HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-81RESOLUTION NO. 8-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE FOR KERN COUNTY UNDER THE CALIFORNIA PARKLAND ACT OF 1980 WHEREAS, the California Parklands Act of 1980 requires that each county shall consult with all cities and districts within the county which are eligible to receive grant funds under provisions of the Act'and develop and submit to the state for approval a priority plan for expenditure of the county's allocation; and WHEREAS, the County of Kern has conshlted with said cities and districts, including the City of Bakersfield, and has prepared a priority plan for expenditure of the county's allocation, including expenditures by eligible cities and districts, said priority plan being attached hereto marked Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to approve said priority plan. NOW,THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the priority plan for the expenditure of Kern County's allo- cation of funds under the California Parklands Act of 1980, a copy of which plan is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Kern County Park and Recreation Department. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of February, 1981, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN BARTON, CHRISTENSEN, MEANS, MILLER, PAYNE, RAT'W, STRONG NOES: COUNCtLMEN ~ ~ _4o , ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: /r-) ~ ~, ABSTAINING: COUNCILMEN: -'~2 ~ "/ CITY the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to fom: i. ,/l~Domestic Water Suppli~, For~. STATE OF CALIFOBNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEAI,TH (Name of municipality or civil subdivision) organized under___-C--h-_-a--r- ~t-9-r-___-f_.j---r--s_t--__-r--a..t_-i-_-f-i- e,_d__~_~ app rov ed-~-b`Z~h-e.g`i-~s-.~-a--.t-`u-~.r-9-~-by.~.c-~-n-~c-~.u--r-~F~L~t~ on January 23, 191S o (state whether special charter or under general law, giving class and date o{ incorporation) To the State Department of Health 9,151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, California. 94704 Pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application is hereby made to said State Department of Health for a permit to ...... _i_ _n_ _ c_ _l_ _ _u_ .d.e_ _ ~.s_ .............. sources of water two new wells known as Pumping Plant No, Ashe 10 ~ Ashe 11. 'ii;;, ~ X;~ i';i ;~ii'iiii i'ii,~Tii ~ ifii; ';,iii'i'i,~';~i'il;;, ffi'i;;"7~ii; ;'i;'~%I ill ;i'll';; 'i,%';iC 'iT;i;' ~ii':tii~' '~%'i'i; i; ';iii ;' iii i iii; i' %'; 'i i ifi ii;,;i' i ............................ works or sources and state nature of improvement in works. Enttmerate definitely source or sources of supply, kind of works use~ or considered (ff known) ;aa: ......................................................................................... Dated ........................................................, 19 ........ OFFICIAL SEAL HERE Before making application for permit, such action must be authorized by resolution of the governing board, s Y form furnished by the State Department of Health (Domestic Water Supplies, Form A2) and a copy of such resolution, duly eertitled by the clerk of such board, must accompany the application. STATE OF' C LIFOBN DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Certified Copy of Resolution ( To accompany application on Form A1 ) "Resolved by the Ci.t_X Council ............................................... (City council, board of trustees or other govermng body ) (City, town or county, etc.) that pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application by this ........ .C__i__t_y_ .........................be made to the State Department of Health, for a permit to ( City, town or county, etc. ) include as sources of water two new wells known as Pu,m_j2i.n_X Plant Ashe 10 ~ Applicant must state specifically what is being applied for--whether to construct new works, to use existing works, to make alterations or additions in Ashe 11 Water analXsis, lo~ and site _plan are enclosed for the new facili_tff. works or sources and state nature of improvement in works. Enumerate de~nite]y source or sources of supply, kind of works used or considered (if known) and specify the locality to be served. Additional sheets may be attached. that the ...............