HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 6-80 RESOLUTION NO. 6180 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING IT HAS REVIEWED, EVALUATED AND CONSIDERED THE INFOrmATION CONTAINED IN THE FINAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, MAKING FINDINGS AND ~ CERTIFYING THAT SAID FINAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL EIR HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, THE STATE EIR GUIDELINES AND CITY RESOLUTION NO. 39-78, RE PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND SUB- SEQUENT ZONE CHANGE FOR THOSE PROPERTIES LOCATED GENERALLY SOUTH OF STATE ROUTE 178; EASTERLY OF MOUNT VERNON AVENUE; NORTHERLY OF BERNARD~STREET; AND WESTERLY OF OSWELL STREET. WHEREAS, it is proposed that approximately 70+ acres of vacant land located southerly of State Route '178, between Mount Vernon Avenue and Oswell Street; and northerly of Bernard Street, the major portion of which is currently shown on the Land Use Element as medium density residential and zoned R-1 be designated as commercial to be zoned Planned Commercial Development (P.C.D.); and WHEREAS, the project sponsors are proposing a planned com- mercial development-shoppin9 center and office complex upon the said aff'ected property; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearin9 was held and con- ducted by and before the City of Bakersfield Plannin9 Commission on April 18, 1979, in accordance with the procedures required by City Council Resolution 39-78, at which hearin9 the public was entitled to comment upon the Draft EIR, dated February, 1979; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by its Resolution No. 17-79, adopted April 18, 1979, approved and recommended certifi- cation of the previous Environmental Impact Report, dated February, 1979, by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Bakersfield by its Resolution No. 43-79, on May 16, 1979, denied the certification of the Environ- mental Impact Report and made declarations and findings to sub- stantiate their action; and WHEREAS, such findings of the Bakersfield City Council were the subject matter considered in a Supplemental Draft Environ- mental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report on said project was prepared by the City of. Bakersfield Development Services Department upon a contract between the City of Bakersfield and a consultant and .circulated and distributed in accordance with the requirements of law and applicable regulations and guidelines, the distribution list being included in the Supple- mental Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held and con-. ducted by and before the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission for aforesaid Supplemental Draft EIR in accordance with the adopted environmental procedure of the City of Bakersfield, at which hearing the public was entitled to comment on the Supplemental Draft Environ- mental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the City has responded in writing to all signifi- cant points raised in the consultation, review and public hearing process; and WHEREAS, the Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Report contains the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report; comments and recommendations received in the review process, a list of persons or. organizations and public 'agencies commenting on the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Report and the responses thereto of. the City; and WHEREAS, the Final Supplemental ~nvironmental Impact Report was completed by the Development Services Department and placed on the. agenda of the regular meeting of the Planning Commis- sion on December 19, 1979, for evaluation and consideration by said Commission; and WHEREAS, at said regular meeting', the Planning Commission evaluated and considered the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report and. by its Resolution No. 72-79, adopted December 19, 1979, recommended to the City Council that the Final and Supplemental EIRs be certified as completed in,compliance with the California Environ- mental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 39-78. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HEREBY DETERMINES, FINDS AND RESOLVES.as follows:' 1. That the above recitals are 'true and correct. 2. That the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, dated December 1979, has been reviewed, evaluated and considered by the Planning Commission. 3. That the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Quidelines and City of Bakersfield Resolution 39-78. 4. That the said Final Supplemental EIR is an accurate and objective discussion of the proposed project and adequately dis- cusses and describes the environmental considerations and miti- gation measures which need to be considered prior to the approval of the proposed project. 5. That the various alternatives to the project; including the "Do project" alternative, have been considered in the Final EIR. 6. The Supplemental Draft EIR for the proposed Amendment to the Land Use Element and the zone change is known as Segment IX of General Plan Amendment 3-79, and concerns the above noted 70+ acres of vacant land. 7. That as to Segment IX of the 3-79 General Plan Amendment, the following declarations and findings are made: a. GENERAL The proposed action is a request to con- struct a planned commercial development (P.C.D.) consisting of approximately 70+ acres of commercial and office uses. Impacts of the proposed project were analyzed on a comparative basis with the existing permitted use of the site. b. 