HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 87-79RESOLUTION NO. 87-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING INTERIM WASTEWATER TREATMENT POLICIES FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WHEREAS, the recently adopted Rio Bravo Land Use and Trans- portation Plan requires the adoption of interim wastewater treat- ment facility policies prior to the implementation of long-term sewage plans for developing areas in the Rio Bravo Annexation; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield is now being requested to find that proposed interim sewage treatment facilities are in compliance with the recently adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, in order to assist orderly urban development to proceed economically with minimal adverse environmental effect prior to the development of permanent sewage collection and treatment, the City of Bakersfield desires to apply such interim wastewater treatment policies to the entire City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed and recommended approval of the interim wastewater treatment policies. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Bakersfield adopts the following policies as the Interim Wastewater Treat- ment Policies for the City of Bakersfield: 1. Any proposed interim wastewater treatment pro- ject must be in conformance with the goals, objectives and policies'of the General Plan. 2. The planning, construction, maintenance and operation of any interim wastewater treatment project shall comply with all local ordinances and state and federal rules, regulations and laws. -2- No off-site interim wastewater treatment fa- cility may be constructed without first having obtained a Conditional Use Permit from the City of Bakersfield. The Conditional Use Per- mit shall be issued for a period determined to be.necessary for the operation of the interim facility, but in no event for a period greater than ten (10) years.. Upon expiration of the Conditional Use Permit, application may be made for renewal of the permit for such period of time, not exceeding 10 years, as determined necessary by the granting authority. Initial studies pursuant.to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) will be pre- pared for all proposed interim wastewater treatment projects, except for on-site indivi- dual septic tank systems, which are subject to all requirements of the Kern County Environ- mental Health Department and the City of Bakersfield. Notice of proposed environmental action shall be mailed to all property owners within one mile of the exterior property boundaries of treatment and disposal facilities during the environmental (CEQA) review process. The proposed interim wastewater treatment pro- ject must conform to permanent sewage collec- tion and treatment facility plans. Connection to a permanent sewer system must be made within a reasonable time period as specified in an appropriate condition to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. -3- 10. All residential projects proposed for on- site septic tank/leach field wastewater treatment facilities in an area intended to be served by permanent or interim off- site wastewater treatment facilities shall include dryline connections for sewage collection. Units served by septic tanks with dryline connections shall be required to connect to permanent collection facili- ties when available. Proposed projects shall be sited and/or mitigated to reduce or eliminate line of sight visibility from existing residences and they shall be designed to be aes- thetically pleasing. Proposed projects shall be sited with maxi- mum feasible separation from existing resi- dences. Proposed projects shall be sited where feasible with reference to prevailing wind patterns to prevent any potential odor problem conflicting with existing or planned residential areas. o0o '-4- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14th day of November, 1979, by the following vote: AY"'=S: COUNaLMEN BARTON, ~',--m~T~l'.~'-r,,l~ MEANS, MILLER, PAYNE, RATTY, STRONG ~'-~: ~JNc,L~N____~C%_, ASSENT, cour4cj'.-~,!':r-~_: .........~'~ ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: APPROVED as to form: CItY ATTORNEY of akersfield