-M--a--Y--°-r.- ...........................................of said- .........--C--i---t-Y---C-P--u--n---c--i--1- ................................................. (Title of chief executive officer) (City council, board of trustees or other governing body) be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary data to be prepared, and investigations to be made, and in the name of said .............. -C---i-~X .....................................................to sign and file such application with the (City, town or county, etc.) said State Department of Health. Council Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the ..................................................................................................................... ( Governing body ) of the_---C--i-t-X-9-f--.-B-a-k--e-r--~-f--i-e-!-d- .............................on the .................................day of ........................................,19 ......... ( City, town or county, etc. ) OFFICIAL SEAL Clerk of said ......................._Gi_!:_y___Qf____B__a__k_e__r__$_f_i_e_l_d_ ................................................................... (City, to~rn or county, etc.) EH !01 (10-73) ,8982-4s0 11[.73 EM (D OSP Owner: Name .......i~_:L ~':'~3'-- ~2::,:~-'d-~":?~:-- '~r.:-?-~D--C::='i .................................... Addre ss--~%L-'iLi-;----~ "-:i/.ii:L~- -~;-~;:r:-~-~:~%- ............................................ ___7~_h.:.r.::-~' %..~..~:r--fZ---~-:~:~:,--~_~: ................................ Well log: Total depth of well ......?-),:5-,~ ......ft. Depth From Ground Surface SbIEET i Do Not Fill State Well No .................................... Other Well No ................................... Region ............................................... 1 ( 2 ) Proposed use or uses (check): ( 3 ) Dumc:,tic [Zj Municipal Irrigation ~ Industrial ,F' Donaestic and 'rest well [] Irrigation Other ................................................. (4) Type of work (check): /~ F ~ -' 2..., New well ['~%~:: Reconditionlug of well Deepening existing well ["t Equipment used (c,)eck ) Rotary Cable [] Dug weH Other Give details of formations penetrated, such as sik, peat, muck, saud, gravel, clay, shale, sand- stone, hardpan, rock. Include size of gravel (diamet,:r) and sand (fine, medium, coarse), color of material, structure (loose, packed, cemented, soft, hard, brittle). ..... '---O ............ft. to .....:~-O ............ft. If additional space is required, continue on DWR Form No. 246--Supplement, and attach to respective report copies. (6) Casing left in well: LENGTH DIAMETER FT. INCHES .... 12:D..O1 ....... '~'~ *D t,._j__,__,.k .......... ..... '.L:_,i'jL7 ....... " ...... v_, ; ........ L~,,.: ..... ~ ......... ..Zl.q,]..~ .......lfi%_iD. ......... Type and size of shoe or well ring ............ ~eldcd joints--~] Yes SINGLE. DOUBLE, WELDED, LBS. PER FOOT OR OTHER GAGE OF CASIN'G Fi*': 'LL~" h,+sl :."".~:~ b-~,"k "' .......................... ~ ...... =-~ .................. ~_:L~.% ............... ................................................ !L. b_L~nk .............. L" ...............r._ ............-"--_~_~r~ .......!! .................... .................................. Z ...............~__~,~ · ............................. ~ No SEATING BEL. O,.',/ GROUND SURFACE. FT. D.V,e.R. FORM NO. 246 r NOFW. BA Ri-,tL. OGI I T'IO' California Water Service Baker~i~lj___ BDI~___ San Jose 10-~-80 :LO=_7 : 1 __~p_e~l - New well TEST COM-- PL, ETED lO-q WeZ1 CBK-10 Well CBK-10 i · Coliformbacterie was not detected in this sample. Determined by membrane filter technique. EY G. W. Adrian EAC TE~'IOLOGI5~ CA~FORH.[A NATER SERUICE MINERAL ANAL YSIS # CON ,~ ~, 2 .'