HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-54RESOLUTION NO. 22-54 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD, ORDERING THE VACATION OF POR- TIONS OF "K" STREET, 16th STREET, Ai~D THE ALLEY THROUGH ]~0CK 327, IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAZIFORNIA.. WHEREAS, on the 15th day of .March, 19~4, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vacation Act of 1941" being Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the~ 'State of California, passed and adopt- ed its Resolution of Intention No. 707, declaring its intention to order the vacation of' portions of "K"' 'Street, 16th Street, land the alley through Block 327, in the City of Bakersfield, California, and .... WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to '.said proposed vacation, which said hearing was held~]0n the %th day .of April, 19~4, after notices were duly lposted as required by law, which said matter was duly continued toeApril 12, 1954, for decision, at,;which time the matter was again "Cont'inusd tO April 19, 1954, and WHEREAS,-. this Council .~fter duly considering the matter, doe s hereby find and re solve as follows: 1. That the following described portions of K Street, 16th Street, and the alley in Block 327., described unde~ parcels A, B, and C, are unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes, and that the public welfare, convenience and safety re- quires that said streets and .alley be closed: PARCEL A All that portion of "K" Street, lying between the .Southerly line of Railroad Avenue, now known as. Truxtun Avenue, and th9 northerly line of l~th Street. PARCEL B All that portion of 16th Street, lying between the easterly line of "K". Street, and the westerly line of "L" Street. Parcel C ~All that alley running easterly and westerly in Block G2V, between the easterly line of "K" Street, and the westerly line of "L" Street. All of the above described property is as shown ~and delineated on Map of the· City of Bakersfield, re- corded November 25, 1898, in Book I of Maps, at pages 13 and l~, Records of Kern County, California. That said portions of said streets and alley be and the same are hereby closed up, vacated and abandoned for public street purposes, subject to and in conformity with the reservations and exceptigns contained in and contemplated by Resolution of Intention. No. VOV. Reference ~ said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Reso- lution and shall cause a certified cop.y hereof, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in 'the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. ---o0o--- .' I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meet- ing thereof held on the ~[~ay of April, 198'4, by the following vote: ..... '- City O~sr~c and E~"Of~ici~ Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. ' , ..--- ~ ' '~ , .' · RL~YOH of 'the 2o