HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 33-81 (2) ,PRecorded at the request of SAFECO TITLE iNSURANCE ~ ,: . SAF. E:C~ .... ~ Ti]'LE iNSURANCE CO/v~PANy ~22'7 CHESTER AVE., P. O. BOX 1845 ~AKERSFIELD., CALIFORNIA 93303 PHONE: 327-5251 RESOLUTION NO. 33-81 A RESOLUmION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CZ2Y OF BAXBRS~ZSSD CONS,gN%'!NC TO ~a~ .... -- -'-,", PROPOSED ASSIGN~,IENT BY BAKERSFIELD COURTHOUSE RACQUETBA[..E/H/~NDBAL[, COURTS OF ITS RIGHTS '- AND OBLIGATi[OF~S UNDER AGREEMENT 76-110, AND AMEND.~IENTS THERETO, TO GANNON EbITERPRISES, INC. AND RUDY KOCHEVAR. WIIEREAS, Agreement No. 76-110 entered between the City of Bakersfield and, by assignment, Bakers field Courthouse Racquet- ball/Handball Courts, a limited partnership, provides that the City Council must consent to any proposed assignment of said Agree.,7:en t; and WI-I}~',EAS, Ba~ersfield Courthouse Racquetbaii/Handbal. 1 Courts have requested the consent of the City Council to the proposed assignment of their rights and obligations to Gannon Enterprises, inc. and Rudy Kochevar; and WHEREAS, Bakersfield Courthouse Racquetba!i/Handball Co~2rts have submitted the fj. nancia! s~.atements of Gannon Enterprises, Inc. and Rudy Kochevar; and WHEREAS, other required documentation will be supplied ~-~,-the a~-signors and as.sianees to the ~a~isfaction of_.the City At'torney. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: The City Council consents to the proposed assignment of Agreement No. 76-110, and amendments thereto, from Bakers field Courthouse Racquetbail/Handball Courts to Gannon Enterprises, Inc. and Rudy Kochevar upon the following conditions: 1. The proposed assignee shall furnish to the City -Man-ager, in'recordable form; an assumption of all' the covenants, conditions~ terms and',~obligations of Agreement No. 76-i10 and amendments thereto. eoo :5383 854 2. A true copy of any and all notes~ mortga. ges or other oblig_a~ions executed pursuant to this proposed assignment shall be submitted for approval by the' City Attorney· 3. Any notes, mortgages or other obligations executed pursuant to this proposed assignment shall provide that the City of Bakersfield shall have the right to purchase assignee's obliga- tion without the payment of any prepayment penalty or other penalties. 4. Any other documentation deemed necessary .by the City Attorney shall be submitted for approval by' the City Attorney prior to completion of the assignment transaction. "5. 'Within ten (10) days of the effective da't'e of the assignment, the assigno~ and assignee shall file with the City Manager an executed written document notifying the City of Bakers- field that the assignment transaction has been completed. o0o Booi538, 855 ': I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was p~s~d~?l~F'~dOpted 'by--Lhe-'Coun-cil-of~ ~he-City-o.f--Bakens.fi~ld_.a_t_ a regular meeting thereof held on the 20thday of May', 1981, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: ~, CHRISTENSEN, MEANS, PAYNE, RAI'FY, ROCKOFF, STRONG ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: ~~ ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: - /S/Philip Kelmar CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APRROVED__this-20th day of__~.~y,__1981 /S/Mary K. Shell' MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: /S/Richard J. Oberholzer' ....... _C_I__TY AT_T_D_R_N_EY Q.f_ the CitV_Q_f Bakersfield 0s'.,.5383 856 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } : _~OUyty Of Kern . .. ss. /, [, PHILIP KELNIAR, City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, State of California, hereby certify the foregoing and annexed to be ';~ ~full, true and correct copy of the original Resolution ~o. 33-81 P~ssed ~nd ~do2pted by the Council o~ the C~ty o~ :B~ke~s~e21d ~t ~ ~e~u:l~ rneet-~'nk"'.the=eo~ held the 20th dsty o~ 1%4~y 1981 on file in this off!cexaR~l>~{~FIC~7~o~ar~d the same with the original. ' ~:'?~'~¢~'~"'¢:~'~ . / Deputy Clerk Pursuant to City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 33-81~ the undersigned City Attorney has reviewed a true copy of the Assignment of Lease, the notes, mortgages and other obligations, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and find the said Assignment of Lease, notes, mortgages, and other obligations to be in satisfactory compliance with the requirements of Agreement No. 76-110 and amendments thereto, and Resolution No. 33-81. DATED: June 18, 1981 By CITY OF BAKERSFIELD City Attorney