?. BAKERSFIELD -- CBK #10 NEW WELL SAt'IPL ED 6 1780 N6..."L 12~5 HOURS REPOR TED 6 ~0 80 MEO/"L t'16..."L MEO..."L SUL FATE 19 CHLORIOE 10 NI TRA TE i 9 B I CARBONA TE 163 CARBONATE 0.5 H;'DROXiDE 0 ANIONS 0.40 0.28 0.38 · -"' 67 0.82 8 3.67 CALCIUM 42 2.08 NAGNESIUM 6 t~. 53 SODi'LtM 27 1.15 POTASSILIt, I 2.6 0.07 CA TIONS ~. 82 M E, .." L t't6..."L ALKALINITY ,;'CACO.Z) 134 OISSOLUEO SOLIDS IFION (FE) <. 03 COPF'ER (' CU ) <. 02 L:'OHi2UCTIUIT'r' L~70 t'il'CRONHOS/Ct,1 HARDNESS (CACO3) · I 30 MAH6ANESE ( MH ) <. 0 I ZINC (ZH) <. 01 FOAIqIH6 A6ENTS (NBAS) i. 00 HYDROGEN i 3H ( PH.> 7.65 TENPERA TLIRE i-ol,,~i-C NOT REPORTEO STREH6TH 0. 8857 MOL..."L LAiIGELIER CORROSION iNDEX SODIUM ABSORPTION RATIO S i L i CA 26 MG....'L PHOSPHATE 0.04 HG...'L IODIDE 0.011 MQ.,.'L STROHTiLIM 0.40 1,16/L L i THiUH 8. 008 1,16..,L SILUER <. 001 MG..."L ARSENIC <. 885 t,i~..:"L BARILIN 8.89 MG..."L CADNiUN <. 88i tqG..."L CHROi~IIUM( ~+ ) <. 801 t,l~/L FLUORIDE 8.18 t,!G,.'L NERCURY <. 881 f,1~...'L LEAD <. 885 t,i~...'L SELENIUM 8. 802 tq~/L -0. 1.01 APPARENT COLOR 1.0 LINITS (NEASURED AT 420 Nt,1...', TURBiDI TY 0.15 NTLI ODOR 8 - OPERATED CONTINUOUSLY 2.'0 HOURS PRIOR TO SANPLIN6 18827 AHAL;:ST 6. t'i. FALLIN6 (7 51T~ I~ Z,M~ ,' _:,,! ,, STATE OF CALIFO~'NiA THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES ~VATER WELL DRII,LERS REPORT Ashe Water 9 (.z~ LOE&T]tON oF ws. nn <see ,.st.,c~,o.s>: C,,unty .~er's WeB Naber ,,,.,, a.._. ,,j~.,..,, .....~,,. Z? " - Township __Range Section Do not 130947 State Weii No..__ Ome. Well .~'o. AS Z/g q~/I ' 600 (12) WELL LOG: Vota~ -ae.th 629 ft. Depth of completed weiL,~,/t .-from ft. to 53 - .... 77 - 80 _ 110 _ 130 _ 139 - .ft. Fonnati, m (Desr65e hy cl>h>r. character. si~e ,r materiM) to ~3rtT;T~and "' 7~"~anu & cobbles y? 80. · C~rse s~d a cl~ '~10 130~,~3~1~ & gravel ~0 139 ~. 5 ~o~se sad · New w~.~ Oeepe.i.g [] 170~ ~'75' ..Sad , · ' · ' n.,,,.:~.c,;o. m ]75 - ~202 '~'Sad & ~avel-:x.,.,.'::~.:,_.' ....... ": -' '. --' ' '. ',"' ~, rY?°~ '~~ 5 1 ~ :% ~-%~ ~~<~ ~-.,: '~ ~,~ - ' ~ .' " : st,~ ""~0 (9) WELL SEAL: 'Wa surface Sanitary seal pro,,iaea? re, ~2 No Et n yes, to dentS· 50ft. Were ~trata sealed against pollution? Yes/'q No ~ Interval ft. Method of sealing (10) WATER 'LEVELS: Depth of first water, if known ft. Staedin~ level after well completion ft. (I1) WELL TESTS: War well test made? Yes ~ Type of test Pump ~ IDqnh to water at ~art of test DialarE. gal/min after ~,Va~ tier. trio log made? No E] If yes. attach copy to this report :..' No [] If yes. by whom? Bailer E] Air lift ft. At end of test hours Water temperature No ~_ If yes, by whom? ,V. rk sta.ed 12-8 ,s. 80 co,,,~1.,~'12-12 WELL DRILLER'S STATEMENT: Thi$ well was drilled under nl~ iurisdiction and zh~ report is trite to the be~t oI knowledge and belief. SIGNED ~d~,ess_ r' OLPe2~O~?"i'~b3''a''''"~ '~"~ °' BaXersfield, Calif. .~ 93303 ~'~ ,x.. Zg~S56 ~Z-tz S0 License Date of this report IF ADDITIONAL SPACE 15 NEEDED, USE NEXT CONSECUTIVELY NUMBERED FORM APPENDIX D NOTICE OF DETE~011NAT!ON Our ND I 168 t ./x_/' SUBJECT: Secretary for Resources 141'6 Ninth Street, P~m... ·1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 County Clerk County of Kern FROM: {Lead Agency) City of Bakersfield 'T~Ol lruxtun Avenue 1)akersTieid, CA 93301 ._ ,=. :.-- .:.:[., ---, ! C" - ,,, 2 08" :FLlin~ of- Notice of DetertaLnation in compl'ia~n~'e'-:~zit~ '-'ec~ 'e~' or 21152. of the Public Resources Code . Project ~Ltle --: ' - Ashe 'Domestic ~,]ater System: A 2;000,000 gallon steel r(~ervoir w/a ZS00 ' TelephOne ~'~ _. ContaCt ~erson .,~. 861-27S3 ~,lr. Oe'.:/j)'_J_ Scea]es, 'Planning Director _ PrOject. Lccacion' Over 200' East of Gosf0rd Road, between 'taure]g]e'n Boulevard ~nd Westwold Dr, ,"Tmrr, ediatejy touch u'r an ex~st:ng sump. , ~loZ'Oject Descrimtior. A 2,000.,00Q-g&]]en steel reservoir w/a 2500-ga]]on-per.