'TOPOGRAPHICAL' IMPACTS The natural topographic features of the site will be altered by cut and fill operations. However, the pro- ject site will be terraced to main- tain the overall southwesterly slope gradient. Mitigation There are no known unique character- istics or rare formations which require extraordinary development considera- tions. The preservation of the pre- dominant topographical features will be preserved by terracing. SOILS The proposed project will. result in soils disruption and modification due to. grading, compaction and.covering with impervious surfaces. Such impacts include, but are not limited to possible settlement and erosion hazards. Mitigat=ion The soils report in Appendix "B",of the original Draft EIR suggests miti- gation measures to make insignificant those potential impacts noted above. AIR QUALITY Air pollution concentration attribut- able to the proposed project will pri- marily result from mobile sources. Mitigation The findings in the EIR demonstrate that there are no significant effects on the Kern County portion of the San Joaquin Valley air basin anticipated to occur that are attributable to the proposed project. Thus, no site specific mitigation measures are proposed on site. NOISE 'IMPACT The assessment of anitcipated noise impacts resulting from the proposed project focused on mobile source gene- ration. Certain quantities of the residential units to be constructed on the site lie within the 60 CNEL contours. Mitigation Any developer on the site is to supply an acoustical analysis of ambient and projected noise levels and submit miti- gation measures as the result of that analysis prior to the issuance of any building permits. Such required acousti- cal analysis shall be performed by a registered acoustical engineer. TRAFFIC The basic conclusion of the traffic study is that the traffic to be gene- rated by the proposed project can be accommodated by the surrounding cir- culation system at acceptable levels of service by instituting the following mitigation measures. These mitigation measures will be the financial responsi- bility of the project proponents. Traffic signals will be required at the Oswell Street/Bernard Street and Oswell Street/.westbound freeway ramps intersections.,and the exist- ing roadways shall.be restriped to provide turn lanes as directed by the traffic authority. At the Mount Vernon Avenue Interchange on State Route 178, construct an east- bound off-ramp, a westbound on-ramp, and traffic signals at eastbound and westbound ramp intersections with Mount Vernon Avenue. On the eastbound off- ramp approach to Mount Vernon Avenue, provide three lanes - one for right- turning movements~ one for left-turning movements, and one for left or right- turning movements° (This project has been approved by CALTRANS and has received environ- mental clearances. However, no funding sources have presently been identified for the project). Widen the eastbound off-ramp at the Oswell Street Interchange on State Route 178 and provide two right- turn lanes and one left-turn lane. Lengthen the northbound left-turn lane on Oswell Street approaching the westbound on-ramp to the maxi- mum length practicable. At the Oswell Street/Bernard Street intersection, in addition to measures already discussed, widen Oswell Street to provide four northbound lanes - two lanes for left-turning movements, one lane for straight movements, and one lane for stral. ght or right- turning movements. Construct remaining Oswell Street curbed median island between State Route 178 and Bernard Street. At the Mount Vernon Avenue/Bernard Street intersection, widen Mount Vernon Avenue and modify existing traffic signal and construct medians to pro- vide four southbound lanes approach- ing Bernard Street - two lanes for left-turning movements, one lane for straight movements, and one lane for straight or right-turning movements. '7. Along the frontage of Eastside.Center, additional pavement shall. be installed to provide for a right-turn lane for westbound traffic approaching each of the Eastside Center driveways. Traffic signals shall be installed on Bernard Street at the eastern shopping center driveway and at the western shopping center driveway. Bernard Street shall be widened between Oswell Street and Mount Vernon Avenue to accommodate.two traffic lanes in each direction for the entire length. PUBLI.C SERVI=CES The nearest municipal sewer interceptor with available capacity to serve the site is approximately one-half mile to the southwest. Mitigation Resolution of sewage capacity impacts can be mitigated through the prepara- tion of an engineering report which identifies service design alternatives, attendant cost estimates and adminis- trative mechanisimswhich may permit the Mount Vernon Sanitation District to service the project site through an administrative procedure acceptable-to the City of Bakersfield. These miti- gation measures will be the financial responsibility of the project pro- ponents. GENERAL DESIGN The net impact on the public service infrastructure is increased electrical consumption. Mitigation Utilization of high efficiency interior (fluorescent) and ex- terior (sodium-vapor) lighting fixtures with reduction of ex- terior lighting to level consis- tent with public safety require- ments. Utilization of energy efficient air conditioning, heating, and ventilation systems which incor- porate an "economizer cycle" utilizing outside air for ventil- ation when temperatures permit. All exterior glass doors should be partially'mirrored with re- flective glass to reduce radiant heat transfer. Adherence to new State building design standards (California Ad- ministrative Code, Title 24, ~Sections T-20-1450 to T-20-1542) which result in more energy effi- cient structures than similar fa- cilities constructed prior to the new regulations. Due to the siting orientation opportunities offered by the site plan (Figure 2-3) consideration could be given to the feasibility of incorporating solar systems to augment heating and cooling re- quirements. ECONOMIC IMPACT AND TIMING OF DEVELOPMENT The EIR concluded that two new major regional shopping centers will be statistically and marginally economically feasible beginning in 1985. The City has approved development of a regional shopping center in the downtown area which is scheduled to become operational in 1982. Mitigation The Eastside Shopping Center is to com- mence retail operations after January 1, 1985. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that t~he foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the,City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of January, 1980, by the follow- ing vote: AYES; COUNCILMEN 'BARTON, eH'RI'S;Fd',tSEN, MEANS, MILLER, PAYNIS, RATTY, STRONG NOES: COUNCILMEN ~'2/4J~_~ ABSENT: COUN~ZILMEN: C'~l~'*l'l' I~ ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: (~i~,l,~l~ ~ CITY'~E~K and 'O/~fficio'Clerk of "Council o~ty of Bakersfield January, 1980 Bakersfield ) o Bakersfield the