HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 62-78RESOLUTION NO. 62-78 RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, IDENTIFIED AS ISLAND ANNEXATION NO. 263 (WIBLE NO. 4). WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to propose the annexation to such City of the hereinafter described territory under the authority of Section 35224.5 of the Government Code, which territory is an island under the provisions of Subdivision (f) of Section 35150 of the Government Code. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby RESOLVES, FINDS AND DETERMINES as follows: 1. That the City of Bakersfield proposed the annexation to such City of the territory described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 2. That a map of the territory proposed to be so annexed, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto, and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. That a Plan for providing services within the affected territory of the proposed annexation, in accordance with the provisions of Section 35102 of the Government Code is marked as Exhibit "C", attached hereto, and made a part hereof as though fully set forth in this Resolution. 4. That the territory proposed to be annexed as des- cribed in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", meets the follow- ing criteria as an island under the provisions of Subdivision (f) of Section 35150 of the Government Code: (1) Does not exceed 100 acres in area and such area constitutes the entire island. (2) Is surrounded by the City of Bakersfield to which annexation is proposed. (3) IS substantially developed. (a) (b) (c) Public utility services are available Public improvements are present Physical improvements are present on the parcels within such area. (4) Is not prime agricultural land as defined in Section 35046 of the Government Code; and (5) Will benefit from such annexation and is receiving benefits from the City of Bakersfield. 5. That this proposal for annexation is made pursuant to the Municipal Organization Act of 1977, commencing with Section 35000 of the Government Code of the State of California; it is requested that proceedings be taken for annexation in accordance therewith. 6. follows: (a) That the reasons for the proposed annexation are as to remove an island of unincorporated territory so that the City's jurisdiction will be physically uniform in the area; (b) to receive tax revenues for benefits given and to be given to the territory proposed to be annexed. 7. That the City will prezone the area described in Exhibit "A" and that such zone classification will be as stated in Paragraph VI of the Plan for Providing Services. set forth in Exhibit "C" herein. 8. That all public utility services are available and presently in use in some instances in the area proposed to be annexed. 9. That the area is developed with single-family and commercial structures. 10. That the benefits the area will receive upon annexa- tion include the following: (a) Police protection (b) Fire protection (c) Sewer service (d) Refuse service (e) Residents' participation in City elections. 11. That the benefits the area is receiving from the City of Bakersfield include the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Street sweeping in adjacent areas Tree trimming in rights-of-way Disposal of storm water and nuisance drainage Sewer service at residents' expense Street lighting. 12. The names of the officers of the City of Bakersfield who are to be furnished with copies of the executive officer's report and who are to be given mailed notice of hearing are: H. E. Bergen City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 K. W. Hoagland City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Legal Counsel for Applicant) 13. That the appropriate City officials shall file ten (10) copies of this Resolution with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County at 1110 - 26th Street, Bakersfield, California. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 14th day of June, 1978, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BARTON, CHRISTENSEN, MEDDERS, RATTY, ROGER5, 5CEAI.E$, ;',~3ES: COUNCILMEN: , ~0 ., ~'BSENT: COUNCILMEN: , ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: , ~ ~ CITY~L~RKan~~d~/ Officio Cle of Council.of the ~f Bakers~eld ~~D t,h~,.i~F.~.t \da of June, 1978 APPROVED, ~'S~:t7~ form: CITY ATTORNEY of Bakersfield the ANNEXATION NO .' 26S WIBLE NO. 4 A. parcel of land Situate in the County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 30 South', Range 27 East, M.D.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the west line of the east 75 feet with the north line of the south 45 feet of said Section 11, said intersection being a point in the existing exterior Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; THENCE, clockwise along said exterior Corporate Boundary, completely circumscribing the parcel of land herein described, to the Point of Beginning. Said'parcel also being described as Tract No. 2570, recorded October 17, 1961, in Map Book 12 at Page 80; Tract No. 2603, · recorded September 21, 1962, in Map Book 13 at Page 50; Tract No. 2604, recorded November 2, 1962, in Map Book 13 at Page 77; and Tract No. 2605 recorded November 30, 1962, in Map Book ~i3 at Page 91, as said Tracts are recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said Kern County. 'Containing'30.84 Acres, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" ~ ~ 0 (,.) ~ o.,-~ U (.) 0 0 .H 4J t~ 0 ~D .PI I::: k ~ o ~J ~J .,.4 0 "U k 4-~ (/) ~ ;:: ;~ 0 'o 0 0 o ,-~ o © '{/'} © ~ -.-I o -.-I G i -H ~ -H G J::-H 0 0 ~.~ ~:>~ ~DO-i.J(l.} -,-I ~ . 0 -,-I -iJ 0 0 · -H · ~l .,-I ~ :> m ~ O © O ~1 ~1 4J ~:0~ .-c:~o-,~ -IJ 0 (~ -IJ ~ ,-I :>~ © o ~o0 o ~ ~i -,-I -~--,-.I ,-I ~ 0 0 :H ~,.-I~©© -,-lOG u~i. · ,-I .© m: ~G -.-I©~:> 0 ©. · ~1 rj e I::: -H · o © r--I ,--I -j -H ~ -,-t r..) -,-I © III. What effects, if any, would annexation of this territory have on existing level of city services (i.e., need for additional emergency service personnel or con- struction of new facilities, etc.)? This anhexation will not affect the level or c~pac~y of the those necessary urban services~ IV. .Would city require any upgrading or change in faciliiies to serve affected terri- tory (roads, fire hydrants, mains, etc.)? If so, would city or residents be responsible for financing?~ Sewers would become more readily available to area residents and financing Would b~ by improvement districts should they choose to install sewers. Indicate ~nd exp'lain existing zoning in affected territory. ~ See Attached Map (123-11) VI. Indicate and explain proposed prezoning in area. (List effects on present land use that would occur as a result of annexa.tion such as maintenance of livestock on property, etc.) There would be no effect upon the existing land uses in this territory. The zoning upon annexation would remain the same (i.e. R-1 (Residential) and C-1 (Commercial) CK! ~ :~ Ld · C.")~ C.)n'' VII. List city services that area will directly or indirectly benefit from such as decrease in fire insurance rate, shorter emergency. response time, use of com- munity facilities, etc. Public safety services ar~ more readily pr~v~a~a hy th~ ~ty than the county Fire incura~oc rates are less cEponsivo in the city. VIII. Please provide the following information relative to city and county taxes: List existing tax rate(s) ifi area. Tax Code Area Taxes 106-010 $10.8155 List city tax rate(s). $9. 7279 + 2.57 = $12. 2979 How will the difference in tax rates affect a house with a market value of ~D0~O00 Assume net assessed value of $10,750. City taxes $1322.02/year County taxes $1162.67/year Difference 159.35/year 'NOTE: The net difference does not account ~or lower ~ire rates in the city when compared to the county. Collection fees that'are not collected when in the city nor does it account for the unquanitifiable attributes of better public safety -. services.