HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 113-78 RESOLUTION NO."' 113~78 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDING THAT A ~AJORITY PROTEST HAS NOT BEEN MADE AND ORDERING 'THE TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS ANNEXATION NO. 250, PROCEEDING NO. 592 (KERN RIVER NO. 6) ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, Resolution of Application No. 50-78, dated May 31, 1978, was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County ("Commission") for the annexation of territory to the City of Bakersfield designated as Annexation No. 250, Proceeding No. 592 (KERN RIVER NO. 6); and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing upon said proposal was held before the Commission on the 22d.day'of .August, 1978;'~ and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Commission, on August 22, 1978, adopted its Resolution Making Determination being Resolution No. 78-40, recorded in Minute Book 22 of said Commission; ~nd WHEREAS, on September 20, 1978, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, adopted its Resolution No. 100-78, initiating proceedings for annexation of the said territory to the City of Bakersfield, and set Wednesday the 25th day of October, 1978, at the hour of 8 P. M. (or as soon thereafter as the matter could be heard) in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time, date and place of hearing on the proposed annexation where and when any owner of land within the hereinafter-described territory could appear before the Council of the City of Bakersfield and show cause why such territory should not be annexed and owners of land within the said territory were duly informed of their right to file a written protest against the annexation with the City Clerk at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, the public hearing was duly and regularly con- ducted by and before the City Council in all respects in accordance with Resolution No. 100-78, on October 25, 1978. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. In accordance with Section 35229 of the Government Code it is hereby found, regarding the value of written protests filed and not withdrawn by owners of land and improvements, at the conclusion of the public hearing,'as follows: No written protests against the said annexation were filed with the Clerk of the City of Bakersfield at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing on the proposed annexation. 2. The description of the exterior boundaries of the territory annexed is contained in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and incorporated in this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. The terms and conditions imposed upon this annexation are as follows: (a) Immediately upon completion of annexation the City initiate proceedings to detach subject territory from both the North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District and North Kern Water Storage District. (b) That portion of subject territory included in the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District may not be detached from the district until the General Obligation Bonds of the District are paid off in year 2006. 4. That the said territory designated as Annexation No. 250, Proceeding No. 592 KERN RIVER NO. 6) and described herein, and every part thereof, is hereby ordered annexed to the City of Bakersfield. 5. That the Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified copy' of this resolution ordering a change of organization, along with any required remittance to cover the fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code, to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Ke~n County. 6. That the executive officer of the Commission is hereby requested to prepare and execute a certificate of completion and make the filings required by Chapter 4 of the Municipal Organization Act of 1977 and record a certified copy of the certification of com- pletion with the recorder of Kern County, with the surveyor of Kern County and with the Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 25th day of October, 1978, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, C,W.'IlSTENC4:N, MEDDERS, RATTY, ROGERS, SCEALES, STRONG NOES: COUNCILMEN: V~-(~_.~ b ._ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: · ~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ __ : ,~ APPROVED a~S to fOz~m: CITY.