HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 76-80RESOLUTION NO." 78-80 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DECLARING THE RESULTS OF CANVASS OF RETURNS IN THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1980. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City Council does hereby find, determine, and declare as follows: a. That pursuant to applicable law, a General Municipal Election was held and conducted in said City on the 4th day of November, 1980, for the purpose of electing a Mayor; and b. That said election was held and conducted in conformity with all applicable provisions of law; and c. That pursuant to direction of the City Council, the County Clerk of the County of Kern has heretofore conducted a canvass of the results thereof and has filed with said City Council a certificate relating thereto, a copy of which is attached hereto, which certificate.has been examined and is hereby accepted by this City Council; d. That the City Council does hereby accept the canvass of record of said election as certified by said County Clerk and does hereby resolve, determine, and declare the results of said General Municipal Election for Mayor as follows: Charles H. Dodge Mary K. Shell 14,473 22,997 e. That Mary K. Shell is hereby declared to be elected to the office of Mayor for the City of Bakersfield for the full term of four years. 2. That the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. .o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the 'Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10th day of December, 1980, by the following vote: CITY CL~a~nd Ex O ficio Clerk of Council of thinkersfield AP~P~O~E-D this;~-.0t-h day/of D cember, 1980 APP ROVED' ~a s~.~~' form: the CERTmFmCATE OF CA ASS OF RETURNS 'SO DEC NOVEMBER 4:1980 GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION I, GALE S. ENSTAD: County Clerk of the County of Kern~ State of California, hereby certify that on Thursday~ November 6~ 1980 I canvassed the returns of the General Municipal Election in the City of Bakersfield held on November 4~ 1980 and consolidated with the General Election. I further certify that the Statement of Votes Cast to which this certificate is attached shows the number of ballots cast for the office of Mayor of said City; the name of each candidate for said office; the number of votes cast in each precinct for each candidate~ and the total number of votes cast for .each candidate. DATED: December 3, 1980. GALt S. ENSTAD County Clerk PAGE 6.1 ~ERN COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER q,)980 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAYOR rY o >- rY ~_ LU ~J O ~j -J 0 0 I-- -J I CONSOLIDATED 17 CONSOLIDATED 18 CONSOLIDATED 19 ::CONSOE~:~E~::i~20 :~CONSOLIDA'~ED.ii21:' '::CONSOEID~'~ED:~i!2~. CONSOLIDATED 23 CONSOLIDATED 2~ 729 588 349 228 713 560 354 194 426 331 1~2 131 3a~: sc?! ~ ~:::s:i~:l~ ii>:::i3'S '::hi>i:::.;::: 52S} 382: i ~ i>!:>-~3i: 'f~:i';~:.i4'2 ii~.!!!i~i~!:':ii!~ '! 7~ 55~ 3q2 202 8~2 ~?O q20 CONSOLIDATED 25 ~96 566 374 180 · 'CONSO~I~ATED~{':26". 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