HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 70-80 RESOLUTION NO. 70'80 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROVIDING FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES UPON LOCAL AGENCY JURISDICTIONAL CHANGE RESULTING FROM ANNEXATION NO. 281, LAFCO PROCEEDING NO. 735 (REAL NO. 4). WHEREAS, Section 99 of the Revenue and Taxation Cod~ (enacted by Chapter 282, amended by Chapter 1161, Statutes of 1979) provides that prior to the effective date of any local agency jurisdictional change, other than a city incorporation or formation of a new district as defined in Section 2215 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, the governing bodies of all agencies whose service areas or service responsibilities would be altered by such change shall determine the amount of property tax revenues to be exchanged between and among such affected agencies; and WHEREAS, Section 99(b) of the Revenue and Taxation Code provides that no such jurisdictional change may become effective until each county and city included in such negotiation agrees, by resolution, to accept the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues; and WHEREAS, Section 99(b) of the Revenue and Taxation Code further provides that in the event that such a jurisdictional change affects the service area or service responsibility of one or more special districts, the Board of Supervisors of the county in which such district or districts are located shall, on behalf of the district or districts, negotiate any exchange of property tax revenues; and WHEREAS, the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission has requested that the Kern County Board of Supervisors and the Cit~ Council of the City of Bakersfield determine property tax revenues which should be exchanged between and among the local agencies involved in the pending jurisdictional change identified as: J and CITY OF 'BAKERSFIELD Annexation NO. 281 LAFCO Proceeding No. 735 (REAL NO. 4) WHEREAS, the County Administrative Officer, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors, and the City Manager, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, have met and examined the LAFCO Report and Recommendation regarding the aforesaid jurisdic- tional change, which Report and Recommendation re Proceeding No. 735 is made a part of this resolution, and have found and reported to their respective governing bodies the determinations set forth in this resolution. ~ .-= NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, having previously adopted a concurring resolution, a determination is hereby made that there will be no transfers of service responsi- bilities to the City of Bakersfield from local agencies currently serving in the area of the proposed City of Bakersfield Annexation No. 281 by reason of such annexation, except as follows: County of Kern General Fund ..... Partial Kern County Structural Fire Protection Area ........... All and, accordingly, that property tax revenues which may accrue within the tax rate areas comprising the proposed City of Bakersfield Annexation No. 281 for fiscal year 1981-82 and thereafter should be transferred to the City of Bakersfield as follows: From County 'of Kern General Fund, that portion determined by multiplying the property tax revenues received by the County of Kern General Fund from the area of the proposed annexation in fiscal year 1980-81 by the quotient determined by dividing the amount of property tax revenues rece~yed.!by ~he City Of Bakersfield in fiscal year 1980-81 by the sum of the amount of property tax revenues recei'ved by the County of Kern General Fund from within the City of Bakersfield in fiscal year 1980-81 plus the amount of property tax revenues received by the City of Bakersfield in fiscal year 1980-81. From Kern' County St.ructural~ Fi~re Protection Area, the property tax revenues received by the Kern County Structural Fire Protection Area from the area of the proposed annexation in fiscal year 1980-81; 2. The Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is directed to inform the Board of Supervisors of the County of Kern, the managers of the service areas named herein, the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission, and the Kern County Auditor-Controller of 'the aforesaid determination by transmittal to them of certified copies of this resolution. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of November, 1980, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BA ON, CHRISTEN~.FN, M~AN~, MJI. L~J~, J~A~N~, ~t ~N~ NOES: COUNCILMSN~~ ~, .' ';-~ ...... ~ ......==~ ....... ~ ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: A CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the COUNTY OF ~ STATE 'OF CA~i~.~P~NIA ::)jjL '!.~' 'i~j~U In the Matter of CITY OF BAKERSFIELD: Annexation No. 281 (Real No. 4) CITY ATTO~EY'S OFFICE Proceeding No, 735 REPORT A~D RECOMMENDATION July 17, 1980 In the above-entitled matter the staff report and the recommendation of the executive officer are respectfully submitted as follows: APPLICANT: City .of Bakersfield. PURPOSE: The reasons for the proposed change of organization are that the owners of the affected territory desire to receive, and in some instances already are receiving, municipal services from the City of Bakersfield and the City desires to receive tax revenues for the benefits given and to be given to the territory proposed to be annexed. 