~ERK~and Officio Clerk of CounCil of~f Bakersfield October, 1978 Bakersfield CITY ATTORNEY of t j6ity of Bakersfield the KERN RIVER NO. ,5 ANNEXATION ,NO, 250 "A parcel of lnnd situate in the 'County of Kerr., State of California, being portions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10', 16,' 17, iS, 19 and 20 of Township 30 South, Range'26 East H.D.H., and portions of Sections 13, 23 and 2a of Township 30 Sodth, Range 25 East M.D.H., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the inter~e'ction of the northerly right-of-way line of County Road 1594 (Stockdale ltighway), of 60 feet in width, with the west line of the east 39 feet of said SeCtion 1,' said point being southerly along said ~est line a distmicc of 1248.50 feet from the nort~ line of said Section 1, said point also being a point in the exterior corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE (1) departi~ig from said exterior corporate boundary south 0~ 06' 48" ~est along last named west line a distance of 229.56 feet to a point of cusp of a tangent curve concave to the southwest having a radius of 120 feet; THENCE (2) northerly and westerly along last named curve through a central ~ngle of 105° 44~ 19' an arc distance of 221.46 feet to a point in a tangent reverse curve concave to the north having a radius of 930 feet, from which point the radial for said ~everse curve bears"north 1S° 37~ 31" west; THENCE (3) westerly along said reverse curve through a central angle of 52~ ~0~. 10" an arc distance of ~52.20 feet to a point in the southerly boundary of ParceI 1 of that certain quitclaim deed to the City of Bakersfield recorded June 6, 1977 in Book. 5032, page 456 O.R. in the Office of the County Recorder~ THENCE along the southerly boundary of said Parcel 1 the following ten {10) courses; THENCE (4) south 40* 52' 48" west a distance of 428.05 feet; ....... TIIENCE (S) South 62~ 31' 36" west a distance of 1122.56 feet; THENCE (6) south 75° 38' 52" west a distance of 388.97 feet; THENCE (7) south 82° 03~ 33" west a distance of 300.56 feet; .. ..... THENCE (8}'~orth 75° 58' S0" west a distance of Z60.92 feet; THiNCE (9) north.87° 23~ 35" west a distance of 255-30 feet; -THiNCE (103 south 60~ Sg' ~0" west a distande of 470.24 feet; ....... TH~NCE'(.ll} south 74° 35' 17" west a distance of 630.S0 feet; THENCE (123 south 33° S0' 44" west a distance of 365.97. feet; THENCE (13) so'uth 43° 58~ 25" west a distance of 601.88 feet to a point in the.east line of said Section 2 said point bears south 00° 31' 42" west along said east line a distance of 661.45 feet ~rom the northeast comer of the southeast quarter of said Section 2; ....... THENCE (14) departing frbm the southerly boundary of said Parcel 1 southerly along last nmr, ed east line a distance of 110 feet more or less to a point in the north line o.f the south 1870 feet of said Section 2; THENCE (15) southwesterly, in a direct line, 1380 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the west. line of the east 1375 feet and north line of the south 1735 feet of said Section 2; '- THENCE (163 westerly along last harold north line a distance of 335 feet mor'e 'or less to intersect the east 1-'no of the ~est 930 feet of the southeast quarter of said Section 2; : . EXHIBIT ~r le~s to '~ter~e.ct the a point which li~s 1500 feet southerly, as measured along las ' ,, from the northeast corner of last named southwest, quarter; TIIENCE (18) westerly along. the south line of t;he north 1500 feet of the south~4est quarter of said Section 2 a distance of 17gO feet more or less to intersect the east line of the west 850 feet of said Section 2; TttENCE (19) northwesterly in a direct line, a distance of 910 feet more or. less, to intersect the east line of said Section 3 at a point which.lies 1200 feet southerlY. as measured along last named east line, from the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said Section 5; · THENCE (20) northeriy along last na~r, ed east line a distance of 130 feet more or less to'a point which lies north O~ 20' east along said east line a distance of 1568.2 feet from the southeast corner of said Section.3, said point being a point in the bo,~mdarY of that certain parcel of land deeded to.the City of Bakersfield as recorded December ·30, 1976 in Book 4999, Page 436 O.R. in the Office of the . Cotmty Recorder; ~{F21CE along.the southerly boundary of said parcel of land' the following 54 courseS; ~:NCE (21) north 82° J0' west a distance of S18.O feet; "' I~.NCE (22) south 82° 20' west a distance of 810.4 feet; IttENCE (23) south SS° SS' west a distance of 249.4 feet; IttENCE (2~) south 29° 35' west a distance of ~61.5 feet; IttENCE (25)south 16°.45' west a distance of 264.,;0 feet; IttENCE (26) south 38° 05' west a distance of 931.0 feet to a point in the s~uth line of said Section 3; 11iENCE (27) westerly along {ast named south line a distance of 247 feet more or less tO a point in the east line of the northwest quarter of said Section 10; 'IltENCE (28) southerly along last named east line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the south line of the north half of said northwest quarter; .- . : THENCE (29) westerly along last named·south line'a distance of i320 feet more or less to a point in the east line of the southwest quarter of said northwest quarter; . - -TI{ENCE (50) southerly along last named east line a distance of 1520 fee~ more or less to a point in the south line of said northwest quarter; IttENCE (51) westerly along last named south line a distance of 1520 feet more or less to a point in the east line of said Section 9; THENCE (52)'southerly along last named east line a distance of 2640 feet more or less to the northeast corner of said Section 16; I~rlENCE (53) south 1" 17'. 