HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 86-78RESOLUTION NO. 86-78 RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, IDENTIFIED AS ANNEXATION NO. 274 (RANCHERIA NO. 1). WHEREAS,'the City of Bakersfield desires to propose a change of organization; to wit, the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the hereinafter-described territory under the authority of Section 35140 of the Government Code of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby Resolves, Finds, and Determines as follows: 1. That the City of Bakersfield hereby proposes the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the territory described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein~ 2. That a map of the territory proposed to be so annexed, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto, and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. That a Plan For Providing Services within the affected territory of the proposed annexation, in accordance with the provi- sions of Section 35102 of the Government Code is marked as Exhibit "C", attached hereto, and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 4. That this proposal for change of organization, to wit, annexation, is made pursuant to the Municipal Organization Act of 1977, commencing with Section 35000 of the Government Code of the State of California, it is requested that proceedings be authorized for annexation in accordance therewith. 5. That the reason for the proposed change of organization is to include the dedicated right-of-way of Rancheria Road within the city limits of the City of Bakersfield. 6. The zoning upon annexation of RANCHERIA NO. 1 will be essentially the same as presently exists in the county. 7. That the names of the officers of the City of Bakersfield who are to be furnished with copies of the Executive Officer's Report and who are to be given mailed Notice of Hearing, if any, are: H. E. BERGEN City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 K. W. HOAGLAND City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Legal Counsel for Applicant) 8. That the appropriate City officials shall file ten (10) copies of this Resolution, with Exhibits, with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County at 1110 Twenty-Sixth Street, Bakersfield, California. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of August, 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, CI IRIST. EN,~EN, MEDDERS, RA.t:Rr, ROGERS, SCEALES, ~T~C,NG NOES: COUNCILMEN: --~T'I~C/it~C~ ABSENT: COUNCI~EN:~ ~ V A~TAINING COUNCI~EN, ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ CiTY CL '~~an~ flClO Cler o APP:,.. ~ ',~L2~i~S ~9t, ..d:'~j :~t, 1978 "' Of Bakersfield APPROVED as to ' f~rm: CIT ~RN Y a ersfield Y E k 'ANNEXATION NO.. 274 RANCHERIA NO. 1 A parcel of land situate in the County of Kern, State of California, being portions of Sections t~2and tlof Township 29 South, Range 29 East, M.D.M., being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 2, thence S 89° 02' 20" W, a distance of 231.77 feet, more or less, to 'a point on the westerly right of way line of present Rancheria Road, said point being in the exterior Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, and the True Point of Beginning; THENCE (1) generally southeasterly, Southwesterly and north- westerly along said Corporate Boundary to a point in the centerline of the Kern River intersected by the southerly prolongation of the west line of the' east half of the east half of said Section 2; THENCE (2) departing from said exterior Corporate Boundary., northerly along said east line, a distance of 5480 feet, more or less, to the north line of said Section 2; THENCE (3) easterly along said north line, a distance of .1088.77 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 169.7 Acres, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" i i ! ! ! i I i I I I I I I I I I ! · I I I I I I I I I I c- C: c- c- (:D r-,' r~ I--' S- c'- (:~ c- > (D n,,' X ~ (D --s (:ui > n,,' Xi I.-- · f4 ;A ~ X c- r.. o o c,J r._) X X x x X X :::s ::~ o o 4J ~ 4~ 4~. 4~ c- c- r- c- c- O o o o o o ¢_) O O C) (_) C,) -H -H c,~l---Er', u--~oE 0 r- t~ U x :,- 3 -> ~_ r- U 0 tJLd~ ~ 0- ~ · '0 III · hq~t 'effects, if any, would annexatio,n of this territory have on existing level of city services (i,e~, need for additional emergency service personnel or con- struction of new faciiiti. es, etc.)? - This annexation will not appreciably affect the ability or capacity of the city to supply n&~ded' urban services. Would city require any upErading or chang'e in facili{ies to serve affected terri- tory (roads, fire hydrants, mains, etc.)? If so, would city or residents be responsible for financing?-- The roadway presently located on undedicated ~and wl~] at some time _ in the future be relocated'on ~he dedicatea right-of-waY. vL Indicate ~nd exp'lain existing zoning in affected territory- The ex, i s~ing zoning is A (Agricultural) in the ~ounty. There wi]~ be no ch~qe in zoning upon annexation.(see attached zoning map 104) Indicate and explain proposed prezoning in area. (List effects on present land use that would occur as a result of annexation such as maintenance of livestock on property, etc.) The.zoning upon annexation will be commensurate with that use .. presently .existing on the proper~y (i.e., agricultural)- LLj t~c~z 'N :% e) ,"1 ,.:I VII. VIII. List city services that area will directly or indirectly benefit from such as decrease in fire insurance rate, shorter emergency response time, use of com- munity facilities, etc. The c~ty public safety ser~,~ces wi]] no doubt have a shorter response t~me repard~n9 !ca]led for' services. Should development take place, tire ~nsurance rates may b~ less expensive. Please provide the following information relative to citZ and county' taxes: List existing tax rate(s) in area. T.he tax d~fferentia] characteristics cannot be ascertained arthis time. They are subject to ~he provisions ot t~e Jarv~s-Gann ~n~t~at~ve. List-.city tax rate(s). N/A How will the difference in tax rates affect, a house with a market value of