HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 32-78RESOLUTION NO. 32-78 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS AND RECOM- MENDING CERTIFICATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COMPLETION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE CHANGE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF VILLAGE LANE AND STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, KNOWN AS 4901 STOCKDALE HIGHWAY. WHEREAS, it is proposed that approximately 4.96 acres of land'at the Southeast corner of Village Lane and Stockdale Highway, known as 4901 Stockdale Highway currently shown on the Land Use Element as commercial and professional office, and currently zoned C-O-D, be designated on the Land Use Element as con~ercial and rezoned Planned Commercial Development; and WHEREAS, the project sponsors are proposing a 4.96-acre commercial center comprised of six contiguous structures'containing a total of 52,640 square feet o'f space on said affected property; and WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Report on said project was prepared by the City of Bakersfield Development Services Department upon a contract between the City of Bakersfield and Quad COnsultants of Bakersfield, California, and circulated and distributed in accordance with the requirements of law and applicable regulations, the distribution list being included in the Final EIR; and WHEREAS, public and private agencies and individual's submitted written comments on the Draft EIR, as listed in the Final EIRi and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held and conducted by and before the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission in accordance with the procedures required by City Council Resolution 24-77 July 19, 1978 at which hearing the public was entitled to comment upon the Draft EIR; and ~ WHEREAS, the City has responded in writing' to all significant- points raised by the public and private agencies and individuals commenting and any such points raised in the consultation review and public hearing process and the Final EIR consisting of the Draft EIR, comments and recom- mendations received on the Draft EIR, a list of persons, or organizations -2- and public agencies commenting on the Draft EIR and the responses of the City as aforesaid has been c6mpleted by the Development Services Department and placed on the agenda of the regular meeting of the Pla~ning Commission of August 16, 1978 for evaluation and consideration.by said Commission; and WHEREAS, at the said regular meeting, the Planning Commission evaluated and considered the Final EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission Hereby Determines, Finds and Resolves as Follows: 1. That the above recitals are true and correct. 2. That the Final Environmental Impact Report, dated August 1978, has been reviewed, evaluated and considered by the Planning Commission. 3. That the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 24-77.' 4. That the said Final EIR is an accurate and objective dis- cussion of the proposed project and adequately discusses and describes the environmental considerations and mitigation measures which need to be con- sidered prior to the approval of the proposed project. 5. That the various alternatives to the project, including "no project" have been considered in the Final EIR. 6. That in consideration of the above statements and findings, the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the Final EIR be certified as completed in compliance.with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 24-77. -3~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolutio~ was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 15th day of August, !978, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Baldwin, Banks, Davis, Frederickson, Prewett NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Van Horn, Haddad P1 anni~n~' Di rector NluuteS~, PL/C, Page 6 LOT Ad5 of lot lines between Lots 18 and ~9, Tract 3882~.wtll enable of Lot 79 who have puPchased approximately'25 Sufficient are~ for future s~g ~ec~e~ed approval a~d found that the fili~g of a final parcel ~o~ld seF~e ~o substantial public purpose and found that such divl~ :t~ c~plfes ~ith ~equir~e~ts a~d design~ flood wate~ drainage cont~l~ p~'~opriate t~p~ved public ~ads~ ' ~ disposal factltties~ ~ater. ' :lss~oner Banks, and: " " iretrot S~~sue Ce~ficate of Ccmplta~ceo R~VXEW BY CO~tXS ~G OF PROPOSED iLL AROUND PERXM~ER OF ?~CT 3949 corner of Ak.'~s Road and PaBa~a Lane~ Develope~ p construct concPe{e ~o ~s tn ~hich concrete slats.will be .Ission has wells ~ith tr~s sho~ d be p~vi.ed a ong ~allso '. . - submitted and ~evi~ed with the addition.of t~ee v~ils and t~ees spaced t50 feet apart around'the pefimete~o ~so AOO~XON O_ ~,._EAN~,~,2!,H},;~cOJ~JjSXO~jL~!:SO~L_Lr[XO. N Planning Con~lsston Resolution 32-78 cove~& Final EXR fop 4901S~oe~,l, Highway a~d making findings and .~eeo~aending ce~tification by the City Cou~cllo Principal Plam~er Net Tooker reviewed the amendment process and the DEXR requirea in order to c~plete the p~ojecto If EXR is approved by City Councll~ the next step'required by the developer is application for zone Change to allow construction of the PCDo ~o Roy Carver t~fo~ed Cmisston he has conferred with the insurance cci~pany who had responded to the OEXR; site has been approved by them° Mro Carver has entered into agreement with Tenneco, and there will be no ~aPkets or movie theaters° The PCD~,Nll control the type of tenants he ~it1 have° p P~e 7 15o Plann~n_~ Co _m~J~sJ~,n P, esolu~on 32o7_8~ Commissioner Baldwin felt a lette~ should ~e su~n~ed and ~eccm~ part ~he file s~a~ng ~h~ the zoning should be changed= and figure of 2 pePcen~ given on Page 16o ~h~ch P~a11~ amounts ~omoP~ ~han 10 pePc~nL ~,~ro Dennis Tr~ple~ ~f quad Consul~n~s, au~ho~ apologized for ~h~ On inot~On by Ccn~n~ss~oner Banks~ seconded by Cecmg~ss~oner Davis, and carrtedo. Co~ntss~on appro~ed and adopted ReSolutiOn Noo32-78-of · Planning Co~n~ss~on ma~ng findings and r~c~nd~g ceP~f~cat~on m~n~ and Zone Change co~eP~9 ~h~ southe~s~ co~e~ ~f Yfil~e Lane $~d~e H~g~a~ k~ as 490~ S~kda~e Htgh~ T~T ~N PROPERTY ~ C~TY OF BA~RSF~ELD LOCATED ~ST OF FA~RF~ c . eet H~re noticed.' St~ffmde environmental asses~n~ and post~ and dvert~sed e negat~ ~ng ChaPman Baldwin ~he po~on o~ ~he hear~ag by soliciting Pastor ~ack Ha~ ~h~ p~esen~ church ~ ~n~dequa~e~ as '~hey me~'Sng the R~eds of ~e .pie b~ ~n~ a11~ to qua~te~, s~nce ~hey The~e ~as no person ~ho ~shed ~o s quested zone c ange~ On ~on b~ a~d c~P~edo p~b~c p~on of ~he On mo~on b~ ~s~one~ Pre~att~ and c~r?~ed, don appro~ed cons~s~en~ ~t~h ~he Ge~l P~an by ~he foll~dng rol~ cal~ ~o~e: AYES: NOES: ~one ~en~iss~oners Va , ddad