14" west along the east line of said Section 16 ~ a!stsnce-of 380.13 feet to a point in the northerly right of way line of the. Kern River Canal; lttENCE along said northerly right of way line the following 11 courses; THENCE (34) south ~4~ 52' 49" west a distance o~.1864.45 feet; ' ~NCE (35) southwesterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest, with a radius of 950 feet, through a central angle of 15° 21' 25", an arc length- of 254.62 feet; TIW.:~CE (:O) set !:0' 1.1' 12" '-c. st a ,~RIENCE (57) crly along a tangent : te the'~outiieast, with a 'radiu~ of 350 feet, through a central angle of 34' 35' 30"'an arc length of 211.31 feet; TH,ENCE (38) south ,lS° 38' 42" west a distance of 153.19 f.eet; THENCE (39) southwesterly along a tangent curve concave to the northwest, with a radius of 450 feet, through a central angle of 9° OS' 00" an arc length 71.34 feet;. ~tENCE (40) south 54° 43' 42" west a distance of 6,699.89 feet to apoint in the west lind of said Section 20, said point bears south 1° 02' 25" west a distance of 547.67 feet from the northwest corner of said Section 20; THENCE (41) continuing south 54° 43' 42" west a distance of 533.57 feet; THENCE (42) southwesterly along a tangent curve cbncave to the northwest, with a radius of 950 'feet, through a central angle of 27° 46' 00" an arc length of 460.39 feet; ' THENCE (43) south 82° 29' 42" west'a distance of 4550.00 feet to intersect the east line of said Section 24, said intersection bears south 0° 22"38" east along said east line a distance of 1526.35 feet from the northeast corner of said Section 24; - THENCE (44) continuing south 82° 29' 42" west a distance of 1202.85 feet; THENCE (45) departing from said northerly'right of way line south east a distance of 100.0 feet to a point in the southerly right of way line of said canal; , THENCE (463 along said southerly right of way line south 82° 29' 42" west distance of 2181.99 feet; THENCE (47) departing from said southerly right of way line South 39° 25' 12" west a distance of 876.79 feet; THENCE (48) south 77° SS' 12" west a distance of 1400.00 feet more or less to a point in the west line of said Section 24, said point bears south 0° 51' S4" west along said west line a distance of 340.00 feet from the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of said Section 24; THENCE (49) south 41° IS' 00" west a distance of 37S.00 feet; THENCE (SO} south S2° 30' 00" west a distance of 480.00 feet; IltENCE (S1) south 76° 08' 10" west a distance of 611.00 feet; THEhCE (S23 north 89° 20' 00" west a distance of 23S 00 feet; lttENCE {S3) north 71° 3S' 00" west a distance of 800.00 feet; IltENCE (S43 north 79° 3S' 00" west a distance of 43S.00 feet more or less to a point on the easterly ~ight of way line of Interstate Highway 'S as described In the deed tO the State of California recorded March 24, 1967~ in Book 4037 O.R. at. page 193 in the Office of the County Recorder; IIIENCE (SS) departing from the southerly boundary of said parcel of land to the City of Bakersfield south SS° 'SI' 00" west a distance of 269.i5 feet to a point In the westerly right of way line of said Highway S; lltENCE along said westerly right of way line the fellowing 4 courses; IllFJqCE (S6) north S9° S0' 00" west a distance of 103.08 feet; IltENCE (S7} north 45° 48' 00" west a distance of 475.00 feet; '2 TIIENCE (53) west a ¢lis~aqc,; ~03.0S feet; ' '. 'T~ENCE (59) no ° 48' 00" west a distance .?,7 feet more or less to a p~int' t~ the north line of the south half of said Section 2~; I~HENCE (60) departing from said westerly right of way line along last named north line south 88° 41' 55" east a distance of 3128.2'7 feet; · T~YCE (61) north 55° 19' 28" east a distance of 330.00 feet; ~iENCE (62) north 74° 21~ 35" east a distance of 450.00 feet more or less to a point'in the west line of said Section 24, said point bears north 00° SI' S4" east along said west line a distance of 325..00 feet from the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of said Section 24; . THENCE (63) easterly along the north line of the south 32S.00 feet of the northwest quarter of said Section 24 a distance of 40 fee~ to a point in the east line of the west 40 feet of said Section 24; T~ENCE (64) n6rtherly along last named east line a distance of 995 feet more or less to a point in the north line of the south half of the north half of said Section 24; THENCE (65) easterly along last named north line a distance of'1610 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east half of the west half of the northeast' quarter of the northwest quarter of said Section 24; lttENCE (66)'norhterly along last named west line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the north line of said Section 24; THENCE. (67) easterly along last named north line a distance of 990 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the southeast quarter of said Section 13; THENCE (68) northerly along last named west line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the north line of the south half of the southeast quarter of said Section 13; ltrzNCE (69) easterly along last named north line a distance of 2640 feet