south right-of-wayS'line to intersect the southerly right-of-way line of State Highway Route 178 (VI-Ker-178), said intersection also being a point on the north line of Lot 12, Block 32, said Drury's Addition, distant thereon 11.36 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot 12; Thence (4) southwesterly along the last-named southerly right-of-way line the following 4 courses; S 46053'25'' W, 49.39 feet; Thence (5) S 36o28'38'' W, 154.31 feet; Thence (6) S 22°30'19'' W, 138.85 feet; Thence (7) S 22°13'23'' W, 224.68 feet, to intersect the east right- of-way line of Owens Street, of 80 feet in width, as said Owens Street is shown on the map of said Drury's Addition, said inter- section also being the southwest corner of Lot 16, Block 14 of said Drury's Addition; Thence (8) southerly, 546 feet, more or less, along the last-named east right-of-way line and prolongation thereof, to intersect the west line of said Section 21, said intersection also being a point on the Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield as defined by the Charter of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (9) northerly, 1142 feet, more or less, along the last-named west line and Corporate Boundary, to the point of beginning, containing 4.83 acres, more or less. (V) The proposed terms and conditions to which the proposed change of organization is desired to be subject is: None. (vi) The reason for the proposal is: The territory contained within the Beale No. 2 annexation to the City of Bakersfield will now receive from said City as a municipal function thereof all of the services and functions now being provided to said territory by the Panorama Sanitation District; the detachment of said territory from the said district will therefore relieve said territory from taxation by both the Panorama Sanitation District and the City of Bakers field. 2. It is contemplated that satisfactory proof will be submitted to the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission that all of the owners of the land within the territory proposed for detachment have given their written consent thereto and all as more particularly authorized by Section56261 of said Code. In accord with all the foregoing request is hereby made That proceedings be taken for change of organization proposed herein, to wit: detachment of Beale No. 2 from the Panorama Sanitation District; (ii) That upon filing of the satisfactory proof of consent hereinabove more particularly referred to in paragraph 2 and in accord with the provisions of Section 56261 of said Code the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission (a) approves such detachment without notice and hearing by the Commission and (b) authorizes the Board of Directors of the Panorama Sanitation District to detach said territory'without notice and hear- ing by said board and without an election. 4. The City.of Bakersfield shallforthwith file with said Commission 11 certified copies of this resolution and form KCLAFC #7-NS pursuant to the regulations of the Commission. o0o- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of November, 1971, by the following vote: ,/~"'ES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, MEDDERS, REES, RUCKER, THOMAS, WHITTEMORI~ NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ ,ABSENT COUNC'.',MEN: ~9 Zb~<~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ Ex-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield MAyOPt/of kersfield APPROVED: