HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 15-79RESOLUTION N0.15-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS AND APPROVING ~4ENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE BAKERSFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AND CERTIFYING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65351 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on December 20, 1978, on proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, notice of'the time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before said hearing by publication in a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, such proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Bakersfield Area General Plan concerns the following areas: SEGMENT 1: This area is generally located on the southeast corner of Planz and Stine Roads. It consists of approximately 20 acres of vacant, unimproved land. It is proposed to change the land use designation'of such area from low-density residential to commercial. SEGMENT 2: This area is generally located on the east and west sides of California Avenue between Easton Drive and Marella Way on the north and Lennox Avenue and Business Center Drive on the south. It consists of approximately 125 acres of vacant and unimproved land. It is proposed to change the land use designation from low-density residential, high-density residential, and office, ~o commercial. ~ ~ -2- ~ ~ WHEREAS, by Resolution Nos. 66-78 and 67-78 adopted December 20, 1978, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield made findings and approved the hereinbefore amendment consisting of said two segments in accordance with Section 65354 of the Government Code, and transmitted its Report to the City Council on January 29, 1979. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code held a public hearing on January 31, 1979, on proposed amendment to said Land Use Element, notice of the time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publica- tion in said local newspaper. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND RESOLVED as follows: That the above recitals incorporated herein, are true and correct. II. That the proposed amendment to the Land Use Element of the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, consists of two segments or areas described above and specified in the respective Environmental Impact Reports referred to herein. III. That as to Segment 1, above described, the Planning Commis- sion of the City of Bakersfield by its Resolution No. 66-78, adopted on December 20, 1978, made findings and recommended certification by the City Council of completion of the Final EIR for Segment 1 of the General Plan Amendment. IV. That by this Resolution adopted by the City Council on January 31, 1979, the Council does hereby declare that it has reviewed, evaluated and considered the information contained in the Final EIR and certifies that it has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the state EIR guidelines and City Council Resolution 24-77. V. That as to Segment 1, the following declarations and find- ~ng~ are made~: a. GENERAL The proposed action is a request to construct a commercial center on approximately 20 acres of vacant land. Impacts of the proposed project were analyzed on a compara- tive basis with a permitted use of the site, a multi-family dwelling unit development. -3- b. L'AND :USE :IMPACTS' The project's exterior illumination and cars exiting the site at night will affect 40 apartment units north of the site and across Planz Road. Mitigation .Me:asures 1) Provide downward light-directing shields on all station- ary lights. 2) Minimize lighting during non-business hours. 3) Where possible, align the development's driveways along Planz Road opposite the open spaces between apartment buildings across the street. c. AESTHETIC IMPACTS The appearance of the commercial center could be incompatible with the surrounding land uses. Architectural design zoning, however, will reduce the visual impact substantially. Mitigation Measures 1) Develop earth berm landscaping on the perimeter of the parking areas. 2) Construct landscaped islands throughout the interior of large parking areas. 3) Landscape areas adjacent to the project buildings. d. CIRCULATION I'MPACTS The proposed commercial center will increase the amount of automobile traffic on both Stine and Planz Roads. Mitigation Measures 1) Peak hours of commuters and shoppers do not coincide, thus partially mitigating increases in traffic volumes caused by the development. 2) Signalization of the Stine/Planz intersection when traffic volumes warrant. 3) Access to the project site from the proposed street bordering the soath edge of the project site should be limited to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. -4- e. NOISEIMPaCTS Noise generated by the commercial center will'affect the proposed multi-family dwelling unit to be located adjacent to the site's eastern border. Mitigation Measures 1) Prevent vehicular access to the site from the east. 2) Construct a masonry wall along project site's eastern boundary as a buffer. Site design and layout for loading and unloading operations for the commercial uses should consider the noise effects of such operations on residential uses to the south and east so as to minimize potential future noise complaints. 3) Limit ingress and egress of delivery trucks to Planz and Stine Roads. 4) Direct or shield noise from air conditioners, refrigera- tion units, blowers, etc. away from the eastern and southern project boundaries. f. ENERGY IMPACTS The commercial center will use about one-third the natural gas and three times the amount of electrical energy that an alternative project, a 400-unit multi-family complex, would use. Mitigation Measures 1) Design energy-efficient buildings including proper insulation techniques and sun and wind orientation. 2) Apply efficient lighting practices including minimal use of architectural or display lighting. VI. That as to Segment 2, above described, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield by its Resolution67-78, adopted December 20, 1978, made findings and recommended certification by City Council of completion of the Final EIR for Segment 2 of the General Plan Amendment. -5- VII. That by this Resolution adopted by the City Council on January 31, 1979, the Council does hereby declare that it has reviewed, evaluated, and considered the information contained in the Final EIR and certifies that it has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the state EIR guidelines, and City Council Resolution 24-77. VIII. That as to Segment 2, the following declarations and findings are made: a. GENERAL The proposed action is a request for an amendment to the General Plan of'the City of Bakersfield replacing a combination of low-density and high-density residential and professional use designations with a combination of medium-density residential, professional office and commercial (motel) uses. The ultimate objective is the development of the 125-acre site to the requested land uses, resulting in the expansion of the Stockdale-professional and commercial center. Impacts and Mitigation Measures The net impacts or effects of the action and proposed project on the natural environment are insignificant when compared with impacts that would occur as a result of development of the area to the uses currently designated in the General Plan. b. LAND USE IMPACTS The major land use impact would be the conversion of a vacant site to an improved state. Also, construction activities will im- pinge upon the privacy of adjoining single family residential areas, as will the existence of professional office complexes and multi- family apartments to a limited extent. Mitigation Measures 1) Applying modern construction techniques (water sprinkling, muffled equipment) and scheduling work periods to lessen construc- tion-related impacts. -6- 2) Locating only single story structures adjacent to the single family residences. 3) Locating parking lanes and outdoor recreation areas away from the single family residences. c. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS Assuming that the Truxtun Avenue extension is completed to Gosford Road, future total traffic volumes on California Avenue should remain about the same as existing volumes. Mitigation Measures The following roadway improvements are necessary for the implementation of the proposed project: 1) Close off median breaks at all intersections that are not planned to be signalized. 2) Provide a connection between two of the local road- ways, Marella Way and the office center loop road, to facilitate traffic circulation. 3) Signalize the California Avenue intersections with Business Center Drive, La Mirada Drive, Marella Way, and Easton Drive. 4) Encourage staggering of work hours to reduce peak hour congestion. 5) Use signing to direct traffic away from residential areas east of California Avenue served by Montclair Street. d. PUBLIC POLICY IMPACTS The requested commercial designation for the motel would possibly permit other types of commercial ventures to be proposed on the site. Mitigation Measures The application of Planned Commercial Development zoning would permit the City to exercise precise development plan con- trol over the parcel. -7- e. PUBLICr'SERVICEStMP~CTIS Service demands would be considerably less than current general plan use designation, with the exception of solid waste. Mitigation Mealsures None required. IX. That the amendment to the Land Use Element of the Metropoli- tan Area General Plan consisting of the above described segments or areas and as shown in the Environmental Documents are hereby approved in accordance with Section 65357 of the GOvernment Code. X. That such Land Use Element amendment should be endorsed by the Planning Director to show that it has been adopted by this City Council. XI. That any and all development permits or approvals for the lands within Segments 1 and 2 incorporate the mitigation measures hereinabove set forth respectively for each of them. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 31st day of January, 1979, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, CHRISTENSEN, MEDDERS, RAI"Pt', NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~/J-'b~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: AssTAnNiNG COUNCI'~M__~i ,SCEALES, STRONG the APPROVED ,,~l-~']~i~-= ~.of January, 1979 , ~of Bakersfield :,~ _ -,~? .-- , APPROVED as ~o f B CITY ATTORNEY of akersfield