-minute water well p0v;ered by a natural gas motor ancl 5, eiectric-4>owered pumps contained within a sound-proofed struc't:ure on a oDe-acre site. ' ...... .' ' This is to advise that the City Council (Lead Agency} '~as-approved the above-described project and has made'the following determinations reqardinq the above-described project: 1. The'project/__/will have a significant effect on the envi. rom~ent. I X / will not .. .. )o /J An Environmental !moact Report. was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. /jJA Negative Declaration was prepared for this pro~ect pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. A copy'Of the Negative Declaration - is'attached. ~. A Statement of O~erriding ConsideratiOns /'_=./ was adopted for this project. /J waS'not lleference: Cal.Adm. C. Title 14, Sections 15035, 15083(f) (h) , 15085(h) NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 1168 Our File No. Name and address of Sponsor(s) of Project: City of Bakersfield Water Department 1501 TrUxtun Avenue RakPr~field, CA q33Ql Location of Project: Over 200 feet East of Gosford Road, between Laurelglen Boulevard and t.:estwold Drive, immediately South of an existing sump. __ Description of Project as Proposed: Ashe Domestic Water System A 2,000,000 gallon steel reservoir with a 2500-gallon-per-minute water well .powered by a natural gas motor and 'five electric-powe'red pumps con- rained within a ~ound-proofed structure on a one-acre site. 'The undersigned~ having considered the'matters provided in City Council Resolution I,Io. 39-78, City of Bakersfield, does hereby find and determine that the above described project will not have a significant effect on the environ- ment, provided that the fo]]0wing mitigation is applied in the construc- tion and maintenance of the project and project site: a) As recommended in the design report (Boyle Engineering, March 1980) construct welded steel reservoir for maximum protection to existing and future residents and property in the event of catastrophic events causing flood hazards. b) Landscaping be provided, including on berms, to enhance aesthetics appeal and acceptance to area and city. c) Appropriate painting to reduce glare to residents and enhance aesthetic appearance. -! Dated: .July 17 , 19B0' Posted: july , ~980 DE ~E~ ~ Y Plarming Director 1 MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED ASHE WATER SYSTEM WATER STORAGE SYSTEM As recommended in design report (Bcyle Engineering, March 1980) Construct welded steel reservoir for maximum protection to exigting and future residents and property in the event of cata- strophic events causing flood hazards. Landscaping be provided, including on berms, to enhance aesthe- tics appeal and acceptance to area and City. Appropriate painting to reduce glare to residents and enhance aesthetic appearance. 1For propos. ed negative declaration· These mitigatior~ can be attached as conditions for ulse permit granting in the R-1 zone district· ASHE WA~ER SYSTEM ~ DOMESTIC WATER STORAGE EXPLA~.ATIONS-OF ALL "YES" AND "MAYBE" ANSWERS TO 'INITIAL STUDY ,ENVIRON- MENTAL CHECKLIST. (APPENDIX I) EARTH Will the proposal result in: (b) Disruptions, deplacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? YES In order to site the proposed 2,000,000 gallon water tank, it will be necessary to provide significant grading. (c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? YES As a result of excavation described above. (e) .Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? MAYBE While the Hesperia-Hanford soils association (HI-Hd] is reported by the Soil Conservation Service with only a "slight'~ erosion hazard there is a potential for both wind erosion during excavation stages and for both wind and water induced erosion shortly after projecu completion, if vegeta- tion has not taken root, and weather conditions become adverse. WA T E R (g) Will the proposed result in: Change in the quantity of ground waters,·either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aqui- fer by cuts or excavations? MAYBE The project entails the development of a 600 foot deep well with a 16" casing and power to produce 2,500 gallons per minute. In an era of ground water depletion, the project would contribute in depleting the present 180.foot depth of ground- water. (i) Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? o MAYBE If the proposed reservoir were to burst (either from · natural causes such as earthquakes or by unnatural causes such 'as sabotage) it could expose the nearby residential area to the south and west and the proposed elementary school to flood- ing. PLANT LIFE Will the proposal result in~ (c) Introduction of new species of plants into an area or. in'a 'b~rrier tO'the normal replenishment'of existing species? YES Not considered an adverse impact. The new plants, in the form of grasses and landscaping should be introduced to the area to reduce wind/water induced erosion and tomake the progect aesthetically appealing to the neighborhood which is proposed for substantially priced housing. (d)- Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? YES According to 1974 aerial photography the site was act- ively farmed. During the intervening period it was taken out of production in the anticipationlof urban development consistent with the 1973 Land Use Element.of the General Plan. Site was previously designated a part of the park site. NOISE Will the proposal result in: (a) I~creases in existing noise levels? MAYBE The ambient noise level is very low (apprx. 45 dB (A) due to the largely undeveloped conditions; therefore, the pro- ject's power supply (either a 250 h.p. electric or gasoline engine) will be structuraliy housed for protection and noise attenuation.I It's depressed location, as proposed, plus the structure should obviate adverse noise effects at night. 7. LIGHT AND GLARE Will the proposal produce new light or glare? MAYBE If the steel tank is not painted it could produce the above. Therefore, as mitigation - as proposed in the project it must be painted a color pleasing to the eye and consisten= with a residential environment. This is especially important for the future residents occupying multi-family housing front- ing Gosford Road immediately west of the project. 8. LAND USE Will the proposal result in a'substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? YES Directly the project itself will replace a slightly altered (depression of approx. 4 feet) level, vacant parcel. Also, as .,a consequence of the project, additional urbanization as planned will occur in the Laurel Glen area. 9. NATURAL RESOURCES Will the proposal result in: (a) Increase in the rate of use of.any natural resources? MAYBE As pointed out in 3g., earlier, ground water depletion could increase; however, in a change from agriculture to ur- 'ban development it is possible that agricultural wells down- stream may be supplanted. The net effect may actually be the resultant quality of the water resource upon its return to the ground. (b}. Substantial depletion of any nonrenewable natural resource? MAYBE Depletion of existing groundwater table as evidenced in'plans for 600' well in a 180' aquifer. (assuming the level is the resource) II. POPULATION Will the proposal alter the location, distributioh, -~ --den-s~'g-or growth ~a~e of ~he hun, an population of an area?' YES This is more in terms of secondary effects. About 11.3% of the Ashe Water System is to'be served by the project~ The · project is a definite catalyst for urban development. Without the project the housing density would be lower in this proposed neighborhood. -2- 14. PUBLIC SERVICES (e) Will the proposal have an effect upon~ or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of ~he.following area: .. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? YES'" There will be a need to maint.ain the water facilities, including the landscaping and access road° (f) Other governmental services? YES The water facilities, above. 18. AESTHETICS Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open. to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? MAYBE The proposed tank would present an imposing view, part- icularly if not depressed, to the residents. This is particu- larly true for residents in the proposed multi-family units to the west (across the al!ey) and to motorists, pedestrians and others using the alley. Recommend painting compatible to the neighborhood and landscaping for maximum screening. -3-