more or less to a point in the west line of said Section 18; 'THENCE (70} northerly along last named west line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the north line of the south half of said Section 18; 1~IF-NCE (71j easterly along last named north line a distance of 940 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east 1700 feet of the northwest quarter of ~aid Section 18; I~NCE (72) northerly along last named west' line a distance of ~60 feet more or less ~o a point in the north line of the south half of the south half of the north haif of said Section 18; T}LENCE (73) easterly along last named north line a distance of 3440 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east 900 feet of said Section 18; 11{ENCE (74) northerly along last named west line a distance of 1980 feet more or less to a point i'n the nort~ line of said Section 18; 1~NCE (7S) easterly along last named north line a distance of 900 feet to ~ point in the west line of said Section 8; 1~{ENCE (76) northerly along ia~e named west line a distance of 820 fee~. to a point in the north line of the.south 820 feet of said Section 8; · I~{ENCE (77) easterly along last named north line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east half of the southwest quarter of said Section. 8; 1~ENCE (78) northerly along last named west line a distance of 1820 feet more or less to a point in the north line of the south half of said Section 8; TIIENCE (79) easterly a!onR last f, amcc]-north line and the north line of the south half of said Section 9 a distance of 5280 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east half of the wcst. half of said Section 9; THENCE (80) northerly along last named wef. t line a distance of 2640 feet more or less to a point in the north line of said Section 9; TIIEN~E (81) easterly along last named west line a distance of 2640 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 4; TI~NCE (82) northerly along last named west l{ne a distance of i320 feet more or-less to a point in the north line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 4; THENCE (83) easterly along last named north line a.distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the west line of said Section 3; THENCE (84) northerly along last named ~est line a distance of 1320 feet more or less to a point in the north line of the south half of said SeCtion 3; --- THENCE (85) easterly along last named north line a distance of S2S0'feet more or less to a point in the west line of the east 30 feet of said Section 3; THENCE (86) northerly along last named west line a distance of 2610 feet more or less to a point in the south line of the 'north 30 feet of said Section 3, said point being a point in the southerly right of way line. of County Road No. 696 {Stockdale Highway); THENCE C87) easterly along last named southerly right of way line through said Sections 3 and 2 to the east line of said Section. 2;" THENCE (88)' south 0° 31' 42" west alon~-the east line of said'Section 2 a distance of 2328.94 feet, said point.being a point in the southeasterly right of way line of the Cross Valley Canal, as described in that certain Complaint in Eminent Domain entitled "Kern County Nater Agency, a political subdivision of the .State of -California, Plaintiff, vs. Tenneco l~est, Inc., a Corporation, etal, Defendants," Case No. 127931 in the Superior Court of California, County of Kern; THENCE along'said southeasterly right of way line the following 12 courses; THENCE {89) north 44° 11' 40" east a distance of 208.13 feet; -THENCE (90) south 43~ 48' 20" east a distance of 30.00 feet; THENCE (91) north 44~ 11' 40" east a distance of 189.01 feet; THENCE (92) northeasterly along a tangent curve concave to the southeast, with a radius of 890.00 feet, through a central angle of 35° 48' 28" an arc length of 556.22 feet; THENCE {93} north 80° 00' 08" east a distance of 439.52 feet.; THENCE (94) northeasterly along a tangent curve. concave to the northwest, with a radius of lll0.00-feet, through a central angle of 14° 41' 47" an arc length of 284.72 fee~; THENCE (95} north 63° 18' 21" east a distance of 1041.68 feet; THENCE (96) south 24* 41' 39" east a distance of S.O0 feet to a point on a nontangefft curve, concave to the southeast, of radius of 885.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears south 24° 41' 39" east; ~HIfNC-E ,(97) northeasterly, along said curve, through a cent,r~l '~le 'of 10° 31' S~" an :re dir, tnnce of 162.67 ~cet; · # T!IENCE (98) north 75* 50' 1S" east a distance of' 533.41 feet; -- THENCE (99) northeasterly along a tangent curve, concave to the northwest, with a.iadius of 365.00 feet, through a central angle of 13° 48' 48", an arc length of 88.00 feet; THENCE (100) north 62° 01' 27" east, a distance of 862 feet more or less to a point in the west line of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of ~atd Section 1, said point being a point in said exterior Corporate Boundary; THENCE'(101) southerly and easterly along said exterior Corporate Boundary to the Point of Beginning. .Containing 3380 Acres more or less.