190% LANDOWNER CONSENT: No. NOTICE AND HEARING R~QUIRED: Yes. OWNERSHIP OF TERRITORY: Multiple. Sixteen (16) assessment parcels. GEOGRAPHY: 8 acres contiguous to the existing corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield. Subject territory is bounded+on the east by Real Road, on the north by Stockdale Highway, and the south by Elcia Drive. Williamson Way is the westerly boundary at the northerly portion of subject territory.. TOPOGRAPHY: Substantially level. DRAINAGE BASIN: Buena Vista Lake. SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT: No. 4 POPULATION AND D~SITY: Uninhabited. ACCESS: North-south: Real Road and Williamson Way East-west: Elcia Drive and Stockdale Highway KCLAFC #20 (Rev. 10774) "' · . - ' ; ',z Page '2 Proceeding No. 735 PROXIMITY TO POPULATED AREAS: REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION July 17, !980 Subject territory is withintheestablished sphere of influence for the City of Bakersfield ASSESSED VALUATION: 'Secured: $425,632 Unsecured: $-0- BOUNDARIES: (1) Definite and certain; (2) do correspond with lines of ownership; (3) do not correspond with tax ares code lines. There is no detriment indicated by (3). There are no natural boundaries. LOCAL AGENCY OVERLAY Bakersfield School District Kern Joint UniOn High School District Kern Community College District County Service Area 12.1 Kern County' Water Agency Kern Mosquito Abatement District Kern River Levee District Bakersfield Separation of Grade District Golden Empire Transit District Kern Air Pollution Control District Kern Citrus Pest Control District AUTHORITY OVERLAP: The City of Bakersfield possesses authority to perform some of the functions of the following districts which overlay the territory to be annexed: County Service Area 12.1; Kern County Water Agency; Kenq Mosquito Abatement District; Kern River Levee District; Bakersfield Separation of Grade District; Golden Empire Transit District; Kern Air Pollution Control District; and Kern Citrus Pest Control District, FUNCTION OVERLAP: County Service Area 12.1 will cease to function in this area.. ISLANDS OR CORRIDORS: None. LAND USE SUBJECT TERRITORY: PRESENT: Shopping Center. ADJACENT TERRITORY: PRESENT: Commercial and residential. SUBJECT TERRITORY: FUTURE: Should remain relatively static. ADJACENT TERRITORY: FUTURE: Should remain 'relatively static. PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES (non-governmental): Electric power, gas and telephone are available to subject territory. Page 3 Proceeding No. 735 GOVERN~AL~SERVICES k~) CONTROLS REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION July 17, 1980 EXISTENCE 0F: FUTURE NEEDS: Essential governmental services and controIs now provided, or which may be provided in the future by local governmental agencies within subject territory include the following: Type Law enforcement Fire protection Planning and zoning Health Schools Sewer Street maintenance Air pollution control Mosquito abatement control Citrus pest control Now provided by Co~mty of Kern County County County School districts City County Kern Air Pollution Control District Kern Mosquito Abatement District Kern Citrus Pest Control District After proposed action future need provided by City of B~ersfield City City County Same Same City Same SaIRe Same COST: TAXATION: Tax Area Code: 56-05 Ad valorem taxes are limited to one percent of fair market· value. ADEQUACY: Governmental services and controls are adequate. NEED FOR 0RGANiZEDC0~0NITY SERVICES: None. EFFECT OF PROPOSED ACTION MUTUAL SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INTERESTS: Proposed ~ction will integrate subject territory with the City of Bakersfield so that the proposed territory will become an integral part of the social and economic interests of the city as a whole. LOCAL GOVE, Rh~MENTAL STRUCTURE: Proposed action will include subject territory within the corporate limits of the City of Bakersfield and will remove the area from the. unincorporated territory of the County of Kern. County Service Area 12.1 will cease to fm~ction in this area. With these exceptions,' the proposed action will have no effect on the County of Kern or any other local agency within the county. · EFFECT ON ADJACENT AREAS: None. Page 4 "" 'Proceeding No. 735 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION July 17, 1980 C0NFOF~'~G-TY ~WITH CITY OR COUNTY PLANS: Subject action does not conflict with any general or specific plan of the County of Kern or the City of Bakersfield. ALTERNATE ' COURSES OF ACTION: None. CONDITIONS REQUESTED BY APPLICANT: None. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEFENT: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEOA), as amended, State Guidelines, and the LocalAgency Formation Commission, County of Kern, Regulations and Procedures for'the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, an Initial Study has been completed for this project. The Initial Study together with LAFC0 Exhibit Form No. 30 "A" is attached to this Report and Recommendation and by reference made a part hereof. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The commission file a negative delcaration in this matter. The commission approve the proposed Annexation No. 281 (Real No. 4) to the City of Bakersfield. Dated: July 17, 1980 Respectfully submitted, ExecEutive Offi ~