HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 92-79CITY COUNCIL OF-THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 92-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAKING ENVIRON- MENTAL FINDINGS NECESSARY FOR THE PROPOSED 3OINT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT~ AS CHANGED~ BETWEEN THE BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATES FOR THE SALE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE DOWNTOWN BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT PROaECT. WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") is engaged in activities necessary to carry out and implement the Amended Redevelopmerit Plan for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopmerit Project ("Project"); and WHEREAS, this City Council has approved, and is in the process of adopting, a Third Amendment to the Amended Redevelopment Plan which expands the boundaries of the Project area to accommodate the development of a regional retail shopping center in downtown Bakersfield; and WHEREAS~ the Agency proposes to enter into a 3oint Development Agreement ("Agreement") with Bakersfield Associates ("Developer") for the sale and lease of certain real property in the Project area and the development of said retail shopping center; and WHEREAS~ in connection with said Amendment to the Amended Plan and said Agreement the Agency has prepared~ and on November 6~ 197'9 certified a Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") supplementing and updating' the information and analysis contained in the Environmental Impact Reports prepared for the Bank of America Toweq "K" Street Parking Garage and New Police Facilities certified on October 30~ 1972~ 3une 2g~ 197½ and August 12, 1974 respectively; an Environmental Impact Report for the Project and an Amendment thereto certified on November lg~ 197~ and the Supplement to the Environmental Impact Report certified September 1, 1976 for the Project and an amendment thereto; and WHEREAS~ the sale and lease or sublease of certain real property pursuant to the proposed Agreement and the development of a major regional shopping center thereon is one of the redevelopment activities assessed by the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS~ the Agency and the Developer have agreed that the Agency shall have a right of termination if the Agency's costs increase beyond currently estimated financing and to change the proposed Agreement accordingly; and WHEREAS~ a duly noticed joint public hearing on the proposed Agreement and the proposed change therein has been held by the Agency and this City Council~ at which time all persons were given an opportunity to be heard; NOW~ THEREFORE~. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AS FOLLOWS: -1- , 1. -k The City Council hereby certifies that the information containrid in ~tlle Final Sub%equent Environmental Impdct Re~ort~ and the previously prepared EIR's fbr the Project and activities pursuant thereto has been reviewed and considered by the City Council with respect to the Agreement and the proposed change therein. 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines that: (a) No substantial changes are proposed in the proposed development, or with respect to the circumstances under which the proposed development is to be undertaken pursuant to the Agreement~ as changed, which will require major revisions in the Final Subsequent EIR, due to the involvement of new environmental impacts not covered in said EIR; (b) (C) No new information of substantial importance to the proposed development has become available which was not known and could not have been known at the time the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report was certified as complete; No Subsequent or supplemental documentation to said Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report is necessary or required; and (d) The sale and lease or sublease of real property and the construction of a major regional shopping center pursuant to the proposed Agreement, as changed will have no significant' effect on the environment, except as identified and considered in the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report. 3. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the certifications~ findings and determinations with respect to environmental impacts of the proposed sale and lease or sublease of real property and development of a major retail shopping center pursuant to the proposed 3oint Development Agreement, as changed, as set forth in City Council Resolution No. certifying the Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report are hereby ratified in their entirety. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ON THIS .~th day of r)~n~rnh~.'v. ~ 1979 BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: AYES: COUNCILMEN ARTON, L, ~..:~a"":bl, MEANS, ~, PAYNE FY, ~ 'ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: /Z/]il /} ~' ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: ~~ . -2- ~CITY' C_~_an~d Ex Off' io Clerk of' Council of theirsfield the ~' ~'~'~' ~ ~ < o f~ k e r s f i e I d -, ...... APPROVED as to form: 1979 CI~ATTORNEY of Bakersfield of ty